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17061478 No.17061478 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here genuinely fucked up their life?

Is is extremely strange to wake up each day and have to remind yourself that you cannot achieve certain things because of past mistakes, not to mention having to live with a guilty conscience every day.

Are there any literary works on the theme of fucking up your life and how to deal with it?

>> No.17061495
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Read this so you can properly orient your particular sufferings within the context of human consciousness as general suffering. It will make u feel better

>> No.17061511

Did you actually fuck up your life or is it just what you think you did?

>> No.17061517

waking up sucks
life sucks

>> No.17061521
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>Did you actually fuck up your life or is it just what you think you did?
This. You probably haven't fucked up your life as much as you think you have. Then again, people are capable of heinous things.

>> No.17061527

read Plato
you neither chose your lot in life nor your education
why would you blame yourself?
I forgot which dialogue he had this in.

>> No.17062235
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The one where he talks with the slave? That's in Meno iirc.

>> No.17062246

For me it was my life that fucked me up.

>> No.17062298

Yes, I've been a reclusive NEET for many years now and no one will hire me (rightly so). I just read Eastern philosophy to cope.

>> No.17062314

>no one will hire me (rightly so)
Like no one who you want to hire you or no one no one?

>> No.17062349

None of the places I've applied to. Though I confess I've avoided McDonald's and the like.

>> No.17062365

What are your qualifications? I don't blame you for skipping Dons and Slave Mart. Better to neet than be in some suicide-tier job.

>> No.17062425

So much wasted potential indeed. If I had to name one thing, it would be starting drinking at age 13. Literally changed every aspect of my life for the worse.

>> No.17062578
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I know that feel, I wasted so much time in my life. I wish you could go back with the knowledge you have now and redo the previous parts of your life.

Each morning I wake up to find I just don't care anymore, I'm a waking corpse, walking the desolate plains that might have been a life of any worth had I not fucked it up. I'm just left with the thoughts of what could have been and it's horrible. Being stuck in a life that you hate because of choices that you made or the lack thereof, is there a greater frustration? It's frustration to the point of madness.

>> No.17062634
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>Being stuck in a life that you hate because of choices that you made or the lack thereof, is there a greater frustration? It's frustration to the point of madness

>> No.17062660

Why are you guys trapped? There's almost always a way out (no, not suicide).

>> No.17062692

Honestly if you have access to the internet, clean running water, and shelter, you're comparatively better off than the majority of the world.

>> No.17062781

I'm leeching those off my older sister

>> No.17062815

Join the military. If your scores are high enough you can get a job with transferrable skills, but better than that you get a ton of free education opportunities.
>It will send you in a different direction in life, since you’re clearly not happy with where you are now.

>> No.17062819

Have you considered blaming women or capitalism? This works for many many people

>> No.17062830
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A lot of people thinks they are fucked and analyzes their past way to much, stop being a doomer, you can most likely do something about your situation and 10y from now you are going to realize it and wonder why you wasted all that time feeling sorry for yourself instead of fixing shit

>> No.17062856

>Join the military.
Hello, Mr. Clarey.

>> No.17062864

Is this true?

>> No.17062877

he might get fucking killed

>> No.17062899

Unironically religion, exercise and eat healthy food to shape your mind back into a healthy mentality, and also your body.
You need to want to improve. You need to want a winner mentality. Set goals, challenge yourself.
Look for some other trade to learn, learn it and then advertise yourself as an artisan or a technician or whatever.
It's always doable but do you want to do it?

>> No.17062925

I’m thinking about doing this but in 27 and have a degree so I don’t think I should enlist. I’m torn because I honestly don’t really like my country anymore and I don’t really believe in it but I still want a military bearing in life. I think it would be good for me.

>> No.17062937

I would rather be a faggot neet leech than join the military lmao.

>> No.17062940

For my own personal ideals I am trapped, I don't want this life I have and I wish I had the one I can no longer get.

>> No.17062949

>27 and have a degree
could become an officer
>don’t really like my country anymore

>> No.17062960

Very cryptic. Have you considered reassessing your goals and ambitions to better fit your ability? Better to achieve less than you initially wanted than it is to LDAR because you didn't tick every box.

>> No.17063053

>become an officer
This. It’s pretty comfy and you’ll be easily employable when you get out. Also, unless you’re an operator your chance of getting killed is pretty much the same as it is now.

>> No.17063057

Not that guy, but what's the best path for becoming an officer, I'm seriously considering this but am not sure where I would even begin if I pursued it.

>> No.17063105

Depends on the service. If you already have a four-year degree in something that isn’t completely idiotic, you would usually join OTS but the specifics depend on the service.

As an officer there are admin and technical roles, and there are operational roles. The former is where OP would want to be. Also, if you like not being a bureaucrat, all services except for the Air Force have warrant officers, which would afford you the same advantages as an officer but you get to be more of a technical expert.

>> No.17063141

Right, so STEM degrees and specific military-related things could get something within that field, aeronautics degree of some kind for example.
What would happen if say a friend of mine got a philosophy degree, where would one go from there? Don't mean to spam you or anything just curious.

>> No.17063178

Yeah looking at screens in California is super dangerous. A fat black woman might fall on him or something.

>> No.17063241

Seems awfully competitive right now though

>> No.17063349

>I honestly don’t really like my country anymore and I don’t really believe in it but I still want a military bearing in life.
you are better mentally prepared for military service than anyone then :) The only thing left to shock you will be the profound waste of resources, of which you cannot truly fathom until you see it

>> No.17063447

>The only thing left to shock you will be the profound waste of resources, of which you cannot truly fathom until you see it
I sort of work for the government so I think I have some idea.

>> No.17063453

Yeah, actually that’s a great degree to have for commissioning. They want analytical thinkers. Of course, it’d probably be more difficult to become a warrant officer with that sort of degree, but intelligence services would definitely want you. Military intelligence experience sets you up for some pretty good options at government agencies, tech contractors and other large companies when you get out.