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/lit/ - Literature

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17081105 No.17081105 [Reply] [Original]

is it just me or are books fucking dead?

last book someone i know bought was fucking harry potter.

are books dead?

>> No.17081110


>he hangs out with illerates

Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.

>> No.17081116


Drunkenly misspelled illiterate. Inb4 200 replies about how I'm a pseud. Fuck you /lit/.

>> No.17081117

What the fuck is that movie, any good lmao?

>> No.17081124

Literature might be dying but books continue to thrive. Self-help, fantasy, YA, erotica, dad-lit - all very popular.

>> No.17081128

bull shit

>> No.17081146

Last book I bought was Oliver Twist. Idkmybffjill lol

>> No.17081150

the last book i bought was scott pilgrim, that was the last time a movie influenced people to buy a book imo

>> No.17081151

I check all my books out of the library or pirate them and read them on my Kindle. Fuck buying books.

>> No.17081158

>last book i bought was scott pilgrim
That's almost as bad as buying Ready Player 1.

>> No.17081189

I didn't think you were a pseud until you brought up spelling as a way to evaluate pseudness.

>> No.17081208


>> No.17081248

Books have always been a niche product. Vaguely recall some woman from within the industry lecturing at my campus a few years ago. Said that book purchases are actually on the rise, contrary to popular belief

>> No.17081325

yeah, and the books being bought are self-help garbage and robin diangelo
bonus points for "this came from a woman within the industry," almost certainly involved in the production of such books

>> No.17081333

autism and pseud

>> No.17081618

Define dead. It certainly is not a major category for commercial entertainment. But the earth has a very, very large population. Even if let's say 5% of the world population is avid readers, that's still a solid 350 million people give or take. Of course not all of them are going to speak your language, for a hobby that is not bad and it is an appreciable market.

I think of it this way. It's about the quality of who a book reaches, not the quantity. It's not about reaching the masses. In the right hands the right book can transform the world. I truly believe that.

>> No.17081623

No arguments there. Still, books are being read, even if you're not the target demographic

>> No.17081727
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Books are thriving more than ever thanks to Amazon and Audible to tell you the truth. Not everyone reads Dostoyevsky or Nietzsche and instead reads personal interest however, so this board largely discounts what they read.
>this orangutan is learning to read thanks to Amazon and China

>> No.17081737


>> No.17081741

No your friends and family are just dumb. You may be as well

>> No.17081749

Are you the authority on which books count as literature?

>> No.17081828

What a cringe cover

>> No.17081904

>this board largely discounts what they read.
Why is this a bad thing? I don't think reading in and of itself is particularly valuable. It's just another way to consume a piece of media. What you are consuming, rather than how, is what is important. I honestly think it would be better to watch a truly kino movie than read YA genre shit.

>> No.17081920

Sure, but there is no real consensus on what does and does not constitute good literature

>> No.17081923

who gives a fuck you're probably a loser pseud anyway

>> No.17082241
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>> No.17082266

It's just you, now back to watching anime with you.

>> No.17082278

>last book someone i know bought
there's your problem
you don't know shit

>> No.17082389
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>tfw whole house filled with tons of books
>tfw both parents well read in most of the classical works
>tfw mom is prof of literature so I can always talk to her about books

>> No.17083188

obviously not since youre posting on a literature board with people who, at the very least, are pretending to read books.
More sophisticated answer is that books lost their spot as the main form of entertainment to films and then to television and then to internet.
Even among people that read a lot, most of the time if youre bored/tired you usually end up watching some film/netflix/youtube/browse 4chan/twitter/whatever instead of reading a book.
As an artistic medium it is still there, it just doesnt get the same mainstream focus and attention anymore.

>> No.17083196

No, I've read books of people who aren't dead. Philosophers out of the anglosphere (yes, they exist and are living and well).

>> No.17083212

This based typo post should have gotten the quads

>> No.17083233


>> No.17083902


>> No.17084246

>Why is this a bad thing?
The issue is that /lit/ doesn't read at all, so it's hard to take any of its discounting of debased literature seriously.

>> No.17084875

I think there are book stores still around I know there is one at the mall

>> No.17085274

books are wee wee caca crapola doo doo!