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17067545 No.17067545 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosophers were NEETs?

>> No.17067570
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How did Guenon finance his lifestyle?

>> No.17067602
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I suppose he didn't eat much

>> No.17067616

He wrote articles and books

>> No.17067636

Based Cioran.
>I made a decision: Not to work. To live as a parasite. I never worked in my life. I never had a job, except for a year, in Brasov, as a high school teacher. And it was a complete failure. I realized I could not practice a profession. I have to wander around in life. To avoid any responsibility. I have to do everything in order to save my freedom. Freedom to not work in the proper sense of the world. All my life, I calculated how I can be free in a complete sense. Life is only worth living if you are free. I don’t want to be a slave in any way. This is the only absolute certainty that I’ve had in life. I don’t want to be subordinate. I can succumb to any humiliation. On the condition that I am free.

>> No.17068093

Schopenhauer was living on inheritance money for quite some time. Montaigne was NEET for a while too

>> No.17068102

Albert Caraco is the obvious answer here.

>> No.17069821

osho for couple years in his own city

>> No.17069835

how is /lit/ still talking about this guy? it's been years.

>> No.17069842

Marx, ultimate moocher

>> No.17069854

shut up nigger hylic

>> No.17070154

All of them

>> No.17070193

He was financed by jewish oligarchs.

>> No.17070315

>All my life, I calculated how I can be free in a complete sense.
This is something anyone with an artist's temperament & aptitudes does, though few confess it so bluntly. Mann's stories--including The Magic Mountain--often treat the "losers" of well-to-do families who, by one combination or other of valid and contrived excuse, experience highly varied degrees of success at adjusting to the inevitable factor of alienation that goes with liberty from arduous obligations and institutional cages. Obviously it's better to be a trust-fund tier NEET than any other kind, including those who buy freedom from the grind with exceptional skill at crime, but most reliable of all, even when the guy in question isn't charismatic as a Hans Castorp, is anything like Cezanne's combination of circumstantial and cognitive freedom. What's not to like about having and being all that, since those moments of looking completely ridiculous to your peers it can come with at worst, are trivially inconvenient compared to being either under the thumb of an asshole boss, or impulses that are gratuitously self-destructive.

>> No.17070436
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>shut up nigger hylic

>> No.17071015

>charismatic as a Hans Castorp
Have you read the book at all? Hans Castorp isn't charismatic, he is an engineering student, a stem fag, whose favorite book is one about steam engines and who is portrayed ironically by Mann throughout. If anything, he gets a glimpse of the neet life in the sanatorium but that isn't what he is fundamentally.

>> No.17071802

citation needed

>> No.17071843

a British jewish man, John Levy, who converted to Islam and then left it and went to India and was initiated into Hinduism also purchased Guenon's house for him in Cairo, but in some way it was connected to Guenon's payment by his publishers or something, but the biographer Sedgewick in his book believes it was overly generous and that it was a fig leaf which Levy used to buy Guenon a home

>> No.17071865

What happened?

>> No.17072690

I am about to join a Sufi Order because of this homie. Wish me luck bros

>> No.17072763

I hope I can afford my children the liberty from arduous obligations and institutional cages. Me, I have to grind to survive. Does who don't, hang around in 4chan. I still want my child to be free.

>> No.17073064

Can confirm I just read that book yesterday

>> No.17073780

honestly can't believe the balls on osho convincing a bunch of retarded boomers to give up all their possessions and become his slaves while he openly wore gold watches and drove around in a rolls royce

>> No.17073784

good luck

>> No.17073794

We keep praying guenonfag will fuck off for long enough that we can have a real thread about him, without guenonfag flooding it with pointless quotes by literal whos about how fly Guenon's hairdo was. But guenonfag comes back every couple months to spam shit threads, which keeps the memories of guenonspam too fresh for real discussion.

>> No.17074032


>> No.17074495

U.G Krishnamurti

>> No.17074676

you hve to be careful that your possesions dont own you.
I mean whats better having a rolls royce or having your own honda civic or whatever small car you modified and drag race around in?

The issue is that if you live your life as an employee and just buy shit that other people made your life will feel hollow and all those objects will end up eating at you.

>> No.17074776
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>I made a decision: Not to work. To live as a parasite. I never worked in my life. I never had a job, except for a year, in Brasov, as a high school teacher. And it was a complete failure. I realized I could not practice a profession. I have to wander around in life. To avoid any responsibility. I have to do everything in order to save my freedom. Freedom to not work in the proper sense of the world. All my life, I calculated how I can be free in a complete sense. Life is only worth living if you are free. I don’t want to be a slave in any way. This is the only absolute certainty that I’ve had in life. I don’t want to be subordinate. I can succumb to any humiliation. On the condition that I am free. -Emil Cioran

>> No.17075173

I've read it 4 times, and and find it obvious that Castorp's charisma is of the lovable rather than the loud kind, and that Mann's ironies about it center on Castorp's own capability of ironic detachment as a listener who enjoys not only immunity to indoctrination in the course of listening to combative discourse, but more interest in art and music than anyone else in his surroundings: For instance the episode where Hofrat buys the expensive record player and disc collection, ostensibly for everyone in the sanatorium, but half-covertly as a gift to him in particular, as one would for a substitute son. That Castorp almost monopolizes the use of it, as its de-facto custodian, also doesn't surprise Hofrat, whose wit at sizing people up is remarkable as Castorp's considerate way with even the worst of people, but particularly with the best of them at their worst. Mann also makes it pretty clear from the foregrounding, especially in Castorp's assorted reveries in childhood memory, that his nature isn't an especially apt match to his received role as an engineer in the family's line of business.

>> No.17076490


>> No.17077253


>> No.17077264
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