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1704188 No.1704188 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: science ficcion books


>> No.1704207
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 41Lu4tDhI7L._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's some science fiction that's harder than the cock of a /tv/ tripfag sitting in a children's playground.

Seriously: Caidin not only put an appendix on the end full of figures, but he also updated the novel at least once to more closely align with the realities of the space effort of the day.

And the novel isn't that dry at all.

It's the kind of novel you use to smack Trekkies in the face with when they start getting the notion that Star Trek isn't soft-science fiction.

>> No.1704224

philip k dick

>> No.1704234
File: 22 KB, 200x302, the-moon-is-a-harsh-mistress-cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost positive this will always be my favorite work of sci fi.

>> No.1704283

There's nothing wrong with fantasy sci-fi. Not all books that have FTL travel and lasers and little green men are trash.

>> No.1704298

Hard-soft has no relation to good-bad

>> No.1704305

"Sirens of titan" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Definetly a good read if you are into science fiction.

>> No.1704309

Even the shittiest novel is good if you're into sci-fi

>> No.1704315


>> No.1704324

There... there are so many of them... how do I decide? Such a broad field.

>> No.1704335
File: 11 KB, 160x233, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading.

I like it. First was really good, second was eh, this one is pretty solid.

>> No.1704353
File: 25 KB, 301x492, Dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cover looks like a shitty Black romance novel, but it is quite good.

>> No.1704357
File: 203 KB, 357x499, Dune Messiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the subject, what the HELL is supposed to be on the cover of Dune Messiah?

At what point in the book is there a giant rock head with a glowing electric tumor?

>> No.1704364

Really? I though the first was fantastic, the second was pretty good in its own right (but utterly failed to live up to the first), and the third was actually kind of lame. It's like he ran out of things to say and just made some random action/adventure book with lots of pretension mixed in.

>> No.1704370 [DELETED] 

Dune was great. I had trouble sleeping and it cured it completely.

Paul say the Jihad, distant in his minds eye. Always coming forward.....zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

>> No.1704373

Dune was great. I had trouble sleeping and it cured it completely.

Paul saw the Jihad, distant in his minds eye. Always coming forward.....zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

>> No.1704379

I started the book late at night when I was pretty tired. I was just going to read a few pages to get the thing underway. I passed out around page 40, woke up the next day and read the rest of the book, skipping classes and hardly pausing to scrounge for food.

>> No.1704390

The second one frustrated me for the exact reasons that this guy
is talking about. The entire book is just Paul seeing visions and talking about how to govern.

Maybe I'm a low-brow tard, but I liked "Children" because shit ACTUALLY HAPPENED (or at least, shit's happening so far).

>> No.1704500
File: 36 KB, 420x690, 947-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is really good, and so is A Deepness In the Sky. A lot of metaphysics and psychology went into constructing the universe in these books. Very interesting aliens and a unique take on intelligence and how it's influenced by where you are in the galaxy.

>> No.1704503
File: 61 KB, 500x384, mitebcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Starship Troopers.

>> No.1704514
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Not as good as the movie fyi.

>> No.1704582

Never seen it.

>> No.1704591

Ender's Game called, why aren't YOU reading it right now?

>> No.1704598

I finished it already?

>> No.1704599

Is that the book about those evil bugs?

>> No.1704602
File: 24 KB, 277x450, space_viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well-paced, good world-building, discussion of the nature of civilization

>> No.1704603

Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow. Nothing else matters.

>> No.1704605
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>> No.1704606

Personally I like xenocide more.

>> No.1704607


If you mean Buggers than yes but they are neither evil nor insects.

>> No.1704612

Diamond age

>> No.1704613


Xenocide, ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! I have seriously NEVER heard anyone say good things about that including myself. Speaker for the Dead is alright but Xenocide was the most mind numbing sequel I have ever tried to read. That was when I started on Bean's stories.

>> No.1704616
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Still deciding if I should go ahead and read the "sequels" since it was supposed to just be a standalone.

>> No.1704615

Bean's saga had a really fucking stupid end, though

>> No.1704617


Orson Scott Card doesn't know when to just stop so I figured it would come to that.

>> No.1704618

I found the effects of religion upon the Piggies to be quite interesting and it raises several questions about human nature.

