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17038863 No.17038863 [Reply] [Original]

And so tonight my journey begins. Three years I've searched in used bookstores. I finally gave up and ordered it off Amazon. I'm excited.

>> No.17038888

I'm sorry to say this but you've been meme'd, anon. Prepare for massive disappointment, by far the worst book I've read in my life.

>> No.17038927

You probably read it too soon in your journey.

>> No.17039316

Anyone know what's up with the semicolons? As far as I can tell it's being used to break up thoughts in the stream-of-consciousness style prose.

>> No.17040520

Filtered beyond belief.

>> No.17040535

What's your real name, Evan?

>> No.17041114

Christ now he’s purchasing his own book

>> No.17041138

Why didn't you order it off Amazon sooner?

>> No.17041161


>> No.17041399

this post fucked me up because my name is Evan

>> No.17041468

ah, man, are you all fucked up now, man? all fucked in the head now, man? just completely fucked in the head, man? how fucked are you, man? can you be more fucked up, man?

>> No.17042008

shut up shill

>> No.17042183

Just shut the fuck up. Richard Powers and William T. Vollmann have praised this author. He’s been written about in multiple academic publications and discussed widely for years. He’s not shilling his own shit here. Stop it with this meme.

>> No.17042203
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>powerful, hysterically funny and evocative
Holy shit journalists should be roped

>> No.17042219

I really thought I would find it in a used book store. Every time I went to one I would think, "today's the day. You will walk into the modern lit section, go to the 'D' area, and there you will find 'The Lost Scrapbook' by Evan Dara." Did this for about three years and finally gave up.

>> No.17042252

>author's wikipedia page reads like a paid advertisement
HUGE red flag. Hard pass

>> No.17042313

Won't work! Dara. Stop with all this self-shilling.
>Powers and Vollman
Two equally bad but marginally more relevant writers; not much of a case.

>> No.17042346

Haha look he's mad

>> No.17042364

You are genuinely a joke of a human being. No wonder you can only speak in your feeble little way.

>> No.17042402

I can also speak while doing a hand stand (no foolin)

>> No.17042409

Ok. Miss out on one of the greatest novels of the 1990's and one of the best contemporary American authors. I don't really care, nor does anyone else. Go make a thread if you think people care about your pea-brain farts.

>> No.17042426

I know you're being a faggot on purpose, but I genuinely hold an intense disdain for you. Rarely am I ever thrust into feelings of immense pity and disgust over someone, but your samefagging in this thread is beyond the pale. I wonder what happened to you to make you like this. Probably some pretty awful abuse and neglect. You know when you see those extremely obese men on one of those sordid A&E documentaries? Yeah, same feelings I get when I see you post.
You'll probably kill yourself one day, I'm certain of that.

>> No.17042435

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter!

>> No.17042445

We are many.

>> No.17042450
File: 303 KB, 435x703, qmzpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah bro

>> No.17042459

No, it's just you, and you have some weird hate boner for an extremely obscure postmodern writer for some reason.
Do you ever stop to see how ridiculous and far gone you are?
Are you just lonely? Did someone who liked Dara fuck your oneitis or something?
Truly a porcine human. An absolute farm animal pretending to have thought.

>> No.17042502

>Did someone who liked Dara fuck your oneitis or something?
Impossible. Nobody has heard of him. Kek.
I can see raging homosexuals loving him though; my sample set is up by one.
>An absolute farm animal pretending to have thought.
Is Dara your lover or what?

>> No.17042518

Well, I'm done with this thread. I hope you enjoy your lonely life, anon. Chances are you're so beyond redemption that you'll always be lonely, throwing these feeble shitposts into the online ether to feel a semblance of human interaction, just so you can feel like you've made the tiniest impact. I'm genuinely glad I am not you.
I hope you put off the suicide for some time, so you can at least get someone to look at you and try to fix the weird mess you are.

>> No.17042565

This year was great for me. You keep on with the projection, anon.
Imagine an existence so sad that you have to defend --like you defend your own dignity-- an author nobody can come to give a fuck about. You take offense at posters labelling shills as Dara? Read your posts and the absolute seethe dripping from your posts, what else do you expect? Go anon, i pray you find some little tiny value in your sad life. May God go with you.

