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17071664 No.17071664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to learn the truth about WW2?

>> No.17071669

night elie wiesel
diary of anne frank

>> No.17071677

That just goes over the ten gorillion dead Jews story we've all heard a thousand times, I want something less emotional and more factual about the entire war.

>> No.17071685 [DELETED] 

cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.17071699


night elie wiesel
diary of anne frank
Stalingrad The Fateful Siege

>> No.17071711

Try Speer's Inside the Third Reich, if you know how to read between the lines.

>> No.17071718

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.17071721

I'm so damn tired of reading about dead Jews with no context about what led to the Jews dying.

>> No.17071735

Because brainlets blame Jews for everything because it's easier than actually making an attempt at problem solving

>> No.17071747

>the context about what led to Jews dying
Do you mean previous action taken by the NSDAP like Kristallnacht, the creation of labor camps, etc. prior to the beginning of the holocaust?

>> No.17071760

No, that's what brainlets say to excuse themselves from having never investigated the claims of antisemites or addressing any of the criticisms.
You know you're not serious when your criticism is
>You just say everything is X!

>> No.17071784
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>> No.17071785

Blaming Jews is just the retard's way of blaming the ruling class, the media, academia and Israel since Jews are so common in those circles.

All of it. I want to hear about what led to the rise of the third reich and how things got so bad some people started thinking maybe mass murder was a good option. I want to hear about Hitler's suicide and what happened to Germany after their side lost the war.

>> No.17071814

You can't explain the behavior and motivations of the ruling class without the Jewish question. The influence of jews the reason the ruling class is the way it is in the first place.

>> No.17071846

Read Richard J Evans' trilogy on the Third Reich. The first volume especially as it details the post ww1 years and how the Nazi party eventually gained power.

>> No.17071853

But why are they so common in those circles?
t. goy

>> No.17071885
File: 378 KB, 521x507, blackhitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people think you guys mean all Jews and not just the elite Jews who shaped the ruling class. If you address that misconception, you might even get some Jews on your side. Even Jews have been affected by the propaganda of other Jews.


Based, ty.

>> No.17071889

This is kind of a confusing post desu
>I want to hear about the rise of the third reich
Ah, so the Weimar Republic? There's plenty of books about that. I personally like the Sonderweg thesis, so Fritz Fischer is probably the best place to go for that (From Kaisserreich to Third Reich is his most famous book about Sonderweg).
>and how people started thinking mass murder was a good option
The NSDAP didn't run on mass murder. They ran on getting rid of the Communists. In fact, their policy on Jews was never (publicly) to kill them. Remember, the Germans didn't start killing Jews until 1941, and even then, they were secretive about it (it was only until a few months after they started that it was leaked to the public in Germany).
>I want to hear about Hitler's suicide
That's a bit of a specific topic. There are no books about that, kek. He shot himself; that's all.
>and what happened to Germany after the war
Which part of Germany? West or East. If West, I'd recommend reading a biography about Konrad Adenauer or Ludwig Erhard (the latter for a more economic point of view), the main figures in the founding of Western Germany, or even Wilhelm Ropke, who was a famous economist who supported and influenced the creation of the social market economy in Western Germany.
I honestly don't know much about East Germany; you'd have to look that one up.

>> No.17071897

I would also recommend looking into the sources of what you read. It's harder if you don't speak German but you can always find some more obscure works to read up on more niche aspects of the Reich

>> No.17071902

Racial nepotism, I assume. Or maybe it's because people with ivy league degrees are seen as more desirable hires, ivy league schools like to let rich people in their halls and there's a disproportionate amount of rich Jews.

>> No.17071917
File: 54 KB, 345x529, 9781780722771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to hear about Hitler's suicide

This book is a decent look into the day of his suicide. There are also a few books that discuss the different conspiracy theories and the evidence that exists for his death but I can't remember the name of any

>> No.17071920

I'll look at all those books. Ty!

>> No.17071932

I just meant to say I want to hear about everything that happened in general from the rise of Nazism to its downfall. I'll still take a look at that book, though.

>> No.17071956

>Most people think you guys mean all Jews and not just the elite Jews who shaped the ruling class
Over 90% of jews have zionist sympathies. It doesn't matter it it's all or not. Has anyone ever taken "not all white people!" claims seriously about slavery or colonialism? Not at fucking all. There is no addressing that misconception because jews aren't interested in who's right or wrong, they're interested in ethnic solidarity and power. We're talking not just about a conspiratorial elite but also subversive behavior and ethnic nepotism as a group strategy, it's emergent behavior in a complex system. This is a complicated topic with a lot more to it than you maybe know about. Read MacDonald.

