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17067704 No.17067704 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of it?

>> No.17067712


>> No.17068327

Its ok

>> No.17068426

the altruism of western euros is their achillez heel. it's boring to hear them whine on and on about how it is going to kill them.
yes, you are doomed as a culture. admit defeat and join the rabble or go away. the problem is solving itself

>> No.17068444

it's not altruism lol, they're just polite. They got assfucked by a combination of bagel disseminators and their own ethnic elite. These same people are utterly destroying most of the rest of the world too.

>> No.17068450

disagree. pathological altruism. most other ethnic groups are not nearly as kind om outgroup members. western euros have an unfixable flaw that prevents them from world domination

>> No.17068848

I could just as easily claim others have unfixable flaws which prevent them from even having the opportunity like Western Euros.

>> No.17068872

I kind if lost interest halfway through. Maybe I’ll finish it some day.

>> No.17068891

>the altruism of western euros
Wingnats love this meme, but i see nothing especially altruistic about them either in history or the present.

>> No.17069148

last half is the best part.

>> No.17069169

Yet they once did dominate the world and in a fairly vicious way. There's no master plot. It's Capitalism doing what it's supposed to.

>> No.17069177

>the altruism of western euros
kek. imagine believing this.

>> No.17069198
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>white world

>> No.17069212

It's funny that if you call out the factual and evidenced viciousness and greed of Colonialism you get blamed for revisionism. Yet they want to revise history into some sort of glorious and benevolent plot revolving around sharing the wonder of whiteness in the world. It's no wonder college liberalizes people when in Ethics 101 you're made aware of the harm in egocentric thinking. The western philosophers they hold as bastions of whiteness would hate thd monolithic thought of their progeny in retrospect to the evidence of history.

>> No.17069244

Then you are blind or stupid or both.
The self-imposed abolition of slavery. The self-imposed abolition of empires. The yearly gifts of billions of dollars in aid. The existence of functioning, non-corrupt systems of governance, which fundamentally base themselves on workers pursuing more than base self-interest. The functioning, far-encompassing welfare states, basing their success fundamentally on taxpayers and recipients pursuing more than base self-interest, not cheating or gaming the system.

>> No.17069245

>paperback went from $25 to $250 when be died

>> No.17069251

You get blamed for revisionism if you disagree that Whites are to blame for everything bad in the world. Monolithic history is what you find in modern college teaching, not outside it. You are a brainawashed fool.

>> No.17069262

True? Who cares about brown people.

>> No.17069267

College goes too far in the opposite direction, they are totally incapable of admitting that the colonizers, even in the places they were initally most brutal like Belgium, did actually build a lot of infrastructure and educate the natives, and that the countries collapsed after the whites left.

Europeans were not particularly evil or benevolent, they were mostly just looking to make money. Someone like Genghis Khan was a lot more irrationally destructive, but even he did build as well.

>> No.17069271

mind is broken, meant to write Belgian Congo

>> No.17069272

>capitalizing white
back to stormfront

>> No.17069277

>Whites are to blame for everything bad in the world.
This is an opinion you only see if you're actively looking for it. You're the one who's brainwashed. What's hilarious is that you brainwashed yourself by believing memes and graphs without ever once looking to see if they held to scruitiny.
I went to university and we learned both the positives and negatives of colonialism. I know you want to believe that everyone else is just brainwashed to hate whites, but that's not true. They're educated and form an opinion that colonialism and imperialism have had a net negative effect that we're still trying to rectify to this day.

>> No.17069287

>net negative effect
how exactly do you measure that? Africa was never developed in the first place, the Asian colonies are mostly fine. In the Americas it was admittedly disastrous for the natives

>> No.17069298

I went to an engineering school too

>> No.17069316

Did he actually write about "whites" in that novel? That is usually only a thing Americans do.

>> No.17069317

You look at the state of Latin America, Africa, and Indigenous Populations world over and you feel like a more mutually beneficial relationship could've been established. One where Congolese children arent dying in Cobalt mines for western convenience that we ironically use to further brainwash ourselves into mindless consumerism. I don't hate white people, I despise the elite that have raped this planet and its people for little more than their own benefit. How can we possibly claim a victory for whiteness when it was less than 1 percent of us paying unaware peasants to slaughter nations to line their pockets.

