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/lit/ - Literature

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17059929 No.17059929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that any time I fucking offer reasonable, balanced criticize of this fucking translation, I'm always accused of being a sexist who doesn't like women? Are people really this programmatic?

>> No.17059942

>I'm always accused of being a sexist who doesn't like women?
on here? or somewhere else on the internet?

>> No.17059944

you already know the answer to this question

>> No.17059950

Of course other places on the internet.

>> No.17059952

Just own it. Tell them 'Why, yes, i am a misogynist, how could you tell?" and see how they react.

>> No.17059953

Idk. I bought it. It’s not good. She makes it very clear that she twisted her translation to fit a feminist narrative as well, which you don’t have to be a misogynist to take issue with.

>> No.17059959

I’m assuming you don’t know Greek and assume a previous translation to be the authoritative version of Homer’s work in English

>> No.17059963

i'll assume somewhere else on the internet since you shouldn't take those accusations seriously here. i don't know what it is you criticise about the book that would make someone say that to you but its the reality that its easier to shut you down by accusing you of sexism than having any debate

>> No.17059973

a few months ago i read an article where she says why she justifies purposely changing the story to make it less problematic and the first sentence of the article mentions Trump and his 'anti-refugee' rhetoric

>> No.17059993

It's great. Can't wait for her Iliad.

Have sex.

>> No.17060004

Sounds like a you problem

>> No.17060014

>Have sex.
like clockwork

>> No.17060029

what does this even mean?

>> No.17060031

It really is indicative of the overall debauchery taking hold of the "creative" content of the country, and the pervasiveness and permissiveness of the "woke" culture.
As stated above, it is outright stated, by author, interviewer, publisher, the foreword itself, that the work has been mishandled and mistranslated in an effort to recalibrate the mores indicated in the book.
It is to me, frankly, disturbing. Only time will tell if this is to be the New Way, and someone will rewrite David Copperfield as a Pakistani or change Dante into a Ethiopian feminists who's goal is not to escape and understand Hell, but the Patriarchy.
But I've read numerous sections. From even a remote and objective perspective its poorly written, codified and translated.

>> No.17060041

maybe just stop being a fucking bigot??

>> No.17060045
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>> No.17060052

You’re trying really hard to be a victim over nothing

>> No.17060064

Do you know Greek?

>> No.17060066

what a terrible assumption.

>> No.17060071
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did you snicker to yourself when you hit post, anticipating all the angry (you)s you would get?

>> No.17060078

Because we're not kids looking for a reaction

>> No.17060086

This, just show prove that feminism isn't the best framework to develop women (or women's rights in liberal terms). You can present a more "feminist" framework and have to be accused of being too feminist by them if they want to critique you.

>> No.17060098

Does projecting help you cope with confrontation?

>> No.17060109

No, we're men and we should own up to our beliefs. You should not be afraid to speak your mind freely, you are not a w*men.

>> No.17060150

Yes, Anon, I do. Do you? More importantly, does Emily? And if she does, why then does her translation fall so far short of the truth?

>> No.17060155

I don’t, so it’d be nice to see some examples

>> No.17060166

Or better yet, simply don’t engage with people aren’t open to logical framework. They’re in a paradigm and if you can’t get them to address it, which you probably can’t, it would be useless to argue.

>> No.17060175

eh it's good for what it is. a dumbed down politicized version for burger zoomers. know your audience.

>> No.17060178

It's really telling that you people can't comprehend any sort of personal oppression. It's like you're so proud of being incapable of nuance.

>> No.17060187

>a dumbed down politicized version for burger zoomers
So, trash?

>> No.17060188

I’ve barely posted on /lit/ this year and I’m honestly amazed that we’re still talking about this translation.

It’s indeed a shitty translation, but I’m also amazed just how riled up /lit/ gets over it.

>> No.17060191

“You people”? And personal oppression would that be?

>> No.17060197

because this is the only place that people can criticize it without being called a sexist (barring baits)

>> No.17060201

same poster who is mad no one is taking his bait so he has to continue the conversation himself

>> No.17060215
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>> No.17060224

I'll meem you and say > scallywag, mr. foreigner, the complicated man
Bad b8

>> No.17060242

i'm pretty sure he wants you to explain how and why these fail to convey what the original greek did. what was the original greek for these?

>> No.17060247

Is always take the bait because going on unhinged rants about lefties is the only thrill I have in my life.

>> No.17060254
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nice ms paint skills buddy

>> No.17060260

The real truth of the problem, and why /lit has been so heated is because her translation is rapidly becoming the de facto work for teaching Homer. Its in universities and schools. It's being heralded as >brave everywhere you look and the train is at the top of a hill right now. No one is at the brake and once this shit engine gets rolling no one will be able to spread the insidious spread of false translations being supported as accurate depictions.
Its prevalence is corollary to the demise of realistic representations of older, non-English works.