>> No.17071987

>the Germans didn't start killing Jews until 1941
citation needed, didn't happen.
I suggest reading up on the Denazification program as well, I couldn't name you a specific book on it though. Post-War by Judt is a good read for post-war Europe in general though.

>> No.17072028

People should have taken claims of "not all white people" seriously, imo. There are Jews who would disagree with the fuckery of their Jewish peers their if they were made aware of it and felt like they could side with you without putting themselves in danger.

Which MacDonald are you referring to?

>> No.17072057

Lmao sure I can. Profit. Capitalism.

>> No.17072101

>People should have taken claims of "not all white people" seriously, imo
Well yeah of course but the point is that they're unfairly dismissed, so why would white people grant that generous premise to people who won't return the favor? In their eyes, there is a conflict between white people and jews. White people have a very hard time understanding this because they've been deracinated by propaganda and anti-white education, many are psychologically incapable of understanding the idea of ethnic solidarity or pride, like my poor boomer father.
>There are Jews who would disagree with the fuckery of their Jewish peers their if they were made aware of it and felt like they could side with you without putting themselves in danger.
There have been some jews like that (possibly inc myself since I'm a halfie), those are labeled self-hating jews and ostracized from jewish life and community.
>Which MacDonald are you referring to?
read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald

>> No.17072117

What's that have to do with zionism?

>> No.17072136

It's the only sane explanation of the motives of the ruling class.

>> No.17072158

>White people have a very hard time understanding this because they've been deracinated by propaganda and anti-white education, many are psychologically incapable of understanding the idea of ethnic solidarity or pride, like my poor boomer father.
Anti-white propaganda is horseshit. You're experiencing the baader-meinhoff syndrome. There's pro corporate propaganda. For profit. Your jews are of every race and culture and they will control society for profit alone.

>> No.17072177

you're just shoehorning the only narrative you know and ignoring anything that might contradict it
how demented do you have to be to think there is no such thing as anti-white propaganda. There's something wrong with you.

>> No.17072272

"Self-hating" Jews like yourself shouldn't be lumped in with the others, that's what I'm saying. Some people with Jew derangement syndrome would want to send you to the gas chambers even if your mom's not a Jew.

White people should extend that premise because it's useful to have allies, particularly rich ones who could cause division in the ranks of their enemies.

>> No.17072297

There are many exppanations sperg. You're brainwashed sk it's pointless to list this them for you. I will list some obvious ones.

Control in the middle east. Military authority in the middle east. Strategic geopolitical location. Capable of reaching Russia. A buffer ro radical palestine(look at US support of indonesia vs East Timor, od Morroco for examples of this in the past). It's largely for our perceived security. We've happened to make some enemies in their neighborhood somehow. They were instrumental in countering the USSR. Se have more soldiers in every other damn country and give them billions as well.

Now don't get me wrong. Fuck Israel. And Fuck America.

Anti-white propaganda does not exist.

>> No.17072314

There are entire university departments whose existence is basically to produce anti-white propaganda. It is in the press, in movies, written into certain laws, etc.

>> No.17072317

Dude, this isn't about interpersonal relationships and 'treating people fairly'. It's a political conflict caused by the fact that people that hate and fear you on an ethnic basis rule your country. It's a matter of institutions and power. You're not even engaging in that conversation, you're just saying 'Well I want people to be treated fairly!'. Okay, well, YOUR PEOPLE aren't being treated fairly by jews and you have no response except to mewl that you want to be nice to the nice jews.
>White people should extend that premise because it's useful to have allies, particularly rich ones who could cause division in the ranks of their enemies.
"white people" politically aren't even a thing, any white person that shows ethnic solidarity is immediately labeled a white supremacist and a nazi and a racist and stripped of all rank. Not only do white people not have allies, they don't even understand that they're a faction with its own interests.

>> No.17072335

god this is the most midwit surface level understanding of geopolitics, i hope you're in fucking high school. You need to actually read some books about these conflicts and not make sweeping generalizations 'about somehow making enemies' and 'control'.

>> No.17072338

Yes anon you see it EVERYWHERE. Kek. Wonder why that is.

>> No.17072344

>Noo not muh heckin jew questionarino.
You got memed. Redpills are fake and gay. Suck it up bitch.

>> No.17072353

Because it is everywhere. I'm inclined to agree with our resident Bobby Fischer >>17072317 that a lot of it is Jewish influence, though I imagine the racial tensions please the government, banks, and the large corporations, since it draws attention away from them.

