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17085010 No.17085010 [Reply] [Original]

>How do we emphasise Achilles and Patroclus' vaguely romantic relationship in the Iliad?
>By turning the whole story into a poorly written YA novel where Patroclus is the nerd and Achilles the jock
I fucking hate women, i wish i could murder the bitch who wrote and published this shit in front of her high school students

>> No.17085035

Book sucks. Author also has a book where Circe is a strong, independent woman manipulated by the evil man Odysseus and blessed by some OC donut steal god character.

Fucking plague on anyone that likes the Classics.

>> No.17085050

Homer has no homoeroticism in the Iliad.

>> No.17085063
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Low T beta bitchboy can't handle domming a man kek

>> No.17085066

this is just yaoi writtten by a thirsty fujo

>> No.17085074

Yeah, Achilles and Patroclus had a brotherly/comrade-at-arms relationship. Saying they were faggots for each other because of that is like saying Castor and Pollux also liked pillow-biting

>> No.17085112

Odysseus was also bashed by the ancients because they said he framed Palamedes who was smarter than him with gold, forged letters that falsely implied he was a traitor and got him stoned by the Acheans.

>> No.17085159

Fucking nigger women don't even have a dick let alone know shit about domming

>> No.17085178

He was a huge cunt, make no mistake, the Romans hated his character, but it wasn't because he was mean to woman that one time. And Circe wasn't some misunderstood figure victim of misogyny neither.

>> No.17085192
File: 387 KB, 1028x1600, Plato-portrait-bust-original-Capitoline-Museums-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homer may not have interpreted Achilles and Patroclus as lovers, but based Plato certainly did

>> No.17085287

to be fair odysseus is a fucking asshole who killed my boy ajax

>> No.17085294

It is pretty evident that Circe raped Odysseus (he was literally under her spell and didn't want to continue being in her island, he even cried about it), but I've heard feminist critics justifying Circe and blaming Odysseus because, in their words, "as if a man would refuse having sex with a goddess". You can always expect such hypocrisy from liberal feminists.

>> No.17085303

I'm not a woman you fucking sissy

>> No.17085314

why are white trash men so triggered by this. plenty of ancient greek writers thought they were gay as well. it's not that big a leap if you actually read the work, you stupid cretin.

>> No.17085334

it's not that they're women themselves, it's the fact that they have come into the universities during a time of post-modernism, critical race theory, and revisionism. Because they are women, and the theories state they have been oppressed by the white man, many have been brainwashed into the this line of thinking that promotes the subversion such as pic in OP. It's extremely insidious.

>> No.17085340

dilate tranny

>> No.17085343

It's not about the gay relationship it's about the away it is handled, with shallow, soulless YA stereotypes devoid of the personality they had in the clsssics. Women will never write a good homosexual story.

>> No.17085348
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>> No.17085374

If you don't like it, don't read it, it's not that hard.

>> No.17085382

Imagine seething about YA fiction being shallow

>> No.17085398

Imagine awarding a shit book like that and pretending the author didn't just shit on the classics with her YA fanfic

>> No.17085410

I'm not awarding it anything
YA books are not only bad they are a fake genre
When I was young I just read books, YA books are literally just filter books for grugs

>> No.17085665
File: 426 KB, 1280x1264, 31EF9E42-501E-44DA-822E-92430EB79A5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder

>> No.17086042

how does this prove they were gay?

>> No.17086103

>Women will never write a good homosexual story.
are there any good lesbian stories by women though? i imagine they must be much better than male gay borderline fujo lit

>> No.17086158

lol you can see his penis
Is that Patroclus on the left?

>> No.17086279

If you can't feel the tender love and romance from the art then you're a bugman.

>> No.17086945

Why does his scrot look like a bulb of garlic?

>> No.17088207

I picked up Circe and was so onboard for a re-imagining of Greek myth, was expecting great things seeing all the glowing reviews.
Turns out it's basically YA crap, Circe is all "I'm not like the other girls, nobody gets me" and the book as a whole lacks any depth or redeeming characteristics.
I'm so disillusioned by some of the books that gain popularity these days

>> No.17088275

I enjoyed both Circe and Song of Achilles for light reading. Y’all are just being edgy.

Anyways, one google search tells you the truth of the matter:
> Homer never explicitly casts the two as lovers[1][2] but they were depicted as lovers in the archaic and classical periods of Greek literature, particularly in the works of Aeschylus, Aeschines and Plato.[3][4]

If Plato and Aeschylus were writing gay Achilles and Patroclus fan fiction, who are you to critique this lady for it?