>> No.17060263

giving baiters attention and a reason to keep baiting lowers the quality of the board

>> No.17060264

If your beliefs are saying fuck women for views then you're not a man. You can replace women w x and probably fuck w y

>> No.17060272

What level of psychological delusion do you function with?

>> No.17060284

>trivialising mental illness

>> No.17060289

Pretty sure shitposting isn’t good for your mental health

>> No.17060300

>reasonable, balanced criticize of this fucking translation
Let's hear it then

>> No.17060304

then why do i have a little smile on my face

>> No.17060318

You tell me, you’re the one smiling

>> No.17060319

It's been years since I actually discussed literature on this board. At this point I come on here just to take bait like this.

>> No.17060321

*farts on you*

>> No.17060324

. . . Anon, I will allow you doubtful benefits, and presume you are pursuing this discussion in the hope that you are genuinely interested in the pros and cons of Emily Bloom's translation, but if that is indeed the case, do not insult this board by thinking "scallywag" was how Homer wanted to categorize the character, and moreover that our language doesn't permit a dozen or more words which would've and have fit better.
And that's more to the point. Its arguable the "complicated man" is approaching the true Homeric, but Bloom's purposeful choices to misrepresent or shift words and phrases into directions SHE wants them to go is disingenuous and frankly a poor representation of a translator.
My whole qualm with her translation is she has outright stated she altered the text to fit her own personal framework, and this was met not with revulsion and dismissal but great acceptance and praise.
The woman is a blight on academia, which is already well blighted.

>> No.17060327

You come here daily to be upset? Have you tried literally anything else?

>> No.17060328

Will you niggers stop shitting up this thread

>> No.17060332

Ah, so you're one of these subhumans who somehow managed to (very badly) learn some rudimentary English. I don't really like wasting my time arguing with monkeys if I'm going to be honest.

>> No.17060335

Why do you refuse to post the Greek text and offer your own translation? Complaining about word choice means little if you’re not going to attempt to rectify it yourself.

>> No.17060344

Right, let’s get back to people whining about a translation without doing anything about it

>> No.17060364

why would you read a translation done by a woman? legitimate question

>> No.17060372
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the only thread about emily wilson that involved legitimate conversations were the first threads when her book came out. i remember a 300 reply thread that was very eye opening. you won't get it now as the conversation was finished long ago and now that everyone has some nuance on what her book is you will only find shitposting and those who will give a vague opinion from seeing the previous threads but are not interested enough to dig any deeper. just look up an archive of an old thread, you will find nothing of value here

>> No.17060380

why do you hate women?

>> No.17060389

Because I'm not being paid a steep salary to do it. Also, Pope and Lattimore already have, serviceably and well.

>> No.17060410

I’m talking about critique, genius

>> No.17060448

Critique of what? Your above post asked me to post the Homeric and asked me to rectify what translation I thought would be best. Neither of which I am interested in doing nor is my doing of them relevant because as I've stated I am not a salaried translator.
My critique of the work has been posted numerous times in the thread: it is overly modernistic, cheap in its linguistics and most importantly has been proven by the translator herself that the chief goal of the work is a institution of modern ideas, not an accurate or realistic depiction.

>> No.17060480

Please cool it with the misogynist tropes ITT, y'all. We can do better.

>> No.17060482

The Odyssey is a treatise on feminism.
OFC there's no absurd notion of equality in outcome as some may desire but... consider how Homer believes we ought to treat and judge others... Odysseus and Penelope have a profound relationship...compare the outcome of other relationships, such as Agamnenon and Clytemnestra... just some food for thought...

>> No.17060492

The expression is like pottery

>> No.17060501

>It’s indeed a shitty translation, but I’m also amazed just how riled up /lit/ gets over it.
/lit/ is full of pseud anxiety over not understanding books (ie failing to grasp the mythical "authorial intent"), not enjoying them "correctly", not getting the "real thing" because of translation and so on, so contemplating the idea of an sjw translator meddling with their access to the classics must be like a living nightmare. mentioning this translation to a /lit/ pseud is like sneaking into a paranoid's room and slightly moving his shit around, looks like nothing to an outside observer but in the subject it can trigger a severe breakdown.

there's something of a fear of cuckoldry in this, you want to have a son but you can only have one through the cooperation of a female whose fidelity you cannot be certain of, and these guys want to access whatever jordan-peterson-in-a-toga father figure they imagine these old greek authors to be but cannot do it without the mediation of, hilariously, shitlib-run academic institutions. meet your father, says emily, handing you a swaddled patriarch, but right away his face's suspiciously dark hue sends an icicle through your heart: what if he's not my father, but tyrone's?

>> No.17060511
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>> No.17060520


>> No.17060540

take that, 2017 strawman

>> No.17060545

imagine having to write all that shit just because you lied, anonymously, to a perfect stranger, about knowing ancient greek and now you want to save your nonexistent face on an algerian fish-gutting imageboard

>> No.17060552

Why not read a shit translation by some male and give your reasonable, balanced criticism, instead of pushing your misogynistic IDpol shit down ANYONE’S throat
Not the board for you