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17059247 No.17059247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>still making rightoid government ministers seethe nearly 40 years after his death
If he knew he'd be laughing his ass off right now, probably while balls deep in some teenage twink cause he was a pedo

>> No.17059264

>tfw you will unironically live to see pedophilia legalized
How do I cope bros? The slippery slope is actually real.

>> No.17059281

Why would it be such a big deal? What you probably mean by pedophilia is already legal in many places anyway.

>> No.17059305

He was a rightoid himself though
>balls deep in some teenage twink cause he was a pedo
Foucault was a bottom

>> No.17059315

>"Marxism exists in nineteenth-century thought as a fish exists in water; that is, it ceases to breathe anywhere else."

>> No.17059333

>How do I cope
The first step in overcoming /pol/-syndrome is to realize what is real and what is not. What affects you, and what you can affect, and what doesn't, and you can't.
>pedophilia legalized
Oh, and most important, quit being a moron

>> No.17059393

Leftism undoubtedly leads to pedophilia. You can't pretend all morals are subjective and people should do what they want but somehow fucking kids is crossing the line. I literally do not care at all about other human beings so I'm not gonna pretend I'm a /pol/ tradcuck but pedophilia sickens me, so I can't be a leftist.
I mean fucking literal kids. Not 16 y/os or whatever. It's going to happen, you know it.

>> No.17059401

1. The age of consent has always been absurdly low in a lot of countries, if anything the western countries that have imposed 16/18 age of consent limits are unusually ahead of the curve, good on them but it's the higher-age-limit lobbyists who are the insurgent movement in this matter, rarely the other way around. Only reason the gay sex age of consent was lowered in the UK not long ago was to bring it in line with the long-standing heterosexual age for legal consistency.

2. Have you seen the tucutes and wokescolds on Twitter? They accuse fucking everything of pedophilia and drive it into non-existence. The zoomers are just as bad as the boomers when it comes to conservative moralising and world-policing despite being massive queers themselves. There's even a growing movement of screechy LGBT yank zoomers who think it's their duty as the next generation of Americans to raise the age of consent to 21 or even 25 and impose it on every other country they're able to because the rest of the world is wrong and needs to be saved from themselves by the Based Freedumz Simon-Says-Crawl Country. Falling into the same patterns as the older generations they hate, like clockwork. And so the wheel keeps turning.

>> No.17059414

Hmm. Maybe I am naive but I dont think fucking prepubescent children will ever be legal.
I do think incest will be accepted though.

>> No.17059447

Oh dear, looks like another case of /pol/ derangement syndrome. People should be allowed the expression of their right to self-determine as an individual up to and not including the point where their action or lack of action harms others. That's where the state comes in. So no, moderate Nordic / NZ-style soft lefty government does not result in legalised pedophilia. Every 10-20 years some lone handful of cranks protest for it and gets a newspaper article and every 10-20 years the public dismisses it and the issue doesn't go any further. Just because we don't flip our shit like the Americans when a 20 year old has sex with a girl a week off of turning 18 doesn't mean we consider the stuff Foucault was campaigning for to be okay.

>> No.17059464

>muh /pol/

>> No.17059474

You are insane

>> No.17059505

The age of consent got higher, not lower, as the western world became more liberal and secular.

>> No.17059516

>Leftism undoubtedly leads to pedophilia.


>> No.17059533

>dude prisons lmao

>> No.17059545

yes prisons, nothing funny about that

>> No.17059548

he'd be laughing his ass off that he's the most cited scholar in the world, because it's a fucking joke on all of us

>> No.17059555

Can't wait to fuck kids, planes to Cambodia are getting expensive.

>> No.17059562

cringe thread

>> No.17059593
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>Leftism undoubtedly leads to pedophilia

> in a thread about a pedo Nazi fetishist.

>> No.17059615

He's surpassed Chomsky?

>> No.17059620

F has been on the top for decades

>> No.17059626

You won't live to see that dipshit. I know your peanut brain can't process it, but being gay/trans/bi whatever and being a pedo are fucking universes apart. They're not even comparable

>> No.17059643

Traditionalism undoubtedly leads to pedophilia, see Islam.

>> No.17059645

Pedophiles have always existed and always will until we find out the way of removing pedophilia directly from the brain. You're right about the fact that it's gonna happen though, since the idea of mental illness is problematic and trannies, faggots, and niggers have made it impossible for eugenics to be a thing since everyone would make their children white, straight and with no mental illnesses.

