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17071368 No.17071368 [Reply] [Original]

My mom keeps pestering me with meditation, "affirmations", positive energy, and other spiritual bullshit like that. What are some books that debunk all this shit? Especially meditation. I know for a fucking fact it does nothing but according to her it's scientifically proven (woah, no shit, taking a break for like 10 minutes helps you, I'm talking about these 5 hour long guided meditations).

>> No.17071403

LOL mindfulness and meditation is actually used in therapy.

>> No.17071421
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Some meditation is cool. I like the monks that hang out with dead bodies.
Say you'll try it, but only if she buys you a corpse to use.

>> No.17071428

>I know for a fucking fact it does nothing
And what fact would that be?

>> No.17071435
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Sorry, anon, but your mom is partially right. The positive energy and affirmations are bullshit but meditation really does help and there's tons of research to support that.

>> No.17071443

Tell me, how do you know it is useless, and then you ask for lit to debunk it?
Start with the greeks.

>> No.17071737

It's legit, OP. It does help in a ton of situations and improves your psychological health, as long as there isn't anything physically wrong with your brain. Ditch the supernatural mumbo jumbo, because that part is just as insane as any other religion and just take the practical benefits. It's not magical, tho. You have to train your mind and sort of fake it till you make it.
Man, theravadas really are a joyless death cult.

>> No.17071752

Secular westerners just use samatha meditation to be relaxed and mindful, but religious people have many other reasons for samatha and vipassana (insight) meditation, rather than just to feel good, and many methods rather than just trying to "clear the mind". 5 hour long meditation won't do shit unless you're the Dalai Lama, but 10-40 minutes, yes it can be good. But anyway,
>>17071435 is right.
>I know for a fucking fact
Where did you get this fucking fact? How do you know this fucking fact?

>> No.17071876

I actually tried it. Nothing happened other than relaxing me a little. Seriously, the idea of thinking nothing for a few minutes doing anything else than just relaxing you is just completely illogical.

>> No.17071905

Maybe if you try meditating regularly you won't be such a fucking sperg. Meditation isn't just some oriental mysticism either btw, it has an ancient tradition in the West too. That's why the word exists, from latin medi- (to channel) -tate (head).

>> No.17071939

its completely illogical to assume that removing yourself from the constant workings of the mind isnt beneficial to your psyche

>> No.17071966

What a bunch idiotic answer. OP, your intuition is right. Meditation is quackery. And the science to back it’s efficacy is all moronic.

I wish i could tell you any good resources but i dont think that would get to the core of the issue at all anyway. However, if you must, there’s equal amount of literature against the detrimental effects as there is positive ones. A lot of occurring psychoses, due to uncovering of psychologically adequate processes that erupts within an inadequate personality(!!) which is continuously not developed by such bullshit as “cleansing the mind” instead of contemplating a suiting course of action.

However the bottom line is that we should all strive to be as satisfied and fulfilled with our lives as possible.
God bless

>> No.17071976

>anecdotal evidence is facts
Dangerously based

>> No.17072187

I agree that there is quackery in certain religious and secular meditation techniques, but meditation is way too broad of a term to be judged like that. I also agree with you about the dangers. Responsible meditation retreat centers don't accept people with diagnosed mental health issues.
>God bless
You know there are legitimate Christian meditations right?

>> No.17072244

>Nothing happened other than relaxing me a little
What did you expect

>> No.17072303

To me this is a far better form of meditation: observe the thoughts that arise but don't attach yourself to them. Be in a state of heightened awareness but without ego-clinging. Thoughts will arise but let them die.

Especially as a beginner, you will NOT be clearing your mind. You just have to focus on awareness of senses and thoughts. And yes, it is a practice, which means you do it continually. You don't have to meditate, it doesn't ultimately matter if you do or don't, but don't disparage it when you don't know much about it and also have only done it once or twice.

>> No.17072382
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don't fall for that shit

>> No.17072391

>tfw anons mom is cool but her son is a hylic

>> No.17072395

Meditation is real, Astral Projection is real, ESP is real. fuck you, you're no worse than some atheist faggot.

>Astral Projection
literally just google search lol

>> No.17072409

real doesn't equal good though

>> No.17072416

what do you mean? there are many benefits that come with Astral Projection and Meditation. ESP is more of a useful tool.

>> No.17072440

benefits like possession you mean? severe cases of psychosis? strong suicidal thoughts?

>> No.17072448

my dad and stepmom are into all that woo woo watered-down buddhism. whenever i'm with their friends or other like-minded family members, they look at me like i'm a freak because i'm doing generic white collar work. but when i talk about my garbage ink drawings that i do for fun or "maybe becoming a teacher someday" their eyes light up. it's quite funny actually. its like i'm the black sheep for not having an etsy store or whatever.

we're lucky. a lot of people grow up w/ alcoholics.