>> No.17072366

Retard, you can explain ANYTHING with 'control'. US policy in the middle east is about protecting and advancing the interests of the Israeli state. How do you even explain the existence of the Israeli state? Do you think it just dropped out of the sky in 1948 or something? Was that motivated by capitalism too?

>> No.17072368

White Americans need to learn to see themselves as part of an ethnic group that should stand up for itself, absolutely.

I still think we should be nice to the nice Jews because an ally is an ally, no matter where they're from. Think of all the Whites who took part in marches for George Floyd: weren't they useful to the Black community? Besides, Ashkenazim share a lot of ancestry with plain old Whites.

>> No.17072399

The https://www.codoh.com library

>> No.17072403

Lying, deceit, and infiltration is a part of their tradition and ethnic playbook though. It's dangerous to admit jews among your ranks in an anti-semitic movement. Just look what's happened to the pro-palestinian movement in the West, it's full of jews who have turned the conversation to "Do palestinians have enough gay rights tho?" etc. That's the modus operandi. Lenin himself pioneered this, it's just classic controlled opposition, a managed dialectic.

>> No.17072408

Oy vey why are goyim so evil

>> No.17072414

No, it was religious prophecy fulfillment and I'm sure there were some powerful interests involved. When I say control I mean that Israel is a strategic base of operations for our military dealings in the middle east.

You faggots are delusional. You could remove all Jewish people from the planet and thevwealthy elite would still exist amd would still pursue subversion and disunity to retain control and economic authority over the masses. Your very belief in the horseshit is a diversion technique of the elite of every race.
Yeah no fucking shit. Except Jewishness isn't what they're pursuing. It's profit and an eternal labor force of satisfied peasants that won't question their hegemony. Question the Jew, question each other, question the left and the right. Please don't question the masters of mankind though.

You bitches brainwashed yourselves on internet propaganda and now you're too deep in it to find your way out. Wake the fuck up and grow.

>> No.17072421

You really do count as a Jew in many people's eyes, btw. When people count the amount of Jews working in groups like media teams, they count irreligious demiJews with the others. If you have a Jewish grandparent, you're eligible to go to Israel even if you're completely detached from Jewish culture.

>> No.17072424

You are a rather comical and angry person. Anyway you can question Jews as well as whoever you think the masters of mankind are, there is no need to restrict your thinking to one topic.

>> No.17072425

Outjew them. Don't put them in positions of power but let them spread the message if they wish.

>> No.17072430

Henry Makow's "Illuminati"

>> No.17072435

Sure, there are some Jews with extremely disproportionate power. That doesn't change the fact that it's the economic system and the apathy of the public that allows and perpetuates it.

>> No.17072438

>No, it was religious prophecy fulfillment and I'm sure there were some powerful interests involved
But I thought powerful interests only care about profit? Now you're saying they're motivated by religion, which is interesting because that's what I'm saying in the first place. Do you care to expand on that?

>> No.17072441

woke af

>> No.17072444

>Don't put them in positions of power
Ehmmm I think it's a little late for that buddy

>> No.17072446

>"not all white people!" claims seriously about slavery
mostly because by white people we can narrow down most of the responsibility to the jewish slave traders

>> No.17072451

I never liked this talking point desu, honestly seems like a huge cope. Nobody forces you to buy slaves lol

>> No.17072455

I'm not one of the people that thinks it's specifically Jews that are in power, though there are a lot of them and Jewish interests do have influence, it's the antiwhite stuff that I think they specifically had a very large hand in. There is of course a bit of a dialectic there with antisemitism.

>> No.17072459

Have you read 1666 by Barry Chamish on the Sabbataen Jewish mass conversion?

>> No.17072461

Yes. The public around the time was 85% Christisn and believed the bible when it said return my people to their fatherland and you will be rewarded.

>> No.17072477

Pro inclusion and anti-racism does not = anti-white. Sure, they've gone a bit overboard in recent years, we aren't under attack though. White people arent being destroyed. Whiteness isn't disappearing. We all pay for the sins of our fore fathers anon. It realky shouldn't fucking bother you that some rad-fem denounces Columbus Day and calls him a ruthless piece of shit. He was.

>> No.17072476

What does that have to do with Great Britain ceding palestine to create israel

>> No.17072487

>Pro inclusion and anti-racism does not = anti-white
It does because white people aren't allowed to advocate for their group at any level, 'pro inclusion' messages are inherently anti-white because white people are the ones being actually excluded from the conversation.

>> No.17072495

Anti-racism is in fact in effect anti-white, because only white people can be racist now, and more to the point it creates a narrative that white people are responsible for any minority in their society that is poorer or more criminal than them, which justifies hatred toward whites. The history and culture of white people is denigrated while those of other peoples is praised, whites are painted as uniquely evil on the world stage.

