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17054894 No.17054894 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into Gnosticism?

>> No.17054897

Commit suicide and join the great demiurge.

>> No.17054899

Get into christianity with an IQ of 80 and the rest will follow.

>> No.17054905

Take the strollpill. Stat in gnosticism +50

>> No.17055650

Guys, come on. I just want to know what to read and in which order.

>> No.17055676
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take the manipill

>> No.17055680

Why is gnosticism so popular on lit now?
Is it just the demiurge memes?

>> No.17055690

we convert to a new religion every 4 days

>> No.17055714

Natural consequence of consciousness coming together

>> No.17055723

Hans Jonas- The Gnostic Religion is a decent starting point

>> No.17055753

Unlike regular Christianity it's obscure and exotic which makes it attractive to retarded internet larpers who want to feel unique and special.

>> No.17055891



Rosicrucianism is a 'non-secret' secret society. Material is open to anybody, etc. Includes gnosticism.

>> No.17055899

Persona 5

>> No.17055911

Wikipedia, unironically. Otherwise you are just getting yourself into a cluster fuck of a rabbit hole

>> No.17055928
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It's a religion for people with existential angst. You get a "bad guy" to blame everything on.

>> No.17056122

I discovered gnosticism from Therion lyrics

>> No.17056160

I thought those guys were shills from dragon rouge

>> No.17056165

you are cattle.

>> No.17056205

They have lyrics about all major and minor religions, myths and cults


>> No.17056210

demiurge is literally /ourguy/

>> No.17056235

What's the version of gnostism for islam and buddhism respectively?

>> No.17056343

you need IQ below 70, you have to work on that.

>> No.17056553

I think it's appealing on a primal level that makes you want to dig a little deeper when you first hear about it. The idea that you've been deceived your whole life, something with the world is not right, there's something important you need to realize to make everything whole, free you from the prison you've been put in, but it's been hidden from you. You see the same themes showing up in pop culture, e.g. The Matrix is pretty blatant. It's the ultimate life-denying idea, which other religions offer only in smaller doses. There's no better option if you're faithless and shopping for a religion because life sucks. As for why it's becoming more popular now, maybe it's because of some growing sense that things which seem real on the surface are at least partially fake: fake news, fake elections, fake stock markets, fake racism, fake viruses. Why not take the leap of faith and consider that the whole world's fake?
It's not just growing on /lit/, I see it on other imageboards and Tw*tter as well, and one of my friends irl brought it up recently.

gnosis.org has some good introductory reading and hosts many older texts. I recommend the Apocryphon of John.
Philip K. Dick's VALIS trilogy is arguably modern gnostic scripture. There's no canon so why not.

>> No.17056572


>> No.17056577

Hans Jonas
Jacques Lacarriere
Kurt Rudolph

Just google their names and gnosticism, they all wrote one major work on the topic. I guarantee if you'll read these 5 you'll be so far ahead of the pack you'll make heads spin, I promise you. No one reads anymore.

>> No.17057135


>> No.17057727

>Why not take the leap of faith and consider that the whole world's fake?
That's called Dharmic religions, you don't need Gnosticism.

>> No.17057794

Read Valis. Unironically. Then proceed from there.

>> No.17057869
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Sufism and Vajrayana, no question.

>> No.17058829
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What if the big bang was like a malicious compiler to steal the divine essense of man from heaven and turn us into slave decoders. Psychopaths are like mind virus agents who are here to act as mind police. Suffering, abuse, torture, killing etc keeps the simulation going as planned because abuse is cyclical. The more abused people are the more enslaved and unspiritual they become becuase when theres no justice or reward people lose faith in god and turn to egoistic selfishness which in turn is like becoming a psudo psychopath.
In turn it will lead to a snowball effect of simulations in simulations continually deriving and diluting the source equation.
This might lead to a point where the Demiurge/Archons gain a power spike to invade heaven/pleroma or god/creative force is forced to act directly and end the universe.

Serving the demiurge is literally spiritual death and condemning yourself to hell as your spiritual essense becomes bound to evil/darkness. My sense is that the Archons agents in this world the psychopaths are organic portals who are slave consciousness that cannot actually think for themselves and due to this they have a natural contempt for beauty, creativity, love, all things that come from god and thus seek to twist and corrupt everything because the only way they can feel happy and powerful is if everyone else is a miserable slave in upside down satanic world.

>> No.17058924
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This is pretty good if you are German.

>> No.17060011

my thoughts exactly

>> No.17060252

I remember when it was memeodoxy
>le based beus mult
A month later
>wtf I hate the demiurge now

>> No.17060377

During my few years on /lit/ I've shilled for Gnosticism, Hermeticism, TradCatholicism, Atheism, Hinduism, Islam, Perennialism and Paganism and I barely know anything about either one of them

>> No.17060402

the wbsite looks like it's just waiting to give me malware. no thansk

>> No.17060422

Hylic impostor, how do you intend to escape the jaws of Mara?

