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17043666 No.17043666 [Reply] [Original]

It's all muh Germans, but what about books for Japan?

>> No.17043691

>Japanese women sexually collaborating with their enemies
absolutely based, can't fool their thirst for BWC

>> No.17043700

Because, from what I gather, it was a proto-vietnam. Amoral, hard to call anyone a hero in that front (what would be in the interest of some), it is not like nazis that are the perfect villains, hell. Even the reds are treated like angels when compared to the nazis

>> No.17043701

>inb4 eurasiantiger and his bots find this thread and shitpost it to death

>> No.17043724

the US had lower casualties in the pacific than in the european theater.
The pacific was so insignificant compared to the western theater and if it werent for the abombs the endand pearl harbor being the beginning both being quite phenomenal no one would care and treat it more like the korean war but with a cool naval battle (midway).

>plus the jew only existed in the european theater; but dykes and trannes dont like this answer

>> No.17043765

these hoes aint loyal

>> No.17043832

what a racist and sexist thing to say.

>> No.17043899

Umm Asian women don't belong to you, sweetie. They have a right to live their best life and sleep with who they want. Maybe have sex?

>> No.17043912

>be loyal to your white trash oppressor

>> No.17043918

So have sex, but not with asian hoes? Which women do belong to me then

>> No.17043981

>if I don't own women, how will I have sex
incel logic everybody

>> No.17044009

go back to r/hapas

>> No.17044041

This is literal monkey tribe thinking. The women of your race don't owe you anything. This also means that YOU don't owe them anything either.

>> No.17044092

I'm an Asian man. Therefore this statement is racist white imperialism.

>> No.17044362

Asian redittors actually believe they can sneak this by the sjws when they can't even get themselves counted as a minority. Hahahahaha

>> No.17044522

Killing subhuman fish faced Japs is both moral and heroic you pathetic weeb.

>> No.17044811
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Because the (((historians))) have less to gain from writing about Japan. Not to mention that they fear the Samurai

>> No.17045527

This honestly seems to be it lol

>> No.17045780

Are white men and Asian women the eternal, archetypal coupling?

>> No.17046799

>dating back to the 16th century

>> No.17046820

The pacific theater was gruesome bro. More to it than just number of casualties.
Having to fight in the jungles of New Guinea, Japs popping out of the ground, pow camps were fucked, nurses being slaughtered etc.

>> No.17046860

Okay kike, crawl back to the fucking oven now

>> No.17046956
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>> No.17046992

man this hurts and im not even asian. gotta thank god everyday i was born white.

1/10 odds of being born white
1/2 odds of being born male
2/100 odds of green eyes

how lucky am i lads

>> No.17047034

>pearl harbor
>land grabs that raped and enslaved the native populace
>hard to say
U wot m8?

>> No.17047050

Nice cope chang
Yes, the 21st century will belong to the progeny of Asian women impregnated with superior white seed

>> No.17047062

This. Gotta do affirmation about this every single time im feeling down

>> No.17047109 [DELETED] 
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This. The cucking won't stop until literally every single asian male has been cucked into feminization as a final cope. Then we fuck them aswell

>> No.17047231

I recommend With The Old Breed by Eugene Sledge
some pretty iconic battles were fought in the pacific theater

>> No.17047636

Because the German Nazis were defined as the fall of eden for our modern era. People right about WW2 in such a ridiculously religious way I can't tell if even their cognizant of what they're establishing.

Anyway, the japanese weren't used in this way to define the morals and beliefs of modern society. It was effectively just a normal war. People barely remember the nukes when compared to the religious fever that consumes WW2s western front.

>> No.17047730
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>hard to call anyone a hero in that front
>it is not like nazis that are the perfect villains

>> No.17047745

lol this shit still up

>> No.17047756
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now China controls the world because the brainlet USA kept trying to starve Japan to death with embargoes, just because the Japanese were (rightfully) bullying other East Asians and taking their rightful place in the sun

you are the real subhuman

>> No.17048353

Yes the US sucks I know. In my heart I truly believe Nippon is my authentic ancestral homeland. I may be some rando white guy but I feel this so deeply. The cherry blossoms of Mt Fuji, the joys of ancient Shinto traditions, Golden Week, animu... I am ashamed of my pig gaiji "home" and the piggu bullshit they've put glorious Nippon through. I would atone for it if I could, but the best thing I'll be able to do is finish my Japanese course and move to Tokyo.

