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/lit/ - Literature

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17079551 No.17079551 [Reply] [Original]

Patristics is overrated.

>> No.17079967

Post-Nicene garbage is mega-overrated, like Augustine or Jerome or Hilary or Athanasius or the two Basils or Gregory. Pre-Nicene writings are kino and among the best stuff.

>> No.17080072

Fascism is a meme

>> No.17080111

I think that anons should take their time reading books instead of trying to read as many as possible.
Your writing will be more interesting if you didn't go to school for it. Most anons would do better with a career and writing on the side.
Schizophrenia is not a sign of intelligence.
Women can write well.
Secondary sources are good.
Read a self help book.

>> No.17080142

translations are good.
translation can convey meaning between any languages, although the aesthetic of the phonetic, structure or prose may be impaired.

>> No.17080144

Half of lit core is a waste of time
Dostoevsky overrated
Abusing books is good, like writing in the margins and fucking up the spines etc

>> No.17080177

We need to strike all Frankish (barring Normannish words from before, say, the Fifteenth Yearhundred), Romish and Greekish words from the English tung.

>> No.17080188

Kant was a good writer
Aristotle is not boring
German is a beautiful language
French lit is overrated

>> No.17080194

I won’t even bother reading someone if they were a failure/loser/genetic dead end in their real life.

>> No.17080199

I just can't enjoy plays, for me it's either novels, short stories or poetry in some cases.

>> No.17080383

Having unpopular opinions is the mark of the pleb.

>> No.17081171

Richard Fariña is a hack. His book is an unintelligible mess.

>> No.17081174

You must love Marvel movies and Harry Potter then.

>> No.17081277

Fewer people should read Patristics and canons, especially since many people seem to miss the point of them. In fact, much of /lit/ (and /his/) miss the entire point of Christianity and reading your various fights about religion is painful.
I'd slightly disagree and say that there's no perfect translation and the BEST way to read a book is in the original language, but that's not always feasible or worth it, and a translation can often do the job.

>> No.17081279

No. Some popular opinions are plebian markers, some are not, but we can say with certainty that all unpopular opinions are plebian markers. Straighten out your noodle.

>> No.17081287

Hating Marvel movies and Harry Potter are both unpopular, so hating them makes one a plebeian, a word you consistently misspell, according to your logic. Are you trolling or retarded?

>> No.17081294

Niggers are humans too

>> No.17081303

Why does one have to exclusively love or hate Marvel movies and Harry Potter movies. Are you trolling?

>> No.17081330
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Academia is an incredibly alluring, attractive lie. They may have been better in the past but the academic study of the humanities today is so financially unfeasible for many that it’s become an out-of-touch aristocratic hyper-competitive ivory-tower soulless system which grinds souls into dust. It attracts people with the idea of gaining prestige and then traps them in this Ponzi scheme system where they’re molded over time to play by the rules and teach students how to also play by these same rules.

Genuine autodidactism is very tough and there’s a lot of benefits to learning in an academic system where you can talk with experts, get more context and broad historical knowledge easily, bounce your ideas off others and have your writing critiqued, etc., but I think the great philosophers of the upcoming era will have to find a way to break from the academic system and go it on their own.

t. embittered person who switched from a philosophy to a STEM degree

>> No.17081392

>that it’s become an out-of-touch aristocratic hyper-competitive ivory-tower soulless system which grinds souls into dust.
If I was rich I would be all for that.

>> No.17081423

>Read a self help book.
I was with you until this one, c'mon man don't play yourself like this.

>> No.17081429

All reddit.

>> No.17081436

Nothing is more reddit than saying this, go back

>> No.17081441

Tolkien is shit.

>> No.17081445

I wouldn't go that far but he doesn't do anything for me so I feel ya

>> No.17081456
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Joyce steadily gets worse throughout his career. He peaked with Dubliners. Portrait has its moments but you get a bit concerned. Ulysses is vastly overrated and Finnegans Wake is gibberish and dogshit.

He got so caught up in trying to be innovative, trying to push the English language to its limits, that he forgot that at his core he's supposed to be a storyteller. Fuck, the entire reason you can like Ulysses AT ALL has nothing to do with Joyce's playing around with words and language, and everything to do with the fact that Bloom saves Stephen's life in a very meaningful way, and that Bloom recovers his household and rekindles his relationship with Molly. But this very moving story of a day in the life of two men gets obscured by Joyce's linguistic nonsense.

Joyce got so caught up in trying to be this great writing genius that he got too far away from the true heart of genius in literature, which is to tell a story that moves the hearts of men.

