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17106689 No.17106689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literary value in anime

>> No.17106694

Maybe but not in shit anime like the one you posted

>> No.17106711

go back to discord buddy

>> No.17106742

t. weeb

>> No.17106788

What does literary value mean when you aren’t talking about books? Evangelion was great and explored specific ideas in a way that they hadn’t been explored before, maybe that counts.

>> No.17106858

No, but that’s mostly because of the Japanese tendency to shove in as much conceptual shit into a work as humanly possible.

Take Haruhi for instance, you have high school club, aliens, gods time travelers etc. all clogged up into a single story. This doesn’t allow the story to breathe, and doesn’t allow the audience to explore the few concepts chosen, in order to fully enjoy it. In the case of Haruhi, they should’ve just sticked with the god idea, and work out this single idea, instead of the shotgun method of blowing as much concepts into the face of the audience, the only result of which will be confusion and lack of direction.

Metal Gear Solid has the same problem, so this leads me to believe that this is a uniquely Japanese problem. You have mechas, nukes, genetics, the effects of war, nanotechnology, etc. Evangelion, same thing: mechas, Christian mysticism, the apocalypse, psychology, the problems of human interaction, etc. This seems to be pretty niche to Japanese media, for all the hate Western media (sometimes rightfully) gets, I’ve seldom seen a situation where producers shove in as much shit as humanly possible into a story, making it an overly complex mess that can hardly be handled by anyone working on it, let alone the audience

>> No.17106863
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>Haruhi bad becuz it's popular

>> No.17106911

I always thought that was more because of postmodernism, instead of japanism.

>> No.17106988

It’s probably a result of their unhealthy relationship with work. As can be seen in the quality of the animation, the Japanese expect a high standard of quality in what they produce, but this appears to be seen as some kind of silver bullet that works for everything. Now, this hard work good attitude may be good for stuff that requires a lot of labor, such as painstakingly animating a sequence of events, but shows to be completely disastrous when it comes to more abstract stuff, such as a story line, the themes you want to explore, and so on. Generally, when it comes to a story, less is more, because it gives your story room to develop into all kinds of directions you couldn’t have predicted. This unpredictability is the antithesis to the ethos of hard work, where everything must be ordered and predictable.

We can once again take Haruhi for instance, and scrap all the concepts except for the high school club, and the idea of Haruhi being a deity. You could still have all the supernatural shenanigans, but also explore stuff like, I don’t know, ancient religious cults in Egypt or Mesopotamia or something, something that’s funny and unexpected, instead of some shadowy alien organisms that nobody cares about, and appears as totally disconnected from the overall story, giving the entire series a disjointed feeling, which is to me very common in Japanese media

>> No.17107028

>my friends are all weebs now

Fucking kill me. I just watched anime as a kid because it was fun. Now my dipshit friends are buying figurines and posters because they are cookie cutter faggots. They ONLY watch anime and read manga. Does it end? What is the next fad?

>> No.17107046

Yeah Zoomers like whatever popular shit is on now.

>> No.17107050

at least they watch anime and read manga. There also zoomers who just read summaries and look at memes and claim that they are "anime fans"

>> No.17107096

So I'm essentially waiting until they grow out of their obsession for a country that is just urban sprawl. Fuck. I hate that all of my interests went from "if you talk about this to anyone, you will considered homosexual" and now my friends that think it's cool have "le superior taste" and are jewed out of money to buy plastic toys for manchildren. Even people that watched anime found that behavior to be embarrassing. It's good that books at least have to be actively read and can't be done while eating fast food and jerking off at the same time.

>> No.17107132
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Why are you begging /lit/ to bully you?
It’s shit because it’s bad

>> No.17107162

Have sex

>> No.17107171
File: 228 KB, 899x629, 2536EDA4-F436-42D8-B36C-46CF4086DF02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I wish!

>> No.17107178

Welcome to the NHK does.

>> No.17107257

The Chimera Ants in HxH arc was pretty bold and well done for an anime and mango.

Excellent story complex, that managed to get coherent despite its complexity, with a large heterogeneous cast, multiple fractured timeline and point of view, many details and great callback.
Really not an easy thing to write, and it was pulled off really well, despite some flaws here and there, one of the best demonstration of story telling in can recall.

>> No.17107281

Why do you hate Haruhi, butterfly? I genuinely think it's one of the best anime to come out in the past 20 years

>> No.17107282

True but it works in Evangelion because it was basically the splattering of the brain of someone driven to the brink of insanity in his search for meaning in any and all avenues given animation. The childish escapism (mechas, anime cliches), religion, psychology, philosophy. Whereas in other japanese media the mash of ideas seems like a stylistic choice more than anything, in Evangelion I can practically see Anno's frantic plea for meaning.

>> No.17107284

>Take Haruhi for instance, you have high school club, aliens, gods time travelers etc. all clogged up into a single story. This doesn’t allow the story to breathe, and doesn’t allow the audience to explore the few concepts chosen, in order to fully enjoy it. In the case of Haruhi, they should’ve just sticked with the god idea, and work out this single idea, instead of the shotgun method of blowing as much concepts into the face of the audience, the only result of which will be confusion and lack of direction.
That’s a pretty good take, anon.

>> No.17107301

Yes. Everything is intricately connected in Evangelion in a way that makes sense. So the story goes forward because every concept is tied to another.

>> No.17107330

Endless Eight

>> No.17107353
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I’m just being a design snob here. I know next to nothing about it. More school girls. I see this character dancing all the time. Looks dull.

>> No.17107367

Maybe I'm looking it at the wrong way but the impression I got that anime aesthetics tended toward the larger picture in general, the overall "impression" rather than the piece-by-piece craftmanship that most of us expect from something like a good novel. I'm not really trying to come up with excuses, though, even most beloved anime are quite crappy on a technical level, however, I think the sort of enjoyment they wish to convey (at least the anime that try to convey -something-) are neither the pure highbrow experience of something like an art film, nor the "turn your brain off" sort of enjoyment that many advise in regards to anime, but rather, something between the two, akin to an impressionistic painting, something that appeals to the aesthetic and the irrational moreso than it appeals to the rational and the orderly without necessarily being completely vapid aestheticism.

>> No.17107400

I agree with this anon. The best animes, an actually meaningful animes, are the ones that actually show some kind of restrain. Welcome to the nhk or tatami galaxy come to mind.

>> No.17107465
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So you hate it despite not having watched it?
Sasuga butterfly. Never change.

>> No.17107478

Mushishi is the paragon of stylistic restraint. It alongside with Kino no Tabi embodied a subdued melancholy of the mid 2000s that settled down the usual conceptual cacophony while allowing greater thematic focus. Unfortunately that brief period has long ended. Even the shows that people praise like March Comes In like a Lion are a bit much for me.

>> No.17107529

>March Comes In like a Lion
Why is this show such a pseud magnet? I can't put my finger on why but it just oozes that aura, even if you ignore its fanbase.