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17087230 No.17087230 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like to be neurotypical? I've had depression, OCD, and schizotypal manifestations my entire life, so I've never experienced anything close to mental normalcy. Do you just wake up in the morning, go to work, and enjoy the moments you share with your happy family in your normal, stable life?
> Also post your favorite authors and artists that suffered from mental illness.

>> No.17087244

>What's it like to be neurotypical?
Much better than whatever the fuck you're going through.

>> No.17087250

And yet you lack empathy and have a need to assert your superiority. Cringe, can't say I envy you.

>> No.17087259

>Do you just wake up in the morning, go to work, and enjoy the moments you share with your happy family in your normal, stable life?
I don't think anybody does this.
Not sure if anybody ever did.
Making a family is a cope to give oneself meaning, most people don't even think about it but just do it because it's what what one does, in the Heideggerian sense

>> No.17087284

>And yet you lack empathy and have a need to assert your superiority.
If you think intense empathy is a sign of being neurotypical than I can confidently say you're not a man of history, or even just generally observant.

>> No.17087313
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He is not wrong, your life sucks because you are mentally weak and will rightly be erased from the gene pool in a few years when you end up oofing urself

>> No.17087331

That's because empathy is not what you think. Empathy is a survival mechanism, you don't get any benefits from being nice to some random schizo on 4chan. Empathy is the fitting-in mechanism, LARPing as a christfag or saying "nigger" ad nauseam is a form of empathy in relation to 4chan. Being nice doesn't make you fit in on 4chan (in fact, its considered reddit), so you won't find many nice people here. If a society is nice to schizos, most people will be nice to schizos; yet it has nothing to do with being nice or the schizo.

>> No.17087501

>Writer is literally too insane to write books (or not insane enough?!??!)

>> No.17087617

My high functioning autist, crazy/depressed in probably 4 different ways but capable of seeming "normal" (most of the time) friend went on Wellbutrin and Lexapro and he said it killed his soul. He has since recovered somewhat, after years of regret and agony about it, but he told me he now understands what normies experience as their normal consciousness. He says it's like "everything is happening to you for the first time," you never correlate anything with anything else past or future and try to work it into an ongoing project of figuring out what's really behind the experiences and what shit "really" means, objectively.

He also said he thinks it literally hurts for them to think. He describes his normal, pre-pill and post-recovery thinking as something like his thought going off on crazy spirals and delving into things at weird angles just by nature, like he just spaces out and starts thinking of things and ends up somewhere weird but interesting, but he said on and after the pill, the default state of his consciousness was not to do this, "going into" or "diving into" things in thought was no longer the natural tendency, the natural tendency became a snapback to the default passive just-being-present, and he had to actively push and force with his will to maintain streams of consciousness delving into things or thought spirals, and this was painful and frustrating because it felt like the field of thought didn't "yield" automatically anymore. Just like the spiraling had been automatic before the pills, the actual thought things that he spiralled into naturally tended to pull him in, so that it was easy to space out and free-fly through abstruse trains of thought and problems. But this was now the opposite, things and problems actively resisted unless he really pressed into them, and it was now frustrating and felt like sand slipping through his fingers or like the more he pushed the more he would be repelled, so there was a tremendous motivation to just give up, stop trying to penetrate deeper, and resume going with the flow. He said this happened even with basic things like experiencing music or a TV show, he now just let the media wash over him and passively received it in an eternal "now."

He said he is convinced now that he has recovered somewhat that the average normal person is not experiencing reality in anything like the way autistic cosmonaut 4chan people do.

He also said some stuff about how they like to recognize patterns, it's satisfying to know the correct pattern to recognize and call out in every moment, but because they aren't constantly constructing and adapting new models and meta-models, their patterns are really simplistic brute force ones that they had to soak up for a long time to acquire. Normies hate being confused (no certain pattern) and get massive relief when they know what pattern to apply ("you're just being negative bro" eg) They then get excited to pose as the wise guy who recognized/fixed the problem.

>> No.17087622
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This is actually their main pattern, the pattern of "always try to look like the guy who's on top of things; the guy who is on top of things always sounds confident in the pattern he has recognized, so if I sound confident in going 'bro, you're being negative bro lol bro...', and repeating vaguely related meme phrases I instinctively find comforting because I soaked up examples of other confident guys succeeding in using them, I will be the guy who is on top of things and that means I'm surviving."