>> No.17081467

>Aristotle is not boring
c’mon, his books literally are lecture notes

>> No.17081475

I hated spamming "filtered" but Jesus Christ anon

>> No.17081501

/pol/ coming here isn’t a bad thing

Shakespeare while phenomenal isn’t the sole God of English poetry.

Rupi kaur’s poetry though technically and aesthetically terrible, is passable because she’s cute and mousy

Following your own taste is superior to following what is considered the best by the group.

If you don’t develop A particular taste, you are not a developed reader.

/lit/ all things considered, is a good board.

The Quran isn’t even the best Islamic mystical text.

Verlaine is superior to Rimbaud

Many people here would prefer reading people like machen or weird fiction in general but Feel this wouldn’t jive with their image of being a “reader” so don’t do it.

If you read fiction for any reason other than pleasure and to reflect upon the ideas in it, you’re a cuck.

If you read just to be in the loop or to be an intellectual, you’re a cuck.

>> No.17081530

>Women can write well.
Honestly asking here, who are the good female authors? There aren't many that I know of, but the ones I do are pretty mediocre.

>> No.17081534
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Thank you for using a trip so I can ignore your posts you stupid fucking tripfaggot your post is immensely cringe

>> No.17081545

>coming here
/pol/ is 4chan and 4chan is /pol/ and was always here. you tranny /leftypol/ retards have bought into your own propaganda that "uhh ackchyually 4chan used to be totes leftist".

>> No.17081555

4chan has also always been leftist in varying degrees. 4chan is a place for extremes, not necessarily any particular extreme.

>> No.17081557


Not what I mean, I’m not a leftist, I’m far right. and I’ve been on 4chan since 2005, I’m more talking about the flooding of the various boards by /pol/ which really started when the mods basically gave up on /pol/ and allowed so much cuck shit, besides /lit/ has had a major influx of people who primarily only use /pol/

4chan in general was more right wing but fixated on transgression, was always pretty anti nigger, anti woman and anti faggot.

>> No.17081562

when 4chan first started it was /b/ and /b/ was it, but that was a very long time ago. now i find it funny how the video game boards absolutely dwarf the other boards including /pol/ with their traffic, but people think of 4chan as /pol/ rather than a gaming website

>> No.17081568


I mean if you want to get real technical, /a/ was always pretty massive and pulled the strings behind a lot of the major memes and board culture as a whole. 4chan’s fundamentally an anime site.

>> No.17081570

>4chan’s fundamentally an anime site
sadly. anime fucking sucks.

>> No.17081580
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I enjoy some anime and manga. Not all, but some. Some of it is pretty good.

And I'm gonna be brutally honest, it's fun getting hard and jerking off to beautiful busty anime girls with colorful hair.

>> No.17081588

some of it's ok, but the good to not good ratio is not great

>> No.17081638
File: 7 KB, 135x196, AF90D0D7-6D25-4EC4-9B6B-FDC4EA89BB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The canon must be mercilessly debrided, and a list of works that can safely remain out of print indefinitely (for high art purposes) would be of greater utility in the end; we cannot keep stacking mountains of ephemera or there will be Moby Dicks lost in the archival shuffle


Physiognomy is reliable, e.g. Lacan < Derrida, Sartre < Camus

Kaur is offensively illiterate, but captures the foul air of current year social media programming perfectly; only those cynically pushing her are at fault

>particular taste
This, and appreciating others’ (an aesthetic free hand script, too)

>> No.17081654

Opinions are the lowest form of writing, most just limit the person's range of reading.

Reading poetry in translation is based and if you haven't taken advantage of our recent mass interconnected culture too read works around the world then your missing out, every language has a major poetic tradition and even a rough translation can capture filaments of foreign culture.

>> No.17081714

I'm not that well-read, but women can be good fiction writers when they can step away from trying to imagine a better life for themselves and write about life of other people.
Agatha Christie had a strong impact in mystery genre, and her self-insert was a joke on her expense, rather than a Mary Sue.
A writer from my country that I'm afraid was not translated to English, unless something changed since last time I checked, wrote a pretty good adventure novel. Her female heroine was not an impossible creation, every trait she had above others she could thank her social position, upbringing and family money, and her ego and behavior was not without fault. As such, her work describing humans in situations that force them to their limits can easily stand side by side with other works from the era, without anyone really noticing the difference.

>> No.17081717

What's so better about the pre-Nicene Fathers?

>> No.17081773

Translations have been paramount for the spread of knowledge. Even the most amazing polyglot can't read every single languange fluently. Some important texts are in languages only studied by a small group of experts.

