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/lit/ - Literature

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17069159 No.17069159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on escaping the postmodern condition?

>> No.17069165

Works and Days

>> No.17069175
File: 57 KB, 558x386, jeanbaudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro
just do good shit without expecting any rewards

>> No.17069180

She's so beautiful... I would pay money just to hold her hand for a moment.

>> No.17069187

What do you mean by “escaping”?

You live in the world so you can’t really escape it but you can learn to live certain ways within it I guess.

>> No.17069190

You must be well financed to be able to afford an luxurious whore such as this.

>> No.17069194

Return to monke

>> No.17069195
File: 96 KB, 1101x795, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Holy Bible

>> No.17069200

Is this the only way?

>> No.17069234

This is literally the comfiest period in all of human history. You have hundreds of years of art, music, literature, film, etc. all at your disposal and entirely for free. You would suffer if you were transported to even just the past century.
>NOOO but muh media and muh people and and
You realize you can just ignore it right? Most people have always been retarded. The media was always shit and disingenuous. You LARPers make me sick, you have no idea how privileged you are and how easy you have it.

>> No.17069238

looks like a braindead whore

>> No.17069243
File: 57 KB, 287x428, 7ABF45C6-1972-4095-852B-07E96D43E4C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a new world. I won’t even care if you call it New Sincerity

>> No.17069249

Shills leave this board :)


>> No.17069250

>You have hundreds of years of art, music, literature, film, etc. all at your disposal and entirely for free.
Yes, it's like being trapped in a museum.

>> No.17069264
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Go watch TV monkey. Monkey go get in car and do monkey task. It is comfortable but at what fucking cost? Everyone is becoming schizophrenic to try to cope with the bulk of information present. We are all comfy monkey. What the fuck do we do now?

>> No.17069289

>What the fuck do we do now?
We make artificial bodies and artificial brains that aren't a thousand years old and that can function better and more efficiently. Until then just enjoy the ride and realize your existential dread is merely your monkey brain not being evolved enough to be comfortable. Or go live in the woods or some shit and return to monke. You can do all of this in the oh so terrifying post-modern condition.

>> No.17069308

No artificial bodies and brains in our lifetime.

>> No.17069315

deconditioning, I guess.

>> No.17069353

This is literally the point of reading Anthem.

>> No.17069385

That's an interesting question!

>> No.17069455
File: 987 KB, 1920x2560, 1EFC7545-4F29-4AA6-9DA2-7339822CB7B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book addresses this concept

>> No.17069459

I remember puberty

>> No.17069471


>> No.17069756

watch fight club. read Nietzsche

>> No.17069851

So it seems, so it seems

>> No.17069877


> Guard & Gated communities will bring about true democracy

You are usually better than this.
Not much, but still.

>> No.17070003

Return to tradcatholicism

>> No.17070417

Anon..look at her shoes. I can guarantee you this girl spends 8 hours a day pondering her instagram.
If u don't know anything about /fa/ this is like peak tier normie instazombie shoe

>> No.17070442

First step is to stop using thots to prop up your off-topic thread.

>> No.17070612

That was never a thing

>> No.17070970

>yes I am a consoomer, how could you tell?
>what, participatory knowledge? I-I'm sure you can consoom a podcast on that or something, bro

>> No.17071252
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Accelerate climate change to cause a societal collapse and the destruction of the old world

>> No.17071438

Conquest of the serpent


>> No.17071533

The Internet has ruined women for me.
First thing I think when I see this girl is wow she's hot, I would love her as a gf but then I think that she has probably already taken miles of cock, likely from non-whites too, and I feel completely turned off.

>> No.17071546
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>The Internet has ruined women for me.
>First thing I think when I see this girl is wow she's hot, I would love her as a gf but then I think that she has probably already taken miles of cock, likely from non-whites too, and I feel completely turned off

>> No.17071565

Kys you’re a cancer

>> No.17071578

"The postmodern condition" is the fun aftermath of Western liberalism conquering the globe you ungrateful fucking dumbass. I'm sorry that ads don't speak to your soul but you really need to do more with your life

>> No.17071581


We already did. We live in an hypermodernist reality now, bucko!

