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/lit/ - Literature

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17073045 No.17073045 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

I'm a submariner going on deployment very soon.

I have a Kindle and $1500 to spend on books. What are some classics you highly recommend? What is your personal favorite book?

I'm basically just trying to kill 6 months of my time being trapped in an underwater steel tube full of piss and recycled farts. I want to read something that'll fuck with my head or completely engulf my attention.

>> No.17073051

Why spend money on e-books when you can just pirate them from libgen?

>> No.17073068

look up one of the many lists dumbass bitch

>> No.17073074

This thread again? I woulda figured you'd be in the middle of the pacific right now, incapable of relaying information to the commonfolk

>> No.17073086

maybe jules verne

>> No.17073088

Because I can

Sure, but I want your personal input anon. What do you enjoy?

Again? I very rarely post here but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of squids post here and on /b/

>> No.17073102

>Sure, but I want your personal input anon. What do you enjoy?
read Neuromancer, and drop and give me 25 sailor

>> No.17073119


>> No.17073125

>Edifying Non-fiction books (kind of self-help, but really informative)
The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric
How to Read Literature like a professor
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata: Familia Romana and Roma Aeterna (if you want to learn Latin)
The Good Shepard (Haven't read it, but its a book about a submarine during WWII I think)

>Good Kiddie Lit when you don't feel like heavy reading
Iron Thunder (one of my favorite childhood book about a boy who crews the union ironclad during the civil war)
Tucket's Travels (a boy who has adventures in the midwest. written by the same guy who wrote The Hatch, if you liked that sort of thing. I personally really enjoyed it as a kid, and have reread when I turned 20)
The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Call of the Wild
The White Fang

The Iliad
The Odyssey
Jason and the Golden Fleece
The Aeneid
The Golden Ass (by Apuleius)

>> No.17073128

hello newfriend

>> No.17073141

One, No One and One Hundred Thousand by Luigi Pirandello
Kaputt by Curzio Malapate
The Exegesis of Philp K. Dick
VALIS by Philp K. Dick
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! by Fredy Perlman
Ficciones by Borges
The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
Ape and Essence + The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons
American Tabloid by Ellroy
The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
The Last Question by Asimov
The KLF: Chaos, Magic and the Band Who Burned a Million Pounds
The Futurological Congress by Stanisław Lem
Golem XIV by Stanisław Lem
Black Easter: Faust Aleph-Null + The Day After Judgment by Blish
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Bakkhai by Euripides
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
The Iliad + The Odyssey by Homer
The Epic of Gilgamesh

yea... most of those will fuck your head pretty good and keep you stimulated and thinking for a long time

>> No.17073156

Whatever you want, man. If you don’t even know where to start just collect some pieces from the canon and read those.

>> No.17073161

The Power Broker - Robert Caro

In the running for greatest American Biography

>> No.17073162

>spending money on 0's and 1's

>> No.17073207

Ignore all of these except odyssey and Aeneid, as they will be relatable to your seafaring hidyhum adventure

>> No.17073212

Get The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson.
It isn't what I'd usually read, but a colleague pestered me until I gave in.
Holy shit it's good.
He also got me into some Brandon Sanderson books, have read them all now. Also not usually my kind of book.
Start with the Stormlight books.
You'll find it hard to put down either of these - just what you need at sea - trust me. Though I spend my time on it, not in it ha ha take care down there mate.

>> No.17073221

>hasn't read either

>> No.17073222

he said he wants to read something that'll fuck with his head not the most popular basic bitch book of all time

>> No.17073241

The Passage series by Justin Cronin
The Road to Babylon series by Sam Sisavath

>> No.17073247
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lesser known short masterpieces
>lost horizon by hilton
>a river runs through it by maclean
>a month in the country by carr
these three are must reads, feel free to disregard everything else but if you come away with anything make sure you read those
misc recs that are brief and comfy/adventurous
>death in the long grass by capstick
>desert solitaire by abbey
>rip van winkle by irving
>a canticle for leibowitz by miller
>wind in the willows by grahame
that's my list, godspeed anon

>> No.17073246

>relatable to your seafaring hidyhum adventure
Ha, no anon. Fuck no. Fuck the sea. The point of me doing nothing but reading on deployment is to get my frame of mind entirely away from where I am and what I'm doing on a daily basis.

>> No.17073253


>> No.17073268

> full of piss

What? Why isn't that and shit flushed into the ocean?

>> No.17073289

I had the same question when I joined the Navy. Then I showed up to the boat and realized it any and all dirt, dust, or bodily fluids that don't go into the bilge end up staying on the submarine forever.

Also I appreciate every single one of you motherfuckers. I'm making a fat list right now.

>> No.17073297
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War and Peace. It's so good. Some of the most sublime and tragic scenes in literature, adventure, romance, philosophy of history - it's got it all! Life-changing book.

>> No.17073336

Actually read this a few months ago while I was at sea. I was expecting to get through 3 books over the course of a month and a half, but this one ended up taking all my time while I was gone. Such a mind-fuck of a book.

>> No.17073577

>something that'll fuck with my head
Krasznahorkai. War and War. Melancholy of Resistance. Read either, or both. Don't read Santantango as it's not quite a fully developed book the way the other, later two are.

>> No.17073592

It's like living in a locker room. Some stenches never go away.

>> No.17073608

All of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, the Greek epics. You'll be set for a while. Also get as much philosophy as you can. My personal favourite is Anna Karenina

>> No.17073613

try to find double meanings in the new testament

>> No.17073621
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Master and Commander

>> No.17073637

Bad rec. The guy is only gone for 6 months, I reckon he'd get burnt out after just 2 or 3 russian novels, let alone all of Tolstoyevsky.

>> No.17073642

Horatio Hornblower

>> No.17073644

He could do all of Tolstoy in one month.

>> No.17073653

That's at least 3000 pages so he would be doing rather well if he did

>> No.17073657

Very optimistic. In hs I read 4-6 hours a day during summer break and WP took me 2 weeks.

>> No.17073981

Just don't reenlist buddy. Trust me. Don't reenlist..

Unless you're a filthy fucking contractor, then you might want to.

>> No.17074048

P.s., dont you have some checkouts to work on?
Get qualified nub bitch.

>> No.17074067
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One of the longest novels ever, generally regarded as still being very entertaining, and full of philosophical arguing