>> No.17072497

>You faggots are delusional. You could remove all Jewish people from the planet and thevwealthy elite would still exist amd would still pursue subversion and disunity to retain control and economic authority over the masses. Your very belief in the horseshit is a diversion technique of the elite of every race
Because we are ruled by literal satanic luciferians, look at the 13 families.

>> No.17072498

White people aren't being excluded from shit. Black supremacists and white supremacists are equally labeled terror groups. BLM probably had majority white participation.

>> No.17072505

Look at the Brazil trade.

>> No.17072507

Buddy. Do you heat yourself. Do you not think this to be a bit far fetched?

>> No.17072521

There are some audiences in North America today who find it difficult to understand past societies and their value systems, and who think a transgression in the past, however distant, invalidates activities or ideas of the present. For these people the finding that even one Jew participated in the slave trade in the 18th century invalidates Jewish political support of civil rights or integration in the 20th century. One outcome of this has been a re-invented history of the Jewish participation in the slave trade which asserts that Jews were the majority of slave owners in the United States and played a major role in the slave trade everywhere. It is in this context that Eli Faber wrote his scholarly book on the participation of Jews in the slave trade and slavery. He has provided the basic numbers that can be established on the relation between Jews and African slaves in the English and Dutch colonial worlds. His major finding is that Jews had a minuscule role in the slave trade and played only a minor role as slave owners wherever they resided in the New World. Of course, knowledgeable historians could have predicted the results of the book, given the circumscribed role of the Jews within European and American societies from the 15th through the 18th century. As Faber shows, the Jews were not a major factor in any international trade in the Anglo-Saxon world, except possibly the diamond trade. They were also not significant as planters or slave owning farmers, except possibly in Surinam. To the extent that they owned slaves they tended to own fewer slaves on average than their non-Jewish peers. A dozen or so participated in some aspect of the Atlantic slave trade to 1800, with only about half a dozen being serious traders, and even this group moved a very tiny fraction of the total Africans brought to America. The largest group of Jewish slave traders in the British Empire, and the only ones who systematically engaged in the African trade over a long period were the three or four Rhode Island Jewish merchants who in total controlled less than 10% of the voyages and less than 10% of the slaves delivered by Rhode Island traders in the 18th century. In turn Rhode Island was one of the minor ports within the English world engaged in the slave trade. Practically no Jews within England engaged in the far larger trades coming from Liverpool, Bristol and London.

>> No.17072525

>White people aren't being excluded from shit
There are literally quotas on the number of white people you're allowed to have at universities, institutions, and corporations lol
>Black supremacists and white supremacists are equally labeled terror groups
By who?
>BLM probably had majority white participation
No shit retard, BLM was an operation created by a collaboration of media and NGOs like Open Society funded by jewish oligarchs. It's not a black movement, it's an astroturf shitlib movement.

>> No.17072543

>Nobody forces you to buy slaves lol
But the Western African warlords had bulk discount deals.

>> No.17072551

The point is that it's wrong to blame 'the Jews' because despite the fact that many powerful people are Jews, it has nothing to do with that they're Jewish. The vast majority of Jews are just the same economically as anyone else.

Ivy League schools were notoriously discriminatory against Jews for much of their history. It wasn't until the 50's that things really started to change.

>> No.17072553

That's not what affirmative action does. There's no "set limit" of whites. Colleges are even less anti-white.

College admissions in the United States have had racial quotas. These have notably included blanket bans on African-Americans, Jewish quotas from 1918 to the 1950s, and an alleged Asian quota from the 1980s and ongoing as of 2017.
>By who?
Da gubment.
>No shit retard, BLM was an operation created by a collaboration of media and NGOs like Open Society funded by jewish oligarchs.
You retard. I meant the overall movement. Not the charity fund or whatever classification of grouping it is.
>It's not a black movement
It is.
>an astroturf shitlib movement.
It's this also.

Things are more complex than your shittt non critical polthink.

>> No.17072557

>The vast majority of Jews are just the same economically as anyone else.
WHAT THE FUCK hahahahaha nigga gonna need a source on this lmfaoooooooooooo wow people actually BELIEVE THIS good god

>> No.17072565

There is a quota on whites right now at universities, and that doesn't even address how many of the whites admitted are actually Jewish.

>> No.17072571

>affirmative action is fine
>jewish quotas are VERY EVIL AND BAD
I think we're done here shitlib

>> No.17072578

Btw the relevant lists of 'hate groups' and who and isn't a white supremacist is kept by the ADL, an explicitly jewish advocacy group.

