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/lit/ - Literature

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17077099 No.17077099 [Reply] [Original]

lets have a nice comfy winter thread! What are you:
>doing for the holidays

>> No.17077130
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Merry holidays!

>> No.17077132

Oresteia and Napoleon the Great (a biography of him). loving both, I find them both comfy in a strange way
this post, not much else unfortunately
Evangelion. most /lit/ anime, I love it and its a rewatch
ARK and maybe some Gothic that I got for really cheap due to the discount on Steam
what to read next - Sophocles or dubliners

>> No.17077157
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On the Heights of Despair - Cioran
The Thief's Journal - Jean Genet
Making of a Serial Killer - Danny Rollins
I wish I had something to write about but I'm a boring NEET and weed makes me stupid.
Hours and hours of those 'to catch a predator' knockoffs on youtube
Hitman 2
I think negative things that aren't interesting even to me
>doing for the holidays
eating good Portuguese food and being suffered by my family. I'll try to get into the holiday coziness and read and eat leftovers

>> No.17077164

Being and Time — Heidegger. Next I'll move on to Les Fleurs du Mal — Beaudelaire, De Profundis — Wilde and Lolita — Nabokov.
Notes on the books I read. I'm struggling through a novel about a teenage romance, some pages were damaged by the rain and I need to rewrite a chapter.
just some yt videos but there are maybe a few movies I will watch too
guitar, not a fan of vidya
about my ex, about philosophical stuff
>doing for the holidays
working, but also camping in the mountains on my time off, which will be fun and exciting

>> No.17077212
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>listening to the plague on tape
>writing notes for lyrics
>thinking about errands I have to run on Tuesday and whether or not the world will be ending tomorrow on account of /x/'s predictions (hopefully not)
>staying in a rooming house, might call home

That cioran any good?

>> No.17077350


>> No.17077357

I like it so far
>I don't understand why we must do things in this world, why we must have friends and aspirations, hopes and dreams. Wouldn't it be better to retreat to a faraway corner of the world, where all its noise and complications would be heard no more? Then we could renounce culture and ambitions; we would lose everything and gain nothing; for what is there to be gained from this world? There are people to whom gain is unimportant, who are hopelessly unhappy and lonely. We are so closed to one another! And yet, were we to be totally open to each other, reading into the depths of our souls, how much of our destiny would we see? We are so lonely in life that we must ask ourselves if the loneliness of dying is not a symbol of our human existence. Can there be any consolation at the last moment? This willingness to live and die in society is a mark of great deficiency. It is a thousand times preferable to die somewhere alone and abandoned so that you can die without melodramatic posturing, unseen by anyone. I despise people who on their deathbed master themselves and adopt a pose in order to impress. Tears do not burn except in solitude. Those who ask to be surrounded by friends when they die do so out of fear and inability to live their final moments alone. They want to forget death at the moment of death. They lack infinite heroism. Why don't they lock their door and suffer those maddening sensations with a lucidity and a fear beyond all limits? We are so isolated form everything! But isn't everything equally inaccessible to us? The deepest and most organic death is death in solitude, when even light becomes a principle of death. In such moments you will be severed from life, from love, smiles, friends and even from death. And you will ask yourself if there is anything besides the nothingness of the world and your own nothingness.

>> No.17077375

>The deepest and most organic death is death in solitude
I suppose this is why dogs go alone to die

Nothingness is a cop, try and find your way behind the veil

>> No.17077391

I'm the epitome of zoomer this Christmas. Bought cyberpunk and now reading Dick's "Do androids dream of electric sheep?". Never read sci fi before, so far it's decent.

>> No.17077413

These threads are comfy until the line of questioning is about what you’re “thinking” and how you’re “doing”. No, there’s nothing comfy at all about any of those things.
The only time these threads are comfy are the 1% of the time that the OP thinks to only include questions about reading books.
I’m sure a lot of other people have thought it, so I’ll say it. Most of us are here to escape. Even seeing those questions in the catalog suck me out of my escape and so I hide them all. I hide this thread.

