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17102187 No.17102187[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did this board become so right wing?

>> No.17102195


>> No.17102196

No sensible person believes in the Right Wing Left Wing pseudo dichotomy.

>> No.17102202

It is impossible to be above 30 years old and still be left-wing. We all grew up. Civilization is collapsing.

>> No.17102209
File: 44 KB, 453x680, 9780674241411_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's still sort of 50/50 here politically but there is no doubt that the behavior in pic related made quite a few people become right wing in the 2010s, if only as a reaction to progressives

>> No.17102224

we share a board with /pol/tards and /r9k/ (who are vulnerable to the right wing manipulation because of their virginity) so these idiots come here to spread their ideology

>> No.17102226
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Funny, 30 is about when I started becoming a Posadist...

>> No.17102229

You know what I mean

>> No.17102231

When you had to pretend to tolerate trannies to be left wing

>> No.17102236

>Civilization is collapsing

>> No.17102254

>luxury communism
Sounds comfy.

>> No.17102255

I didn’t give a shit about politics until gamer gate, now I’m an esoteric Hitlerist. Don’t shove your bullshit politics down other people’s throats and people won’t reflexively act to counter your initiatives.

>> No.17102265

It's a reaction to our society being dominated by reaction to fascism (which is a reaction to Communism).

>> No.17102270

We're a good bunch of reactionists

>> No.17102284

Fucking kek

>> No.17102297

Does anyone have the schizo version of this meme? The one where the pepe has four eyes.

>> No.17102300

>Sounds comfy.

It is, but the "nuclear realism" part of getting there is gonna be a bit more rough.

>> No.17102301
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, FAA146D9-5B7F-4029-B6CD-0201564AA941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly it’s impossible to now be a normal white male and be left wing, unironically the only leftie white males are mentally ill faggots or cuckholds. Not to say all the non-fags or cucks are “right wing”, but certainly not left wing.

>> No.17102311

This is a pseudo midwit take, the left right dichotomy is as old as the french revolution. Sure they're vague abstractions, but they're useful.

>> No.17102316

it's just astroturfing - from both the right and the left
I wish they'd stop wasting their time

>> No.17102317

This is a horrible, horrible comic. Fuck you for showing me this again, I thought I had finally erased it from my memory.

>> No.17102324

Half the time its a leftoid falseflagging as a dumb chud or vice versa.

>> No.17102339

comic is quite accurate, commies siding with capitalists because of shared progressive ideology, libertarians with fascists because of dislike of progressive ideology

>> No.17102341

this also.
>haha, we will make our opposition look retarded, violent and irredeemably evil and win that way :)
you're just destabilizing discourse, and if you 'win' you will wish you'd been stopped

>> No.17102347
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i saw it

>> No.17102363

Liberalism survived the second world war and the cold war, even domestic uprisings. It's probably going to do fine for the next while and just as well because I like living comfortably and so do most other people.

>> No.17102382

That comic is based tho reddit tranny.

>> No.17102399
File: 401 KB, 640x360, BDA94AB9-16A0-482C-A201-409D13D9AC68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I don’t think they’re even real communists, more like Rouseauans larping as marxists that aren’t even well read enough to know they’re just larping while receiving all their mental conditioning from the capitalist class. Say what you will about Marx but I think it’s hardly debatable he would’ve seen woke politics as a means of the bourgeoisie to control the voice of the proletariat class.

>> No.17102418

>Rouseauans larping as marxists
Marxism was always a quasi-Rouseauian cult of reason where people would be forced to be free and equal. they only put a scientistic spin on the idea.

>> No.17102424

You may be right but they seem to think they are communists, and they say they don't like liberals, they just agree with them about racism and whatnot and they seem to think that's more important or equally important.

>> No.17102426

It is impossible to be high IQ and conservative.

>> No.17102433

>Liberalism survived the second world war and the cold war, even domestic uprisings.

That's pretty meaningless when you think about it. The Roman Empire survived similar things as did the various Chinese dynasties and even the Russian Tsardom and French monarchy. I would expect a stable societal order to survive extrinsic threats. That doesn't mean they can survive undermining themselves.

>> No.17102468

>He forgets the cultural Revolution

>> No.17102474

You dumb fag they're engineering our extinction, its got nothing to do with libtards and sjws

>> No.17102490

>our extinction

>> No.17102494

The west is involved in constant political war mostly involving astroturfing over anything historic and presenting 'new' ideas. The soft revolutionaries coexisted for a whole but are now dictating

>> No.17102497

I'm bi but I don't support mass-immigration and trannies, what does that make me?

>> No.17102502

the average 4channer, probably

>> No.17102503
File: 230 KB, 1161x837, view incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17102507

Liberalism thrives on undermining itself because it finds ways to delegitimise ways in which it can be undermined. The one thing that remains is the fair treatment of the individual as a rational, conscious agent - the idea of the self barely dating back further than Locke. In fact both the Tsardom and the Ancien Regime collapsed to popular movements based on the placement of this principle at center of its metaphysical economy.

>> No.17102510


>> No.17102512

A victim of post-modern society

>> No.17102515

Meh they're just the humanistic happy clappy idiots that always get purged when the party comes to power. 'Real communism' i.e. that of China or of the Russian Revolution would line these types up against the wall.

They're the result of our cultural Revolution of the 60s and of the cultural degeneration we have experienced since. We must now be living in the very outer reaches of liberalism

>> No.17102528

liberal men and conservative women weren't getting sex in 2015?