>> No.17072590

the ADL, the SPLC, and the ACLU are genuinely hilarious if you look into their stuff even a bit. The level of dishonesty is actually like some parody. Radishmag had this great article about the way they classify hate crimes

>> No.17072596

The SPLC is sort of on the outs, they went a little too far in recent years and lost a lot of jewish money. They've lost a lottt of clout, Greenblatt's ADL is maybe the most powerful non-profit in the country.

>> No.17072614

I used to, but then I just read and kept reading, then I came across all the details about how Shabbatai Tsvi lead a mass conversion of jews in 1666 to literal Satanism where they saw the inversion of morality as path forwards, I then followed it up with the The Jacobins and the Paris Commune, the destruction of the Illuminati, Adam Weishapt's fleeing and hijackjing the command chain of the british freemasons converting it into a satanic organisation, The Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers racketing the their way to literal debt based and private central banking to justify wars and eventually bankrupt nations into debt skavery through their own currency, the paying of Cromwell by Amsterdam jewish bankers to Invade britain kill Charles the 1st and regrant them access to Britain the Sephardi Jewish Sassoons that ran the opium trade from Afghanistan to China
How the so called british and dutch east india companies were really something else, the jewish convert satanic jesuitss being used to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, Charlamagne allowing only Jews to perform Usury.
and so on and so forth up to the USS Liberty false flag attack by Israel, the funding of the russian communists by Kuhn and Lobb, or Preston Walker-Bush and Dulles conduiting funds to Nazi germany, 9/11 (incidentally Osama bin Ladin (AKA CIA agent Tim Osman) died in december 2001),
operation Yew tree and others exposing the network of literal baby sacrificing adfrenochrome addicted satanists like Clinton
it's a twisted and frightening mess and I still barely understand the full extent of this conspiracy.
At this stage I wish it were just a far fetched fantasy, but it's simply the truth

also the other anons are correct, every jew could drop dead tomorrow and you'd only solve part of the problem
the satanic jews hate real religious jews above all else, I acrually don't have a problem with those guys they've been some of the greatest victims of the satanic jews
If Israel were really about Jews its flag would be a menorrah not the Rothschild (red shield) "star of David" that is actually a symbol of moloch worship or something
Oh and the mkultra traumatic kind control and grooming shabbos goys into positions of power they're grossly to incompetent to perform at, Obama's dodgy birth certificate and his father being a Chicago Communist leader

>> No.17072624

>One outcome of this has been a re-invented history of the Jewish participation in the slave trade which asserts that Jews were the majority of slave owners in the United States
No one claims they were the majority owners but that they were they were the slave TRADERS they financed and owned most of the boats and markets

>> No.17072639

There may be. College is still largely merit based though.
I should be clear, I don't support aff action. I think all applocations and background checks should be anonymous, but they aren't anti-white still unless you stretch what they do. The black employees and students are still qualified. It's not a mandatory company policy either and many don't need it.
That list is hardly relevant to anyone.

>> No.17072642

Less than 10%

>> No.17072647

the actual FBI use that ADL list, which is likely why they're always going on about the threat of white supremacist terrorism or whatever.

>> No.17072656

The income rates of Jewish households is comparable to the income rates of the general public.

>> No.17072663

>the actual FBI use that ADL list, which is likely why they're always going on about the threat of white supremacist terrorism or whatever.
getting your cause and effect mixed up
Why do they use the list in the first place?
Because they are dedicated to jewish power and suppression of white power.

>> No.17072667

Imagine that. It makes sense that it would be even though their IQ is higher as IQ only correlates at the minisucle rate of 0.3 to success.

>> No.17072670

Oh and the agreement between the Nazis and the zionists to ship jews to israel that is way more nefarious than you'd imagine, seriously Read Chamish's work

>> No.17072679


Waahhh they hate us cause we're white n shiet. Im so opressed.

>> No.17072689

Come on anon, don't degrade yourself like this

>> No.17072702

Its Its legitimately what you sound like to any person nit having their thoughts filtered through fiften degrees of misleading redpill fanfiction.

>> No.17072705

It is simply a fact that the FBI uses that list

>> No.17072726

Yeah, they ironically do good research.
You know what I appologize. I trust that you anons are good people IRL and with time you'll learn new truths through self-discovery. As for a good thorough WW2 book I would suggest. Hitler by Ian Kershaw. It's comprehensive and mostly comprised of primary sources.

>> No.17072740

They do not do good research, they are unbelievably biased to the point where they often simply refuse to record actual hate crimes against whites.