>> No.17077421
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Naked Lunch, Aristotle's Politics, Mythology by Edith Hamilton, and Luke
lyrics for folk-esque tunes
currently going through John Hughes movies just to laugh at the bad endings
about the impeccability of Christ
>doing for the holidays
oh you know

>> No.17077445

>lyrics for folk-esque tunes
Based folkie anon

Who are you listening to?
I've been really into Gwenifer Raymond recently

William Gibson and Anthony Burgess homie

>> No.17077460

various rts games
about semen
>doing for the holidays
collecting semen in jars

>> No.17077461

Ovid metamorphoses & fortunes of africa
Story of a lost missionary in Africa
tarkovsky's nostalghia
camping in mountains

>> No.17077488
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Pruning assorted notes, sought more pragmatic ones to put in remembrance.
Learning Hebrew with my left hand, slow. I write a lot of my favorite scriptures and psalms.
The Prestige with Christian Bale
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
My Hero Academia
Ninja Gaiden Σ, Destiny 2, Dark Souls 2,
How can I turn a new leaf.
>doing for the holidays
Small traditions small gathering with senpai

>> No.17077568

As of late I've been listening to a lot of John Fahey and Vashti Bunyan
What are the themes you're trying to convey with that story?

>> No.17077600
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Leaves of Grass
Catcher in the Rye
Poetry every night
It's a Wonderful Life tonight with the family
Moody jazz records
I'm gonna read a poem a wrote to girl to her, I don't care if she hates it or hates me for it, I'm still gonna do it because what's the worst that could happen?
>doing for the holidays
Gonna visit some friends, not much other than that.

>> No.17077641

Sounds based

>> No.17077780

>Blood meridian, and then I'm starting the brothers Karamazov
>My diary desu
>Nothing, so recommendations are welcome
>guitar and I've bought red dead redemption 2 which I'm looking forward to playing
>>doing for the holidays
>Coming home for Christmas, in the royal navy.

>> No.17077793

Reading through Mishima and Dazai since I’ve never read them and have a renewed affinity for the Japanese
I write in a scrap notebook that I don’t publish anywhere, mostly short story drafts and ramblings
The Last Kingdom on Netflix
I’ve been wanting to play Skyrim for some reason
I’m confused, the norm as of late
>doing for the holidays
Visiting family, have been staying with them for the last 2 months. I love my family but they also frustrate me and sometimes feel like they hold me back but then sometimes I feel like that’s arrogance and hubris.

>> No.17077799

True but it also allows us to engage each other on these things which is also what some of us want.

>> No.17077828
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>royal navy
based, thanks for your service anon

>> No.17078100
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A book on the Thirty Years War, don't remember the title, my favorite 4chan boards - /lit/, /his/, /x/, re-reading The Idiot by Dostoevsky, and reading a Dickinson poem a day.
My diary desu. Poetry in my mother tongue.
The Sopranos - fun - and ASMR BlueKatie - my waifu.
Not much. I want to get back into wargames, and Dominions 5.
About ending things; about Cioran and Baudrillard; about /lit/ and how, with all its faults, I'm glad to have a place to express myself and discuss with interesting people about anything, mostly books and ideas written in those books.
>doing for the holidays
Comfy times with my family; planning to re-read Oblomov.

>> No.17078172

PVE or PVP brother?

>> No.17078182

>moody jazz records
Which ones anon? I need some new Jazz recs

>> No.17078192
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Meditations- Aurelius
Christmas cards
Dragon ball z
TLoZ Minish Cap for GBA
That I don't deserve my gf
>doing for the holidays
Home with the family, comfy

>> No.17078216
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cheers for your service lad

>> No.17078218

Night Lights by Gerry Mulligan is what's almost always on my table. I also play Kind of Blue, some Alice Coltrane, lots of Ryo Fukui, lots of Bill Evans, some Vince Guaraldi and Dave Brubeck and of course Thelonious Monk.