>> No.17069357

> I went to university and we learned....
We all did you fool.
You're parroting the shit you were teached. I went to university and studied history for 2,5 years before dropping out and switching to economics (polit at Uni. Copenhagen). The shit they teach in humanities is barefaced, shameless propaganda, and only a useful idiot incapable of critical thinking, who does not read on his own, would swallow their shit. Not only did they teach propaganda, any idiot could pass their courses, it requires little to nothing of students.

>> No.17069362

I think Africa and Latin America were fucked over by the technological advances of modernity more than anything. The colonial governments were not particularly bad there, they were clearly more functional than most of the post-colonial states.

>> No.17069389

Congolese children mine cobalt because of non-functioning African states, not because of anything done in the West. How exactly do you imagine the West is to fix the problem of children mining in the Congo? Are we to invade again and impose functioning government?

>> No.17069404

>Asian colonies are mostly fine

>> No.17069415 [DELETED] 


𐤇𐤍𐤁𐤏𐤋 𐤁𐤓𐤒

>> No.17069425
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>> No.17069426

Hong Kong and Singapore are well-off, Vietnam and India are about as functional as could be expected, etc. MENA's all fucked up but that again is due to post-colonial developments.

>> No.17069448

>pathological altruism.
call it what it is: weakness

>> No.17069468

Good post.

>> No.17069473

As Homer Simpson said, "The West: cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

Some people live in a state of contradiction.

>> No.17069484

Get Western companies out of the Congo that use slave labor for materials to build their shitty iphones

>> No.17069530

It's not Western companies employing child slave labor, it's local militias, crime syndicates, corrupt government employees etc. There is no "getting out".

>> No.17069586

Communism is so stupid its revolting. They seem to think that its the responsibility of the West to fix everything in the world that is unfixable, as if the West is the dad of the entire World. It's such a juvenile understanding of reality.

>> No.17069614

Oh yes it's THE WEST that produces all lithium-ion batteries. This mythical THE WEST and its EVIL CAPITAL is the reason behind it all. You surely do not consume any product containing lithium-ion batteries, that would be impossible. It's also entirely impossible that a non-Western company like Samsung would be a major producer of such products, or that Chinese companies like Foxconn would be responsible for the supply chains. It's all MUH EVIL WEST, not you, the consumer, or the Asian producers buying cheap cobalt from artisinal/unknown mining sources.

>> No.17069637

I misunderstood your post and thought you meant current Chinese colonies in Africa.

>> No.17069641

Do you not see the contradiction here?
>as if the West is the dad of the entire World.
This is what you /pol/ vermin think though. You think that "the west" so generously "handed civilization to the rest of the world." But then the "subhuman afroniggers" rejected it and became "the savages they are today." The west thus is the "creator of civilization", who offered it to the rest of the world, like a father.

>> No.17069644

This is whataboutism at it’s finest, you’re so irritated by SJWs you take the diametrically opposite views from them and go full retard in the opposite way. Western civilization clearly isn’t responsible for all the evil in the world and is responsible for a lot of great things, but it is clearly also responsible for SOME of the evil in the world.

>b-b-but whites dindu nuffin!! They good boys!!

>> No.17069687

There is no contradiction, because fascists don't believe it's our responsibility to fix the world, only to strive forward. The world cannot be fixed, it's a fever-fantasy of the juvenile mind. That man will become God if only MY DAD is overthrown. The fate of the nigger is not our problem, never was.

>> No.17069698

Yes, and that would be correct

>> No.17069746

The person is presenting an unclear, incoherent personal narrative about how "the West" is responsible for suffering in Africa. It has little relation to reality, how things function in Africa, or what would happen if restrictions were imposed on Western consumption of cobalts (production would move to the East with no consequence for congolese except lower wages). It's stupid, and a microcosmos of the thinking of leftists. Attractive emotional narratives with a tenuous relation to reality, and no practical solutions.

>> No.17069757

BTFO's liberals

>> No.17069771

The Western consumer demands these goods

>> No.17069796

Every consumer demands it. Asians, Africans, Latin Americans.

>> No.17069810

Who spread neoliberalism around the world?

>> No.17069826

Liberals did not invent consumption.

>> No.17069827

the USSR and China also had batteries lol

>> No.17069862

Who crawled out of the primordial soup? Who invented the first weapon? Who did the first genocide? Do you always argue like a scorned child?

>> No.17069874

The book was decent. I enjoyed it. I don't have anywhere near that level of animosity towards other races tough.