>> No.17088308

Absolutely disgusting. Even if you wanted to go with that angle it'd be like if the PE teacher was screwing the amazingly skilled but astonishingly twinkish quarterback in between them picking up chicks.

>> No.17088396


>> No.17088451

And that's a good thing.

>> No.17089028

i think it's a stepping stone to homer so if it gets pleb girls into greek myths then that's a win. don't be so cynical, guys

>> No.17089116

>I enjoyed both Circe and Song of Achilles for light reading. Y’all are just being edgy.

Of it was treated as light reading it would be one thing, but the books is considered a great masterpiece for being so stunning and brave when it's yaoi fanfic tier

>If Plato and Aeschylus were writing gay Achilles and Patroclus fan fiction, who are you to critique this lady for it?

I critique those two for it as well. Based Xenophon didn't cast them as lovers.

>> No.17089158

Do you know what fucking board you're on? The literature board. Where we discuss fucking literature. We give literary criticism to works of art, you fucking retard. The concept, "oh, you can't give literary criticism, if you like it don't read it" goes against the entire idea of this board, and if you honestly believe it, you should fucking leave.

>> No.17089166

From reading Homer it feels like the Achilles/Patroklus homo stuff either never existed or Homer purposely wrote it out.

There is an anecdote where Alexander the Great and his gay lover Hephaiston would imitate Achilles and Hephaiston; so it's fairly deductive to conclude there was a homoerotic tinge to them that either was invented later or purposely censored by Homer.

>> No.17089388

I loved her books because I loved the prose. lots of clean, short sentences with crisp images and interesting descriptions.

for those of you who think the writing is bad- support your claims. I'm genuinely interested in hearing your arguments.

>> No.17089400

>YA novel where Patroclus is the nerd and Achilles the jock
why do they have no imagination? it's literally just BL porn for women.

>> No.17089426
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ITT: A lot of triggered alt-right kiddies who prefer their fantasy of ancient Greek culture to the gay reality

people have been arguing about whether or not Patroclus and Achilles were gay since Homer first wrote the Illiad. It's not confirmed but it's implied, and it's not absurd to write that conjecture into a book.

>> No.17089430

women can't write good romance to begin with, so it's unlikely. it's not just the YA and yaoi tropes, though they are awful, it seems to be that they write it in a low-effort, purely self-gratifying kind of way and focus too much on all the wrong things so you're left with bad porn and tropes and not much else.

>> No.17089450

no one said otherwise if you actually read the thread. also there is nothing in homer that implies it whatsoever, it's just a good set up for later greek homoeroticism. that doesn't mean you can't write a shitty yaoi fanfic but don't expect people to be happy with you sullying such important works.

also, you don't know anything about the greeks or greek sexuality, so i don't know why you're pretending you do.

>> No.17089469

Plato contradicts himself though
Plato specifically says that homosexuality (paederasteia) is a very recent phenomenon in Greece and that the Greeks of the east did not have it and thought it disgusting and vile
The rhapsodists who sung Homer's works in the earliest years were singing in the EAST. Unless they were pulling some stunt, it couldn't have been within the original text
Furthermore, why is Aeschines a good judge of whether a text from hundreds of years priornsays something or not?
Is Michel Foucault a good indicator of the preferences of early modern Frenchmen?

>> No.17089475

It couldn't have been implied you retard, Eastern Greeks (the primary audience for Homer), hated homosexuality with a burning passion
The debate was started by the first real faggot in history, Aeschylus, who projected himself onto the Homeric heroes

>> No.17089477

or your just projecting your own faggotry :-|

>> No.17089497

the prose is ok but not great. the problem is the contents. not even a paragraph in and it's already making up bullshit about women. i'd like to read it but it half seems like a long-winded insult towards patroclus. it also ruins the homoeroticism because it needs to be between brothers-in-arms not a female self-insert. it's not greek homoeroticism but yaoi porn. and the characters are really stupid and poorly written, like a joke or a parody, i can see what i OP means by YA. how hard is it to write a semi-realistic character and not like the character of bad daddy figure similar to the dungeons and dragons like nonsense of the god of war. that's my impression at least, i will keep reading because as you say the prose isn't bad but the characters are immediately unbearable and ridiculous.

>> No.17089543

Ok that makes sense. Not my opinion but I can see where you're coming from.