>> No.17078261

Brothers Karamazov and The Great Reset
A short story called The Suicide Artists (faux article for uptown magazine about the leaders in the realm of demographic decline). Also, a novel about a retired man whose son disappears, is radicalized, then assassinates a public official in Europe.
Watched Downfall last week. Going to watch A Christmas Story on Wednesday.
about whether it's morally justified to try to develop something (say, a business) that takes advantage of the narcissism and emptiness that will define the post-gen-z generation. Also considering my escape from civilization and how far off the grid I want to go. Land is bought, savings are being liquidated into real and cash assets. Just not sure if I want to run away and live in relative peace, or keep one foot in the door and play the game (so to speak).

>> No.17078431
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Don Quixote, New Testament, Fulton Sheen
I usually watch Bond films during Christmas
Halo multiplayer
About the Masculine and the Feminine
>>doing for the holidays
see above

>> No.17078456

Just finished the Three Musketeers, will be reading Lolita next
don't do that
Mostly online chess
Research related to my job
>doing for the holidays
Same thing I've been doing for the past 9 months, holed up rent free with my parents

>> No.17078679

Thanks anon. I've never listened to Night Lights before. Looks as if we like a lot of the same stuff though so i'll check it out

>> No.17078680

Not the same anon, but I'm also currently going through On the Heights of Despair and I am somewhat conflicted about it. The themes and the prose are great and a lot of quotes can really stick with you, but in the same time it's devoid of the black sense humor so often found in Cioran's later books. That makes it a little bit too... I dunno, overly dramatic and repetitive in tone, I guess. I like older Cioran's wit better, although it is still a pretty good book.

>> No.17078818
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And a new happy year!

>> No.17078822
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I meant to link these flavor files. My bad. Pic related?

>> No.17078866
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edgar allan poe complete works
crocodile hunter
band of brothers on christmas eve
replaying rdr2
anxious about some upcoming meetings before holiday break
>doing for the holidays
going to see the parents on christmas day

>> No.17079235

do you have a reccommended translation

>> No.17079237
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>that pic

>> No.17079244
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don't be naughty anon

>> No.17079250

I like this thread thanks anon

>> No.17079255
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you're welcome anon

>> No.17079283
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Not if you are searching for an english one, sorry.

>> No.17079713

moby dick and after gonna finish up blood meredian. then i will start with dostoevsky.
short melancholic stories, had an idea of a short story about a conversation a man has with a noose about suicide andd the noose convincing the man to act it out. i had this idea from one of my drreams
finished evangelion, might move onto the end of evangelion now. other than that probably rewatching the wire from s1-s2
dota 2, Dominions 5, synthetik
on why we strive to be happy and not just live with our current emotions. as in why when we feel sad why do we feel the need to change our emotion to be happy. kinda stupid but interesting to me. ofc there are the obvious logical explanations but what i mean is beyond that explanation.

>> No.17079751

>i had this idea from one of my drreams
based, dreams are the best short stories
>might move onto the end of evangelion now
it's great, very /lit/. the rebuilds aren't so good

>> No.17079765
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The Ramayana
Nothing currently, been to busy with my studies
I watched Tonikaku Kawaii and thought it was pretty nice. Finished this week though.
Haven't played games in ysars
Being online so much is really not doing my psyche well, especially with all that is going on in the world currently, and yet with the current situation it's even harder to get away from it, since much of the offline world is unavailable.
>doing for the holidays
Unfortunately not much. Sitting at home, as always as of late. No family visits.
Really doesn't feel festive at all, but it fits with the general trend of time (and space, for that matter) losing its quality and becoming homogenous quantity these days.
I hope you anons who celebrate can push back on this and experience something special!

>> No.17079773
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>I hope you anons who celebrate can push back on this and experience something special!
based, we'll try anon

>> No.17080146
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Reading Christmas Carol tonight. It's wonderful but I'm still not very good at painting pictures in my head, even with such descriptive scene-setting :(

>> No.17080344
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Celtic Mythology
scifi novella thing, I'm pretty pleased with it so far
Just finished up the new Expanse episodes
Don't have a PC at the moment
If you asked the whole world if they want peace on earth, they would all agree. It's when you ask them *how* that the conflicts start.
>doing for the holidays
Still stuck at my parents' place for Covid. It's not particularly terrible but the strict adherence to manners and errands is soul-crushing. I feel like a teenager again in the worst possible way.

