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File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1500, SocraticLove-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17096262 No.17096262 [Reply] [Original]

Why are philosophy webcomics so fucking unfunny?

>> No.17096277

they're basically gamer webcomics that want to be highbrow

>> No.17096284

because webcomics are the lowest form of arm

>> No.17096289

this just screams reddit

>> No.17096302

because philosophy doesn't jive with the current milieu

>> No.17096348
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>> No.17096351

because patreon
guess they might be getting paid too much, no need to be funny if kikes subscribe as a status symbol or extension of their ideology

>> No.17096373
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>> No.17096412
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>> No.17096437

Because these are made by a libtard and the left can’t meme

>> No.17096456

I hate "rehabilitative justice" types. Justice exists to right the wrongs, not to "reintegrate" criminals into society. Yet another bourgeois corruption of a primordial concept.

>> No.17096502
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>> No.17096514

most people aren't funny

>> No.17096520

Holy shit these are painfully terrible.

>> No.17096529

because philosophy is stupid

>> No.17096532

i would hope my edit turned out a little better than the original :v

>> No.17096540

u hoped wrong

>> No.17096551

>Justice exists to right wrongs
>Justice exists to reintegrate criminals into society
These are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.17096552

It's ok anon, I thought it was funny!

>> No.17096569

Do liberals really think they can "abolish prisons" and "abolish the police" and stuff? I can't even tell what they're talking about anymore.

>Despite being 13% of the population, almost one third of black men will pass through a jail or prison in their lives.

>> No.17096576

That's not how it actually plays out in reality, though already on the level of ideals the two are completely antithetical from my perspective.

>> No.17096578
File: 62 KB, 633x758, CryingWojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF was the punchline of this comic really a reference to someone's forced suicide by a government?
It's so fucked up that it isn't even funny!

>> No.17096622


>> No.17096625

the clue is in the question

>> No.17096648

>Davis was charged with "aggravated kidnapping and first degree murder in the death of Judge Harold Haley"
>God damnit.

>> No.17096654

Let's forget about reality for the moment, otherwise you will be disappointed with everything. If justice is merely the righting of wrongs, then how can reintegration be antithetical? You are correcting the character of the criminal to society's standards, hence you are righting wrongs.

>> No.17096657

calmate cabron

>> No.17096663


>> No.17096675

That's a totally different category of wrongs - you are talking about personal and structural issues. Justice should be about punishing evil. Something in the spirit of "eye for an eye" - each evil deed must be neutralised by justice. To prevent evil proactively is a wholly different matter.

>> No.17096695

she was acquitted, kind of an important detail

>> No.17096717

How does an 'eye for an eye' as a principle of justice serve to benefit the society?

>> No.17096727

Because people now think of philosophy as intellectual masturbation, word games, self help, a buffet of interesting ideas, and a dialogue between ideologies, instead of a a love of wisdom.

>> No.17096738
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Love of Sophon.

>> No.17096762

I don't care if it benefits society, justice is an end in itself - to reduce it to something utilitarian is to desecrate it and make a mockery of it. If someone rapes your family to death you will want him to pay for his objectively evil act, not "have him contribute for the restoration of the social organism" or whatever other bullshit humanitarians like to mouth off.

>> No.17096776
File: 138 KB, 340x482, Sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Open Google Translate
> Copy and Paste
> Calm down bastard
Listen here now spic, no one on this here board hablos your espainol so if you want to talk about assimilating and joining this boards customs I reckon it's time you learn to speak American or leave.

>> No.17096787

This is a puerile concept of justice.

>> No.17096791

You can't unrape your family, so your justice is totally useless.

>> No.17096796

Whew lad
When’s the last time your kids called to make sure you’re alright?

>> No.17096797

I MUST TEACH THEM DOCTRINE I MUST TEACH THE PLEBS DOCTRINE I MUST TEACH THEM DOCTRINE I it's exhausting to have to constantly deal with these people and i wish the internet was never consolidated into five websites it sucks

>> No.17096829

There was literally no reason this had to be a comic, literally reads like a Vox piece

>> No.17096832

If that is the case, then it is my intention to desecrate, mock and humiliate justice, for I do not condone the worship of false gods. All evil acts are commited only by accident, for if all people only wish to do what is good, all bad actions must be the result of ignorance and neglect. To make them >pay for their objectively evil act is farcical, for they did not gain anything from it in the first place. if it was a truly evil act. If anything, they should pay for their rehabilitation, for it is the role of the Justice system to right wrongs, or to make what is unjust just.

>> No.17096835

What do you mean by wanting him to pay? I want him to recognize why what he did was wrong and I want him to never willingly repeat those actions. I would take no pleasure in his suffering, that would be fundamentally sadistic and would make me an unjust person. It is the duty of the just to guide the unjust towards the good, not to inflict mindless harm upon them.

>> No.17096856

There is absolutely nothing puerile about it, as the very notion of justice becomes absolutely meaningless if justice is reduced to mere utilitarianism or some sort of convenient structure that minimises conflict. If you wish to make an argument, then I would be willing to listen.
As I said multiple times now, it isn't at all a question of "usefulness". What is "useful" can only degrade justice and never improve it. What is right should be given consideration instead and the right thing to do is punish evil.
It's not my fault that you're so spoilt you've never seen the ugly side of people, anon. Go watch some cartel killing videos - there's a bunch on this website but you could find them elsewhere too. After you are done, ask yourself seriously if you want these people to be "reintegrated into society" where they can "contribute as productive citizens".

>> No.17096863

Read Plato’s Republic.

>> No.17096872

Why does the Left worship Angela Davis so much? She's incredibly suspicious and a highly venerated professor with bougie celebrity status. What's so revolutionary about her, and how do leftists want to abolish prisons despite every communist country purging political opponents?