>> No.17069882

First chapter was best

>> No.17070122

>tfw you realize the White Man's Burden was never the task of civilizing the world, but rather keeping hegemony out of less benevolent hands.

>> No.17070168

This makes me wonder if libraries keep books like this under lock and key.

>> No.17070338

>switching to economics
t. brainwashed neolib.
>fucked over by the technological advances
Technological resources didn't extract the natural wealth and horde it overseas. Technological advances didnt replace sustenance farming with coffee amd chocolate. Didn't set up banana republics and threaten workers with violence if they dared seek better wages or treatment. Weird how post colonial states required CIA militia backup and complete subservience to those most invested in the exploitation of native resources.
Non functioning African states corrupted by what force? Why do these states exist? To serve whom? Idk how to fix it, maybe Apple and company could use some of their hundreds of billions in holdings to modernize thr mining process, maybe they could refuse to buy from sources until these governments ensure health and safety of their workers. Maybe they could exert massive economic pressure unless things changed. Nah, that'd be unfair to the poor shareholders wouldn't it.
>Are we to invade again and impose functioning government?
Apparently we just continue exploiting until China builds a functioning mutual relationship with the continent of Africa, as per the Kissinger plan. Naive fucks all of you.
Western countries bare a large portion of the blame, they've known for years about the inhumanity of their sources. Consumers are fleeced into unawareness and psychologically prodded to consume these products year after year despite the phones barely changing and the prices inflating dramatically. Dick ride your masters more though peasant.
It's one million times less naive than the narrative that slavery and proxy exploitation actualky aided the nation.

Econfags are just glorified calculators souless unimaginable pricks destined to throat the cock of Friedman until they unhappily die at 50 from a stress induced infarction. Which is better than they deserve.

>> No.17070362

They'll never get it, because they aren't even white enough to understand how it feels

>> No.17070366

China is just colonizing in a slow, inefficient fashion. The original colonies also raised the quality of life there, they were not just extracting the resources.

>> No.17070468

> Technological resources didn't extract the natural wealth and horde it overseas.

There's enormeous amounts of natural resources still in Africa. There was no hoarding, it was used for capital and consumption.
> Technological advances didnt replace sustenance farming with coffee amd chocolate

Substituting subsistence farming is bad?

> Didn't set up banana republics and threaten workers with violence if they dared seek better wages or treatment

Are you talking about the Soviet Union now? In any case, that was Latin America, not Africa.

> Non functioning African states corrupted by what force? Why do these states exist? To serve whom?

Not corrupted. The natural result of negroes. They exist because they represent the best of Africa.

> maybe Apple and company could use some of their hundreds of billions in holdings to modernize thr mining process, maybe they could refuse to buy from sources until these governments ensure health and safety of their workers

I can assure you that much money has been spent to modernize mining processes. The mining of cobalt by children is not only illegal, it's also something that much effort is spent by Western countries in avoiding. Here's the problem: there is no effective governance in the Congo, and there is a free global market for cobalt. Apple cannot make Congo into Iceland. You can tell niggers a hundred times not to use slave labour, whatever the reality is in San Francisco, it's not the same out in the Congo.
> Maybe they could exert massive economic pressure unless things changed

Apple is in direct global competition with Samsung and others. Their ability to impact the global market for smartphones in such a fundamental way is limited.

Some things can be done, and are being done. None of this changes the fact that the exploitation of labor in the Congo can be the responsibility of only Congo, as long as there is a global demand for cobalt, and Congo owns its natural resources. The only real solution is Western recolonialization and expropriation of Africas natural resources.

> Apparently we just continue exploiting until China builds a functioning mutual relationship with the continent of Africa, as per the Kissinger plan. Naive fucks all of you.

That will never happen, you naïve fool.

> Western countries bare a large portion of the blame, they've known for years about the inhumanity of their sources.

And have done much to avoid it. There's many kinds of products whose source is difficult to control, though, cobalt being one. As long as niggers control Congo, slave labour will be used. It's the fault of the leftists that gave them power, and themselves.

> Consumers are fleeced into unawareness and psychologically prodded to consume these products year after year despite the phones barely changing and the prices inflating dramatically

That's hipster leftists who need a new phone to post on instagram about how much they care for congos poor.

>> No.17070475

> It's one million times less naive than the narrative that slavery and proxy exploitation actualky aided the nation.