>> No.17042638

is this schizo the same faggot who hates american pomo because it filters tf outta him?
>this year has been great for me
lmao probably because it's been no different than the rest of them, but you feel good knowing that everyone is inside and as miserable as you

>> No.17042649

Thought you were done bro

>> No.17042656

This thread is probably the most important thing he's been a part of this whole week...

>> No.17042717

The Lost Crapbook haha

>> No.17042939

>reading amerisharts
Nothing of value was lost

>> No.17042946

>Waaaah waaaah!!
Do you guys know anything more than cry like little bitches?! Shitting on Dara=hating pomo? Leaps of logic.
>This thread must be the important thing he's been whole week.
Speak for yourself. I get pussy all the time. Incel. Don't start breathing heavy now. Dara sucks ass, its sad but true.

>> No.17042963

Don't bother. This sad fuck has probably cut a hole in his( which means Dara's) turgid monoliths; closest to pussy he will ever feel.

>> No.17043040

Seek help, man. Get on some meds. This is truly dark and sad what you're doing.

>> No.17043061

Being so fucking triggered over anonymous posters poking your favorite author is not a good sign of mental health. Seek therapy

>> No.17043083

Really, man. What's wrong with you? This is some dedicated mental illness. I'm moreso just fascinated that someone like you exists. Where the hell did you even hear about Dara? I can tell you're ESL for one, so of course experimental fiction in English is not gonna translate for you.

>> No.17043094

I have a feeling I knew this anti-Dara poster irl. I think I broke his brain by merely existing.

>> No.17043175

Well all I have to say is since starting this last night, I have been immensely enjoying it. I am 176 pages in. The writing just sucks you in. Dara is a natural story teller. Everything he is writing about is interesting. There doesn't appear to be one voice narrating. Rather it's akin to Mrs. Dalloway. The narratorial "I" jumps from voice to voice in a seamless transition, sometimes midparagraph. What all these voices seem to share in common is an adversity to modernity. I am enjoying it and I think others who like DFW or Don DeLillo will like it too.

>> No.17043202

Hope he sees this bro

>> No.17043217
File: 134 KB, 1080x405, Screenshot_20201216-110835_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you're an envious little goblin of a man, anon.

>> No.17043240

You shouldn't be talking about mental illness bud.
>I genuinely hold an intense disdain for you. Rarely am I ever thrust into feelings of immense pity and disgust over someone, but your samefagging in this thread is beyond the pale.
>Chances are you're so beyond redemption that you'll always be lonely, throwing these feeble shitposts into the online ether to feel a semblance of human interaction, just so you can feel like you've made the tiniest impact. I'm genuinely glad I am not you.
I hope you put off the suicide for some time, so you can at least get someone to look at you and try to fix the weird mess you are.
>because it's been no different than the rest of them, but you feel good knowing that everyone is inside and as miserable as you
Seriously? For someone throwing shit at your favorite author? In tryhard language on top of that. Equivalent of some retard pulling out a knife over a few cents.
There are only 2 explanations:-

1) you are Dara and you are seething. Memes aside, unlikely. Your language is of a typical teenager's; I'll give Dara that much.

2) Finishing this book is your greatest achievement in your life and you treat it as such. Holding up hammer and sickle for an author who will never acknowledge your existence?! Sad. Just sad. Your newfag ass had to stroll into this thread and act like somebody fucked your mother by insulting Dara. Good job little rascal.
>I can tell you're ESL for one, so of course experimental fiction in English is not gonna translate for you.
Unfortunately, I am not. I can understand them perfectly fine. Phoneposting messes up posts sometimes. I like postmodernists just fine; Pynchon's a fav of mine infact, I just hate Dara lol.
Spare me another post with combinations of: 'sad', 'lonely', 'meds', 'miserable', 'weird mess' etc.

>> No.17043274

Never met a single Dara fan in my life. I am compelled to believe it is a synonym for 'virgin basement dweller' at this point.

