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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 430 KB, 664x874, Rimbaud-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17070257 No.17070257 [Reply] [Original]

>Il faut être absolument moderne.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17070267

"I fart enter absolvement modern?"

>> No.17070275

He has that faggot look.

>> No.17070280

I wouldn't know I don't speak immigration and surrender

>> No.17070331

sorry i can't read arabic

>> No.17070343
File: 310 KB, 743x1200, Battle_of_Castillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French fought in more major wars than any other European country and have one of the best military records on the continent. It's ironic the reputation they have among ignorant Americans and their ilk when history attests to them being the most brutal and insatiable warrior people of Europe. You might do well to open up a history book.

>> No.17070348
File: 63 KB, 410x598, 1598544532935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you're not /lit/ if you shit on French.

>> No.17070355
File: 288 KB, 755x708, 1500605683122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's necessary to be absolutely modern.
a rare sentence im able to understand with my dogshit comprehension of french

>> No.17070356

Means "we need to be absolutely modern", though since I don't really know the context I don't really know what he means here by modern

>> No.17070381

TA *émoji de taper* GUEULE *émoji de taper*

>> No.17070428

>What did he mean by this?

Une saison en enfer was pretty much just Rimbaud rambling about his shit gay partner. Adieu is the last section of it, with the seasons being an allegory for the course of the relationship. This sentence comes after the seasons have taken their course, and he explains that any regrets would just sour his memories, that in fact he need to erase these memories, and just live the happiness he felt then now, as is. "il faut etre absolutement moderne" could mean simply "we must live in the now", or it could be that living without regrets is what he sees as being modern...

>> No.17070439

This reputation comes from the fact that France is the only relevant country with no american bases on its soil. They didn't surrender to american imperialism and there's not a single thing in the cosmos that makes americans seethe more.

>> No.17070443

>>17070280 #
Desolé, je parle pas le 42℅ de population obese et le se faire tabasser par des paysans vietnamiens

>> No.17070449
File: 90 KB, 550x793, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Une saison en enfer was pretty much just Rimbaud rambling about his shit gay partner.
No, it's not. There is one section about Verlaine. The rest is about his inability to adapt to enlightenment ideals, modernity, and bourgeois prejudice. He makes a personal decision to embrace modernity in spite of his own predispositions and try to make his old Gallic spirit converge with the modern world.

>> No.17070455

Pas cet anon au-quel tu réponds. Moi je parle la capitale de l'Algérie est Marseille

>> No.17070459

The French are based for importing so much hot MENA puss into their country. Everyone else can go post on /r9k/ about how Stacey ignored them again.

>> No.17070467

Les femmes de l'Orient-Moyen et l-Afrique du Nord ne sont pas tellement belles pour être honnête

>> No.17070472
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, Théti-chéri (papyrus).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, we turned lusting over brown pussy into an aesthetical mouvement.

>> No.17070490
File: 73 KB, 604x604, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to plow unlimited Turkish pussy
Kinda gay, bro.
Very based

>> No.17070522

No I like how this girl looks, but imo the average arab woman is not as good looking as the average euro woman

>> No.17070538

>Et c'est un vieux pays, la France, d'un vieux continent comme le mien, l'Europe, qui vous le dit aujourd'hui, qui a connu les guerres, l'occupation, la barbarie. Un pays qui n'oublie pas et qui sait tout ce qu'il doit aux combattants de la liberté venus d'Amérique et d'ailleurs. Et qui pourtant n'a cessé de se tenir debout face à l'Histoire et devant les hommes. Fidèle à ses valeurs, il veut agir résolument avec tous les membres de la communauté internationale. Il croit en notre capacité à construire ensemble un monde meilleur.
Americans are still seething about this.

>> No.17070555

a nigga finna be stylin

>> No.17070621

I think it depends on the country really. Levantine, Isreali, and Turkish women are quite attractive for example. North African and deep Arabian peninsula women generally are not.