>> No.17059646

>Leftism undoubtedly leads to pedophilia.
is this what people believe when their perception of "the left" is formed by watching tucker carlson and steven crowder? maybe get out of whichever bubble youre stuck in, you might be able to form cohesive thoughts again

>> No.17059654

By the way. Historically, right-wingers have fucked all the children lmao. You'd be surprised which US political party has active members of legislatures opposing efforts to end child marriage TO THIS DAY

>> No.17059658


>> No.17059659

>You'll never be a real women.
Deviant sexual behavior as an adult is used as a coping mechanism for sexual abuse as a child leading to another generation of abusers. Tl;dr if you get fucked as a kid chances are you're going to want to fuck kids as well as having a hole host of other kinks

>> No.17059661

"Leftism" isn't going to make pedophilia legal, but liberalism as the philosophy of individual liberty is.

In some years time, kids are going to be able to consent to sex, because consent is the only morality that exists in liberalism.

>> No.17059666

>Pedophiles have always existed
No, they have not. "Pedophilia" is a cultural and religious identifier. No one is born a pedophile, being a pedophile is an explicit choice (I would argue that you can be made a pedophile by force, however). It's the same thing as gay.

You can totally be born lusting after children, though.

The end state of Liberalism explicitly requires pedophilia to be prevalent and encouraged.

>> No.17059671

Some of us were of voting age when Dennis Hastert was speaking. Underageb& confirmed. Leave this as site zoomer faggot.

>> No.17059672

Scientifically disproven. Next?

>> No.17059675

>consent is the only morality that exists in liberalism
Based, antinatalist bros shall rule supreme since no one can conset to being born and therefore sex will be banned unless you get sterilized.

>> No.17059681

>No, they have not.
OK Satan. Pedophilia is proven to be a mental disorder.

>> No.17059688


> kids, which by the very definition of consent are unable to give it, that's the whole fucking point of the concept, will now become able to do so, rendering the concept entirely meaningless, and this has to be blamed on the concept and not on those who wants to destroy it.

The fuck is defective with your brain?

>> No.17059690

Nobody can consent to being born because in order to consent to anything you must first exist as a person with a mind, e.g. antinatalists are both fucking dumb and philosophically illiterate.

>> No.17059692

>no sources
>nigger slang
>trannie confirmed
Don't forget to go dilate. Trannies are sexual deviates who want to fuck kids too. Sinple.

>> No.17059703

>in order to consent to anything you must first exist as a person with a mind
Exactly, so birthing someone is strictly non-consensual. You are raping them with existence, essentially.

>> No.17059709

>the burden of proof falls of you to prove we shouldn't do a genocide
Don't forget to meme. People I don't like are things I don't like who want to fuck kids. I'm scared of society changing. Simple.

>> No.17059711

How long do you think it will take before arguments like "Well if a child can consent to having an ice cream, why can't they consent to everything else?" will arrive?

Kids in South-Korea can already consent to 10 year music industry contracts by law.

>> No.17059714

People aren't born when they're born, they're born when they're conceptualized. If you think of having a baby, that baby already exists, and actually having it means doing it without its consent. The baby before the idea actually doesn't exist, so it can't consent to existing in your mind or not.

>> No.17059716

My man I was never sexually abused as a kid and yet I'm a tranny (which I think is neurodevelopmental, personally), take your shallow false equivalences and gtfo. Whether you think it's ordinary human variation or a grotesque sign of imperfection, there's fags and trannies in all parts of the political spectrum and has been for a long long time, despite what your blinkered postwar perception of society based entirely on the 60s-00s period might reduce and distort the truth into.

>> No.17059722

No, consent doesn't even exist as a concept in this hypothetical because consent *requires* someone with a mind. By creating children, you are literally creating the conditions *to which consent will eventually exist*.

E.g. you are also dumb and philosophically illiterate.

>> No.17059724

>How long do you think it will take before arguments like "Well if a child can consent to having an ice cream, why can't they consent to everything else?" will arrive?
This might genuinely be the most retarded sentence I've read in months.

>> No.17059729

>Deviant sexual behavior as an adult is used as a coping mechanism for sexual abuse as a child leading to another generation of abusers.
Pure and utter retardation.

>> No.17059731

>and this has to be blamed on the concept and not on those who wants to destroy it.

>> No.17059732

Need the next line too, and it'll blow your mind even further.

>> No.17059735

Tell me about your parents.

>> No.17059738

Where did we go from faggots touch kids to genocide? I don't dislike faggots then think they touch kids because I dislike them already. I dislike faggots BECAUSE they touch kids. It's the primary reason. If they didn't fuck kids I wouldn't hate them but the fact of the matter is OVER 90% OF MALE CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIMS ARE ABUSED BY MEN not women. Male queers are predatory pederasts.
You memed first. You'll never have a real womb.

>> No.17059740

You can thank capitalism for that.

>> No.17059747

*gets appropriated by libs who create his worst nightmare*
Psssshhhhh... nothin personnel... kid...

>> No.17059757

>How do I cope bros?
By plowing some cunny

>> No.17059760

>muh capitalism bad
It's the culture that's created by leftists that ruins capitalism. Capitalism would work fine and not profit off degeneracy if it weren't for leftists destroying culture.