There was no exploitation of Africa. Colonization was the ruthless exploitation by niggers of White altruism, but even that wasn't enough for them so they killed the Whites that held Africa together and gave power to leftists. The results today speak for themselves.

>> No.17070530

>it's also something that much effort is spent by Western countries in avoiding
lmao at you actually believing corporate pr speak

>> No.17070540

>The original colonies also raised the quality of life there.
Since independence in 1960, life expectancy in the Congo has climbed steadily, from around 41 years on the eve of independence to 59 in 2015. This figure remains low compared to most other countries in the world. Nonetheless, it is high compared to what it was under Belgian rule.

Under colonial rule, the Congolese population declined by estimates ranging from three million to 13 million between 1885 and 1908 due to widespread disease, a coercive labour regime and endemic brutality.

Africans experienced a severe deterioration in living standards as the consequence of colonialism. Indeed,
given the extent of land expropriated from Africans by Europeans, living standards might have fallen by
about 50%. These calculations are supported by evidence on real wages (Wilson, 1972, Mosley, 1983,
Bowden and Mosley, 2010, de Zwart, 2011). Falling African incomes in conjunction with rising average
incomes implies that there was a huge increase in inequality as the consequence of colonialism. Outside of
the settler colonies the situation was different. There is evidence that nominal and real wages in the formal
sector increased in British West Africa (Bowden and Mosley, 2010, Frankema and van Waijenburg, 2011).

In the majority of African colonies real income fell. Africa was poor, technologically backward and poorly de-
veloped (in terms of the measures we have discussed in this paper) in the first half of the 19th century.
Nevertheless, other parts of the world were also poor and underdeveloped in this period, for example Japan
or Thailand and most parts of Latin America, and they are much more prosperous than Africa today. It
is possible for societies to change their institutions and move onto better development paths though it is
not of course inevitable that they will do so. European colonialism did bring some proximate benefits in
terms of technology, a sort of peace and a sort of access to and implantation of modern institutions. Yet
little attempt was really made to make such benefits, such as they were, endure, and many of which, like
peace, were restricted to the colonial period. Europeans also brought racism, discrimination, inequality
and seriously warped many African political and economic institutions. Once the European powers left,
much of what was positive was ephemeral and went into reverse while many of the negatives endured.

>> No.17070574

>, for example Japan
>or Thailand and most parts of Latin America, and they are much more prosperous than Africa today.
I wonder what might be different about Japan.

I don't see how you can possibly see the Congo as superior now to how it was in the 50s, Im assuming the life expectancy is due to medical improvements that cut infant mortality, or Zimbabwe compared to Rhodesia, or South Africa post-apartheid.

The more functional countries on the subcontinent like Botswana are still more or less being covertly run by colonial remnants in the form of companies and government organizations

>> No.17070758

>There was no hoarding, it was used for capital and consumption.
Yes. Hoarding capital and exploiting native labor.
>Substituting subsistence farming is bad?
It certainly is in Africa where nutrition is already scarce and people have to borrow money for processed food instead of growing yams to feex their family.
>In any case, that was Latin America, not Africa.
If the names have changed, the forms remain the same. Colonialism was exploitation. The effect was largely negative.
>Not corrupted. Not America. Natural.
Barbary Wars of 1801-1815. The Cold War era, during which the US supported corrupt and brutal dictators, military coups, governments, and insurgencies. Siad Barre.
UNISOM I, UNITAF and UNISOM II. Battle of Mogadishu. American intervention created Somalia.
>I can assure you that much money has been spent to modernize mining processes.
Haha, no. They finally started claiming they were "innovating" the process after huge lawsuits and an Amnesty International report.
>much effort is spent by Western countries in avoiding.
It would be easy to avoid. They're supposed to collect detailed information on their sourcing, but don't. If it's changing its due to lawsuits and public pressure.
>Apple isn't strong enough.
Ok bud.
>responsibility of only Congo
Yep, surely decades of interventionism and colonial exploitation have nothing to do with it.
>That will never happen.
It is happening, and in more humane way than US control has been.
>And have done much to avoid it.
Name anything done prior to Amnesty International exposing them. They would've continued in secrecy if not for those pesky journos. Even still they're twittling their thumbs and slowing the process down with beuaracracy.
>That's hipster leftists
It's all of America and the west. Fat fuck republicans text and drive their rascals around Walmart while filling their buggy with Chinese goods and stating that the left should leave the corporate elite alone, their the good guys.

