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17048991 No.17048991 [Reply] [Original]

Seduction books that actually works.

>> No.17049013
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>> No.17049138

The bible

>> No.17049153

can you imagine fucking a girl for free. literally making her cum and not even wanting to be paid for it.

I wonder what would happen to society if men stopped putting women on a pedestal

>> No.17049165

my diary desu

>> No.17049192
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>> No.17049205
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>> No.17049296
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>> No.17049327

God I wish

>> No.17049333
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G E T . M O N E Y

>> No.17049446

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.17049472


>> No.17049533


Are these actually good

>> No.17049572

Models, that's all you need unless you are severely autistic (actually diagnosed) or deformed.

>> No.17049676

This one is good, but definitely not a book on seduction. More of a guide for life than anything. That said, what OP is asking for is pretty autistic anyways

>> No.17049786

I wish I was not autistic

>> No.17049867
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I recommend this one to anyone who feels they need help with women or help understanding them, or tips on game. It's not PUA stuff, it's genuine relationship material and it helped me a ton. This shit will make you much more successful with women and most importantly not lose the woman you have. Because so many guys end up getting shit on because they start acting dumb and the fire is lost in the relationship.

>> No.17049876
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>successful with women

>> No.17049879

That is perhaps the least impressive self help book title I have ever seen

>> No.17049884

kek this is exactly why you're unsuccessful and an incel

>> No.17050032

I'm a pro pua, I've been coaching pua for almost three years. Look for books that are written by seasoned pick up artists. They are not well written, because authors are not great writers, but stuff they advise were tested in real world on real women. Overall concepts behind pua game are very simple. You need to signal high value. You need to convince her that you have high value, without that, by default, she will not have sex with you. Most you can get is a friendzone. For starters decent dress, good posture and non-reactive, sarcastic demeanor goes a long way. Also note, that unknown value is better than average or low value. If she doesn't know you, she can assume you have high value and spread her legs, while your neighbor girl who knows your forever will never sleep with you. So, never share excess info about yourself... Part of maintaining your value is passing shit tests. It's like a series of little challenges that she keeps throwing at you from time to time that you need to pass. She is doing it to test if you indeed high value person. If you learn to recognize when it is a shit test, it's incredibly easy to pass. You can just blatantly ignore it, that will do it. Just always keep in the back of your mind that shit test might come any moment. Besides signaling high value though, you need to develop some sort of intimate history. Basically you need to learn small-talk and flirting. Learn to misinterpret her in a dirty way and learn to imply dirty thoughts in a non-aggressive way. It's not very hard to learn, but you need to be in a "naughty" mood and practice it. Angrypicnic on youtube does it really well. This is all you need to know. You can build your own game around these ideas and it will work, I promise you. But you need to practice it.

>> No.17050166

Hehe feels bad that a baldy does better than you, doesn’t it? I even remember one hot classmate fucking some bald dude and the hot full head o hair simp that hung around her go ”but he’s bald!?”.

I guess it’s sad when you realise you have no excuses and all your failures are of your own making.

>> No.17050176

Ok Deepak Wayne poojeet

>> No.17050232


>> No.17050279

When you get down to it, seduction is not the hard part, keeping a good relationship is. A lot of these books, they'll walk you as far as getting a girlfriend and say "alright buddy, good luck!"

A good example of a book that went a little further was No More Mr. Nice Guy, where I believe the author had been a couple's counselor.

I'm interested about this but balk at hte cover and title >>17049867

The somewhat mistitled "Sex God Method" also seems to be primarily about keeping a relationship going long term. The issue is of course, if you revolve your role around making the relationship work, even if it does, it is being mainly sustained by your effort. Such is the plight of man I guess.

>> No.17050287

fuck offffffffffffffff
fuck offffffffffffff
Fuck offfffffffffff
fuck offffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.17050364

What indicates value

>> No.17050428

Definitely check it out, the book is even free on his website. It's pretty much perfect in terms of the actual relationship part.

>> No.17050505

Confidence by having good posture, being funny, sarcastic, non-reactive and brave. You can say how I can signal courage, it's actually pretty easy. You can disagree with general consensus on some topic in your group or you can do things that are usually not accepted like cussing or wearing casual dress where others dress up. If you look at daygame pua videos on youtube you will see that a lot of them drop "fucks" and "blows" and "sucks" randomly during conversation. That shows that they don't care and it signals high confidence. Apart from confidence social status is pretty important too. You can't really show it initially, apart from being confident. High confidence already signals that you have high status. But in the long term your real social status will reveal itself. What I always tell my students is to never allow other people to publicly look down on you. Don't publicly bend down to others. If they try to belittle you, react aggressively. This will force them to be respectful to you even if they don't respect you deep down. For onlookers, when they see that everyone around you acts respectful to you, it will signal high social status. Overtime it will naturally raise your confidence too. Besides that money also indicates high value. So, at least you should look clean and tidy, don't wear trash.