> It isn't better at all
But why would anything ever get better?

>> No.17071591

>Everyone is becoming schizophrenic

Not everyone has your mental disorder. Is the postmodern condition really tough because not everyone agrees with you all the time?

>> No.17071620

I really don't understand you guys. Do you not remember in middle or high school when everyone started sleeping around? Why do you need the internet to tell you that women(and men) are sluts, how can you grow up in the 21st century and not just know that. Even if you didn't get girls yourself, surely you saw the girls hopping from guy to guy somewhat

>> No.17071662

I have that shoe, its still nice and comfy after 2 years. Great everyday sneaker

>> No.17071871

Let’s see your shoes anon.

>> No.17072052

take the Geo-political realism pill. much will be revealed to you my son

>> No.17072194

You can't "return". Any "return" to something must be radically new. It's not enough to bring back latin mass, "non-degenerate" art and other formal peculiarities of the "tradcath" idea. Any "return" to Christianity will strip down what was excessive and false about the Church and re-state Christ's truth more radically. Our problem today is not aesthetical but it is a pure problem of Faith. There is almost nobody in the world today who believes in Christ in a radical sense, the way the Apostles did. There is almost nobody out there today who envisions the coming of Christ as potentially happening in an hour or a week. The tradcath thing is a nice idea, I am sure it cause many to at least try to spend more time thinking about Christ and perhaps improved their experience and behavior as Christians, but it cannot be that our wish is to bring back the Church purely in an aesthetical sense. We have to go back right to Christ as if the crucifixion and resurrection happened just a few days ago at most. This is an exceedingly great task, so great that it might require God's help to kick it off, much like happened in the Pentecost. Eschatologically speaking we might not be there yet, it might even be an impossibility without the world going through a process of purification through strife and disaster. But eventually an era like that will arrive even if the West is in ruins by then.

>> No.17072198

saw this pic and my first thought was that I wished she were barefoot, something is wrong with me bros

>> No.17072215

There are enough pictures of her barefoot

>> No.17072291

My thoughts are to board up the windows, have a big family, and catechize them properly. The archons of modernity don't have enough kids so if we wait ~100 years we can probably emerge from our caves, outnumber them, and return to virtuous norms. China will have other ideas which is the problem with this strategy.

>> No.17072709
File: 51 KB, 605x818, flowers-look-like-animals-people-monkeys-orchids-pareidolia-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soulcraft by bill plotkin
new self new world by philip sheperd
anything by john zerzan

>> No.17072749
File: 19 KB, 584x353, 2e75397365d68a03244c232d29918bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe magic mushrooms would be more helpful for u than any book, op.

but do it right if u do

>> No.17072816

Yet I sadly feel the Church and the faith is a lost battle. The future belongs to Cocacola and Pornography.
A violent purge seems like the only noble thing left to do

>> No.17072826

Holy bugman...

>> No.17073243

beauty is fleeting but the Truth is forever

>> No.17073359

>Yet I sadly feel the Church and the faith is a lost battle. The future belongs to Cocacola and Pornography.
The embers of the church will continue to reignite long into the future, this insignificant moment of time where debauchery governs the mainstream will be swiftly forgotten the instant the internet were to go down. So long as we aren't a singular collective conscious and there's someone out there willing to make a genuine prayer the church lives on, maybe not through its teachings, but in the passionate fire of our souls.

>> No.17073481
File: 61 KB, 660x495, ZbhmdiO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why "escape" (fisher/debord style suicide) when you've got options
>misanthropic spree killer
>rooftop pigeonkeeper
>bridge troll
>harry dean stanton
>cool guy with a cowboy hat
yes most of these are interchangeable

>> No.17073562
File: 614 KB, 1200x797, 72B3596E-9C6A-412B-BAED-DD71456C7D3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creating neighborhoods of direct democracies? Wo, neat!
Read Bolo’Bolo

At 14 I remember hearing about anarchism and immediately going to the warlord defense and dismissing it as impossible. Christian-conservativism forbid I think properly on the topic.
What’s your excuse?