>> No.17043299

What did you think of the Anubis scene in Gravity's Rainbow? How did you feel about what happened to the girl?

>> No.17043352


>> No.17043361

I want to add that if you enjoyed Women and Men by Joseph McElroy, you will enjoy The Lost Scrapbook by Evan Dara. Please ignore the two fags in this thread arguing. Let's simply discuss Dara's work and what you like and think about The Lost Scrapbook. I would still like to hear someone else's insight about Dara's use of semicolons >>17039316.

>> No.17043363

Well, you obviously don't read.

>> No.17043378

literally what is wrong with this

>> No.17043380

trips wasted on pure unfiltered retardation

>> No.17043390

You should've bought it from Dara's own store, it's cheaper there. Anyways, cheers on your finding, mate.

>> No.17043391

You are really autistic, you know that? Explain to me what Pynchon meant by Germans dividing creation finer and finer. Right fucking now!

>> No.17043396

Goddamn I leave to do work for like 3 hours and this dude is still ITT seething about Evan Dara every five to ten minutes. Fucking grim lmao

>> No.17043440

This is longest thread on Evan Dara in 4chan's history. Great but kinda sad too.

>> No.17043548

gotta admire your passion mate, you're kinda making me interested in dara

>> No.17043565

Yeah, maybe he's just doing some epic reverse psychology Streisand effect thing.
>man, if this book can make this guy go full schizo seethe for four straight hours then it must be good

>> No.17043598

You will join me once you read him. Kek.
I am just replying to an obvious newfag who thinks 4chan is all vitriol.
These aren't me.

>> No.17043716

Kill yourself, my man.

>> No.17043739

No. Life's too good for that. I share little of your defeatist attitude and still lesser your cynicism. You go ahead and kys.

>> No.17043753

You've literally been on 4chan all morning on a Wednesday bitching about books you've never read. I don't think your life is all that good. I think it'd be for the best that you just remove yourself before your resentment builds to hatred, and you legitimately hurt another human being.

>> No.17043768

The amount of grammar mistakes you make hurts me. Can you stop typing like a fucking retard? You'd think someone who has read Pynchon and Dara would at least know how to punctuate properly...

>> No.17043782

Like what?

>> No.17043787

Shut up, retard.

>> No.17043800

You sound like the resentful one with all that projection about loneliness and suicide. Do something better with your life instead of deep-throating authors.

>> No.17043816

As expected. You came straight from YouTube, didn't you? Retarded nigger.

>> No.17043822

Please kill yourself. I'm sure everyone would be relieved.

>> No.17043838

Evan sounds like a gay name, I'll pass on this

>> No.17043843

You should kill yourself too while you're at it.

>> No.17043844

Seethe more monkey. You can't even parse syntax properly, retarded nigger.
>This grammar sucks! I have never seen sentences like this before, so it must be wrong!
Did you recently get an internet connection? Kill yourself please

>> No.17043855

You should consider suicide. I'm sure your mother abguishes at the fact she has such a mess for a son.

>> No.17043859

What is this book about?

>> No.17043863

You can't even use a fucking comma. Go back to /pol/, you stupid fucking schizophrenic piece of shit.

>> No.17043871

Can you stop typing like a fucking retard? ESL bitch nigger.
You probably don't even have a mother, how the hell would you know? You should have been aborted.

>> No.17043873

Lmao this nigga has a dead dad ahaaha

>> No.17043883

Kill yourself, my man. We all know you're gonna do it eventually. I see the mother line really got to you LMFAO

>> No.17043888

You are so angry you need to make multiple post just to get even. Sad!
>Muh commas
I am sure you haven't read Faulkner or McCarthy. Piss off whoreson.

>> No.17043896

I have been getting to you all day, retarded bitch.

>> No.17043901

>you need to make multiple post
Ah, ok, you're asian. Makes sense now.
Stop lying about reading even more authors, loser.

>> No.17043913

Not really, I knew dara triggers your stupid little mind. You played yourself, you low IQ ape.

>> No.17043931

Pedantic assholery. That's all you know.
>He missed a 's' while typing. Got him, he's asian.
Shut up retarded nigger. You are obviously a newfag.

