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File: 236 KB, 907x680, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17052265 No.17052265 [Reply] [Original]

What causes this?

>> No.17052278


>> No.17052285

causes what? black and white photos? it's so they look cooler, also a lot of newspaper only used black and white photos back then so they survived this way

>> No.17052378

Capitalism absorbing human nature

>> No.17052396

weed went from cool chill time with classmates and a social lubricant to fumbling around with a spliff and trying to not fuck up in front of 4 thirty something roasties with secondary coloured hair while some leftist four eyes with cactus stubble yells annoying factoids on weed in the 60s

>> No.17052398

Being french?

>> No.17052420

these faggots made me start smoking. their books were too good and i thought it would make me feel more cool. It did but now I waste money and smell bad

>> No.17052423

Lack of awareness and very good (((advertising))) of masculinity by the ((((media))))

>> No.17052428

Talking is fine, but then you get jews, women and glorified simps, ie intellectuals to talk and talk and to never ever shut up.

Then it gets, worse, the psychologists view themselves as savants, as scientists, so they publish garbage '''''''''''''''''''''''research'''''''''''''''''''''and their only view in life is that people have problems, so the more those jews talk the more they have to make any little annoyance into a massive problem

And in a republic where the bourgeois manage to get the plebs care about politics and editorials and the media and the journalists, you have a resonance box of whining by vaginas and jews and simps

THis is why the bourgeois republic is the highest form of government: the government by jews vaginas and simps, for the jews vaginas and simps.

>> No.17052431
File: 33 KB, 600x514, gustavobueno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestantism and idealism

>> No.17052443

shaved teenage boipussy

>> No.17052495

the were all l*ftists

>> No.17052533

nicotine in itself is only good for you if you don’t have health problems
it’s the other components that are bad

>> No.17052559

Cigarettes are the thinking-man's drug (apart from cocaine).

>> No.17052610

intellect, not being an anglo, getting laid etc...

>> No.17052633

lol stfu
quitting smoking has made me able to think way more clearly
this meme needs to fucking die

>> No.17052771

> French
> Protestant

>> No.17053235

Idk but cigs definitely do add a cool factor and to your aesthetic. Maybe its years of big tobacco subversion making us think this, maybe they just look cool who knows? I dont smoke cigs often but bumming a few at a party is a great icebreaker and can get you an in with hot art girls. Lend them a lighter or a spliff, then you're in.

>> No.17053632

Having sex.

>> No.17054643
File: 60 KB, 500x668, chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play chess with Mister Deleuze! It's a pretty hierarchical game but it could also lead to a fruitful discussion.

>> No.17054713

what is cool is the person smoking the cig, not the cig itself

>> No.17054735


>what are Huguenots

>> No.17054782

Unironically, they had extremely hard to pass admissions to study in academy. Their thesis in philospohy for example had to be an original take on a problem. Imagine having veeeery high standards stemming from both the academic enviroment and just dudes competing between themselves in being as original and insightful as possible. This created a certain standard in intellectual culture that even those without being molded in academia (Lacan e.g) had to respect. 60-80's was a holy grail for thinking, too bad anglo adoption of it kind of ruined the general perception of it.

>> No.17054797

I know.

>> No.17054810


The (real) bad guys in Les Trois Mousquetaires?

>> No.17055261

social disorganization induced by industrial development.

those are attempts to establish a social field based on something different than common and direct human interaction.

>> No.17055266

Not pictured in op

>> No.17055273

oral fixation

>> No.17055276

>60-80's was a holy grail for thinking

>> No.17055284

whos next to claude lévi?

>> No.17055314
File: 25 KB, 300x357, merleau-ponty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maurice Merleau-Ponty?

>> No.17055327

tried to hard

>> No.17055331

is it intentional that foocow is the only one not smoking a cig but his own finger?

>> No.17055407

You don’t sound any smarter to me

>> No.17055414

Wtf (whatta fuck??!) why is he not playing Go?!! Years of Deleuze only for him to betray me like this