In my first post I forgot to write about escalating. It is very important and actually a lot of people fuck it up. You need to escalate the moment presents itself, because if you miss the first opportunity it signals to her lack of confidence and experience which drops your value. So, you might not get a second chance. So fi you are flirting, she is into you and you think you can kiss her, you should go for it. Very easy way to do it is to take her hand and pull her to yourself. If she is coming, it naturally develops into a kiss. And same goes for sex. If you are making out, just find a reason to invite her to your place. Say "wanna see a great view from my balcony?" or whatever comes to your mind, but don't say things that will make her feel like a slut. Don't say "let's continue at my home".

>> No.17050532

Not OP but damn this makes me wish I had a home and was not stuck with parents, Corona fucked me hard

>> No.17050537

how is he bald, he just shaved his head, retard

>> No.17050565

All you need here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPq7CyHqQ2I&list=PLh8oUx_ONafXHhcA45m43A7eNGf9vIrpX

>> No.17050763
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You’re here asking for recommendations on books about seduction, so I assume that means you’re looking for advice on how to sleep with women, either more frequently or even for the first time. I’m also gonna assume the reason you’re even asking for seduction book recommendations in the first place can boil down to some fear of future rejection or perhaps trauma from previous rejection. If that’s the case, then you’re starting down the wrong path, you’re looking for a get rich quick scheme.

Look at this post >>17050032. This is a path where you will be wasting valuable time in your youth (I’m still just assuming here) attempting to emulate a superficial idea of what women "value". Let’s look at these seduction techniques: signal high value, have self-confidence, pass shit tests, and steer conversations playfully toward sex (ie make your intentions known). This isn’t completely wrong, it does work some of the time, but there are two underlying problems to this whole practice. The first is that you will be putting too much effort into trying to sleep with women instead of putting effort into what women actually respond to: Value. Second, you still have not addressed your original problem, your fear of rejection.

Now you can ignore all of this, shut it out, but here’s the truth: The better you get at seducing women, the further away you get from truly having them. When I say have, I mean, to have a woman truly see you, who you really fucking are, and want you. Not just in a romantic sense, but in the most lustful and animalistic of ways. You keep going and I swear one day you’re going to wake up and realize you can’t fuck a woman without the mask on, the same way you can’t get it up without a little blue pill, and by then you’re so far gone there’s no time left to crawl back out.

So what do you do? It’s simple but it’s not easy, you do not “signal” high value because you Want to sleep with women, you work towards increasing your value because you Want to be valuable:
Be successful, because you Want to do important and challenging work.
Be fit, because you Want to be strong and healthy.
Be well-spoken, because you Want to be taken seriously.
Be honest, because you Want to be truthful, and so on...

The second you start obsessing about what women want, it's over. The second you start obsessing about how she might reject you, it's over. So we can see that this fear of rejection, and this desire for sex, are two sides of the same coin.

So the real honest-to-god truth, the real ‘red pill’, is that there isn’t a fucking pill. Women have, and always will, want more than anything, a good man. So the sooner you start working on yourself, the sooner you’re gonna find not just a shallow girl, but a real woman worth having. A woman that would do absolutely anything for you, the real you. Because eventually, if you work hard enough, the real you IS going to be a good man, and what woman wouldn’t want that.

>> No.17050832
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Here you go, OP

>> No.17050847

Ignore everything else. This is it.

>> No.17050858

based and not pilled

>> No.17050948

Good stuff here

>> No.17050954

Cringe. Not sure why you quoted that anon, he's spot on.

>> No.17051004

He's not. He's teaching you how to pretend to have the things that come effortlessly after you do what >>17050763 said.
Unless you're a psychopath who is fraudulent to the core you'll just come across as a try-hard and a bore. Stop trying to impress people, it's un-impressing.

>> No.17051006

While I appreciate your holistic approach to life I disagree on several things. Having a high value and signaling high value are not same things. I have many students who I would say relatively high value. Business owners, engineers, sportsmen etc. But they fail with women. It's a social skill that needs to be learned, just like manners. Unfortunately for many people society failed to teach it to them when they were young and you see great men shooting themselves in the foot by signaling low value, simply because they don't realize what's going on. It's a different world, different dynamics altogether. for women, signaling value is more important than real value itself. You can be strong, successful, well spoken and honest, but the moment you fail a shit test, your value drops in her eyes, even though you are same person, while a person who is unhealthy, less successful and less well spoken can have a higher value in her eyes, because he is consistently signaling high value.