>> No.1704619
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Signal to Noise, by Eric S. Nylund, and its sequel, A Signal Shattered are quite good. The first couple of SNR are a bumpy ride, though...

>> No.1704622

Damn, I should have mentioned this one.
Atrocity Archives and sequels, too

>> No.1704623
File: 36 KB, 311x475, i-am-legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just thanks. Now I have to go and actually finish Xenocide.

I Am Legend isn't exactly sci-fi but it's a good book regardless. The movie...why does Will Smith destory books?

>> No.1704626
File: 71 KB, 653x498, Red Mars new UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read textbooks less meticulously researched than this, and god damn is this shit engrossing.

>> No.1704627

It's actually an ok book even though it had a lot of rough spots where it could have tried for a more engrossing storyline but it had enough interesting events to propel you further into the book. But it was still dull in quite a few places.
And I was joking when I said I liked Xenocide more I just wanted to see how'd people react.

>> No.1704632
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Xenocide wasn't that bad and had some interesting concepts and ideas, in my opinion. I enjoyed it. (Not as much as I enjoyed Speaker for the Dead, though.)

It was the last Ender book I read. No real reason, just sort of lost interest, I guess. I keep meaning to go back and re-read the ones that I did, because it's been forever.

>> No.1704636
File: 290 KB, 734x463, goddamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, I fucking love philip k dick

>> No.1704638

Startide Rising by David Brin (SPACE DOLPHINS FTW).

>> No.1704642
File: 56 KB, 331x500, HHGTTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me, how has this not been brought up?!

>> No.1704671


Because it's shit.

>> No.1704673
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>> No.1704685
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Okay, so it's just an action-adventure book without any pretension of literary depth, but the post-apocalyptic world is so interesting. Well, not really post apocalyptic, so much as post civilizational, I suppose. Civilization has risen and fallen a thousand times and man is now in a state of barbarism as Earth's end approaches. The world is populated with all manner of exotic beasts and the ruins of cultures long since forgotten.

>> No.1704686
File: 11 KB, 174x289, HYPERION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f hyperion
>no results.


>> No.1704687
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also, my face.

>> No.1704702

oh wow yeah, it's not among the first 18 books mentioned, incredible. Especially weird when keeping in mind the millions of science fiction books published.

>> No.1704720

I have to ask.... is this book really that good, or is it an overhyped, main stream piece of shit just like 90% of scifi books?

>> No.1704722
File: 36 KB, 419x715, valis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out god is an alien who is not an alien, is actually us, and transmits thoughts into peoples heads with pink laser beams. Also, the god of the old testament is a false god, Kevin's cat is dead and nobody can figure out why it had to happen; even though it's obvious, and Christ is going to be reborn, even though he never died.
Rome never fell, either.

>> No.1704728

no motherfucking forever war?

/lit/ i am disappoint

i have no face

>> No.1704732


It's overrated unfunny neckbeard bullshit.

>> No.1704739

It's entertaining, but that's about it.
The whole plot is basically just a set up for jokes.

>> No.1704741

The Hitchhiker's Guide is pretty funny. The series goes steadily downhill, though it never gets bad, only less funny. I think the reason it gets so much hype is not that it's the second coming of Christ, or anything, but that there isn't much else like it. You should pick it up; it's a light read and an important part of sci-fi geekdom.

>> No.1704755

I personally think this is pretty over-rated. I also don't remember much science being involved.

I started the first culture book last night and couldn't get through the first chapter. It just seemed un-neccessarily dense. I might give it another go eventually but after I put it down I started Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde, which seems to have a much more interesting premise.

>> No.1704759


I agree with you on Hyperion. The chapters about the kike and his slut daughter, the cyberpunk slut, and well honestly all the chapters other than the Priests story sucked dick. Plus the Keats cocksucking gets old real fast.

>> No.1704765

Fucking this. In the beginning I loved it, the priest's story was awesome. The soldier's story could have been good, if it wasn't just him fucking some chick for 50 pages and then nearly getting his dick cut off. After that it was just
>lets cover many subjects in science fiction and suck John Keats' dick
I'm at the end of the "cyperpunk slut" story now, but not really interested to continue

>> No.1704770
File: 31 KB, 329x510, SolarisNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm currently reading this
it's fucking great book
the two films based on the book are great too, especially the one directed by Tarkovsky

>> No.1706103

I am ok with this typo.