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File: 103 KB, 600x863, Mormon-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17102011 No.17102011 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the worst fan fiction ever written?

>> No.17102035

It’s up there.
Seventh Day Adventist shit is just as bad though.

>> No.17102057
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>> No.17102063

The New Testament is

>> No.17102332

Read it a few daya ago because some mormons gave me one in a park. I genuinely wanted to give them the time of day, but after reading that garbage I just couldn't bring myself to continue communication.

>> No.17102404

is it at least entertaining in a so-bad-it's-good way? like if I'm already into bible fan fic like the apocalypses, will it be fun?

>> No.17102439

No plenty of Pseudepigrapha is worse.

>> No.17102869

50 Shades of Grey

It helped a lot fewer people and sold a lot more buttplugs and whips

>> No.17102888

Can you tolerate well known history being completely written over?

>> No.17102897

Pre-Columbian America doesn't have any well known history to write over, what do you mean?

>> No.17102908

t. Mormon

>> No.17102916

I enjoyed the tanahk

>> No.17102940

Well then go for it, though I also enjoyed the tanahk and found the mormon bible to be an insult to reality.

>> No.17102949

i'm not expecting joseph smith to have anywhere near the literary talent as those old jews

>> No.17103103

He does not. Go read it bro, I don't want to keep you from any kind of information.

>> No.17103830

The LDS church seems like a legitimately good church/community to be a part of. But after reading their drivel I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the cognitive dissonance that would come with converting to Mormonism.

>> No.17103897
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J Smith stuck his head in a hat while dictating to his possible distant cousin Oliver Cowdry what he saw. Mind you, both Smith and Cowdry had previous charges of false treasure hunting or some shit. Smith with his magical stone and Cowdry with his dower rod. But Mormons swear by this shit. I hate Mormons so much.
>t. former Mormon

>> No.17103968

>I also enjoyed the tanahk
Really? It's super duper dry.

>> No.17104053

I found it had good depth compared to other religious books

For the record I can't call myself religious

>> No.17104385
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Literal Philistines, who want to sound edgy like Mark Twain. If you consider the hundreds of thousands of teenagers, and old men and widows who found comfort in random verses, and you consider all the parallels and references to the bible, and you consider how many people have given money and displaced their lives because of this book. Go to the desert and build a city out of the sand, and then come talk to me about how boring the Book of Mormon is.

>> No.17104391

still better than 50 shades of grey

>> No.17104409

I’ve read it six times and it actually slaps. Slow burn and can get boring during the war chapters but ultimately it’s based as fuck

>> No.17104413

You didn’t read it. >>17102949
It’s better than the Bible not

>> No.17104420

It’s true bro. Book of Mormon is a phenomenal piece of literature.it helps to have a basic understanding of the doctrine in the Bible but ultimately I prefer it to the Bible now. Joseph was based as FUCK

>> No.17104422


>> No.17104475

first, aquire 14 year olds when you're in your 30s, toss some of your followers on a "mission" and take their wives as "spiritual wives"

the guy was a huckster, a gold digger, a pedophile, a treasure hunter. he's nothing more than an 1800's hubbard or koresh, or jim jones.

sameul clemens didn't exactly speak highly of the bunch, or the book either.

because people tossed their time and money at the group does not make them remarkable, it makes them sad and pitiful.

>> No.17104558

The are in debt to no one and everyone Mormon I’ve ever known was very genuine and openly caring for others. I would say that’s pretty fucking remarkable

>> No.17104583

you haven't been paying attention then.

if you want to find people that genuinely care/are giving/kind to others that also happen to ascribe to a religion, i'd point to sikhs.

if you want to find people that care more about the appearance of being kind and openly caring about others, i'd point to mormons

this is, of course, a blanket statement, there are exceptions.

>> No.17104821
File: 105 KB, 1137x1012, 1606335442765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys bible tards. You're all a bunch of coping degenerates that need sky daddy's permission to live life.

>> No.17104855

>the guy was a huckster

>sameul clemens didn't exactly speak highly of the bunch, or the book either.
that's what i said

>because people tossed their time and money at the group does not make them remarkable
I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about the book

>it makes them sad and pitiful
compared to what? other manifest destiny pioneers? other people who will stop existing when they die? other people today who will wander aimlessly sedating their pain through alcohol and other vices? women who die childless?

>> No.17104859

They act nice because they want to recruit you. They have a large focus on being loving and charitable to others, but the end goal is always to bring people to "the gospel". They encourage you to mention the church and invite people at every possible opportunity.

>> No.17105032

i'd be reluctant to attempt convincing someone christian that god doesn't exist.

word is, the only thing keeping them from raping and murdering is the idea that there is a vouyeristic god that's constantly watching them for the opportunity to smite, or some vague promise of living somewhere nice or bad depending on the whims of that god

>> No.17105040

except most fanfic causes people to be incels, this one saves the white race with the opposite of incels

>> No.17105044


>> No.17105047

The LDS church are the biggest supporters of mass immigration. All they care about is the bottom line, which is money.

>> No.17105048

Thats part of the con bro

>> No.17105052

true, but they are also one of the only communities with an above-replacement caucasian birthrate. on the whole planet.

>> No.17105096

and they have quite a bit of it. they got caught being a weee bit naughty about how they go about things...


>> No.17105311


>source: my ass

>> No.17106108

People also found comfort in the words of JK Rowling, doesn't mean that Harry Potter is immune to criticism. I'm not against religion in the slightest, just against shitty arguments.

>> No.17106219

>mormons claim native americans are Lamanites
>there are no native american mormons