>> No.17070672

Mmmh that's fair but I think it generally speaking depends on genetic admixture. Like, the bushy eyebrows/monobrow is not just a meme. The girl you posted would easily pass for white

>> No.17070689

I love my french brothers

>> No.17070691

why didn't he use "on" instead of "il"?
pls help am learning

>> No.17070699

"on" or "un"

>> No.17070737


"On doit" (we must) and "Il faut" (technically, 'it has [to be that]' are essentially interchangeable in French. But you wouldn't say "On faut" or "Il doit"... those parts of the syntagm just aren't/

>> No.17070741

"Il faut" is idiomatic, and it fact the verb "falloir" can only be conjugated with "il" except in very rare cases that are also idiomatic (such as "peu s'en faut"). It is true that if you could say "on faut" or "nous fallons" it wouldn't be absurd and your question is a good question. As to why he used "il faut" instead of another expression, well, anon, that's poetry.

>> No.17070745

"un" is wrong, and for it to be "on" one would have to write "on doit". You can't say "on faut"

>> No.17070801

merci mes amis

>> No.17070853
File: 20 KB, 480x360, ff039133cf271dced531718ac597caab8a8dd9f89ae1d6e73b8238a81e6422ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ce que j'ai fait, ce soir-là
>Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir-là
>Réalisant mon espoir
>Je me lance vers la gloire... OK
Just watched Stop Making Sense again, what a blast! Thank you French people :)

>> No.17071115


>> No.17071158
File: 10 KB, 180x179, Wojak_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malinement..tout près, tout près.

>> No.17071191

I always get the impression that French is an extremely idiomatic language, though I might be inventing this.

>> No.17072092

my french is a bit bit rusty but it means he/you must be completely modern

>> No.17072415


>> No.17072491

You're right. Overall French probably isn't very hard to learn but there are a lot of archaisms and particularities. I think this is mainly due to the Académie and the fact that historically French is a language of conversation (as Leopardi put it), which automatically creates a certain snobbism between the people who speak the language correctly and the ones who don't. It's a bit like the accents in the UK I think but more subtle because it's all about a certain way of speaking and grammar exceptions that are more refined the upper you go in society (accent still plays a role of course). One example that comes to mind is for instance the agreement of the colour adjectives. Almost every adjective in French takes a -s in the end if the noun is plural (for instance : "de jolis dés"), but colour adjectives might not ONLY if the adjective comes from a noun used to describe the colour such "cerise" meaning "cherry" and "cherry-red", so you would say "des dés jaunes" (yellow dices) but "des dés cerise" (cherry-red dices). My guess is that a lot of people don't know, or don't care about the rule, but it can be used to look down upon these people if you know it. Lot of weird rules like that that don't fundamentally change the way you speak.

>> No.17072506

My French is much too poor to be aware of such things in my diction, but I did peruse Le Bon Usage quite a bit in highschool, which has all sorts of funny stuff in it.

>> No.17072520

Your average American who actually cares about this thinks about the French as the country that helped them in the Revolutionary War.

>> No.17072548
File: 1.20 MB, 1134x1524, Mathilde_Mauté_(1853-1914)_par_Charles_Gallot_(image_colorisée)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaysex is good
Does not blame Verlaine one little bit, if i had a choice between this twink and a wife like that i would have done the same.

>> No.17072618

You just know lit thots rub themselves silly over this fellow.

>> No.17072700

Interesting post. Thanks anon

>> No.17072741

It is, probably more so than the average language. What makes French hard is the idioms, not the grammar or the vocabulary. There are just so many nonsensical idioms that it's kind of maddening. Read any French author and I can almost hear the pompous hon hon hons coming out of the page. Only a nation of smug assholes could have come up with such a tongue, but people put up with it anyway because it sounds so good.

>> No.17072772

SHIT thread. Guys, just leave this fucking board. ZERO relevant discussion. Honestly any /lit/ thread outside /lit/ (say /fit/, /out/, ffs even /pol/) is decent. Seeing the replies is painful.

>> No.17073921

>SHIT thread. Guys, just leave this fucking board. ZERO relevant discussion.