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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 139 KB, 825x902, Chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17095441 No.17095441 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of man is Christopher?

>> No.17095448

Run of the mill pseud.

>> No.17095450

Definitely not a handsome one if he had to put a picture of his books on his Tinder profile

>> No.17095461

I got to Chomsky and stopped there. Pseudmaxxed.

>> No.17095479
File: 137 KB, 804x802, 1605393997212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody post that one webm of some girl swiping on tinder

>> No.17095500

Hi, I'm Christopher. I'm a 24 year old virgin with spaghetti arms and legs. All I do is sit inside all day read 1 or maybe 2 pages if I feel extra bold. But yeah, this is who I am and please respect me and I will respect you in return and we can be friends. Like really good friends. I have never had a really good friend or a regular friend for that matter. Well, I guess my I could consider my mom as a friend but that would make me even more pathetic than I already are, so lets just pretent my mom isn't my only friend. So what do you say? Wanna go on a date?

>> No.17095534

Yeah bro the media and the pentagon are totally trustworthy and don't pursue their own interests at all, i love freedom

>> No.17095542

>chomsky is totally trustworthy and doesn't pursue his own interests at all, i love jews

>> No.17095654

Apparently someone who spends way too much time on twitter looking at anna khachiyan's tweets. This isn't to say he isn't actually interested in those books, it's probably just where he heard,of them.

>> No.17095687

You can tell he's American

>> No.17095720

I would maybe consider him based, but the fact he took a picture of the books to post online makes him not-based.

>> No.17095729


>> No.17095741

a guy who buys stuff that he saw on 4chan

>> No.17095763

>no culture of critique

>> No.17095777

More like on reddit

>> No.17095784

red scare queer

>> No.17095804

Chomsky's critiques are the peak of mt. stupid. Absolutely mind-blowing to pot addled midwits, I presume.

>> No.17095917

A guy who bought a stack of used books that he won't actually finish

>> No.17095968

>bronze age mindset
>culture of narcissism
oh nonononono

>> No.17095994

He's kind of the worst. Boring cookie cutter philosophy major who actually agrees with the things he reads. Despicable

>> No.17096029

God you sound like such a pseud faggot. If I saw you in real life I'd beat you with a stick and have my way with you

>> No.17096170

Chris is a young man who an open mind. Chris was a hipster, but it's getting tired of banging unstable art girls, and it's coming to terms with his own troubled upbringing and latent mental illness. Chris is headed for trouble, possibly schizophrenia, of he continues to use drugs as recklessly as he does. One day, Chris's inevitable mental breakdown will occur. He will recover. He will see through bullshit that you /lit/ incels won't even glipse in the corner of your minds. The week be no cope left to cope, for unlike you, Chris spent his youth _living_, and reading. Unlike you, be can catch up on what he missed. For you there is no going back. Good luck, Chris, and godspeed

>> No.17096186

This hurts

>> No.17096187

No you wouldn't retard cattlen*gger, because I'm a rightoid and I own firearms. Chomskyn*ggers are pill-popping city-dwelling leftoids who live aimless existences.

>> No.17096197
File: 59 KB, 467x1024, 1608264489253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A got a picture of him

>> No.17096263

Fuckin cringe. I'm a leftist from the rural south and agree that the other poster would beat your ass. Only faggots brag anonymously about political affiliation and gun ownership. Most people have guns. Why do you faggots simp for corporate oligarchy? Read about Blair Mountain if you're a true patriot and espescially if you consider yourself a southerner. Bitch.

>> No.17096276

>Why do you faggots simp for corporate oligarchy?
Why is it that leftoids think they have a monopoly on anti-capitalism? What a fucking moron.
>Only faggots brag anonymously about political affiliation
>I'm a leftist
Get roped, Dixien*gger.

>> No.17096280
File: 14 KB, 320x308, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17096296

Chomsky literally received CIA funding.

>> No.17096318

You faggots never question Capitalism in any way more than half assed. B-b-but Hitler wasn't beholden to the Krupp family. Lmao at you.

I wasn't bragging aboit being a leftist, I was responding to a shit wit that claimed in a squeaky voiced attempt at belittlement that all leftists were yankee pill poppers. I'll drag your meth addled ass fuck boy.

>> No.17096335


>> No.17096382 [DELETED] 

Everyone named Chris is an asshole.