>> No.17051037

Having a bit of game is not "pretending"

>> No.17051047

The game isn't real.
The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.17051060

And that's where you're wrong. Only thing I'd add is that it definitely is necessary to figure out your purpose in life.

>> No.17051085
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thanks and well put. Now let's all move on

>> No.17051087

Your life, dude. Good luck.

>> No.17051099

Ok school shooter in the making.

>> No.17051108

Also to clarify I'm not out here trying to put on for every beautiful woman that comes by, and I don't care to. But when the opportunity really arises, I can, and I can also hold on to it long term if I wanted. That's the primary difference between how it used to be and how it is now. I have an abundant mindset.

>> No.17051111

so basically women are retarded?

>> No.17051240
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>> No.17051270


>> No.17051271

>sex beyond reproduction

>> No.17051371

this is correct

>> No.17051799

I'd rather stay alone till the end of eternity if the alternative is having to create a fake persona

>> No.17051853

Whatever you did to attract a woman in the first place is what you do to keep a woman. That's a Beige Phillip staple. Don't read any books, listen to Beige Phillip.

>> No.17052200

What is this?

>> No.17052245

Here frens this got me married
Just ignore any cuck shit. Works on white wahmim too.

>> No.17052295

>Part of maintaining your value is passing shit tests. It's like a series of little challenges that she keeps throwing at you from time to time that you need to pass. She is doing it to test if you indeed high value person.
Give me a real life example of a shit test.

>> No.17052317

A bald man with Chad phrenology is as close as you can get to the perfect catch for a woman with daddy issues.

>> No.17052333

What is being non-reactive?

>> No.17052353

My girlfriend asks me to buy her frivolous stuff all the time. I make her wait a week and see if she still remembers.
Unless it's lingerie.

>> No.17052424

>Not OP but damn this makes me wish I had a home and was not stuck with parents, Corona fucked me hard
This makes me wish I had a job.

>> No.17052499

>so basically women are retarded?
Yep, kinda. Branding is everything!
There are other drinks as good or sweeter than COCA-COLA but you still want that magical red bottle.

"You have a blue guitar,
you do not play the things as they are"

>> No.17052532

That's precisely why your anglo age of consent is fucked up.

>> No.17052755

The entire premise of PUA shit is so completely pozzed. Imagine pandering to women...

>> No.17052764

PUA subhumans absolutely btfo. God(s) bless you.

>> No.17053019

I think it's more manipulating

>> No.17053057


>> No.17053109

>She says: "just so you we're clear we're not going to have sex."
>She asks if you're gay
>She deliberately overestimates your age
>She asks how many girls you've fucked
>She calls you out as a 'pickup guy'
>She says she has a boyfriend.

>> No.17053261

What do you do in response to these, in order?

>> No.17053645

BMW ownership

>> No.17053656

cast iron or stainless steel, not aluminum or copper

>> No.17053662

That's a checkbook. It's a way that older people use to give money to eachother.

>> No.17053683
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Thanks, now I'm exhausted just by reading this.

>> No.17053809

Whatever you want. Have the internal well of confidence that allows you to take it and respond in whatever way you see fit.
Examples, and don't use these, they're mine, but I'd never say them when asked because at the time I might want to say something else. Get it? No rehearsal.
>>She says: "just so you we're clear we're not going to have sex."
>Like I'd have sex with you, anyway. :)
It's all about the tone. You can't fake it, though. That's the thing.
>I can wait. :)
Cheeky, it's all in the smile
>Say nothing
Maintain your well of confidence and don't give body language clues that you're bothered.
>Well, that was just rude.
Once again, tone. Maintain confidence, but even add an inflection of genuine annoyance. Be subtle. Give the hint that you want to fuck, but it shouldn't be the end of the world if she doesn't want to.
>Damn, cause I wanted to fuck you silly.
You want fuck, say you want fuck.
Don't care what she thinks, but still care what people think, empathy. Understand?
Systematization ruins the flow.
Be natural. Allow yourself to be genuine.
There are millions of responses. The best one is always the genuine one, and there are millions of genuine ones to choose from.

>> No.17053834

Desu I'd rather take advice on women from a bald average looking guy than from some supermodel.

>> No.17053921

What's the difference between confidence and arrogance

>> No.17053939

Genuine humility and introspection

>> No.17054056

So, let's say you respond with something weird. The tone comes out wrong, the words aren't there, you mumble and croak something out.
She laughs at you.
OH NO! What do you do?
Laugh with her. Have the humility, self awareness, and confidence to allow failure. That's what separates the champions; they get back up.
Also remember: Not everyone is compatible. It might not work out, but that's okay.
The main point I'm trying to get across is: It doesn't really matter. She's just some girl and you're just some guy. She's not an object, and you're not there to be perfect. Stop worrying so much about what you're doing and listen to her. Engage in the conversation. Be present. Have humility and confidence. Enjoy yourself.