>> No.17081880

I wouldn’t go as far as him and say the post-Nicene Fathers are garbage (I think most of them are pretty good). It’s just that with the pre-Nicene Fathers like Justin Martyr and St Ignatius of Antioch, you are getting a view of what the Early Church truly taught and believed which while you still get it with later theologians like St Augustine or Gregory of Nyssa, but more mystical and yet more mundane and less formal. It gives you more of a viewpoint into what they were thinking when they wrote a certain tract versus something a later Church Father would.

>> No.17081897


There is no such thing as a god, and even if there were, it would be correct to reject such, even and especially in the case that perfect knowledge led to damnation. This, because the first moral principle is to reject tyranny, which god necessarily is.

It is better to go to hell and be right than to go to heaven and be wrong. And no, this isn't twisted.

>> No.17081906

OP said unpopular, not true opinions.

>> No.17081908

Ah yes I remember being 15

>> No.17081911

This mindset is equivalent to libertarians who vote third party then get their freedoms taken away because they were to prideful and stubborn to realize the situation. God exist and he sent his Son for you. Hell is by no means better than heaven and if u think burning for eternity is better than heaven than your not actually thinking rationally.

eternity isnt a long period of time. its the absence of time. nothing changes. you will be in a state of eternal torment without stop.

Come to Christ anon.

>> No.17081914

I just posted something in another thread that fits here, so I'm just gonna copy and paste it.
>I don't think reading in and of itself is particularly valuable. It's just another way to consume a piece of media. What you are consuming, rather than how, is what is important. I honestly think it would be better to watch a truly kino movie than read YA genre shit.

>> No.17081917


I am 36 and remain as correct as I was at age 20 or so when I held the same core idea, which no church father or guru has ever satisfactoricaly rebutted. The formulation has remained unchanged, and true. Fuck the holy spirit, fuck the holy spirit and fuck the holy spirit. Also fuck whatever other voodoo brown things while we're at it, as those don't require investigation to be intellectually rejected.

>> No.17081922
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>schizophrenia is not a sign of intelligence

true, and intelligence has little bearing on a person's creativity, morality etc.

in my observation, the best authors and artists tend to have extreme character traits, whether they're positive or negative isn't as important as their severity

>> No.17081928

Anon you hold such hate towards the Lord that u arent thinking rationally. no ones disproven you because your not making a rational argument. Christ loves you and theres no need to reject and curse him.

as a christian im not going to curse some pagan deity or spend my time thinking about it. why do u have such hatred and energy for the very God u claim doesn't exist?

>> No.17081932

Fuck your god and fuck your false christ. I refuted you, and I am gratified that you pathologized my way of thinking as libertarian. I reiterate that I am unironically 36 years old, the better to annoy readers.

The libertarian is correct: society actually should be ordered as they conceive: an autistic, atheistic atomization based in the Weberian protestant work ethic. THIS IS THE IDEAL FORM OF LIFE. If one admits the falsehood of god for discussion, then all sorts of errors abound.

>> No.17081938

I think that women are superior to men in everything concerning intellectuality, virtues and beauty - i.e. not pure physical strength. And this is going to be women's century.

>> No.17081939


I say emphatically unto you, Fuck God, Fuck Christ and Fuck The Holy Spirit.

Fuck The Holy Spirit, Fuck The Holy Sprit and Fuck The Holy Spirit.

I am better than God.

>> No.17081945

The Metamorphosis is boring and stupid as fuck.

>> No.17081956

>I refuted you

anon u never made an argument. what your saying doesn't actually make sense, its purely based off your own hatred for God. of course rational discourse isnt going to disprove an position steeped in hatred and emotions.

burning for eternity because of your own pride only seems "better" to you because your prideful. even though by all metrics of human suffering hell is the most torturous place to be for an eternity your pride and anger has tricked u into thinking that its the better alternative to putting your faith in Christ and trusting the one who created you and loved u enough to die for your sins.

you've been deceived by your own pride and your blinded by rage. those things arent worth you burning in hell for eternity anon.

>> No.17081962

before we continue are u larping or do u genuinely feel this way? im genuinely interested. if your serious why are u so mad at God even tho u dont think he exist?

its like me saying "f*ck the tooth fairy and Santa clause" with hatred and rage in my voice. the fact that u hate him so much further proves his existence.

>> No.17081963
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tf enthusiast here, can confirm, Kafka got blown the fuck out by the wonders/horrors of the internet

>> No.17081965

I think that genre fiction shouldn't be shunned on principle, and that you can find insights even in books made for a primary entertainment purpose.

>> No.17081966


I can think of no better place to be than at the furthest possible remove from a false god, or even and especially in the case that such is true, therefore to be at the furthest remove from the greatest tyrant, though under tyranny.