I pity your complete stupidity and subservience to faceless corporate rule. They write the laws in America and you obey. You're no human, a feckless creature that stands for nothing.

>> No.17070769
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First chapter is great.

I never got to the second half. Is it best as per >>17069148 ?

>> No.17070795

>americans talking about Europe and the "west"
Every single time.

>> No.17070806

>I wonder what might be different about Japan.
Never colonized by western imperialist bastards.
>Im assuming
Yes. You are.
>The more functional countries on the subcontinent like Botswana are still more or less being covertly run by colonial remnants in the form of companies and government organizations
As are many of the least functional. No one to one comparison is available. The softer colonies like Mauritius and Seychelles or Algeria are far better off than most.

>> No.17070821

Fat fucking burgers typing with greasy fried chicken stained fingers. Eyes flashing as their brainwashed state exposes them immediately as the forebearers of subservience to elite hegemony. See how they dogmatically defend their masters? Spineless and weak. All of them.

>> No.17070876

>I pity your complete stupidity and subservience to faceless corporate rule. They write the laws in America and you obey. You're no human, a feckless creature that stands for nothing.
You wrote this using a computer built with slave labor. How exactly are you any better?

>> No.17070887

Algeria is obviously not part of the discussion on Africa, NA and SSA have to be seen as different regions, nor is Seychelles. Also Japan literally has American military in it to this day and HK and Singapore were colonized. The actual determining factor here is fairly obvious.

>> No.17070904

yes anon you are enlightened and people who disagree with you are universally fat american cowards.

>> No.17070949

>How exactly are you any better?
I bought my electronics used. I'm better because I fucking try to support ethical and minimal consumption and raise awareness about issues with our form of consumption. Why should children have fo die for petty western convenience? Why do you faggots throw your hands up and say oh well, GDP go up. Shareholders happy. These companies are fucking us too for christs sake. Look at the fucking inflation. How much they produce in China rathed than domestic. Why defend the bastards?

>> No.17070960
File: 461 KB, 2119x1415, united-states-federal-reserve-building--washington-dc--usa-699686820-4fe8a5acea0b451b8998d683dfcd87db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Look at the fucking inflation.

>> No.17070965

>The actual determining factor here is fairly obvious.
That Asian countries were given virtual autonomy and were able to retain the profits of their resources?

>> No.17070993

Fuck the fed too you Libertarian ankle biter.
They don't set Apples prices though. Hardly relates to my current discussion. But yes Mr. Mises, they're shitty too. Now go plat with your brother at the Rand foundation arcade and hebophilia ranch.

>> No.17071005

I don't buy apple products but they're just a company, they produce stuff people want. The Fed are nothing but leeches

>> No.17071019


> Yes. Hoarding capital and exploiting native labor.

Nah. Nothing of substance. Very little value was created from it.

> It certainly is in Africa where nutrition is already scarce and people have to borrow money for processed food instead of growing yams to feex their family.


>Yep, surely decades of interventionism and colonial exploitation have nothing to do with it.

Correct. The exploitation was the Africans taking advantage of European benevolence.

> If the names have changed, the forms remain the same. Colonialism was exploitation. The effect was largely negative.

Africa should pay a debt to Europe and America as thanks for access to tech and knowledge we created.

> Barbary Wars of 1801-1815. The Cold War era, during which the US supported corrupt and brutal dictators, military coups, governments, and insurgencies. Siad Barre.
UNISOM I, UNITAF and UNISOM II. Battle of Mogadishu. American intervention created Somalia.

Nothing that didn't happen in Europe as well. Cope to deal with the fact that nigges fail. Liberia was never colonized, yet became an even worse shithole, because they were unable to take advantage of European colonization.

> It is happening, and in more humane way than US control has been.

China is trying to take advantage via Belt&Road, but it will never be what you envisage it to be. China does not give a fuck about Africa and will just take the advantages they can get in form of control over infrastructure and extraction of natural resources.

> Name anything done prior to Amnesty International exposing them.

Exposing who? How is Apple in SF supposed to know that their Taiwanese producer is using a Chinese middleman who buys cobalt from artisanal miners. I'm sure they're happy that there is a general focus on the problem. Probably not happy that stupid leftists like you think it's only a problem if Western companies do it, but are happy to buy products made in China regardless of how they were made, because "America is like totally racist n stuff".

>It's all of America and the west.