>> No.17072449

only weak willed faggots get possessed. Demons only have as much control over you as you give them.

> psychosis? strong suicidal thoughts?

>> No.17072471


>> No.17072537

>Western Meditation
>Thinking about nothing while meditating.
Fucking kek.
Also isn't meditation a practice that goes against the bible and god? and that is a Christian Youtube channel, pretty bias.

>> No.17072564

>didn't watch the video

>> No.17072566

>wants to start with a conclusion and then prove it
That's not how you study things Anon.
You're also wrong.

>> No.17072576
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>> No.17072582

>I did one session of a technique whose benefits are often based on years of practice
>I only saw almost negligible improvements
Anyway, I never went to the gym ever again.

>> No.17072583

you're right! i'm not wasting 30 minutes watching something that I know doesn't affect me. If you know how to properly meditate then literally none of that information matters.

>> No.17072588

Seething hylic

>> No.17072592

I wish you the best, anon.

>> No.17072599

powers general

>> No.17072610
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>Spending time in quiet reflection and self-contemplation is a magical power
My god, I didn't think zoomers were THIS bad

>> No.17072612
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so is gender reassignment surgery
imma stick to what I believe in

>> No.17072621

Christian monks also meditate you utter retard.

>> No.17072629


>> No.17072631

not like you do

>> No.17072632

meditation is good for your mind, it is proved by countless of studies
more than 20 minutes a day is a waste of time and 10 minutes it's enough for most people
that if you can stick to it
>positive energy, and other spiritual bullshit
positive energy is bullshit; the closest thing to PE that can actually work is not being hateful and angry all the time
the better you feel the easier it is to make rational decisions
spirituality is bullshit as well

>> No.17072636
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Wait if I meditate are demons really going to get me

>> No.17072640
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makes for easy access

>> No.17072641

forgot to add, you don't have to be some religious fanatic in order to meditate
better said you can be an atheist and meditate, there's no conflict

>> No.17072644

You probably should change your thought patterns to be more positive though, you're on this rock for probably 80+ years you don't want to go around with a constant negative mindset. Your brain filters your entire reality so you should probably make it filter it in a beneficial and good way. So at least in the sense of "be more positive" she's not wrong.

>> No.17072646

it's not a magical power you retard. never said it was, but it has good information on meditation, astral projection etc.

>> No.17072649

>Give me a book that debunks meditation so i can pester my mother
Imagine being so pathetic

>> No.17072650

How do demons jive with contemporary physics

>> No.17072661

>Sitting in contemplation is magically different because Jeffrey is in a building shaped like a cross but Ng is in a building shaped like a pagoda.
God Proties are such fucking idiots. This is what rejecting Christian Apologetics does to your brain.

>> No.17072662

no, they're not. unless you're a weak minded bitch of an individual, but if that was the case, they would've already gotten to you.

>> No.17072664

goes beyond matter

>> No.17072673

Meditation is a great practice that it is never worth talking to anyone else about.

>> No.17072683

Not as long as your resonant energy balloon is active and protecting your body. If you achieve full emptiness without a resonant energy field or a holy symbol present the demons will instantly hijack your neurological structure.

>> No.17072685

I don't know. I think my pessimism is what keeps me cheerful. Optimists are easily disappointed. Pessimists like me, expecting nothing good, are well equipped to deal with tragedy and pleasantly surprised when things go well.

>> No.17072688

I don't get the western meditation meme, just go for a walk if you need to clear your head, or take a bath or something. Buddhists meditate so they can remove illusions, attachments and desires.

>> No.17072693


>> No.17072698

If you're cheerful then you're not a negative thinker. Negative thought patterns do nothing good, it makes life so much more difficult. I know from experience.

>> No.17072703

>Sitting in contemplation is magically different because Jeffrey is in a building shaped like a cross but Ng is in a building shaped like a pagoda.
yes. also you weren't just talking western meditation but also astral projection bs.

>> No.17072708


>> No.17072710

you're arguing with the wrong person
this >>17072661 isn't me, i'm the AP dude

>> No.17072715

>optimists are easily disappointed
A retarded and utterly self-contradictory statement. Why would anyone who always sees the benefit in every situation be disappointed in anything? You're confusing optimism with naivete. Stupidly believing that inevitable negative consequences will magically not happen is stupidity, not optimism. Optimism is recognizing that bad things can be lessons, or even help you redirect your energy into other directions.

>> No.17072725

Well thank you for being expedient in confirming that you're either a complete idiot or fucking around. Now I know not to take you seriously.