>> No.17096893
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>sensibility shit
She tried to warn us

>> No.17096894

Why does making justice do something besides unhurting your feelings pervert it? You claim to want an argument but simply just keep repeating the same phrase over and over

>> No.17096895

Are you trolling me anon? It looks to me like you are. Malice exists. Only the most blind will deny that it exists. You could make the argument that malice too is a product of "ignorance and neglect", but that is hardly an excuse at all. Just because something or someone is acting according to its nature does not mean it is worthy of mercy, regardless if we are talking about rabid wolves or sadists.
This is why justice should ideally be administered by an impartial third party - taking pleasure in punishing the guilty also debases justice. Justice is justice because it is right, not because it is pleasurable or useful.
I don't care if people "recognise what they did was wrong" - many don't and trying to force them to do so is both useless and pointless. The aim of justice should be to grant all acts their appropriate ends. Good acts should be praised and bad acts - at the very least criminal acts - must be punished. It's that simple. It can be difficult to agree on what is a bad act and what is a good act today, but at the very least we can all agree on the core things like murder, theft, brutality etc. which are universally considered bad.
It's on my list but I will probably take a while to get to it.

>> No.17096914

Feelings shouldn't come into the picture at all, justice is not about feelings, justice is about doing what is right. You do not punish evil just to make the victim feel better, you punish evil because the right thing to do about evil is punish it. This is true regardless of the context it occurs in and regardless of the status of the injured party.
If you try to include absolutely anything at all extraneous to justice within justice, it simply stops being justice - it becomes a smokescreen for whatever it is that you want to do, be it social reform programmes, institutionalised vengeance, cheap labour sweatshops or what have you. Justice should be about justice and nothing else.

>> No.17096915
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Because they don't have enough Diogenes.

>> No.17096960

Black men, so ~6%

>> No.17096969


>Justice exists to right the wrongs,
why do atheists keep confusing justice with opinions of atheist judges about the compliance of the defenant's actions to the atheist rules?

>> No.17096977

existential comics :
>man philosopher
>woman philosopher
actually this is the correct thing

>> No.17096993

What’s the point of simply punishing evil if it’s not going to stop people from being evil?
>inb4 it’s right

>> No.17096996

I had to googlewho this americunt was. Embarrassing is all i can say about her.

>> No.17097020

There is no point. Does there have to be a point?

>> No.17097060

If there is no point then there is no inherent justification for it. Why not draw up any arbitrary borders for harming a group of people if punishment has no point?

>> No.17097065

It is only the just man who acts according to his nature, while the unjust man acts contrary to his nature. With sadists and other criminals, it really is only a matter of education. And let's suppose that there really is an incurable disease which forces people to commit crimes; shall we be content with only an eye for an eye? With cases like these, it would only be RIGHT to execute them immediately, regardless of the severity of their crime, perhaps even before they have commited a crime. This will, of course, always be a mercy killing, as we know that no one would willingly choose the unjust life over the just life. In the END, what is just ought to always be subordinate to what is beneficial to the greater social organism.

>> No.17097092

dont try to reason with them theyve never committed anything wrong in their head canon.

>> No.17097095


>> No.17097096

Musical theatre.

>> No.17097113

Obviously I am referring to justice in ideal terms, it is clear that "justice" as an institution today is simply a utilitarian tool for social control with little transcendental basis behind it. I am not a Christian either, though.
What this anon said >>17097020. There is inherent value to right conduct. If we are discussing "meaning" and "the point" of things, there really isn't a point to doing anything - from heroic sacrifice to being nice to your mother, none of these things have a point. We respect heroic sacrifice because it is noble and because we can see that on a deeper level, not because of this or that effect it generates - otherwise the effect would be the subject of interest rather than the sacrifice. Similarly, at least ideally being nice to your mother is something good in itself, not something you do with an ulterior motive, emotional pleasure or personal gain.
I do not believe in the "natural kindness of humanity". That's a Rousseauesque myth. The nature of some people is downright evil and that's fine, it is their nature, but just because it is their nature does not mean they have free reign to exercise it.
>shall we be content with only an eye for an eye? With cases like these, it would only be RIGHT to execute them immediately, regardless of the severity of their crime, perhaps even before they have commited a crime
Anon, I don't think society is ready to revert to the rules of the ancient Aryans, nor do I think it will be ready anywhere in the next millennium.
>In the END, what is just ought to always be subordinate to what is beneficial to the greater social organism.

>> No.17097116

how might one go about successfully convincing others of this notion of justice? I think the confusion other anons have with you is the lack of justification.

I guess you just take it axiomatically, but that doesn't help those who don't to come around. surely something moved you to see it thusly

>> No.17097175

Man, I finished Blavatsky and I can't even get past the third fucking word when it comes to shit like this.

>> No.17097188

I do take it axiomatically, because it has always struck me as something profoundly right. I suppose the most easily understandable way to put it is this - if good and evil exist as separate and distinct concepts, then good acts and evil acts also exist. If good things are good and evil things are evil, they should be treated according to their different natures. If you bring evil into the world, then that evil needs to be neutralised through some form of punishment - another anon in this thread used the word "atonement", which, if purified from its more Christian meaning, seems to serve my purposes well, IMO.

>> No.17097212

You've constructed good and evil somewhat as complementary concepts, which leads me to a few questions. Why should evil be neutralized? Should good also be neutralized? Is the neutralization of evil good, or is it neither good, nor evil, merely "justice"? Is justice just the neutralization of evil? Why is justice desirable? Are desirable things good? Can desirable things be evil? Can justice be evil?

I've made a few assumptions in my chain of questions. Feel free to ignore the ones that are off-base.

>> No.17097215
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>> No.17097247
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no hablos esmegma masticar senior nigger. por favor hablos human being.

>> No.17097273


>> No.17097276

I am not sure that this is a productive course to take, but I will try to answer your questions frankly.
>Why should evil be neutralized?
Because if we can agree that good things are good and evil things are evil and that we are trying to stand firmly in the realm of good, evil things should be neutralised in order to live by the principles of the good.
>Should good also be neutralized?
No, unless you are trying to create an evil civilisation.
>Is the neutralization of evil good, or is it neither good, nor evil, merely "justice"?
This is complicated. I have no reflected on this before, but if I had to give an answer, I think that paradoxically it would have to be both, because it simultaneously defends good and retains its distance from both good and evil.
>Is justice just the neutralization of evil?
I do not think so. It might also be considered just to reward a great and selfless act. This is at least conceptually the idea behind medals for bravery (be it for civilians or soldiers).
>Why is justice desirable?
Because it is right.
>Are desirable things good?
Obviously not in and of themselves. Things are desired irrespectively of them being good or bad.
>Can desirable things be evil?
Yes, I think so. For example, an Olympic athlete who takes performance enhancing drugs or sabotages his competition would be doing something both desirable from his personal perspective and something evil at the same time.
>Can justice be evil?
Absolutely not. Justice, if the word should carry any meaning at all, should seed out good from evil and punish the latter. If justice inflicts evil then it is the opposite of justice.