Not fascists. It's the left and liberals who care about such things. Capitalism is the best economic system possible, and it provides what people desire. Unfortunately, many leftists are stupid and desire stupid things. That's not capitalisms fault, that's leftists.

>> No.17071038

I read it in the original so I am not vouching for translations. Chapters start looooo nnng and slooooowww as the danger is far away. They become shorter and more action packed later in the book, as >>17069148 says

>> No.17071078

We're defending the West and our heritage, not companies. It's the left that defends companies and worship them for their woke politics. As long as a leftist gets his new iphone and gets to post on instagram about how awesome the new tyrannical cancel culture of Google is, he is happy. The right wants order, state power, and the creation of values that will lead the West forward

>> No.17071193

>I bought my electronics used.
That's it? Lmao, I guess we're on the same level then.

>> No.17071220

>Very little value was created
It was all spent on bullshit
It's very real. I understand that you lack the vocabulary and knowledge to engage with it though.
I know.
>Africa should pay a debt to Europe and America
They have and continue to.
>Nothing that didn't happen in Europe as well.
Pampered Euros fucked pigs and created powerful pig fucking diseases to repel invaders and destroy the non pig fuckers of the world.
An American experiment.
>China does not give a fuck about Africa
I sort of agree. Better than America though.
>Exposing who?
>How is Apple in SF
They know. Not the proles. The masters knew.
>Not fascists.
Kek. You fat fuckers and your battle stations consistently dick ride corporate oligarchy. You're utter fools who think only Jewish business elites are poisonous. Your ideology is based off of memes that won't pass the mind of a serious thinker or hold up to a 13 year olds internet search. I was there when your memes were created and they were created purposefully untrue. You're hilarious, a poor representative of the hivemind that spoon fed you.
>We're defending the West and our heritage, not companies.
Whatever you tell yourself. You're a corporate stooge. In fact your whole "movement" was funded by shareholders in payment to stormfront after OWS. Why? Because you nor your ideology pose any threat to the rule of the elite. Fascists have always sold out to Corporations. Nothings knew. When you get to Fascist hell you'll see that Satan is corporate board headed by Krupp, Bechstein, and IG Farben. Feckless and foolish you adherents are. Nothing new or surprising there.
>It's the left that defends companies and worship them for their woke politics.
This is your fantasy. The left has been the only resistance to them, that they adopt woke politics only proves the threat that leftists pose to them. They have to cater to leftists to pacify them.
>The right wants order, state power, and the creation of values that will lead the West forward
Hahaha. You want corporate oligarchy and a state boot. You have it already. Your values are meaningless relics of an age gone by. Culture won't be changed by any government. It evolves on its own, and you incels have already lost. Go back to pol and continue to beainwash yourselves and the lowest IQ zoomers.
>That's it?
What do you want to hear? I was deployed to Yemen for Covid relief. Like it or not, I have to live and survive as well. I resist consumerism in any way I can. I grow and hunt my own food. Why do you want my biography faggot.

>> No.17071237

>We're defending the West and our heritage, not companies.
how is defending apple using metal mined from african child labour defending the west?

>> No.17071290

Corporations are always censoring fascism, idk why you think they're promoting it.

>> No.17071312

nick fuentes is still on twitter last i checked

>> No.17071324

I never claimed that. I stated historically they supported fascist regimes. I said now that some entity created fleeced and psyopped internet spaces.

Make no mistake though, if Fascisms ideas were populat corporations would champion them all the same. They do what they do for money, and power. They have no reason to promote something that poses zero threat to their hegemony.

>> No.17071333

The persecution complex never stops. There are countless fascists on Twitter.

>> No.17071347

I don't who that is, I have heard his name but I don't know what his beliefs are, is he really fascist? It seems to me that anything related to ethno-centrism for white populations, criticism of Jews and usury, militarism and patriarchal values, etc. is marginalized if not outright banned.

>> No.17071361

Well Fascist regimes were ok for corporations, the conditions were not as ideal as those in liberal democracies are though. The corporations will just go along with whoever is in power anyway, that's why they profess the antifascist progressive type stuff.

>> No.17071373

That's exactly what I said. They won't only go along with it. They will absorb and control it. Hitler would've failed with Krupp and Farben, you think they helped him for free?

>> No.17071382

They can't control the government entirely, especially when the state is strong like in a Fascist country. They influence it of course.