>> No.17043935

>Can't even type anguishes properly.
>Calls others low IQ
Retarded. Nigger.

>> No.17043946

Lmao you are Asian then.
Seething at the superior white males, eh?

>> No.17043951

*an 's'. Before your schizo mind goes into overdrive.

>> No.17043954

>types in sentence fragments
ESL ricecel who has literally never had sex.

>> No.17043963

Where is this going? I am worried about you now.

>> No.17043972

>Knows only one way of writing.
ESL nigger who can't even spell properly.

>> No.17044056

It's hard to say. The narration jumps between what I would call voices rather than characters. The first bit was from a voice who discovered he'd become invisible to society and seemed to be about him provoking people into noticing him. The next voice came from someone meeting up with a man named Dave. Dave and his friend Jurgen are filiming fireflies for a "count how many jellybeans are in the jar" type contest. Dave tells the "voice" about his paper on Beethoven's variations and his son's drumset. Then it switches to a new voice who is listening to Nick. Nick is an inbetween animator, currently working on a mitosis animation. Then it switches to a new voice who tells us, the reader/listener, about his friend Raymond and their love for the dying art of radio. Then we get a new voice which is actually a TV program where a woman is being interviewed about an article she wrote on voting/non-voting. The next part is weird. You the readee/listener are listening to your Walkman when a voice purporting to be broadcasting solely to you talks to you and tells you a story.
All the voices transistion seamlessly often in mid-paragraph or mid-sentence. They all seem to share in common this idea of Beethoven's variations explained by Dave. They all seem to be about alienated individuals or individuals fed up with some aspect of modern society. It's hard to explain and I'm only 176 pages in, but it's a very gripping and well-narrated read.

>> No.17044530

Damn bros...all I wanted was a thread to talk about Evan Dara and discuss this book. Instead I got two autists trying to prove their single digit IQ was larger than the other's. Why are you like this /lit/? Why are you so full of virtiol? Why are you all about pretense? It's fucking ridiculous that the onle threads which get serious replies are shitposts.

>> No.17044549

This is the longest Evan Dara thread ever bro! Reasons are secondary, we made history.

>> No.17044722

And yet no one is discussing Evan Dara but me, and no one will respond to my prompts or questions.

>> No.17044769

Nobody has read him.

>> No.17044792


kinda hard to take you seriously when you can't even tell trips from quads...

>> No.17044800

That's because he's a self-published, self-shilling nobody

>> No.17044829

I find that hard to believe. Back in 2016 and 2017, Evan Dara and The Lost Scrapbook were posted about frequently. I remember one anon who had strong suspicions that one of his literature professors was Evan Dara. Anyways, based on the 176 pages I've read, I'd recommend him to any /lit/izen. I don't get all the hate. This book was published in 1995 or 1996.

>> No.17044880

The longest Dara thread that i ever saw was 13 replies long. I remember the thread that you are referencing, but /lit/ never caught on to Dara like they did with Gaddis. I once saw an anon call flee one of the Great American novels; that book was shit, hence all the self-shilling accusations.

>> No.17046218

Never heard of this. Looked it up due to all the raging itt. This guy's prose game is great. Does he stay the course or is it like The Recognitions where the book spontaneously turns to shit 1/3rd of the way through?

>> No.17046340

So far it stays the course.

>> No.17047760

this has been a great thread, I don't want it to go gently into that sweet night.

>> No.17047797

It falls apart in the last like 25%

>> No.17047810


>> No.17047819

I just thought it was really repetitive about how they went on and on about that 'big bad evil corporation'. It felt really cheesy and juvenile for a book that should have been pretty experimental.

>> No.17048000

You haven't read either Powers or Vollmann, you just made up a fake opinion in order to be contrarian.

>> No.17048031

Just read the sex scene. I'm really craving a titty in my mouth now.