>> No.17097292

nta, but you seem to be contradicting yourself here. You simultaneously claim:
>the right is inherently desirable
>not all desirable things are good
>some desirable things are bad
Which leads to the question: If we cannot say that anything which is good is desirable and anything which is bad is undesirable, and therefore, simply saying, "justice is good" doesn't prove "justice is desirable"
Unless, of course, you're using the term, "right" to mean something other than "good," in which case, I'd like to know what you mean by those terms (If you're using them to mean the same thing, I don't think you need to provide a definition).

>> No.17097338

please abolish prisons so I can kill leftists without fearing the criminal justice system

>> No.17097343

>Do liberals really think they can "abolish prisons" and "abolish the police" and stuff?
Of course not; liberals believe those institutions can be reformed.

>> No.17097348

Who knows

>> No.17097349

Bring back cowboy gunfight shoot shoot skeet bang shoot your hat off Doc Holiday I'm your huckleberry partner Call of Juarez Gunslinger for the ps3 frontier justice.

>> No.17097352
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>> No.17097358

Kek. My brother will like this.

>> No.17097364

Kek. Great edit senpai

>> No.17097372

And we're talking less than 8k murders a year most occuring in insular communities due to drug violence. Now the White man commits 87% of drunk driving and that kills over 10,000 people a year.

Maybe all humans are shit.

>> No.17097394

I consider what is right to rank above what is good, generally. I do not see a contradiction. I do not have a justification for doing what is right, other than it being right. If you wish, you could chalk it up to the natural inclinations of a given human being or type of human being to uphold this or that value - that would be "rightness".

>> No.17097399

What is your definition of the right, then? Is it just, "things I have an inclination towards doing?" Otherwise, I don't know how we can have this conversation (as in, if you don't have a clear definition for "the right") because it's an esoteric idea that only exists for you desu.

>> No.17097407

Different anon here, try to define good.

>> No.17097409

thanks anon, I think this helped me understand where you are coming from a lot more than the (fairly unproductive-sounding) arguments from earlier. and it seems a lot more reasonable to me now that you spelled it out.

>> No.17097416
File: 67 KB, 455x456, 1604866579483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan make funny

>> No.17097420

define "define"

>> No.17097423

What is this jpeg horror

>> No.17097426

let's drop you off in the middle of chicago at midnight and let's see who you are scared of; white men or black men

you can cook statistics any way you want; you'll still get shanked being at the black neighborhood at the wrong time

>> No.17097436

And the black man fears being shot for the crime of daring to exist in a white neighborhood. What's your point?

>> No.17097439

>let's drop you off in a dangerous area and see if you are wary of the resident

This statement is meaningless.

>> No.17097446

>the black man fears being shot for the crime of daring to exist in a white neighborhood
Imagine actually believing this fucking meme lmao

>> No.17097449

It makes people feel better.

This isn't a bad thing at all. When you hear someone raping and murdering an innocent, most people react angrily. When a member of society is murdered, it's natural for the society to want to lash out.

The purpose of the jury, justice, and law system as a whole is so that retributive justice isn't random mob lynchings; and so that the criminal is at least given some verification that he is in fact guilty of the crime.

A murderer isn't put in prison to be rehabilitated, he is put into prison to be punished and removed from society. He used to be under penalty of death as well, but society is rather soft. Drug-users were put away for their palpable crime of ruining society by getting the vulnerable addicted to drugs; but even that isn't a crime anymore since the common man already does drugs.

Rehabilitative justice is relatively new and more than a bit suspect, as a concept.

>> No.17097451

There is a world outside of 4chan. You should interact with people sometimes, Anon.

>> No.17097453

most dangerous areas in america have the name "MLK JR Blvd"

they are overwhelmingly black-populated. checkmate.

>> No.17097454

>let's drop you off in an area made dangerous by its residents and see if you are wary

>> No.17097457

>Rehabilitative justice is relatively new and more than a bit suspect, as a concept.
Why? It seems to work well in many countries. From an outsider perspective the American prison system seems fairly primitive.

>> No.17097459

and in that outside world blacks are incredibly violent. why do you have a problem with facts?

>> No.17097460

You should try interacting with actual black people sometime instead of fantasizing about how you think they act in your head.

>> No.17097471

I lived in the murder capital of the united states for several years and worked in the black neighborhoods as a white man. I didn't fear them anymore than the sketchy methlab trailer parks I go to now. Shit. Black guys get shot for jogging around a white neughborhood.

Everyone isn't a little bitch like you. If you act a bitch you get treated as one. Man up.

>> No.17097476

>It seems to work well in many countries.

I stated that it was new, I didn't say whether or not it was good or bad.

However, one of the main objectives of rehabilitative justice reform is the elimination of the burgeoning prison population and it appears to have failed spectacularly.

You're also being very vague; is it doing well in much smaller europeans countries? Then it is not quite applicable to giant multi-cultural crockpots like America or Brazil, is it?

>> No.17097478
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>Black guys get shot for jogging around a white neughborhood.

>> No.17097481

> I didn't fear them anymore than the sketchy methlab trailer parks I go to now.

So you're a sketchy meth-head?

>> No.17097487
File: 9 KB, 259x195, 2sqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that one is unfunny? Fucking pleb

>> No.17097493

You are a medieval aristocrat. You fuck someone's daughter. Her dad finds out. He's furious, the daughter's upset, but you made it out of his house in time and are riding your horse to freedom. Except something gnaws at you - she probably won't be able to find a husband now. Is fleeing on your horse the right thing to do? Without any further detail, we would probably say "no". There is no real reason why the answer should be "no", but it is. That's the kind of "right" I am referring to.
In what context?
You are welcome anon.

>> No.17097494

No, I just happen to have a career in which I'm required to go help their sorry asses when they OD

>> No.17097497

No, you don't.