>> No.17080454 [DELETED] 

>Reading: Just started re-read of M&D. But might switch to Kokoro, or Blake's poetry.
>Writing: Essays on all the books I've read this year. A short-story about information storage and memory that is shit right now but has potential. Various essays - the best of which being a condemnation of the word fun is original but not very novel. Editing poem about my family's dog who died a couple months ago
>Watching: I don't really watch anything but might check out some films soon. Most recent thing I watched was HyperNormalization which was good, but had flaws.
>Playing: Haven't played a game by myself in years. Reminiscing about the golden age of games from my childhood, but not really.
>Thinking: If this girl I run with (who knows Rabelais!) likes me or is just friendly. Also trying to figure out if I like her as a friend or something else. Something could be there, which would be cool. but a new friend nonetheless. Various biophysics related topics.
>Holidays: Hanging out with my brother for a few days in upstate NY. Probably taking additional days off of "work" to work on personal projects (writing, learning russian, a physics thing)

It's a wonderful life is amazing. Esp with family! Good luck with the gril anon

>> No.17082010

you may be slightly autistic like me. trouble imagining faces and rooms?

>> No.17082056
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it's summer here in Straya frens, but I'll give this a go!
A Christmas Carol; Shelley's The Last Man
Nothing lately, but I plan on restarting work on a novel I'm working on, might write some short stories
The Office US, I still prefer the UK one but the US one makes me so happy (could be because I watch it with Mumsy)
Xenoblade 2 and ACNH; the GameCube game is probably still my favourite but that could be nostalgia possibly?
also playing Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets for Gameboy Colour - don't judge me frens :(
How bad my headache is
>doing for the holidays
Just lunch with family and dinner with friends
>I hope you anons who celebrate can push back on this and experience something special!
thank you, fren!

>> No.17082101
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More than welcome friend

>> No.17082649

>also playing Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets for Gameboy Colour
pretty based. is it as good as the first game?

>> No.17082694
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November night tales
So far so good. It's nice to read a book that's been out of print for almost 100 years.
Xvideos because I'm still mourning Alexandria 2.0.
Assassin's Creed Origins
What should I read next.
>doing for the holidays
I'll read, skate and play videogames while my wife visits her parents.

>> No.17082697

The Theban plays, How to read a book and Purgatory

Christmas cards

Matador. A tv series from Denmark. Extremely comfy. About a small fictional town in Denmark in the 30s, and some dude is becoming a business tycoon and disrupting the old money hierarchy. Basically a tale of Denmark seen from all classes of society as the country is changing into the modern world. Can definitely recommend. It's good to watch a television series that isn't American for once.

Unranked chess. Beating up on the low elo Beth Harmon fanbois

How much do i need to save up so i can buy a piece of land in the woods and build a cabin

>Doin for the holidays
Visiting family, but because of lockdown i will probably spend a lot of time on the couch drinking glühwein(spelled?), reading, stuffing my face with christmas goodies and watch tv.
I live in a collective so will probably do some outdoor activities with them in the holidays.

Honestly living my best life

>> No.17082719
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I'm trying to clear out my folder, but mostly I end up staring at titles, feeling too lazy. Sometimes I open up The Classic Mystery Collection and try to read at least one story from it. A Historical Mystery by Balzac really disappointed me, too much background exposition, not enough actual story.

Just 4chan posts at the moment. Thinking of trying some poetry.

My father is hogging the TV, so anything he watches, which is low-budget mystery or Christmas movies that give you 15 minute worth of story stretched out in diabetes-inducing 2 hours.

Trying to get all balloons in The Unfinished Swan. Feeling relieved I didn't pay full price for What Remains of Edith Finch.

I want snow. I used to hate snow, but now that I barely remember how it looks like, I want snow.

>doing for the holidays
Being lazy. Baking cookies with mom and arguing how we should not make so many. I'll try drawing a bit, got myself some nice pencils and charcoal in pencil.

