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/lit/ - Literature

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17063645 No.17063645 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good? it seems kino but I'm not sure

>> No.17063650

yes female catcher in the rye

>> No.17063651

yea suicide and depression are super kino

>> No.17063656

Yes. It's good. It's not amazing, nor is it as literary accomplished or complex as her poetry, but it is definitely worth a read.

>> No.17063657

No, but her poems are

>> No.17063685

i've never read Catcher in the Rye before. would it be a good idea to read it first?

>> No.17063698

Just read them at the same time. Plath isn't referencing or alluding to Catcher in the Rye, so it's not mandatory.

>> No.17063719

Great book. I'd love to get wasted with her and write poems about how meaningless life is.

>> No.17063726
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I've already got like 6 books on the go, tho -_-

>> No.17063760

Then I'd say read The Bell Jar. I personally was never a fan of Catcher in the Rye and find the main character to be absolutely insufferable. The Bell Jar's protagonist, Esther, though suffers from bipolar disorder and is way more complex and sympathetic than Holden

>> No.17064187
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Shw was so cute

>> No.17064541

>main character has to be likable

single handedly confirming /lit/ doesnt read.

>> No.17064666

I dunno man I think a very dislikable protagonist can definitely alienate a reader. For example I hate reading Kafka 'cause all his characters are either whiney or full of themselves.

>> No.17064693

Never did I say they have to be likeable, in fact some of my favourite characters in literature are unlikeable assholes (Mickey Sabbath from Roth's Sabbath's Theatre and The Judge from McCarthy's Blood Meridian), but Holden Caulfield's problems are so minor and self-inflicted that he just comes off a whiney bitch. He is just a bad character, imo. Esther from The Bell Jar I think is just a more fleshed out character, even though her social issues are similar to Caulfield's. She actually tries to make changes in her life and is constantly set back because of her mental illness, but there is more to her than just being a whiney bitch.

>> No.17064718

Beautiful writing but too depressing and the end is super schizo. I couldn't finish it. I loved her though.

>> No.17064778
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>Is it good?