>> No.17097498

Incredibly violent. Yet, white men are heavily over represented as mass murderers.

>> No.17097501

Good for you; still not a good idea to relax around blacks. Idiotic posturing can not overcome common sense.

>> No.17097502

Oh but I do, and they're more of a nuisance to us than their black counterparts.

>> No.17097503

It's almost like they have more patience before it all boils over or something. Hmmmm...

>> No.17097508

Sure, if you use averages and statistics, then you should be relaxed most of the time, as a huge majority of all people aren't violent or criminal.

It's just common sense not to walk around as a paranoid jittery little pussy.

>> No.17097511

Your clearly too pseud to understand it

>> No.17097512
File: 44 KB, 622x615, En2KSrsXcAEV6DP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they're more of a nuisance to us than their black counterparts
You had me going for a while there big guy. Congrats. Have a nice night.

>> No.17097516

It's almost like they're more prone to aim their weapons at innocents and not rival gang members.

>> No.17097521

it's mainly the people making and viewing them are the issue but i think the format lends to being cringy and unfunny without careful craft

>> No.17097523

It's almost like blacks are more prone to have a double repeat maoa allele.

>> No.17097524

I agree. Abolish prisons and replace prison sentences with fines, revocation of citizen rights, banishment, enserfment, mutilation and death, all according to severity

>> No.17097528

a mass murderer is identified as a single man going AWOL; there are many successful gangbangers out there who have more than a few notches under their belt in gang-warfare.

anyways, it's your life. you get creamed by a brutha it's your own damn fault.

All the retarded posturing in the world cannot eliminate the endless videos of violent blacks on worldstar. You're not impressing anyone. Or fooling anyone too.

>> No.17097529

>rival gang members' neighbor's sleeping kids

>> No.17097541

This. Prisons are a modern perversion. Ain't got enough lifestock to pay reparation? You are now an outlaw that anyone can kill, go find another country.

>> No.17097543

*raises paw*

what's morally wrong with forced labor? if they're truly guilty of the crime and they are housed and fed responsibly I don't see anything immoral by putting them to work desu

>> No.17097545

Oh good, more obsessing over mammon's gold. Kys faggot, you people are the coomers of money.

>> No.17097546
File: 97 KB, 902x902, EM5NiD9W4AIgL7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be your fursona or a woman

>> No.17097547

Aah yes, the gene present in 5% of Africans, and 1% of whites that could be plausibly increased or decreased with environmental factors. Riveting.

>> No.17097552

this is de facto enserfment if not enslavement. it isn't ideal but you will accumulate a large criminal slave population. slaves and serfs should be kept to a minority.

>> No.17097554

No, whites commit more crimes against children. They aren't human.

>> No.17097555
File: 210 KB, 402x444, Enw_oDZW4AAg2d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plausibly increased or decreased with environmental factors

>> No.17097556

very true, I am a handsome man

put it there *presents paw*

what do you think of worldstarhiphop my coping friend?

>> No.17097560

Yeah, I see a lot of snapchat videos of whites speeding down populated neighborhoods free firing out the window at random houses.

>> No.17097561

you don't live around nigger blacks so stop LARPing

>> No.17097567

In its universal context.

>> No.17097568

Define "universal context".

>> No.17097570

why though? you haven't presented anything morally wrong with making criminals indentured servants.

if we can not carry out the death penalty, if society is forced to pay for their imprisonment either for the rest of their life, or perhaps the hope of rehabilitation, they should pay it back.
otherwise, society is in a way paying double for their crimes...it'd be better for society if they got away with murder; it'd be cheaper in the end.

>> No.17097571

>what's morally wrong with forced labor?
Nothing, that's why I advocate enserfment which is more of a decentralized form of forced labor.

Fines need not be paid in money but could also be paid in kind. As long as money exists, the confiscation legal barter is perfectly acceptable though for some offenses.

>> No.17097574

"Legal barter" is for faggots who are gay for money. Go be gay for money somewhere else.

>> No.17097575

so we are agreed then

*slowly withdraws stiletto with his paws*

>> No.17097579

Furries will be outlawed though. You have five days before we declare you an enemy of the people. Leave this country now and never return. Go to Mexico or somewhere else, just go. We don't want you here

>> No.17097589

Applicable in all contexts.

>> No.17097594

I'm not a furry. I'm just a man who describes his hands as paws.

>> No.17097595

Lmao he doesn't know about genetics.
It's a decent video streaming platform. Many factors at play. I don't ignore them. Look up Prichard and Mobile That's where I worked for years.
I've seen neither, but as a southern white man, I've dropped a deer in an old ladys yard and that was on snapchat.
Mobile was the murder capital when I lived there. I didn't live in the poorest neighborhood, but I lived in a below average one. We had fun cookouts. One guy got pistolwhipped one time, but his name was Yung Thad and he had a radio song called Work and was trying to act like a thug about it.

>> No.17097596

Define "applicable" and "all".

>> No.17097601

>doesn't know about genetics
>muh economic factors affect heredity

>> No.17097602

dangerously based

>> No.17097605

able to apply, absence of 'some'

>> No.17097606

>One guy got pistolwhipped one time but

>> No.17097613

Able to apply in what context?

>> No.17097617

In its universal context

>> No.17097618

They do you fucking moron. Heritability of height and intelligence increases with better environment and development. Source: Global height and intelligence averages. Jesus you're a dumb motherfucker.
Isolated incident and he deserved it. Ribs were great and I like to live a little.

>> No.17097621

What context would you consider "universal"?

>> No.17097624

The dude who makes this shit has a website full of commie cuckoldry(existential comics I believe)

This is light shit what you've shown compared to the retardation he really has

>> No.17097628

let's do a test.

call a white guy a cracker and see what happens.

call a black guy a nigger and see what happens.

we can agree on one thing; it may end up on worldstar *guffaws into paws*

>> No.17097629

The Form of the Good.

>> No.17097631

>Heritability of height and intelligence increases with better environment
>muh Isolated incident
>muh cookouts
Actual wigger if it isn't a LARP (which it is)

>> No.17097635

Are you a fucking furry? Disregarded. Cracker never meant shit to anybody. Nigger has historical relevance and power. Just how things happened. Deal with it. Furnigger.