>> No.17071420

No state has ever been as strong as the American government. Yet, corporations write 95% of the laws. Why is that? Because money is power as long as Capitalism is the dominant system. No "strong man" is going to change that. Only the force of the public could hope to resist it but we're atomized and made to behave tribally.

>> No.17071436

The American government is not strong, it's an obscure, inefficient, unaccountable labyrinth of bureaucracies. The level of control that corporations have is evidence of its weakness, but you are overstating the situation, they don't literally write all the laws.

>> No.17071461

>is not strong
Foolish statement. By every metric they are the most powerful state of all humanity.

>are overstating the situation
I'm not. Educate yourself.

>> No.17071494

Their military is very impressive, though they have been sabotaging it for a while now, and they are a rich country, but they do not have a strong government, the government is just terrible at accomplishing much of anything, the entire way it's set up is retarded.

And posting examples of corporate influence does not mean they actually control all the laws and regulations in the country.

>> No.17071530

>does not mean they actually control all the laws and regulations
I saix they write them. They do. Their bills are also passex 9-1 to public bills.

>> No.17071539

This is a real misunderstanding. Hitler ended up causing a lot of trouble with the big businesses precisely because they thought that giving him money meant that they controlled him, when what happened was as soon as he didnt need certain players anymore he turned on them as he always intended to do. Even Hannah Arendt will admit this and she's hardly a fan.
The whole thing you guys often seem to ignore is that the state does actually have greater power than capital. It doesn't seem that way to modern westerners but if you look at China or any fascist state, money buys influence to some extent, but ultimately can not dictate politics since all power ultimately rests with the authoritarian state.

>> No.17071552

Do you think eg. Roe vs Wade court decision is secretly corporate control?

>> No.17071609

Roe V Wade is a court decision. Not a bill written by corporations. Also, no.
>ultimately can not dictate politics
They write legislation that Congress copies and then they lobby to have it passed. They can exert massive pressure on governments.

>> No.17071629

It is a very important legal decision is what it is, and not one controlled by corporations.

>> No.17071645

Yes. This one percent of law doesn't destroy my argument does it? If so one black genius destroys your worldview.

>> No.17071651
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it's a messy but ultimately prophetic book, that has some great passages (pic related)

>> No.17071680

Where are you getting '1% of law' from, the courts in the US are notoriously overpowered.

>> No.17071742

No buddy. The US governement isnt powerful right? How many court decisions swing in corporate favor? From 2000 to 2010, and in those cases the courts ruled in favor of corporations 71 percent of the time.


>> No.17071809

That is still 1/3 of cases and doesn't account for cases unrelated to them. And yes the courts are designed to have a lot of power, this is itself a weakness of the government system.

>> No.17071810
File: 251 KB, 3000x1800, World Empires 1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wingnats love this meme, but i see nothing especially altruistic about them either in history or the present.
They altruistically destroyed themselves in a five decade long orgy of violence to determine which particular R1b offshoot gets to rape the most niggers.

>> No.17071820


>> No.17071839

It's less than 1/4th moron. And giving total authority to one individual is even stupider. I don't live by the whim of man, I live in conjunction with mankind.

>> No.17071848

I think it's interesting the the great boogieman is a flotilla of Indian migrants.

>> No.17071862

The one individual never has actual total authority, but it is a better system to have a dictator or king for reasons of accountability, incentives, and efficiency. And 29% is equidistant from 33% and 25%

>> No.17071866


Raspail said he didn't choose Africans because it would have been too incendiary even then

>> No.17071870

disgusting fascist fantasy
kill yourself

>> No.17071896

Nonexistent evidenced by the rate at which dictators are replaced without CIA intervention.
Like not being arbitrarily controlled on a whim.
Fuck efficiency.
>And 29%
Yes retard and 71% were in favor of corporations 17% of employees, the public etc. And 11% was special interest groups.

>> No.17071919

Dictators and kings are in the public eye and have to contend with both other elites and the masses, unlike the faceless bureaucrats that rules us now, and they do get ousted. Efficiency is a good thing so that's just an odd comment, and the point is that corporations don't always win, and also corporations are often not even involved in the decision.

>> No.17071963

>corporations are often not even involved in the decision.
You're naive about the power of money.
>Efficiency is a good thing
Having one mans whims and neuroses dictating a countries law is not efficient. It's insane. I understand Fascists require a strong male to hold their hand and guide them, but thd large majority of humans enjoy their freedom and autonomy.