>> No.17048057

Thank you both. Google Reads has the first 100 pages available as a preview; if I find myself still enjoying it after that, I'll pick the book up. Seems as indulgent as Infinite Jest but with a more creative and enjoyable use of language. Wouldn't be surprised if DFW aped some of this. I certainly do appreciate his hardcore truancy from any attempt at the literary limelight to find him. Thanks for the rec, /lit/

>> No.17048589

>A squat black telephone, I mean an octopus, the god of our Signal Corps, owns a recess in Berlin (more probably Moscow, which one German general has named the core of the enemy's whole being). Somewhere between steel reefs, a wire wrapped in gutta-percha vibrates, I hereby ... zzZZZZZZ ... the critical situation ... a crushing blow.
He won a national book award for this.

>> No.17048614


>> No.17049637

Look, Evan, I’m happy you’re able to make a few extra sales from threads like these, but could you refrain from adding yourself to charts or comparing yourself to authors with merit >>17048512 ? It’s embarrassing

>> No.17049757

Fake passage to try to back up your fake "opinion"

>> No.17050050

Its in the book, you retard. Europe Central. The irony of patronizing others for not reading the author, when you yourself haven't! Hope it's not lost on you.

>> No.17050873

Why do you think this is funny? It's just annoying. It makes me want to get your IP and showup at your house.

>> No.17051031

I’m homeless

>> No.17051036

Good. You deserve it. Perish in the cold.

>> No.17051131

I know a guy with a sled

>> No.17051139

Evan Dara is an anagram of Never Read

>> No.17051178

No it's not. Looks like you can't read there bud.

>> No.17051187

Shut up Evan.

>> No.17051201
File: 95 KB, 708x800, CF29E3B5-AF47-4B26-9F3E-523E43C2AA1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Shut up Evan
This is getting old. You're such a fucking newfag. Are you mad people want to discuss an author instead of reposting memes from the comment section of YouTube?
pic related is you when you see genuine discussion and interest in an author

>> No.17051282

No one “[wants] to discuss” him, otherwise it would have already happened

>> No.17051325
File: 48 KB, 452x363, 53F414A7-5DE3-48DC-8451-D73196F3EA9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussion can't be renewed
>checkmate theist
Look at this photo I snapped of you as you watched your reply successfully post

>> No.17051350

Oh it certainly can happen, just not in this case, because literally no one cares, not even you. Where’s your discussion? Epic image post though

>> No.17051353

The entire fucking thread I've been the one posting about actual content from the fucking book. Read the thread newfag.

>> No.17051359

Oh my bad, I was confused because your “actual content” sucks

>> No.17051919

Have you read Easy Chain?

>> No.17052044

No one has

>> No.17052060

No. I'm the OP. I've just started The Lost Scrapbook and it is a very enjoyable and refreshing read so far. But I will be looking to read Easy Chain based on my experience with The Lost Scrapbook

>> No.17052303

I read this a while back and don't remember all too much except that it ties back to a corporation bypassing some environmental laws and shitting up the whole town. There were some really beautiful segments like the in-between animation for the mitosis video someone else mentioned. Dara seems to just dive into these forgotten spaces of towns and childhood and explore them with real intensity and precision. The ending is also incredible when he describes all the letters being sent across the country.

>> No.17052348

fuck off Evan

>> No.17052366

Seethe harder tranny.

>> No.17052409

What's with the homophobia? That's like five times in this thread already. Is that the quality content you were referring to? Not funny. I hope your novels don't promote that kind of garbage

>> No.17052552

I have heard some respectable reviewers say that it is better than TLS.

>> No.17052604
File: 42 KB, 650x650, 42FF8532-8572-42EC-BAF9-9DA9DC19D280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17052611

Wow did you just fucking assume a tranny is a homosexual? Fucking bigot.

>> No.17052648

>"Who? I have never even been to Illinois." - William T. Vollmann

>> No.17052822

So far it's a great book, but I don't understand how a writer with such obvious lyrical gifts could settle on "The Lost Scrapbook" as a title. It sounds like something untouched in the YA section of the library. His other titles sound equally as boring. Yet the writing itself is exceptional. Still. "The Lost Scrapbook." What the fuck. No wonder nobody noticed it.

>> No.17052837
File: 92 KB, 828x814, misato8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off Evan, we're not reading your book

>> No.17053560

Who are you?