>> No.17097636

Define "Form".

>> No.17097637

>You are a medieval aristocrat. You fuck someone's daughter. Her dad finds out. He's furious, the daughter's upset, but you made it out of his house in time and are riding your horse to freedom. Except something gnaws at you - she probably won't be able to find a husband now. Is fleeing on your horse the right thing to do? Without any further detail, we would probably say "no". There is no real reason why the answer should be "no", but it is. That's the kind of "right" I am referring to
So this is what passes for philosophical discourse...

>> No.17097641

present in substance

>> No.17097643

>looke at me guise i can say the nigger word like you guise am i cool now i hang around cool yung thug lil uzi and i suck op dick am i cool now

>> No.17097647

What substance? Present how?

>> No.17097652

worldly substance, before the senses.

>> No.17097655
File: 132 KB, 1316x498, ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When he's right, he's right

>> No.17097657

Define "worldly". Before all the senses?

>> No.17097662

That means nothing to me, anon.
Yes anon. What's the problem?

>> No.17097663
File: 52 KB, 693x326, Heritability_plants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fucking idiots actually think environment doesnt impact heritability? Holy shit. You fuckers are so dumb, no wonder your views are so flawed.

Heritability can change over time because the variance in genetic values can change, the variation due to environmental factors can change, or the correlation between genes and environment can change. Genetic variance can change if allele frequencies change (e.g., due to selection or inbreeding), if new variants come into the population (e.g., by migration or mutation), or if existing variants only contribute to genetic variance following a change in genetic background or the environment.

>> No.17097669

>Heritability can change over time because the variance in genetic values can change, the variation due to environmental factors can change, or the correlation between genes and environment can change. Genetic variance can change if allele frequencies change (e.g., due to selection or inbreeding), if new variants come into the population (e.g., by migration or mutation), or if existing variants only contribute to genetic variance following a change in genetic background or the environment.
If you actually understood what this meant you wouldn't have posted it.

>> No.17097676

Of the world, yes

>> No.17097678


>> No.17097681

I postex it precisely becauss I did understand it. A better environment increases heritability. IQ is around 60% heritable on average, but can be far higher given an adequate environment and all that that entails.

>> No.17097682

If there is no real reason why you would say no, then you would say no. Simple as.

>> No.17097690


>> No.17097691

You don't understand what are considered to be "environmental factors" when it comes to genetics. You think made up shit like economics consists of "environmental factors". Ever stop to think about how these types of people are generally poor en masse and living in squalor all over the world no matter the nation?

>> No.17097703

Nearly every neuroscientist and microbiologist consider socioeconomic factors to be environmental. It's almost as if certain groups of people had the trajectory of their entire nation derailed by some sort of outside force or power. Probably one that helped to underdevelop these nations. It would be weird if genetically similar people in better environments had much higher IQ...oh wait, that is the case.

>> No.17097714

>derailed by some sort of outside force or power
>underdevelop these nations
>blacks in real life still in hunter gatherer stage
Here's a tip pal, they bring the "environment" with them. Have a good night. Don't let it keep you up.

>> No.17097716

I sure love having yet another race thread on literature board.

>> No.17097719

Polcels. What ya gonna do?

>> No.17097723

Kek. At you.

>> No.17097746

>Why are philosophy webcomics so fucking unfunny?
Because the setup isn't worth the punchline. This should've been 3 pics at most.
The punchline is, however, valid. Socrates was a nitpicking midwit.

>> No.17097760

This could have been funny or charming if the author wasn't bad

>> No.17097761

the punchline is unfunny. I think the setup being long could have worked, but sadly, the setup was also boring.

>> No.17097765

some of the smbc comics that veer into philosophy are not too bad.

>> No.17097774

>the punchline is unfunny
It's the same punchline as Diogenes throwing rocks at people who proposed movement doesn't exist. We've recorded this event and remembered it for thousands of years because it's indeed funny to see the vulnerabilities of philosophy exposed - its disconnection from real life. I feel the fault is in the setup.

>> No.17097795

I just wanted to make fun of the comics. :(

>> No.17097843

people who have a tendency to engage in philosophy seem to have poor senses of humor, or at least while discussing aforementioned philosophy.

perhaps in order for you to be taken seriously, you must not jest.

>> No.17097884

>as we know that no one would willingly choose the unjust life over the just life.
what're you, fuckin retarded?

>> No.17097901


Legit better than the original. At least it does away with the half a dozen unnecessary panels.

>> No.17097919

>the White man commits 87% of drunk driving and that kills over 10,000 people a year.

Except you completely made that up.


>> No.17097921

justice exists as a cope revenge for victims, rehabilitation would create unrest

>> No.17097929


So you agree that black people are on average about as dangerous as literal methlab criminals?

>> No.17097935
File: 14 KB, 720x522, 122365115_771563323391091_7714894425799716458_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black guys get shot for jogging around a white neughborhood.
You mean the thief who wrestled the white man for his shotgun? That "jogging"?
I suspect you're the same Anon who continuously starts shit about race only to fall flat on his face in all statistics and argumentation besides "well not ALL blacks do crime"

>> No.17097987

The McMichaels look like they're going to jail for that shooting. So while you defend the white man for shooting, and call them heroes, that's not what they look like right now. Nothing personal kid.

Your echo chamber opinion isn't shared by this planet. Only by your retard trump supporters on pol

>> No.17097999
File: 136 KB, 754x649, 1608581971676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17098003

>Please be distracted from my lying by someone going to jail.
Sorry no lol. But maybe you can answer the question:
>>I suspect you're the same Anon who continuously starts shit about race only to fall flat on his face in all statistics and argumentation besides "well not ALL blacks do crime"
The fact you lied twice already kinda makes this seem probable, that other Anon is a complete dishonest mess lmao

>> No.17098007
File: 34 KB, 460x293, aP7MYjQ_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look a lefty

>> No.17098015
File: 121 KB, 277x631, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moderate left and right is absolutely retarded,stop shiting up the board with politics and larp as ''real politick'' you wage cuck,real politicks is terrorism,war and the fact that the US is unable to reform itself and will eventually have a civil war.