>> No.17082753

Reading: The Iliad
Writing: A dream journal
Watching: Crusade videos on YT
Playing: Myself
Thinking: About my future
Doing for the holidays: spending time with family

>> No.17082802

i just wrote my last exam and i am a free man now! this holiday i will read steinbeck and drink rum

>> No.17082816

>i will read steinbeck and drink rum
mega based

>> No.17082899
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Nietzsche - Deleuze
Personal blog, clocking in about 600-1000 words per post. Crazy schizo rants.
Star Wars, Mandalorian (because of GF), 30 Rock
With my heart
About the weed I'm growing for the first time. Not sure what the routine should be. Currently 24h light, water 1-2 times a day, leave alone. Pic related
>doing for the holidays
Social distancing, no traveling, spend with the my girl alone. Will probably go to the gym in the morning on Christmas.

>> No.17082942
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Here have two poems I wrote for the winter snow.

The king of flame awakens to the northern Queen

heavy hoarfrost has covered all
the northern wind whistles and blows
as pale Boreas blessed snows fall
with hail, as slushy water flows
past my window I see there grows
a blue rose alive among ice
and a voice calls out to me twice

“I crown me with the crooked limbs
of the frost befallen giants
and greater are my silent hymns
than the treasures of the tyrants
pluck the Rose abhorrent of spring
it is my silver marriage ring”

I listened to the voice that singed
softer than the sweetest maiden
was it my own rev’ry that ringed
or some spirit I’ve mistaken?
unless I grab the Rose it seemed
it would remain something I dreamed

I deemed this too much and hurried
towards the blue rose I journeyed
i neared and felt something quite queer
my chest’s warmth grew as I came near
towards that blue gem set in white
I grasped it and saw a bright light

in my hand I now held a ring
and I without fearing frostbite
wore it to see what it would bring
suddenly it turned into night
yet I tasted not bitter sting
and my eyes opened and gained sight

all around me fell blue petals
and each petal burnt hot as flame
but not the flame which melts metals
nor the flame of the devil’s shame
the flame’s name and love are the same
though It was an inner fire
it felt ice cold of desire

now wrapped in a blanket of blue
another flash, all is now snow
I heard her again “now go through
walk this path and I you will know”
but I could no longer now go
my body was fully broken
but the flame remained unbroken

my form was naught but snow and ice
but I held on to my inner heat
I tried getting up even thrice
towards she who’s voice was so sweet
I went out to marry and meet
suddenly my form had shattered
and all of me was now scattered

but my soul and my flame were one
though now as a servant of flame
I swore that this path shall be done
and her who’s voice cries I will claim
i darted as a flame that spun
and spiraled across the cold road
her wind whistle was my sole goad 

I was now in a northern land
I felt such a euphoria
as I beheld a sight so grand
she was Purple winged boreia
Ice was her crown and her scepter
she shined clear white like a specter
or a phantasmagoria

though I a flame and she winter
we embraced and my form returned
reformed from ashes and cinder
and I grasped the bride I had earned
for whom my soul had burned and yearned

her flame and my frost then married
they became one in self and kind
all differences were emptied
and we became one gentle mind

>> No.17082947
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The shorter winter poem dedicated to a blizzard

your flakes are like the kisses of women
whirling past my chilled cheek, kisses of snow
glisten upon the now-pale ground, listen
the song of your strong roaring winds that blow
in a voice more lovely than fragile tongue
with icy bones of crystal clarity
yet your skin is alabaster and young
my lady of December rarity

though you may leave me blackened and injured
I wish to be in you, ice cold blizzard

>> No.17082954

How To Talk About Books (you) Haven't Read, by Prof. Bayard, very cozy.
I've got this genre anthology I'm working on. I do a chunk of it every couple of days.
youtube, Shaun uploaded 2 and a half hours on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I'm making my way through that.
Code Vein, it's on gamepass, pretty good for something that wasn't made by From.
Everyone at my job is either neutral or negative towards me, and I'm really tired of trying to be friends with people. I'm pretending to work on Zoom calls, when I'd really rather be doing anything else.
>doing for the hollidays
Hanging out with my mom. No one else in my family made any plans for Christmas, I'm 23 now, so, I guess I grew out of it. I got my mom some expensive coffee, I hope she likes it.