I think they live a sort of animal existence. Because they are experts on nothing, having no personal commitment or stake in anything and no deep or insider information or understanding of anything, because they don't penetrate things and make them their own as their natural mode of thinking, they have no ground to stand on in daily life other than "is the tribe approving of me right now? am I about to get smashed with rock by newer, taller Zug?," and they consequently feel threatened at all times because tribal approval is an either/or thing and chaotic, it's not something you can always predict. The desire to be popular isn't rational, it's a survival instinct. The popular guy doesn't get rock smashed, at least for now.

It's also why they have no real morals. They are always applying patterns they got from other people, but remember, the patterns are extremely broad and the definition of a successful pattern is "I saw another cool guy do it and people liked it." That's why they do things like talk "as if" they are smart wise guys even when they're saying absolutely nothing, because they have the cart before the horse. They think that smart wise chads are admired because they have some kind of aura of confidence and good-pattern-thinking, in a total package. They don't understand that saying "heh, bro, ummm really? like.. really? are you serious right now? wowwww, wowww bro woww like... okay... yikes..." is at least nominally supposed to be predicated on actual objective understanding of something. Normies don'know this, they just instinctively feel that going "uhhh.... riiiiight...." is like a magical power that the tallest, best ape in the tribe has, so they do that FIRST even if they are styling on you about something admitted they don't understand. Doesn't matter, because you already triggered their "be the cool wise knowing guy" pattern, which totally overrides any weak ability to objectively consider the topic at hand that they might possess.

>> No.17087647

Schizo thread delievered.

>> No.17087730

I forgot to add, this is also possibly the difference between redditor "geeks" and 4chan autists, and why they can ostensibly be talking about the same topic while operating from totally different planes. The redditor is basically a failed or low-ranked normie, he is only interested in consuming. His interest in nerd hobbies is parasitic on the autistic creators that punctuate and give actual shape and structure to the field of nerd hobbydom. Nerd hobbies are created at the root by autists (in the general sense, also including depressed or otherwise "obsessive" people who can't be satisfied by the surfaces of things) diving into things in the way I just described. That's why every video game community has the passive players, the normie hanger-on sorts, and then at the core of the hobby will be the autistic freak who actually does 90% of the work creating all the mods or devoting ten years of his life to making free music for some indie game or doing the equivalent of a doctorate to suss out the internal logic of an inconsequential scifi setting he just happens to like.

Redditors are a different subspecies, parasites. They are also traitor normies who will side with the normie herd every time when given the chance. Their ideal arrangement, if they were conscious enough to understand their own role, is that creative autists are tapped to produce "content" for them, which midwit normie functionaries then flatten out into generic pop culture to sustain the high for as long as possible (at the cost of depth, which normies/redditors can't appreciate so it's meaningless to them). The enjoyment or fulfillment of the autists is completely irrelevant. Also, like all normies, they will take credit for everything and act as if their mere presence contributed to the greatness of a thing, even if they joined the movement surrounding it five minutes prior and in a purely passive/consumptive capacity. As normies, they don't like merit-based or effort-based elitism or hierarchy at all, but they rely on it to create the things they enjoy (in diluted form).

This could be an example of pattern recognition. About half of 4chan users are essentially redditors who don't understand that all engagement with 4chan content/culture should be carried out on the basic assumption that one is adding to it and modifying it qualitatively (subverting, critiquing, developing, nuancing, synthesizing etc). That is the nature of 4chan discourse. But the crypto redditor is only here to run in pattern-recognizing neutral mode, seeing posts where someone says something that fits the pattern of "I say 'cope' to this" or "I say 'seethe' to this" and then saying cope or seethe. The joy for them isn't engaging in what /tv/ calls "daring syntheses," it is just in being part of the eternal Now. Here on 4chan, one posts "cope" when someone is coping. If I'm doing what one does, I'm part of 4chan. Etc.

>> No.17087745

It's 2020. Most people are mentally fucked. "Neurotypicals" aren't that common at all. The people you tend to envy the most are the perfectly normal ones.