>> No.17098019
File: 366 KB, 574x762, Screenshot_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17098024
File: 131 KB, 1280x1280, apunonfrenbopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testimony of the dude who killed him...who was running at him with a shotgun because he thought he *might* have been a burglar.
Even if he did struggle for it, how is that a problem, if I saw a random dude hauling ass after me in a truck with 2 shotguns I wouldn't be in the mood to spread my cheeks for them
Ahh yes stupid red-scared chinese stereotype, very redpilled my friend
Extrapolating communism, leftism, whatever because someone has a problem with some kid dying for no good reason, you are so fucking unclean

>> No.17098029

>how is it a problem if you grab someone's shotgun and try to wrestle him?
>it's what joggers do

>> No.17098036

>he went to jail but he is a good guy
Doesn't look like it. This is my liberal opinion.
Also biden won Georgia after this shit. So that jogger died for a good cause.
Feel free to shoot your race in the foot again.
Produce another Kyle Rittenhouse and make him shoot some antifa. Maybe some more states will go blue.

>> No.17098040

You are seriously fucking dense
How is it that person A runs up on person B with a killing instrument, and person B is at fault for getting shot resisting them
Tell me how that makes sense

>> No.17098045

The "why don't we just print more money" type logic

>> No.17098048

>I can't comprehend any alternative to start wrestling armed men
That's your struggle, mate. My joy is in exposing your lies about 'just joggin' and the like.

>> No.17098055

Kill more blacks on camera if you want.
Maybe you'll make some more BLM protests. Thats obviously in your best interest.

Then you can pretend to care about arson just like you pretend to care about crime.

>> No.17098062

Dude I didn't tell a single lie, in fact I don't know whether he wrestled the dude or not
But what I *know* is while wrestling an armed person when it is pointing at you is stupid, it doesn't justify them killing you, and I honestly think you know that too

>> No.17098064

>Maybe you'll make some more BLM protests. Thats obviously in your best interest.
It is. The protests are, after all, the way throug which BLM became more murderous than all Nazi and White Supremacist groups in the USA.

>> No.17098068

>in fact I don't know whether he wrestled the dude or not
You perpetuated the verifiably untrue "he was just jogging" lie. There's a video of the confrontation, there is no question about it, really.
>it doesn't justify them killing you
Nobody is trying to justify anything. You're being called out for lying. Own up to it.

>> No.17098089

Link me the video and I'll watch it and tell you what I think, I can't find it.

>> No.17098109

Found some midwit tryign to cover it on Bitchute. Around the two-minute mark it shows the 'jogger' attacking and punching the armed dude, who's backing up again and again before actually shooting the 'jogger'.
I've jogged before. Never had punching people and trying to wrestle for shotguns as part of it.

>> No.17098111

Not even a meme at this point. Whilst I was studying philosophy at university every professor did the same thing. In all examples the evil person was male, whilst the good person was female.

>> No.17098127

You inheret the genes, regardless of your environment. The environment effects the expression of those genes. E.g. having a healthy diet allows you to attain greater height allowed within the possible expression of genes. Your environment doesn't increase that which already was.

>> No.17098131

this thread is shit

>> No.17098138
File: 75 KB, 500x375, tumblr_13f6a81a10bdd34296e04ae389cdfc69_3fedde9b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like he did fight back.
However vis a vis your original point about a black dude jogging in a white neighborhood getting shot, this all already happened after a bunch of guys came charging after him with shotguns. He didn't randomly charge this dude while he was sitting on his porch drinking coffee, he and his dad were chasing him down with weapons. Obviously a stupid decision, but if I was in his shoes I would be scared out of my mind, I still think him dying as an outcome here manifestly terrible.
>You're lying blah blah words words
There isn't a good way to resolve that debate, but you can observe I had never any problem with the possibility that he did, I repeatedly admitted I wasn't sure myself... why would I do that if I was trying to deceive people about it. Anyways thanks for sharing the video I think it's unfortunate how hard this shit is to find.

>> No.17098140

These people do know that the Platonic Socrates didn't just ask random people right?
He specifically targeted generals, politicians and sophists who claimed to know this stuff (except for some of the early Dialogues which weren't about such stuff)
>Man bad, woman good

>> No.17098151

Regardless of what lengths one goes to in demonizing the robbed man, the "killed for jogging" narrative is verifiably false, just like the "omg poor black people" sentiment that the lie is designed to support.

>why would I do that if I was trying to deceive people about it
Despite me being this toxic I don't think you're intentionally lying about it, you just happen to buy into some heavily marketed bullshit and 4chan is one of the places where this can be called out in its entirety. No hard feelings.

>> No.17098179

Sure the omg poor black people narrative is a bit cucked....but brown v board of education was how many years ago? Lynchings how many years ago?
Mainstream media *definitely* cucked with various evil RNC and DNC propaganda pieces
Also I don't believe either the father or son were victims of the robberies, that they thought arbery committed. I don't think he was killed just for jogging, especially since they specifically knew him and suspected him before they saw him that day.

>> No.17098184

>Davis is a philosopher


>> No.17098198

>how many years ago
Slavery was abolished around the same time (+-5 yrs apart?) as serfdom of eastern Slavs. Now, I'm not gonna describe the various documented stories of serfs being whipped to death and other atrocities that really make serfdom equal to slavery, I'll just point out that Slavs don't dwell on this history at all. Blacks dwell on nothing else, it seems. Same time horizon. It's almost unexcusable.

>> No.17098213
File: 69 KB, 564x451, 1589061717441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were segregation and anti-miscenegation laws if not lawmakers "dwelling on it"... also almost inexcusable. We can also look at holodomor for a great example of ways you can beat down a group of people without enslaving them, and that happened longer ago than the brown or loving decisions (ussc cases on edu segregation and interracial marriage respectively)

>> No.17098218

>you can beat down a group of people without enslaving them
You absolutely can. Yet another parallel in which blacks play the victim and Slavs, despite being essentially white niggers, don't.
Besides, segregation is unironically morally neutral. Plenty small black businesses went out of business when white and black spaces became mixed.