>> No.17082959

very nice anon

>> No.17082993

Nos: The Book of Resurrection
Dark Souls 3

>> No.17083012

No Longer Human and I'll start reading some of the Greeks after I finish
Some random short stories to practice
Initial D
Just some Minecraft once in a while.
What to read next year
>doing for the holidays
I'll visit my family who lives in another state for Christmas and New Year.

>> No.17083112
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The Mistletoe Murder
The Brothers Karamazov
Roadside Picnic
A bunch of poems and short stories to keep me busy during the holidays
I don't own a tv and I rather not pay for streaming services
Diablo II
Dawn of War Dark Crusade
I wish my work would give me more time but they keep saying no. I also hope I'll be able to go to Scotland next year to do my studies
>doing for the holidays
seeing my brother and parents, working on my web dev shit, maybe even try dating a bit not too sure atm

Merry Christmas anon

>> No.17083127

Im writing a book that will inevitably be bad. Ive wrote many things, but never bound pages in a cohesive story. I feel like since its my first real piece, itll be filled with stuff i like to see in books which will probably just end up being packed with self gratification. You know like how you play a flash game, find it cracked, play it and its not fun anymore? Likely ill just exhaust myself on that and my next piece will be a lot more balanced.

>> No.17083651

I really don't think I'm on the spectrum but the thought has occurred to me. I think I just have sooner add brain

>> No.17084906

Patrick Modiano: Missing Person
Richard Rorty: Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
I'm happy and I probably should read Spinoza.
>doing for the holidays
Visiting relatives, drinking with friends, watching Vatican's christmas mass on TV

>> No.17084976

DH Lawrence, first time. Great short stories, haven’t read Sons and Lovers yet. Odour of Chrysanthemums is highly recommended to anyone who hasn’t yet read it.
Watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi yesterday. Felt a misplaced tenderness for a foreign austerity and simplicity of living I’ll never know. Probably gonna rewatch Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei around Christmas time.
Super Metroid Redesign, maybe the DeS remake if my younger brother got a PS5
About crypto. /biz/ and watching charts is a fun way to pass the time. Made a tidy sum from LINK on their recommendation.
>>doing for the holidays
Visiting family, giving the gf a tour of my home town, hopefully finding a gym i can guest pass at while i’m home, going to get some quality groceries and try to cook some things with the free time I have

>> No.17085082
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have an a4, 3-column page of books, most of which audiobooks, the rest will be converted to audio and read alongside the actual text, both at ~ x2.3 speed
also practicing my spritzreading and tweaking the settings such that they match as close as possible the time i'd spent with natural eye movements. this at a true speed of ~650, depending to on the easiness of text higher
i have nietzsche, aristotle, some other greek shit, christopher moore, ray bradbury, jack keruoac, a lot of true crime and quite few zombie books as well
i've been rating them a (acombination of) P predictable/B boring/W bad writing/F wrong, false/A annoying/O old, known info
so far 6 completed, about 8 to .33 or .5 before getting mad at author for being bad, i'd say i'm around 5% complete?
notes here and there, otherwise no
a few (s)exploitation or cheesy flicks from the 70s; movies are mostly disappointing
>>doing for the holidays

>> No.17085199

war and peace gonna be hard to finish before the new year
nothing everything i think is stupid
might watch some movies cause got more time
dota and wow I have a problem
wtf am i going to do once I grad
>doing for the holidays
just reading and playing vidya with friends

>> No.17085263

comfyly finishing the sea of fertility by mishima

>> No.17086180

The Manor by Isaac Bashevis Singer, journals of Plath
Dazed and Confused and other movies in that genre, trying to find new anime to watch, or just rewatch samurai champloo for x time
trying not to
>>doing for the holidays
I'll try to read a lot in that free time, play rdr2 or something else, watch some movies, try new recipes in the kitchen

>> No.17087119
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>tfw tempted to buy a juul again after quitting years ago
Reading pic rel

>> No.17087128
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wish I enjoyed reading