>> No.17060538

You should be asking how to get out

>> No.17060558

>now its gnosticism
I'm waiting for Confucius-posting to eventually become a thing.

>> No.17060576
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It speaks to their inner fedora

>> No.17060594
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This. Ismailism for islam works too

>> No.17060600

No one with an IQ above 80 would get into Christianity

>> No.17061678

read the Platonic dialogues backwards
in coptic

>> No.17061697

nobody here actually has magical powers lmao

>> No.17061702

Read the gnostic texts, there's not that many

>> No.17061742

the fact that the beliefs of gnosticism are just things schizos instinctively hold to be true has me thinking that it is like a historical form of therapy

>> No.17061933
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As always, start with the Swedes. This should be common knowledge by now.

>> No.17062308
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Is the gnostics and their remains by w. King any good?

>> No.17062997



>> No.17063152


as a honest schizoid who's had an episode of psychosis this is probably why, because you learn to distrust your perceptions and beliefs about reality is and you realise how thin the veil is that we all seem to agree upon

>> No.17064203

More like atavistic fears expressed in writing

>> No.17064381

Stop posting and stop reading

>> No.17064408

Why does religion and philosophy have to be so confusing?

There’s so many paths and writings and things to believe, I just don’t know.

>> No.17064448

Tons of anime/jrpg reference, demiurge memes, youtuber.
''gnostic'' my ass , they dont know a thing.

>> No.17064992
File: 27 KB, 600x384, 1_5cc970adde8e193189a995216db3fc97_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism is a theological modality that is rooted in Nobility (derived from root: "-gno") --that is: in noble lifestyle, which is actualized in the mediatory motion of optimization of: oneself, the world, and this kosmos; gnosis consists in the total --physical, mental, spiritual-- integration, and synthesis, of knowledge --through reception of God's grace, with direction toward God's plenitude; this can only be done with a root in Nobility, hence the reflected/common etymological root.

In theory, and in practice, Gnosticism, and Christianity, are one and the same thing, the former name gradually obscuring, and displacing, the latter name, with decline in vulgar understanding of what both names --particularly the former-- originally referenced (the teachings of Jesus Christ, as divulged by his disciples), in direct proportion to the rise of Judeochristianity, which constitutes a Judaized corruption of Christianity, in the same way that "Neoplatonism" constitutes a Judaized corruption of Platonism, though to a slightly lesser degree than the former.

Geniune Christianity --the Christian faith-- is Gnostic in modality, and Catholic in creed.

>Why is gnosticism so popular on lit now?
>Is it just the demiurge memes?
That is contingent to the primary cause: the accurate inflection of reality that is achieved via gnosis, as this post also implies: >>17055714

>> No.17065082

Start from the beginning and it all makes sense
There's a decent podcast called The History of Philosophy without any Gaps that does a rather good job of summing up ideas succinctly enough that you can get quite far quite quickly. Of course it won't be enough on its own but it's a good start. At present they haven't got too far yet, not even to Descartes, but you'll come out of it with a very comprehensive understanding of how the ideas flowed and changed.

>> No.17065095

I was about to shit on you but desu I realized modern life is so boring and soulless that I actually understand why you all LARP. I mean just do it, nothing will change anyway but at least you'll have fun or something.

>> No.17065242

/x/ must be leaking, its been a thing over there for a while. in fact i forgot i was on /lit/ when i opened this thread

>> No.17065554
File: 166 KB, 550x585, (Evola 1918) Fucina studio di rumori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aeon byte podcast has some good interviews with writers like elaine pagels and robert price detailing the gnostic substrate of the pauline epistles and how they were doctored (essentially judaised) by orthodox christians
other than that read some proper gnostic texts, the gospel of thomas for example, just google and you should be able to find some other suggestions
I'm just now digging more into gnosticism myself, I've been muslim for a few years but the more I read the more I feel like "heretical" christianity suits me better
the sufis are still based though
and yes, I got here by following the "read evola" meme to its logical conclusion, but unlike some of the people itt I actually try to understand what I'm talking about

>> No.17065601
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>servants of A
>servants of B
do tradtards really

>> No.17065620

Cringe, /lit/ is a legalist board. You will be punished.

>> No.17065637

Alawites for Islam.

>> No.17065655

islam is interesting in that it has multiple sects with gnostic characteristics
not just the alawis, sufis, and ismailis but the nation of islam / five percenters as well

>> No.17065674

Interestingly, the Zoroastrians had their own gnostic-esque movement called Zurvanism.