>> No.17098244
File: 936 KB, 564x846, 0a1d7a84c7677e8fd11a7b14aa78c401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to sleep so I won't be able to reply to your next post
I don't think it's important who plays the victim, I think it's important who actually is the victim, and from what I know of my country's history, black people have often been victimized. Any black person pretending that never happened would not be especially admirable for it, especially if it had a strong negative impact on their life.
I understand why you think segregation is morally neutral, and while I am skeptical of that in the case where all other things are equal, I think that it was morally negative when it reinforced the poverty caused by generations of enslavement.

>> No.17098250

Nope, video games.

>> No.17098255

>it's important who actually is the victim
Everyone's a victim all the time, the focus on the victimization by slavery is arbitrary, as Slavs show. Said simply, the "poor black people" narrative (enabled by misreporting on joggers and the fixation on history) only produces outrage, it never contributes to a solution. A valid solution works even without narratives. Have a good night.

>> No.17098263

Isn't the more milquetoast "rehabilitation" view on prison obsolete now that Europoors are failing completely to deal with Muslim criminals? It's like, no shit, they think they a higher calling, tea and talking about your feelings is laughably worthless against literally God.
I'm actually pretty surprised people still unironically think this.

>> No.17098357
File: 191 KB, 544x314, Figure_29_03_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We reap what he sowed

>> No.17098376

>Nearly every neuroscientist and microbiologist
Is a part of the Academy, which proscribes anyone who goes against progressive dogma. Is that a recipe for reliable science, or Lysenkoism?

>> No.17098450

because of a literal mob outside the courthouse demanding her acquittal. the black women is the true aristocrat of the USA

>> No.17098971

>People don't steal because there are no prisons. They steal because there are no jobs.
Well I guess white collar crime doesn't really then.
Is this really Davis' position? I doubt someone as smart as her hoods such a simplistic position.

>> No.17098988


>> No.17098990

But....4chan is one of the most heavily fleeced media sites? Oh...you believe the pol narrative? Sad. Sign of low intelligence desu

>> No.17098999

Da joooooooooooooos

>> No.17099021
File: 557 KB, 1077x1941, Screenshot_20201223-082125_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhmm. Not him, but it's 81% and whites are over represented in many other crimes.

>> No.17099062
File: 168 KB, 900x630, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Philosophers in Heaven was pretty funny

>> No.17099096

It's only appealing for people of a certain background just like math students have their own jokes, they are shit in themselves but because they are inside jokes they just like them. Unlike the mathematician jokes though those ones are poorly thought out and were written either by first year retards who ended failing their studies or people that only read Reddit's "a meme history of philosophy"

>> No.17099110

idk, there's a lot of people who get into humour as an entertainment but genuinely can't make jokes on basic level. Best tell-tale sign I know is continuing to speak/write after the punchline, rather than making it the last line/word in the paragraph.

It's generally the really overeducated people. At some point reading too much Joyce and Kant makes you actually retarded in comparison to the basic ways in which others parse information.

>> No.17099180

Philosophy students hate existentialcomics
If yiu think that the existentialcomics guy is overeducated, then you're grossly undereducated. The guy is a NEET who reads wiki articles and reddit posts

>> No.17099187

>Philosophy students hate existentialcomics
Anyone who takes philosophy seriously does, that's why I talked about the first year failures

>> No.17099432

Writer doesn't know the difference between less and fewer, immediately stopped reading.

>> No.17099443


Google is your friend

>> No.17099513

>black neighborhoods are as scary as a methed out trailer park
Lmao Mr. Antiracist

>> No.17099573

because anyone can be a janitor but not everyone can be a doctor. Is this guy retarded or something?

>> No.17099598


>> No.17099636


>> No.17099659

My god you are utterly retarded. If 1% of the persons you meet in the street are criminals that's a huge minority but you should absolutely not relax and in fact run away as fast as possible.

>> No.17099672

What a pussy

>> No.17099678

Worse than retarded, voluntarily retarded.

>> No.17099694

Got no argument, resort to ad hominems, typical leftist.

>> No.17099791

I think a good filter is inability to enjoy things, I'm not saying laugh at this shit first go but I mean the inability to derive any pleasure from reading them

>> No.17099798

I there's a 1 percent chance of rain I don't grab my umbrella or cower in a shelter out of abject and unwarranted fear. Pussy.

>> No.17099799

Calm down, the victim was a white male

>> No.17099817

>who needs a punchline when ppl will like/share you anyway just to virtue signal

>> No.17100050
File: 94 KB, 625x790, 32583B32-AB5D-48E1-873D-88D248C604EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about webcomics
>100+ posts
>not one mentioning the Magnum Opus

>> No.17100651

Ultimately it comes down to a disjunction between form and content, in order for philosophy to be funny it necessarily requires a deep and ongoing engagement with the text and ideas, conversely the format of web comics necessitates brevity and concision. Webcomics almost always fail on one (or both) of these and the stench of the failure assaults the senses such that it overrides any value that the creator managed to achieve. In OPs example there is a less complex explanation, simply that the creator is a massive faggot.

>> No.17100840

back to bunkerchan faggot

>> No.17100876
File: 86 KB, 254x382, 1599487171226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do leftists really believe this

>> No.17100881

>Why are webcomics so fucking unfunny?

>> No.17100928

You don't understand probability or anything really. You meet hundreds of people in your life. 1% chance of them being a murderer is very dangerous.

>> No.17100937

Or maybe I do understand them, and refuse to become paralyzed by fear of a phenomenon I can't avoid.

>> No.17100940

They've convinced themselves that they do, which is almost the same thing.

>> No.17101002

This whole time you've been implying people are "scared" of them or it has to do with fear in some way. It isn't fear you fucking moron. It's avoidance. You don't avoid jaywalking because you're quaking in your boots about getting run over, you avoid it because you would just rather not take the risk. People don't hang around them for the same reason they don't go out of their way to stick their arm in an alligator's throat, moron.

>> No.17101197

bc of the ppl makign them

>> No.17101411

Only American leftists.