>> No.17059767

Kek based

>Exploitative work practices in a capitalist country in Asia is why socialism in the west will inevitably lead to legalised pedophilia
Yes anon this is also why we all eat hamsters etc. now isn't it

>> No.17059769

I beat faggots like you up for fun and the cops never care because they think you lack the right to exist as well

>> No.17059772

They can't consent because they haven't got a mind, you're just agreeing with me. It's forcing someone to exist without knowing whether they want it, because it's impossible.

>> No.17059774

Capitalism sure worked fine without le leftist influence back when... child labour... was legal...

>> No.17059777

Foucault was a gay leftist you utter retard. He just didn't like Marxists in particular.

>> No.17059779

>How long do you think it will take before arguments like "Well if a child can consent to having an ice cream, why can't they consent to everything else?" will arrive?

As a lawfag, I can tell you these retarded arguments were already with us right from the start. And they were dismissed as such immediately too, in any and every legislature that wasn't pure evil right from the start.

> SK
That is your problem there. Asian legal systems are all intrinsically degenerative. You could read Henry Summers Maine's Ancient Laws for a good explanation as to why. Essentially, legal systems 'evolve' in a similar way as biological organisms, and can enter states of 'evolutionary dead-end', where the system can maintain itself while mostly failing to address meaningfully any of the issues brought to it (the Indian legal system being the prime example of this, with almost all its laws designed to stop any form of progress toward prosperity at every level).

>> No.17059787

Why, just based on the fact alone that you exist, should I respect you? I'm being genuinely curious. To me, you're an abomination against all things holy and this is an act of spitting universal duality in the face by taking it and switching it around yourself. Ego driven gross sexual deviant and ill never see you as anything more than that. I hold some kinds of monkeys in higher esteem than your kind.

>> No.17059788

Bog-standard working class in the manufacturing industry, both sides of the family fron my local area, insecure in terms of home ownership like basically every working class household in the UK. Precisely what do you need to know for your inevitable reply where you twist what's been said into some terrible record of degeneracy and decline that proves how sick left-wing ideology is?

>> No.17059799


>> No.17059811

Go outside and have sex and you'll soon realize that your paranoid delusions are different from reality

>> No.17059814

Unironically this.
Now actually unironically you won't become a pedophile just because its legal, and most people won't either. Just like most people aren't gay now just because its legal.

>> No.17059824
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> doesn't like Marxists
> masturbates thinking about nazis
> says people are happier under totalitarian regimes
> Would have been much more likely to have been executed for sexual deviancy under any communist regime than under any fascist ones.

This is your brain on American education.

>> No.17059841

30% of my brothers high school grade is LGBTQ+. The kids did a survey and were so proud about how progressive the school was they bragged about it. I'm from rural trump country. It became the talk of the town. Parents weren't happy. Anyway we are now just seeing what fags being kind of normal is doing to the youth now. Pedo shot will be similar. Get ready faggot this is your fault for being a faggot.

>> No.17059842

So you hate them.
Did you read "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality"?

>> No.17059849

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.17059850

>They can't consent because they haven't got a mind, you're just agreeing with me.

No, I'm not agreeing with you, I'm saying that making the argument that people shouldn't have kids because you never asked for the consent of someone who per definition does not exist and therefore can't consent is pure retardism.

>> No.17059852

>Just like most people aren't gay now just because its legal.
You’re living in a bubble. The normalization of degeneracy through media and education has led to an explosion of homos

>> No.17059864

>Politically, Foucault was a leftist throughout much of his life, though his particular stance within the left often changed. In the early 1950s, while never adopting an orthodox Marxist viewpoint, Foucault had been a member of the French Communist Party, leaving the party after three years as he expressed disgust in the prejudice within its ranks against Jews and homosexuals. After spending some time working in Poland, governed at the time as a socialist state by the Polish United Workers' Party, he became further disillusioned with communist ideology. As result, in the early 1960s, Foucault was considered to be "violently anticommunist" by some of his detractors,[177] even though he was involved in leftist campaigns along with most of his students and colleagues.[178]

Foucault claimed that perhaps children could consent to sex;[179] defended or promoted the practice of sex with minors;[180] and signed a 1977 petition to the French parliament calling for the decriminalization of all "consensual" sexual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen, the age of consent in France.[181][182]
He was the typical anti-commie leftist, you utter retard.

>> No.17059873

Go back to r*ddit


>> No.17059893

>American companies decide to sink the global theatrical industry because domestic returns were pants in one country
Yes, leftists are destroying culture, definitely not mega-corporations reducing everything to a streaming service with lossy web compression or an app that lets you order a monthly lootbox for each area of your life straight to your doorstep. Definitely leftists gutting the arts and not the couple-of-dozen decrepit 90 year old media oligarchs who decide what projects get greenlit and which don't in each creative industry & just approve whatever their neices' chinless friends write in.