>> No.17072762
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>being in a demonic temple is the same as being in the house of the lord

>> No.17072774

You're right, worshiping the Foreskin Demiurge is obviously far worse than devotion to the Holy Bodhisattva. Christian and Buddhist meditation aren't even on remotely the same moral level.

>> No.17072777
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I was going to try it but now I'm scared of demons

>> No.17072796
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>gnostic idiocy

>> No.17072861

and you've already given into the shills. weak minded faggot.

>> No.17072872
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>> No.17072877



>> No.17072896

Is it possible to harness the energy of demons for works of good

>> No.17072917


Yes my child. Imdagub is here. You simply must say my name and state your request.

>> No.17072961

but if demons, angels, God, etc. interact with matter wouldn't we be able to measure that interaction?

>> No.17073189

>but if demons, angels, God, etc. interact with matter wouldn't we be able to measure that interaction?
Not OP, but God doesn't "interact" with matter, he IS matter. I know how it sounds, how can something be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, right? If you cut out these /x/ schizos and their mystic bs and think of God as more of an "influence" on the universe like gravity or a mathematical property, than you'll realize the signs always been there. The universe isn't chaotic,everything follows a system of order or property of some kind. There's logic to everything that can or will happen, which means there's some greater law acting at large. That alone proves the existence of God. How much of an influence it has on our individual conscience or whether this entity even has a conscious is simply unknowable to us at this point in time, perhaps we'll never know.


“and to dust you shall return”

>> No.17073584


>> No.17073622

wait wait wait, you know for a fact meditation does nothing, but you're a christian? lmfao ok tradcath zoomer

>> No.17073990

>I know for a fucking fact it does nothing

>> No.17074000

you're very close-minded. meditation is absolutely life-altering and amazing. you should be nicer to your mother and respect her

>> No.17074180

Kys christcuk

>> No.17074194

>t. Mouth breathing incel getting filtered by his own mother

>> No.17074203

I don't care for meditation. Much prefer going on long walks. Maybe that's "meditative" in its own right, but whatever.

>> No.17074215

walking absolutely is a form of meditation.

>> No.17074238

There’s actually studies that show that mediation makes someone more self-centred and self-absorbed.

>> No.17074250

there's studies that show everything is good and bad, who cares about studies

>> No.17074263

>Image actually hurts
Sometimes I wish God was real.

>> No.17075707

dangerously based

>> No.17075847
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pray tell, what specific benefits does it bring?
inb4 vague terms like "mindfulness", or impressing a catscan doctor with a colorful brain chart

>etsy store

>> No.17075896

thanks for answering

>> No.17075907
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this guy gets it

>> No.17076265

I think there should be a solid middle ground, lets say that you are going into a task that is a realm of possibility for you to accomplish, I don't think it would be a good Idea for you to have the expectation of failure. BUT lets say just for an example you decide to go into a Mcpolice station™ with a gun pulled out you're obviously going to be turned into swiss cheese and no amount of positive outlooks will save you, perhaps that was an insane example but you get the point of don't believe you're gonna do obviously impossible shit just because you believe.

>> No.17076352

effects depends on the method; metta meditation will make you more empathetic towards others while pure concentration meditation can make you more cynical.

>> No.17076439
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>hey mom i meditated on the idea that meditation is RETARDED and guess what? IT DIDNT DO SHIT
>what's that? you just want to help me be happy? well guess what, strangers on the internet recommended me these books that prove all your feelings of self-improvement are delusions. who's got the shitty attitude now, MOM?

>> No.17076441
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Is your mom a teacher too?
Our parent's generation suffered some of the greatest trauma from the forced removal of our spiritual roots. Anything that isn't Jesus is going to appear trendy, shiny and effective. Only Jesus, Jesus Christ can give us real spiritual healing.

Your own root has been removed and replaced with dandelionweeds, blow make a wish.
> remove all elements of spiritual growth in America
>bandaid buddha basics
>prosperity gospel counter to Jesus teaching

>> No.17076595

I tried meditating for 5 minutes right now. I got distracted twice. First I thought about some girl from HS, refocused, then got lost thinking about politics. I'll keep working on it, thinking is overrated.

>> No.17077004

Sounds like a little relaxation would do you good, you tightly-wound sperg

>> No.17077011

Shut up bro, Christianity still dominates America

>> No.17077108

Fuck off to whatever you came from fucking retard. This board may be full of idiots but you're even worse than them. Just gtfo.

>> No.17077176

Dude what the hell are you talking about

>> No.17077251
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Look I came off unintentionally jaded, sorry. I believe in Christ and America. I was stating historical facts that have occurred since the 70s. Pardons for thinking about a time when prayer commonplace in public.

>> No.17077718

Yeah you can be positive AND realistic, it doesn't mean be a retard who thinks they can do everything and anything and that anything is possible