The pride is morally correct. Satan is morally correct, and it doesn't matter whether the story is true or false. The moral structure is the same in both cses.

>> No.17081981


>false god

anon if hes the creator of all things than hes not a false god. He by definition is the true God.

> greatest tyrant

Anon u curse his name daily and the sun shines on u and u eat everyday. Not only that but he sent his son to die for the very sins he hates so he can be with u. hes pretty bad at being a tyrant

>Satan is morally correct and so is my pride

considering the ultimate standard of morality would have to be the God u hate since thats what all things stem from this is objectively false. morality exist only for beings that are subjugated to the laws of supreme being. God doesn't do good, he simply is good. He's the definition of it. all semblances of good must flow from him considering he is the final source.

>> No.17081992

>I am 36
>Fuck the holy spirit, fuck the holy spirit and fuck the holy spirit.
You certainly don’t still sound like an angsty teen.

>> No.17081997


In short, yes, I'm serious. To your second point, you undermine the reality of god by comparing it with two entities that I hope we can agree are fictional. You also misread my rage. The thing I really hate is not the god, though the god as described is of course a contemptible projection of humanity's worse impulses. The thing I really hate is sharing a world with human subjects who pretend an intellectual defense for theism where none exists

>> No.17082011

Evola is a wise and respectable man.

>> No.17082030

to start off I agree that the tooth fairy and Santa clause are fictional.

>theres no defense for theism

I mean theres thousands of years of apologetics both christian and none christian that have made good arguments for the existence and even necessity of God. to say theres not defense for it is kind of absurd.

>the Bible describes a contemptible God

even tho I disagree(especially considering that he died for humanity, including you) it still doesn't explain the vitriol u have for the God of the Bible.

>> No.17082048


We'll just keep talking past each other (and I'll go on being right) no matter how this goes, but there is one cosmetic point that I must make, which isnt' substantive: your constant usage of "u" for "you". It makes you sound like a third-worlder adherent picking a fight online, thinking that any variant of Pascal's wager counts.

>> No.17082094

we're on a Hungarian beet farming forum. I couldn't care less about how intelligent my grammar/spelling makes me sound as long as my points are clear and factual. if u were giving me advice I appreciate it but I dont care enough to change it lol.

>pascals wager

I wasn't thinking about that. admittedly its kind of a weak argument.

>we'll keep talking past each other

true. I just ask that u consider the ramifications of burning for eternity and that u consider the very Lord that created the universe and died for u. have a good night anon.

>> No.17082105


>> No.17082358

Post body with timestamp.

>> No.17082392

Hercules, My Shipmate is better than Iliad or Odyssey

>> No.17082428

>Kant was a good writer
>Aristotle is not boring
Agree but I’m a biologist so I even enjoy that part of his works
>German is a beautiful language
>French lit is overrated
Agree but it’s still good

>> No.17082792

Your conception of God is childish.

>> No.17083044

Dostoyevski is probably the most overrated author of all time. All of his books should have been cut in half.

All Pynchon books are pretty much the same

Nabakov is purely prose, his story's and characters are straight up bad

Tolstoy is great but he is absolutely awful at writing endings to all of his story's.

If you find yourself reading random classics and don't want to read more from an author you've enjoyed you're reading for the sake of it.

>If you read fiction for any reason other than pleasure and to reflect upon the ideas in it, you’re a cuck.
So true

>> No.17083121

The greatest thinkers will likely be people that went to good schools and excelled at those schools, but then branched off. If you can't succeed in university you're unlikely to succeed as an autodidact.

>> No.17083136

Faith doesn't have to involve reaching some metaphysical truth. Attaining some form of virtue doing our best to understand what 'Good' is, is enough.
You can live a great life in partial ignorance.

>> No.17083458

>Dostoyevski is probably the most overrated author of all time. All of his books should have been cut in half.
I thought this was a majority opinion on /lit/. Didn’t he get paid by the word? Nigga if you’d paid me by the word I’d write an encyclopedia.

>> No.17083470

Should not be unpopular, yet here we are

>> No.17083484

time for a real one

reddit is not obsessed with posturing and therefore most people there have superior tastes

>> No.17083517

I'll disagree on "most people" but some subs, like r/truelit is indeed a better place to discuss literature. I stay on /lit/ because I myself don't read much and feel comfortable in off-topic discussions which would be quickly deleted on truelit

>> No.17083818

>the first moral principle is to reject tyranny
Go ahead and watch Rick and Morty, eat Captain Crunch, and masturbate 5 times a day in all your freedom anon.
Me, I'm free because I'm a slave.