Gated? No, we’d encourage, actively promote, expansion of the model. No need for gates and guards beyond defending ourselves against the feds and the idiot chuds who want literal fascism.

Here’s another favourite for escaping pomo/capitalism

>> No.17073662

Butters, when did you decide that you would spend a sizable portion of your life being butterfly? I always see a trip and think to myself; "why has this person, who I'd probably stand having a conversation with in real life, so attention deprived that they need to be a tripfag?" I mean are things that bad for you? I can't help but feel sorry for you, even if that brief sadness is accompanied by the required "kys tranny" or "nigger faggot" response. Please butters, I want you to know that the world isn't scary and that it's ok to step away from the constant beration to focus on something that will positively effect your mental health. My heart goes out to you.
nigger faggot

>> No.17073697

Diplodocus (and other seismosaurids): the most aesthetic dinosaur. Its sheer size is an innovation unlike any other

>> No.17073709

just find your niche in it and whatever provides you solace. you can still enjoy art while being aware that yes it probably is trying to sell something or someone is making money off of it

>> No.17073720

We should be "grateful" for the murder of culture, human experience, expression, and spirit?

>> No.17073782

I love her so much, bros.

>> No.17073788

>I-I'm sure you can consoom a podcast on that or something, bro
I know too many people just like this sadly.

>> No.17073799

isekai webnovels

>> No.17073814

I was anonymous for quite some time. Bobbing around mu and tv (and s, news and b) but it was very alienating and sad. After /news/ was flooded with stormfront refugees that never went away, I found a home here on lit. I mimicked the board culture and took an unpronounceable thing in the namefield, mostly for myself, and it served me well. I am as anonymous as I need to be. Over the years it simply felt better. I was more myself though still hidden from the general public.
I don’t need your pity. I am simply doing what others do. Some people waste their time on sports or some other television watching, or video games. I chat here.
Yes, I’m getting tired of it. I plan on leaving again. This was going to be the year, but fucking covid happened.

>> No.17073830

being anon does make you descend into warped, awful version of yourself at times, I've written quite a lot about the psychological developments that accompany spending large amounts of time on sites like this. There are obvious benefits too though, it erodes your sense of personal identity so much that you reach truly impressive levels of self-awareness, though your constant shitposting would seem to indicate the opposite. You become keenly conscious of the separation between the sort of flailing abstracted ape you are and the little conscious moment watching that ape flail. You also really learn how to defend whatever sort of beliefs you have and root through the possibilities that expand after taboo has stopped meaning anything to you.

>> No.17073851

Can you explain what these >options are?

>> No.17073856

>After /news/ was flooded with stormfront refugees that never went away
you mean /new/ right
/news/ is relatively new and is actually pretty balanced in its left vs. right population

>> No.17073862

those shoes are based, fuck you

>> No.17073978

That’s a reboot news.

>> No.17073984

it was called /new/ back then, this is the first board called /news/.

>> No.17074007
File: 178 KB, 1400x800, E8AE5FC4-8EEF-4862-8A6C-335DD5FD3564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17074012

/new/ was killed and came back at least once. I know it was never called /news/ because /lgbt/ was the first board with four letters.

>> No.17074041
File: 1.95 MB, 500x281, A90C721B-F6AC-48EA-9E93-4E4252BAF308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I never noted such things, but one of the first two incarnations was named /news/

>> No.17074065

>/new/ created same day as /lit/ in 2010
>/new/ deleted in 2011
>/new/ briefly revived in 2011

>/news/ created in 2015

You might be confused because the full title was ``/new/ - News''

>> No.17074543

This is why men suffer

>> No.17074548

Ah, a fellow man of exquisite taste

>> No.17074548,1 [INTERNAL] 

The writer of that “history” is confused

Half of them have no heart, the half have no willpower, or so it seems.