>> No.17087173

Gonna start East of Eden tomorrow to get myself in the biblical mood, afterwards I’m gonna read St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
I don’t wanna write until I at least make it through the major works of the western canon
The Simpsons and MNF
No time for vidya but I liked Into the Breach when I played a few months ago
I just want my degree man, EE is fucked and so many EEs are major dorks
>doing for the holidays
Hanging with the senpai, love those fookers

Merry Christmas anons

>> No.17087199

>Gonna start East of Eden tomorrow
it's very good C:

>> No.17087737
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Water Margin

erotic Fire Emblem fan fiction

Django Unchained


Should I rest another day and just do cardio, or hit the weights again

>doing for the Holidays
Watch a few movies with my mom, play videa with my friends online, write more

>> No.17087800

Alí Chumacero's poetry
Salvador Elizondo's Farabeuf
Thinking of a sonnet in "alejandrinos" (7 feet lines) with the central images of the stone (male) and the fruit (female)
Nothing in particular
Nothing at all
What I'll do next year
>doing for the holidays
Spending time with the family in a cabin we rented

>> No.17088301

Letters from Father Christmas by Tolkien
Crusader Kings 3
>doing for the holidays
With family

>> No.17088467

human biosociology - w.w. spradlin
bleeding edge - pynchon
autistic sets of notes, short essays and bibliographies
leaving las vegas
haven't play games much recently, just quake now and then
i'm mostly either in the present or reflecting on the shortness of my life
>doing for the holidays
visiting relatives, doing some woodworking

>> No.17088724

Just read the first book from the first Elric of Melnibone novel.
Probably going to the second book during or after reading Dying Earth for the first time.
Making notes and a tie-in rpg for a webnovel. Partially for the sake of making a consistent set of rules, partially because I think it would give my story an edge on royal road.
More youtube than I should, but less actual content that I'd like. Also the Mandalorian, but I finished it last Friday.
Buriedbornes, but I've been meaning to play a console game at some point.
Way too much about if what I want to make will be good, rather than just making it and seeing if it's good.
>doing for the holidays
Staying home with family and drinking hot chocolate

>> No.17089315
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remember to keep a dream journal anons. i always forget to when i wake up but its important. its half of your life and sometimes it can tell the future maybe??

pnin and haunting of hill house
a story thats made up of many small scenes in a museum
the mandalorian cuz a friend is making me. and horror
itch.io indie horror games/guitar
how we might distinguish the fundemental arbitrary qualities of reality and the neccesary conclusions of those. petting cat. arranging album
>doing for the holidays
recording christmas music

>> No.17089339

Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Rousseau and Revolution
A magazine piece about a corrupt police department
Daredevil on Netflix
Doom Eternal
I miss nicotine
>doing for the holidays
Staying at a nice little cabin in the Carolina mountains.

>> No.17089352

Brothers Karamazov and Blood Meridian. Brothers K is my main book and Blood Meridian is the book I take with me on walk through the woods across the street from my house. Its getting real cold so I'm gonna stop with the walks, but it was a magical experience wandering through the forest during late brown autumn and reading.

I don't write outside of lengthy thoughts to whatever I read. I have a lot to say about the Brothers K. Blood Meridian I'm more or less reading for entertainment.

Attack on Titan

Final Fantasy 14

>> No.17089431

Le Carre’s - The Honourable Schoolboy
I started it a while ago. Time to finish it and tackle the final Karla novel, I suppose.
About Bertrand Russell
Cronenberg and Hitchcock films
Nothing. Thinking about playing Fifa again while I listen to audiobooks
About whether to switch off for Christmas
>doing for the holidays
Eating, mostly

>> No.17089686
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How did you get the square dotted OBJ box after goad?

Also, that had splendours thanks. You give me much greater drive to continue my Russian studies and find a -40 below zero steppe wife. Jesus seems to be related according to google. Praying for blessings.

God I love winter.

>> No.17089727
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I'll look forward to reading it some day, your adventures preaching the gospel in Africa.

You may find this of great value, or not.
When I was 26 I started and finished the old king James bible, then got baptized in the Puget Sound Dec 1. I tried about a dozen churches, along the way, I met a wife and husband who took me out to dinner, wrote in the first page and gave me this book.