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17043628 No.17043628 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with this?
It was well written, as in I liked the word choices with some very poetic descriptions. I'm also sure it was quite revolutionary in terms of scifi for its time and the worldbuilding was very good
but it just reads like a fantasy story, not a scifi. All science fiction elements are super underused and are just varients on existing shit. There's barely any actual exploration of scifi concepts at all.
The characters are trash-tier. None of them are interesting or particularly well written and the whole 'bene gesserit' training makes the main character a boring, unrelatable stale retard. Other characters aren't interesting either in any way.
So is this only supposed to be good because of muh worldbuilding with prophecies and religion and shit?

Why is this shit supposed to be good again? 2 stars

>> No.17043890

I told you I told you it was shit

>> No.17044014

>For its time.

I think the secret might be its balance between the familiar (Paul) and what, to many, was genuinely alien experience. It also has a space religion like Star Wars.

John Carter of Mars has the same problem, it's been troped so much elsewhere, that people are underwhelmed, but even Superman came after John Carter.

The pacing of Dune is trash. Give me more or give me less, either would have been an improvement.

>> No.17044025

>It was well written,
No, it's not. Or post examples of good prose.

>> No.17044030

>"I like the word choices"
start judging the prose of others when you no longer write like this

>> No.17044179

Read Chronicles of Amber by Zelazny

>> No.17044211
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>> No.17044576

well I read a translation, hard to post quotes

>> No.17044584

I'm Dutch retard. English is my 3rd language you ignorant Amerimutt

>> No.17045796

you are retarded Op. Your opinions are trash and you have absolute dogshit complaints
get better taste subhuman

>> No.17045822
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This Immortal is better and actually has a connection to Dune.

>> No.17046837

wait do i start with book one?

>> No.17047789

>he reads genre fiction

>> No.17048680

Im the other way around
The biggest problem with Dune is how dull the writing is

>> No.17050170

delusional fanboy detected.
your book is garbage

>> No.17050216

Go complain on reddit you faggot.

>> No.17050306

>It was well written

>> No.17050556

Yeah John Carter is like 110 years old already, pretty insane

>> No.17050579

what's the second

>> No.17050589

I think Dune was good but yeah it's pulp fantasy like Conan or Elric.
The characters are secondary because it's more of a big picture story, which I happen to like a lot but few people like.

>> No.17050772

why would you post in this thread dumbfuck?
get better complaints then there aren't enough spaceships you drooling moron

>> No.17050974

Couldn't agree more. Read a little over 200 pages and couldn't get into it really. It's slow as shit. Even GoT is far superior.

>> No.17050988

This, it's a product of its time

>> No.17052229

Probably german? most dutcheses speak german since it is so similar.

Otherwise i'd guess french being right by belgium and close to france and loving tintin and asterix and obelix.

>> No.17052276

I just finished it. I liked the story, I can see why it made a huge impact in the 70s.

I agree the characters are underdeveloped, specially the enemies. They spend the whole book building the Harkonnen as some evil geniuses and feyd-rautha as some sort of super evil future final boss. And then nothing happens.

I'll keep going with the series for sure, but for now I want a short palate cleanser.

>> No.17053485

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