>> No.17096392

irony poisoned twitter user who secretly wants to be taken seriously

>> No.17096460

>the only lived experience is being a valid faggot who "does drugs" and has a "mental breakdown"
Lmao I think you might actually be Chris

>> No.17096479

impotent rage

>> No.17096485

Lies. Worse than Moshe

>> No.17096495

Scatterbrained memehead, likely doesnt actually read

>> No.17096528

I'm not that poster, but the fact that he works at MIT (aka spook central) is kinda sus

>> No.17096537
File: 101 KB, 736x863, 1607213811677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a 99% chance that this faggot browses /lit/. almost every single one of those meme books are posted regularly on this board. anyone who sees this pic and says "cringe" just remember that you are Christopher.

>> No.17096549

Super weird that the father of modern linguistics was a professor of linguistics at a university with a highly advanced linguistics department. You fuckers have serious brainrot.

>> No.17096669

Unironically I want to fuck a dude like him

>> No.17096789

Red Scare Podcast listener.

>> No.17098302

Why do you marxoid bugmen even come here? Fuck off to twitter already you hylic trannies.

>> No.17098938

>Why do you marxoid bugmen even come here?
They are always trying to subvert and demoralize. They cannot help it. The long march never ends.

>> No.17098950

Turbonormie, listens to cum town but is not a racist. Probably has sex.

>> No.17099106

He's not wrong, and as a professor of linguistics you'd think his writing would be better.

Gonna need a [source] on that, Hoss.

>> No.17099252

Lmao seething cause someone asked for a source. What a faggot you are.

>> No.17099258

A poser.

>> No.17099271

You cannot tell these Communist onions consumers anything. I cannot imagine a more self-absorbed and self-assured people, and that includes e-thots.

>> No.17099275

You can't tell brainwashed polcels anything. They will distort reality, and replace it with conspiracy just to cope with the fact that they can't form a rational worldview independent of their hivemind. Things are just too complex for them to grasp a view that isn't spoonfed to them.

>> No.17099357

>words words words
Didn't read it lol

>> No.17099366

>can't read
Tragic but unsurprising

>> No.17099408

Some e-boy libertarian who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. Probably an okay person to hang around with though. He'd probably be productive to work with, but prone to occasional anti-social outbursts or bouts of depression.

>> No.17099425

I love the CIA because they kill communists like you
You're accusing Chomsky of being an egoist, yet fascists themselves are egoistical, manipulators themselves; antisemitism is good cope people who don't want sound like Marxists, replacing the bourgeois with judaism, while keeping the critique intact. Makes sense, since most Fascists were originally communist scum, like Mussolini and his ilk

>> No.17099527

Can, but won't. There is a difference. This is something that free men understand.

>> No.17099531

What are you smoking, bud?

>> No.17100106

Mussolini was not an anti-semite.
The problem with Chomsky is that he is trapped in an old, outdated concept of the political landscape. He identifies all the evil secret persuaders as 'right wing.' What does this even mean, really? That they are pro-free market? Well, only insofar as a free market allows for the extension of power by the acting government, sure.
You see, the people in power, unlike most of the masses, do not have an ideology based on economics. They have an ideology based on power—maintaining it and increasing it. All applications of economic force serve that end. Designing a system of power based on its intended economic policies is akin to designing a car based on what you are going to upholster the seats with. Chomsky's analysis makes some amount of sense in the cold war but not outside of that.
Is mass psychological warfare used on the civilian populations domestically and abroad? Absolutely, of course. Are the people using it some Murray Rothbard or Henry Clay Frick types or whatever? No. They are pragmatists whose sole purpose is the maximization of influence and power, so that they can guide and control the world order in a direction amendable to their continued ability to guide and control. If anything they are more akin to old WASP progressive elites. Note how they take ideas and notions from left and right so long as it suits their end.
tl;dr stop thinking that "They" are some evil CEOs trying to make cyberpunk real. "They" are boring bureaucrat technicians following their own headlights to power.

>> No.17100119

You will never be seen as a man by your peers.

>> No.17100120

wannabe alpha male who grew up consuming oestrogenated tap water, english-language-only education, etc", i.e., one who wants to be the toughest kid on the playground, but will still go back indoors the moment his female teachers ring the bell

>> No.17100330

>Mussolini was not an anti-semite.
Don't agree, but it doesn't matter
>They have an ideology based on power—maintaining it and increasing it.
And? I would do the same
>The power a genuine particular thing expresses, then, must therefore be directed toward its own perseverance in being
Don't really have any problem with that.
> They are pragmatists whose sole purpose is the maximization of influence and power,
Yeah, you might think I'm a leftist but I'm not
>They" are boring bureaucrat technicians following their own headlights to power.
I like boring, competent people who do their fucking jobs and leave me alone

>> No.17100367

Probably better read and more socially adjusted than 90% of the pseud spergs on here, including myself