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17098834 No.17098834 [Reply] [Original]

books u thought were funny.

>> No.17098855
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This book was panned but it is so terrible that I actually enjoy it.
> “There is pride to be had where the prejudicial is practiced with precision in the trenchant triage of tactile terminations.”

>> No.17098873

tell me about the book. what do bob honey just do stuff?

>> No.17098925

A Confederacy of Dunces
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Only two books that have made me laugh, but I love them. Any recs?

>> No.17098948

Gargantua and Pantagruel
Roman de Fauvel
Ubu Roi / The supermale
Sardonic Tales
The tin drum had its moments event if I’m not super found of the book itself
Poetry of Villon
Poetry of Prevert
Zazie in the metro
The songs of Maldoror
Gulliver’s travels
The Satyricon
Tartarin of Tarascon

>> No.17098962

Some hitman know it all goes around pretending to be cool. That’s it honestly. If the prose wasn’t so awful I probably wouldn’t care about it. Also Sean Penn is a bit a dip and it comes across word for word.

>> No.17098969

Infinite Jest is a riot.
Just don’t go reading Infinite Jest, do it chapter by chapter. It’s hilarious.

>> No.17098984

Don Quixote

>> No.17098986

Good Soldier Svejk
The Recognitions
Tristram Shandy
The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.17099003
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Most PG Wodehouse books or stories are very funny. I recommend the Jeeves & Wooster series or the Blandings Castle series, though he has some gems among his shorter runs. He's the only author I've read who can write a sport as dull as golf into a humorous and nearly gripping game.
I also really enjoyed the Flashman Papers series, though it is by no means high art.

>> No.17099006
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>> No.17099011

Alice in wonderland

>> No.17099052

that sounds. pretty funny im glad u enjoyed it

>> No.17099056

Apathy and Other Small Victories:

He sat down in the seat right next to me, and as he did his bare knee slid out from under his receding kilt and touched the back of my hand just as a monkey screamed out of the rain forest like he was swinging in the fucking window. Too many unsettling things were happening at once. I would need a sanitarium, or some time in the country at least.
“So what you need?” he said, balancing a briefcase on each knee.
“I need my key.”
“Of course, of course. I can help. I know what you seek. Clarity.” He stood up and unhooked the dream catcher from the ceiling.
“Just relax,” he said, dangling it over my head. And then, as I sat paralyzed in disbelief, he chanted “Humma humma humma humma” while he shook the dream catcher down past my lap to my feet, then worked his way back up to my head. After the third pass over my balls I had to speak.
“Just open that one,” I said.
“Which one?”
“That one,” and I pointed to the briefcase closest to me.
“You see? What did I tell you?” he said as he re-hung the dream catcher and sat down. “You just have to listen to your machoso. Always.” He popped the briefcase open and inside was an M-80, two sparklers and a pack of those shitty black pellets that turn into ash snakes when you light them.
“My babies.” He was delighted. “Los niñatas. You won’t find a better stash outside of Tijuana,” he said, accenting it like he’d been kicked in the throat between syllables.
“I just want my key.”
“Don’t worry. The first taste is always free.”
“I don’t want a taste,” I said.
“We all want a taste.”
“They’re fireworks, you can’t eat them.”
“A taste.”
“Fine. Give me the M-80.”
“Ha ha, I like the way you think dando. Have another taste. One more. You want it, I can tell. You’re hungry now.”
“Give me a sparkler.”
“I knew it, I knew it,” he said. What he didn’t know was that I was planning to catheterize him with it if he didn’t give me my goddamn key. He had about three minutes. I was that close to madness. Being in the jungle really does drive you insane. The effects are almost immediate. A pterodactyl shrieked out of the rain forest in agreement.
“Something else I want to show you,” he said, digging in his kilt with both hands. I clenched the sparkler in my fist, but he was unsnapping a button and reaching into a pocket. Kilts have pockets now apparently. Weirdos are finally getting practical. He pulled out my key. It was dangling from the end of a candy bracelet. I almost wept.
“I trust you with this,” he said, holding it up for me to see.
“It’s my key.”

>> No.17099658

thats not funny retard

>> No.17099876
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