>> No.17101451

>there is no real reason why the answer should be no
Yeah, there is. What? I can think of several possible ones:
>I think that if I flee on my horse, the happiness of the people involved will decrease.
>I think that if I flee on my horse, I will always wonder what happened to that woman and the possibility of something bad will always make me feel as if I am a bad person, contrary to my perception of myself
Those are two possibilities off the top of my head.
What you are talking about is a completely esoteric idea that literally just boils down to, "it is common practice to act as such, so I shall act as such" rather than any clear reason.
That's not a form of "right" and "wrong" which I prescribe to, nor do I see why I should prescribe to it.

>> No.17102134

>you avoid it because you would just rather not take the risk
Because you are afraid of the risk

>> No.17102150

spics are counted as legally white in america.

>> No.17102170

This is unironically and literally the worst one I've read. I like the one where a little blue monster tells Kierkegaard he will never know him and then kicks him in the nads.

>> No.17102182

What happened to it?

>> No.17102190

But what about the anti-work left?

>> No.17102212

lmao lost

>> No.17102225

Did Ancient Greek women really look like that? I'd hit that for hours.

>> No.17102248

anti-work is unironically the most brainlet position ever presented
anarcho-communism, primitivism, laissez faire, feudalism, dictatorships.... all preferable to anti-work

>> No.17102260

Sometimes when I see tweets this dumb I figure it has to be some multi-leveled trolling op by a conservative or something. Sadly, I don't think this is often the case.

>> No.17102744

fear is an emotion. risk-mitigation is just logical. your assertion that the two are connected is unsubstantiated, and simply disagreeing with each other does not constitute an argument.

>> No.17102791

No if you factor women out for blacks you also have to factor women out for the rest of the population so it ends up back at 13%

>> No.17102822

You factor women out of blacks becuase they arent committing most of that violent crime

>> No.17102832


>> No.17102833

But it’s the same for all races, men commit the vast majority of violent crime in all races

>> No.17102853

Yes but if you say "13 does 50," you are talking about 13 out of the whole population, if you factor out the 7 who are women and not committing the crimes, you are left with 6 does 50 out of the whole population.

>> No.17102859

this was for >>17102833

>> No.17102948

I want to abolish pinions but I also want to abolish niggers

>> No.17102951

As they should be

>> No.17102967

An emotion that drives your action or rather lack of action. I would stick my arm in a gators mouth if he had a 1% chance of biting. Sounds badass and makes the bitches wet.

>> No.17103006

Fear is the aversion from particular events, just as hope is the longing for particular events. If you hope to not get run over by a car, then you must fear being run over by a car. Risk-mitigation is the logic which sprouts from hopes and fears, themselves not bound by logic in any regard.

>> No.17104254

the major problem with angela davis's stance that no one addresses is the fact that after a certain density of population there will be people that need to be isolated outside of greater society. the better arguement is a massive reduction, not abolition of, jail; while redirecting the massive amount of funding pointing at jail for social net type things.

>> No.17104298
File: 15 KB, 250x188, 250px-Aran_cardigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then, death will greet me warmly, i knit him a cardigan.

>> No.17104312

some do, some do not. most theft tho is wage theft. if that's true, that would mean most theft is because they can.

>> No.17104350

I still don't understand why this is so famous

>> No.17104507
File: 47 KB, 640x360, Andy Griffith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>17097921
The simple answer is that modern American society is too large, and is filled with too many contradictory interest-groups to possess any moral courage. We're done with Andy Griffith style, small-town American justice; that's an America that doesn't exist. With everyone jostling for living space in an increasingly crowded and underfunded American mainland, you can simply expect depravity. In the good ole' days, justice meant something because there was enough to go around, and therefore no real reason, other than malice, for violence and cruelty. Now there are hundreds of reasons for violence and cruelty, and all of them, but for malice, are economic in origin.

In an environment like this, not only will prisons not be abolished, but eventually the death penalty will make a comeback.

>> No.17104628

The death penalty is far less cruel than life in prison. If someone is such a menace to society that he must be permanently removed from it, he should not be placed into a cage and fed like an animal for the rest of his "natural" life. He should be put to death. This allows him to keep the last remnants of his human dignity, gives the victim or victim's family peace of mind that the one who wronged them can never do so again, and doesn't waste taxpayer money on feeding someone who will never again contribute to society.

>> No.17104703

His real life girlfriend had a miscarriage and then he broke up with her, but not before making a webcomic about it.

>> No.17104807

Left can't make us laugh.

>> No.17104920

>leftist memes can be made funny by just removing words

>> No.17104939

the answer is torture and making it easier to the prisoners to kill themselves when they are ready

>> No.17105018

To add on to this, the webcomic was until this strip a standard "videogames lol!" humor comic, but then Buckley decided to get really dramatic and show something "mature" happening in a really tasteless way. It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.17105063
File: 2 KB, 123x124, 1605044118812s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17105064

>If you hope to not get run over by a car, then you must fear being run over by a car
You don't cross the road "hoping not to get run over by a car" faggot, you just cross the road, and if there are enough cars driving past at high speed, you don't cross, like a fucking moron would.

>> No.17105069

>Sounds badass and makes the bitches wet
manlet cope

>> No.17105137

I would love to see them abolish prison and replace it with therapy for gang bangers and murderers, holy fuck.

>> No.17105163

There is no higher art, pleb.

>> No.17105302

I didn't. I said it is best kept low. Otherwise criminality and large populations of criminals would be encouraged for private economic pursuits. A system based around perpetuating criminality in those who would otherwise not be criminals but may be good people of the community would form. This simply creates a shithole with weak social fabric for the dubious economic gain of a few, the opposite of what we're trying to do here. The labour of indentured servants should also go to the public as much as possible, preferably local community, not the prison labour in America today which benefits only a tiny minority of the powerful as they have created to do. When you only have a small criminal population that can't be structured in this way, it remains a system with a good impact rather than a self-serving one deleterious to society.

>> No.17105326

In modernity you have to account for all this because everything is extremely centralised and abusable. In the past it wasn't much of a problem because that level of control/power was impossible and there was barely a state much less the totalitarian state default to all countries today. The difference in power is incomparable, today the world is a tiny and finely tuned and allows for little disparate power structures or any individualism politically, economically, legally.

>> No.17106294

Achewood is kino

>> No.17106747
File: 177 KB, 625x790, MOLE CRICKETS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17107305

Anon, I'm pretty sure he'd be dead by now anyway