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17097819 No.17097819 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the Tao Te Ching? I never see anyone talk about Taoism on this board even though threads on other eastern philosophies are full of posters.

>> No.17097868

Go through the archive, it went through a pretty cool time when Taoism and its various translators were talked about all the time.

However the best of Tao's talk, like Schelling, on /lit/ is gone. They have a cultural-memetic heyday then cease. Worst case become a dead but forced meme.

>> No.17098058

>it went through a pretty cool time when Taoism and its various translators were talked about all the time.
Why are philosophies on /lit/ so cyclic? There was a Stirner phase way back, not too long ago a neognostic phase which is currently shifting into a Buddhist phase... I wonder what the next one will be.

>> No.17098066
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>I never see anyone talk about Taoism on this board
My sweet winter child, lo, The philosophy of the 23rd century is a naturalistic Space Taoism.

>> No.17098369

>like schelling
What?! are you retarded or did you mix up the name?

>> No.17098395

Huh, I've seen the Neognostic and Buddhist posts lately but didn't figure they were dominant enough to be a "phase". It might be they're actually not on the level of a "phase" yet and just a normal amount of posts, or I've already seen their massive phases and just think of them as posts because of it, having seen them in the past. The Stirner phase was pretty fun, and has now thoroughly entered into the /lit/ vocabulary.

No, Schelling used to be extremely poplar, regulars would be everywhere. Proclaimed as the superior Hegel. We tried with a few anons to start it up again, but to no avail.

>> No.17098547

ok. I apologize, I misunderstood.
I thought you were saying schelling was a part of the Daoism talk.

>> No.17098568

Beautiful esoteric aphorisms with philosophical insight and wisdom. For it's length it's got much worth.

>> No.17098574

Oh lmao, I apologise as well, I can see how it was mixed up now.

Though Schelling-Taoist talk does sound like good /lit/ meme material. I wonder what similaritys there are between them.

>> No.17098635

Buddhism is talked about more because there's one giga-autist who REALLY doesn't like it, and a collection of unironic discord trannies who get their jollies off by sparring with the Buddhafags. Conflict leads to discussion. There's also a few spergs left from cripchan's /christ/ board who haven't read a line of Aristotle throwing a fit because ARISTOTLE -LITERALLY- -PROVED- -GOD- HOW CAN YOU DISAGREE WITH KEN HAM, and the entire Dharmic framework just outright rejects Thomism, which leads to another avenue for discussion. Compare with Taoism where... No one really disagrees with it, because no one knows about it. Where's the impetus for the true sage, who as per wu wei is doing nothing, to stop doing nothing?

Let me try and stir some shit: Monism is SHIT because it prevents TRANSCENDENCE through GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY.

>> No.17098685

I think buddhism is so controversial because it completely clashes with commonly accepted conclusions about the nature of reality. It feels alien and strange. Frankly I'm getting a bit filtered by it too.