>> No.17059899

If you were an actual lawfag, you would know that age of consent laws came into being because Christian bourgeois women wanted to protect girls from prostitution. Today however, barely anyone is a Christian, so that kind of moralism doesn't even exist in the populace any longer, let alone in the seats of power.

>> No.17059918

>Exploitative work practices in a capitalist country in Asia is why socialism in the west will inevitably lead to legalised pedophilia

Yeah child prostitution is also "exploitative work" and existed for most of human history.

You're obviously stuck in an "Idea of Progress" liberal mindset where things just automatically get better as time moves on and can't change for the worse lol, completely delusional.

>> No.17059936

While you're being blatantly facetious, a lot of Leftists are, today, Neoliberals who do, in fact, promote such corporatism. Even people engaged in Marxist/Leftist thought in the past have gone on board with American expansionism and looking towards its standards -- which have, invariably, become pro-corporate in essence.

>> No.17059941


>> No.17059948
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>> No.17059962

>"Early feminists of the Social Purity movement, such as Josephine Butler and others, instrumental in securing the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts, began to turn towards the problem of child prostitution by the end of the 1870s. Sensational media revelations about the scourge of child prostitution in London in the 1880s then caused outrage among the respectable middle-classes, leading to pressure for the age of consent to be raised again. "

>> No.17059965


>> No.17059975


Lol, what an idiot, the Loi Gombette of 535 already defined rape (rapt, actually) as penetration against the expressed consent of the woman.

>> No.17059977

Cry harder buddy. I was arguing against your "sexual abuse causes the gay disease" nonsense. No shit, if you're a hardline Randian solipsist who fundamentally doesn't care about others you're not gonna give a shit what it is or what it's caused by. I reckon humanity's last great war will be fought between those who care about other people versus those who don't. Still handy to point out the bullshit for those who believe in that argument in good faith. Made of the same holy/unholy stuff as you, I am. If there's anything unholy or grotesque about my existence, the same stuff runs through your veins. Imperfection, pain, and incomparable beauty. If you want to spend your life raging at the clouds for being too irregular and misshapen that's on your head, seetheman.

>> No.17059987

>being gay and being a pedo is universes apart
If there’s one group that’s over-represented among pedophiles, it’s homosexuals

>> No.17060000

So what? We are talking about the origins of the age of consent, it wasn't some anti-degeneracy rightoids who made it illegal to fuck children, in fact the anti-degeneracy rightoids of history are almost always allied with the Church, whom you accurately point out are the primary kiddie diddlers.

The point I'm making is that liberalism as the ideology of liberty(You know, the hegemonic ideology of our times), will eventually undo all of this, and the last 5 years of transhumanism ideology like queer theory and trans rights is basically the proof of it.

>> No.17060009

I hate leftypol so damn much. You can tell who doesn’t belong here because of the way they write. Or this shit >>17059948 go back to twitter you cocksucker

>> No.17060018


Pretty sure that is just a survival mechanism. Like priests being pedos. Pretty sure if you check any job that grants unsupervised access to children, the appearance of being a good person and the authority to control people, you'll find a larger percentage of pedos.

>> No.17060033
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>You can tell who doesn’t belong here because of the way they write.

>> No.17060039

The groups that are over-represented among pedophiles, are ultra-devout men of Abrahamic religions, far rightists, anime watchers, repressed homophobic gays, Discord coomers of all political orientations, and youtubers

>> No.17060043

That has nothing to do with what I said. And either way, the number of pedophiles in the church skyrocketed after they started accepting homosexuals in the Curia.

>> No.17060049

I'd bet my life without any problems on at least 85% of first world pedos belonging to one or more of the groups I mentioned

>> No.17060067

This is what I’m walking about. This shit isn’t /lit/. Fuck off, twitter refugee

>> No.17060074

Yes, anon, faggots can hide in multiple places. It’s a damn shame.

>> No.17060083
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>This is what I’m walking about. This shit isn’t /lit/

>> No.17060088

No, I'm well aware we're entering a Gilded Age like none before, but your absurd false equivalence is like saying that Harvey Weinstein's sex offences prove that Hollywood is in a rut of right-wing sympathies and illiberal ideology.

This is your brain on an American conception of the political spectrum. You yeehaws wouldn't know "leftism" if Thomas Sankara farted The Internationale in your mouth.

Lol here's your beacon of the golden age of white western culture and intellect, guys

>> No.17060090

Leftoid secret police just sent thugs to beat him and his faggot lover until he crawled away from Warsaw.

>> No.17060097

You have to go back

>> No.17060104
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>> No.17060112

Fuck off to your echochamber, faggot.

>> No.17060115
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>> No.17060121
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>> No.17060180