>> No.17071985

I gave the example of Roe vs Wade, what does that have to do with corporations. I think you are a bit naive to think the only form of power that exists is money. And the bureaucracy controls you as much as, and often more than the dictator would, you do not enjoy more freedom and autonomy.

>> No.17072018

>the bureaucracy
The beauracracy is intrinsically tied to money on this country. Our senators are industry insiders worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Our presidents appoint CEOs to positions of power and importance. Lmao, I like how your point was the government isn't powerful and now are making the point that they are. Truth is you don't have a point. You have confirmation bias and you're feeding it.

>> No.17072040

There are other power structures than corporations, including government agencies, courts, banks, etc. The government is not powerful in the sense it can accomplish difficult things, it is a thousand petty tyrant clerks regulating everyone's lives.

>> No.17072049

Call it what it is: racist garbage.
>Pour répondre d’avance à une question piège, il ne faudrait pas déduire de ce qui précède un appel à l’interdiction du Camp de saints. Mais il faut l’appeler par son nom : un livre raciste. Il faut désigner les éditions Robert Laffont comme ce qu’elles sont : l’éditeur d’un livre raciste. Un livre raciste littérairement intéressant, sans doute ; sociologiquement, historiquement intéressant, tout ce qu’on voudra, mais raciste. Et toxique. Rééditez-le tant que vous voudrez, invitez l’auteur tant que vous voudrez, mais ayez le courage d’apposer un bandeau, «attention, contenu raciste». Ou bien «le racisme tue». Comme sur les paquets de cigarettes, que la liberté interdit aussi d’interdire.

>> No.17072099

Le livre est peut-être raciste mais les prédictions étaient en fait moins pire que ce qui est vraiment arrivé pendant les 2010s avec la crise des migrants.

>> No.17072119

You're a poor debater. I said corporations write laws. They do. You then spent several moments attempting to downplay government power and corporate influence while also overstating government power. You're a strange fella. You're argueing against a position I don't have. I never said it was ALL corporate power. Im aware of how the government works.

>> No.17072122

>mais les prédictions étaient en fait moins pire que ce qui est vraiment arrivé pendant les 2010s avec la crise des migrants
How? Europe, and France, is doing just fine.

>> No.17072131

Del hon hon, un triste est garbon.

He met Marmalade down in old Moulin Rouge
Struttin' her stuff on the street
She said, "Hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?"
Oh, uh-huh
Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, da-da (hey, hey, hey)
Gitchie, gitchie, ya-ya, here (here)
Mocha Chocolata, ya-ya (ooh, yeah)
Creole Lady Marmalade
(What-what? What-what?)
Ooh, oh
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

>> No.17072142

There are many laws that are not written or decided by corporations and don't even have anything to do with them. I have said the state is not strong in the way it was in Fascist states, the power is distributed in obscure ways and non-governmental organizations have lots of influence, as you are pointing out yourself wrt corporations, but there are numerous restrictions on personal liberty that have accumulated over the decades from various parts of the system.

>> No.17072160

>They write legislation that Congress copies and then they lobby to have it passed
This is not true in an authoritarian state like the examples I gave, e.g. China.

>> No.17072232
File: 280 KB, 668x800, hoomans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are going to go extinct or become a forgotten irrelevant minority like Native Americans.

The more interesting question: what happens to the world afterward?

>> No.17072250

the Natives had a lot of diseases working against them and they were centuries behind the European invaders, there are simply way too many white people, and they are too high IQ, to ever stop being relevant. They might become less important than the Chinese though.

>> No.17073605

Not a fascist. Bread tubers and almost every leftist on the internet I can think of is on twitter?

>> No.17073678

It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary bros

>> No.17073790

It's not a fantasy anymore

>> No.17073902

The author is very competent, his fiction and social analysis is great but as a literary work it's frankly not that good, if he bothered to have fully fledged characters instead of using them to represent things he doesn't like (like the first scene with the obvious self-insert killing the caricatural antifa) then it might have been different. Some moments in the book are striking though like the description of the horde in the boat and the cowardice of the characters left me with a sick feeling in my stomach, something like "yes, it could absolutely happen here"

>> No.17074764

>"yes, it could absolutely happen here"

No it couldn't. The logistics of such a migrant flood is laughable in its absurdity.

>> No.17074911

K wasn't talking about the feasibility of the invasion, I was talking of the cowardice of the characters in facing an exitential threat