>> No.17102532

Because this board allows free speech, caters to intellectual nerdy young males, and shares a site with/pol/. If the question of why there's an increase in "right-wing" sentiment (traditionalism, religiosity, fascism, reactionism) in certain segments of the internet, that's an interesting question. Young high intelligent males who are often socially inept, and often lacking success with women, gravitate towards these right-wing beliefs. They provide a source of meaning in the world. It also explains the hatred of "degeneracy," it results from resentments of not fulfilling their desires, sexual, or otherwise. It explains the exaltation of traditional concepts of Masculinity and warrior culture, their idealized versions of themselves. And explains the disdain of democracy; they're more intelligent and less socially adept than normies so they share a disdain of them and the average person and therefore of democracy. I used to be this person so I would know.

>> No.17102537

What woman wants the average man of the Redditor archetype? They're repulsed by that, apart from the whales

>> No.17102538 [DELETED] 

Conservatives are literally higher IQ on average. Lefties are mentally ill retards who can't do shit for themselves so they whine about inequality

>> No.17102539

midwit take

>> No.17102544

>Young high intelligent males who are often socially inept, and often lacking success with women
>I used to be this person so I would know

Literal projections loooooooollll

>> No.17102555
File: 677 KB, 3000x4540, takeyourmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatives are literally higher IQ on average. Lefties are mentally ill retards who can do fuck all for themselves so they whine about inequality and beg for free shit.

>> No.17102561

Or because in all societies there are groups of varying political views. And the 'left' are currently in control, absolutely in every aspect of Western life.

>> No.17102568

That would mean there are no leftist protests which is obviously not true.

>> No.17102578

How little you understand

>> No.17102582


>> No.17102581

read Adorno brainlet

>> No.17102584

both tend to be ugly

>> No.17102587

Yeah really I wish I could understand such complicated ideas as "there is only one side in power at any one time"

>> No.17102588
File: 39 KB, 271x543, images (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wasn't real communism
So predictable.

>> No.17102593

it's only because they're so oppressed and marginalized :(

>> No.17102595

I'm not quite sure if this is projection if you literally admit that you're talking about yourself

Well progressive liberals are in control not the actual left. I was just analyzing what I noticed among right wing types on 4chan and other sites. I also believe many of the SJW progressive types can be explained by feelings of inferiority like what Ted Kaczynski mentions in ISAIF

>> No.17102597


>> No.17102606
File: 226 KB, 1280x600, tumblr_pk59lwOV161uaxri9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading Guenon and Davila.

>> No.17102609

Neoliberals are in control. A good chunk of them proclaim to be Leftist, but they're Neoliberal all the same.

>> No.17102616
File: 82 KB, 735x873, 1593316858959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17102618

we're dealing with reptilian demon paedophiles here, they got you by the penis people

>> No.17102623

penis people rights matter

>> No.17102633

>I speak for all those who are right wing because I am an unsuccessful and ugly retard

>> No.17102638

imagine being that much of a snowflake that someone annoying you makes you feel the need to be so edgy you change your whole life for a bunch of people who honestly don't care

>> No.17102645

>Well progressive liberals are in control not the actual left

They're a watered down, humanistic version of the 'left' all the same, they're working well in continuing to subvert (even dictating in some instances) Western societies.

>> No.17102649

Never said I was ugly, just that I was socially inept. And this doesn't speak for everyone, just most right wing people I've met and interacted with online

>> No.17102650

More intelligent people are prone to suffering from mental illnesses, you have proven my point. Atheism and liberalism are associated with greater intellectual capacity. The greatest minds in history are all liberal. No thinking man sees the world and believes that many of its value should be conserved; the world is a shithole.

>> No.17102663

>The greatest minds in history are all liberal. No thinking man sees the world and believes that many of its value should be conserved; the world is a shithole.

You can tell it's the school holidays. Fucking faggot

>> No.17102666

I'm not sure what your definition of what the left is. But progressive neoliberals are pro-capitalist, they're not leftist

>> No.17102678

>The greatest minds in history are all liberal.
anon at least try to remain serious here

>> No.17102680

Great demonstration of conservative intelligence.

>> No.17102686

>Liberalism thrives on undermining itself because it finds ways to delegitimise ways in which it can be undermined.
You can only delegitimize them so much. when you try to delegitimize the basic building blocks of society as a whole, you are going to get pushback and even if you succeed, you will destroy your society.

>The one thing that remains is the fair treatment of the individual as a rational, conscious agent - the idea of the self barely dating back further than Locke.
That's the problem though. The concept of the self as envisioned without other people is kind of an impossibility and ultimately a paradox. All your ideas about the world come from your upbringing (for the most part) due to children just having no idea how the world works. Envisioning the self apart from other people is the main reason why liberalism is doomed to fail: it fails to realize that certain traits of the human person are inseparable from their fellow humans and thus acts as if it can fully replace almost innate ideas with baseless conjectures.

>> No.17102689

Nice bait

>> No.17102692

Probably 5 years ago I would guess. Couldn't tell you why, except maybe overflow from various internet sewers swept in and drenched the place. It seems to be cooling off a bit though. A couple of them might even be reading.

>> No.17102701

He met ad hominem with ad hominem

>> No.17102713


Sometimes I wish the US just didn't exist, or just skipped a few years and had its upcoming civil war now

>> No.17102725

How am I supposed to convince a retard that thinks 'the world is a shithole' e.g. a 15 year old who has some free time since schools are on holidays

>> No.17102739

Thanks to capitalism's subsuming of progressivism as a product the definition of "left wing" continually shifts such that anything more than a few years old becomes right wing. As such all lovers of literature are destined to eventually become right wing as that label is gradually applied to the things that they love.

>> No.17102745

It didn't. You're just an American who has been surrounded by the absolute conformity to this post soft cultural revolution