>> No.17054092

Ignore everything this post says except for this part:
>Be natural. Allow yourself to be genuine.

You need to get out of your head, don't meet games with games, just respond pleasantly, directly, and honestly. Then go back to whatever real conversation you were trying to have where you can't hide behind tricks and gimmicks. It's like you pick up artists know that "shit tests" are just a game women are playing, yet you still think the correct move is to play their game but say the perfect line. The trick is to not play the game, but forcing them to be genuine back at you.

This guy knows

>> No.17054183

hylas and the nymphs is one of my favorite paintings of myth

>> No.17054295

>Business owners, engineers, sportsmen etc
Women don't give a shit about that. They want powerful men, and powerful men already excel at socialization.

>> No.17054311


nah. wrong perspective. to adopt PUA tactics is to have been manipulated.

>> No.17055169

Honestly yeah you are a product of PUAs

>> No.17055204

only works for blacks and poor people

>> No.17055686

this book is so retarded. The second I stopped using it's shitty techniques my success shot up unfathomably. It's horrible, but everyone is different. If it works for you good for you

>> No.17055748

too many words for such a pathetic platitude, cringe.

>> No.17055914

Wtf is a "pro pua"? Does someone pay you to seduce women?

>> No.17055953

posting on /lit/

>> No.17056105

If anything that just legitimizes his book

>> No.17056283

I coach pua for living.

>> No.17056517

This when I used to care about women I always used to fuck up but now that I don’t care about them it’s easier

>> No.17056623

Someone so good at picking up women they realized it was simply more worthwhile to dupe men.

>> No.17057261

Kek fucking bluepiller

>> No.17057271

aka pajeet whisperer

>> No.17057546

Has anyone read Tariq Nasheed's pimping manual? Funny or not?

>> No.17058845


>> No.17058948

based, this bald boomer is gold if you are a beta faggot, just dont take it literally, the mindset is the most important.

>> No.17058957

This, exactly.

But I assume he picks up single mothers.

>> No.17059199

based and alcibiadespilled

>> No.17059408
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These are copes,
>>17048991, a third cope is surprisingly not mentioned here yet. Look, if it hasn't happened yet then it's not going to happen in any significant way, you're psycho-sexually underdeveloped for whatever reason, unimportant now, to try look at yourself as a sexual being now is sadly quite pathetic and laughable but the silver lining is that you can be and are a different kind of animal free to do whatever else of which sex will eventually be a part of given you do so around women, just don't expect it to be noteworthy. You can consider your way of life a disaster mitigation as opposed to success maximization, in the frame the alpha beta dichotomy

>> No.17059806

>These are copes,
What isn't it a cope in the end though?

>> No.17059853

Favorable things happening to you that you don't have to explain

>> No.17059862

isn't a*

>> No.17059968

This is actually the only one that is not total garbage. All this PUA stuff is still cringe and stupid though. You will learn it at the cost of normal social experience.

>> No.17060038

No such things exists. Ignorance does however.

>> No.17060138

Taking "who is Chad as touted by 4chanosphere" for $15

>> No.17060152

Trying to imagine what women like, and then acting that way, is step one on the road to becoming a tranny.

>> No.17060153


Some faggot ruined that imagine with the coomer meme, why am I not surprised.

>> No.17060550


>> No.17061341
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108 replies and no non-meme answer, yikes

Listen OP, seduction is going to be 80% how youe face looks like (handsome or vomit inducing) and only 20% on how you behave. Not much you can do for the face besides surgery and even than it's pretty iffy at the tech we have currently.
For behaviour just read Cialdini, he's like the 101 for Negotiation in any respectable Law, Business or Psychology program.

>> No.17061724

This sounds pretty depressing if true

>> No.17061749

404-just be yourself

>> No.17061801

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.17061931

You can chew chios gum to get a stronger jawline

>> No.17061942

Theres also body, heigh, wealth, and yes personalitty counts as in nobody wants to dat a schizo guy with no friends, you can have an "easy going" personality and that will get you affection.

>> No.17061946

Only when a kid

>> No.17062241
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>This sounds pretty depressing if true
Because it is, everyone thinks they can be a casnova macho seducer who sleeps with hundreds of women, but only a tiny fraction of people have the genetics (face) for that. Let's not discuss money/status because you're not gonna reach the point at which they will matter (Beos tier, DiCaprio tier).

The best average guy can hope for is to get a secure job with a solid income and provide for an average woman who will, hopefully, appreciate that. Nothing wrong with that, just don't have too high expectations.

>> No.17062408

>complains about the thread being meme answers
>posts memefrog and gives meme answer
You unbelievable faggot, go back to /r9k/

>> No.17062533