>> No.17048443

>now China controls the world
And that’s a good thing

>> No.17049751


>> No.17049792

>>17043666 (Satan)
>Why does so little WWII literature focus on the Japanese front?
There were no Jews in Japan. Sure, the japs killed and tortured many chinks, but who cares about that? It's all about (((muh shoah))).

>> No.17050343

The Pacific war was ultimately an old school battle over resources, spheres of influence and access to markets. The war vs Nazi Germany was a fundamental struggle over the future course of Western civilization. The worst the US had to fear from Japan was losing some territory and money, the worst they had to fear from the Nazis was the total end of the established world order and world economy and thus the destruction of the US empire.

>> No.17050351

Germans were the real threat. They made such a psychological impact on anglos that even after almost a century they shudder at the mention of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

>> No.17050380

the Japs were unbelievably based

>> No.17050384

They belong to the hung white BVLL. Cope harder, yellow fag.

>> No.17050399

man this really made my day

>> No.17050456

they are really pretty
I feel so lonely

>> No.17050526

Fucking traitor whore.

>> No.17050567

Make your homeland better than running away towards a mirage
>grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.17050573
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>> No.17050595
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Cannot be traitor when japs were castrated by their amerimutt overlords

>> No.17050596

I liked this book. But in some cases he seemed to overreach and I think his perspective was quite western (i.e. looking at what Shinto looked like from the outside) and didn't spend enough time really giving a seriously sympathetic consideration for what State Shinto was like from the Japanese perspective.

>> No.17050606

Hirohito is massively underrated as a sly player. He held on to a shitload of behind the scenes influence up until the 70s and 80s even, and Tojo and all the rest took the fall for him despite overwhelming evidence that he wasn't just a figurehead.
Japs did nothing wrong btfoing the other Asians anyway, but still.

>> No.17050637

You have low verbal IQ.

>> No.17050639

OK, schlomo

>> No.17050838

, he said, failing to note his own grammatical error.

>> No.17050883

>women sexually collaborating with their enemies
True of literally every war ever

>> No.17050890

People are only enemies during conflict they were conquered already

>> No.17050909

Blue eyes are better, less melanin

>> No.17050916
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if it wasnt mentioned, read The Seed and the Sower. one of the most kino books I've read.

>> No.17051655

this sounds ironic or like bait, if it isnt you should kys


japs dont need an excuse for btfo'ing other asians, the americans just didnt want a pacific rival

>> No.17051775

I'm actually a White male with a fetish for Asian females. I've got two of them on the hook right now :^)

>> No.17051885

the us were more heavily invested in the european theater, for several reasons: white people. the us were stilla predominantly white nation, both ethnic and culture wise, and a war among whites was more relevant for the american public than one group of asians killing or colonizing another. even though soong mai-ling tried and somewhat succeeded in bringing the sino-japanese war to public attention, people just didnt care that much and saw it as barbarians killing each other. also, the us underestimated the nips' technology and way of fighting. with the germans, the us knew they were dangerous, since american army intelligence were allowed to be present during weimar republic reichswehr training exercises and they knew of the way german doctrine and training made immense gains during that time (read citino's path to blitzkrieg for this, great book) and because everyone could see what the loser of 20 years ago was capable now in overrunning france, beating the british to securing scandinavia, occupying poland, driving the soviets back at first etc. whereas the japs were uppity slant eyes living in wood huts and they had already cut them off from their oil supplies. also, there was no large jewish presence that felt thretened by the japs in particular and so they didn't focus on the japs as much, as nazi as that may sound. also, the us needed to close in on germany before the red army could occupy it completely and gain political leverage over western europe which could prove disastrous (us was even ready to rearm former nazi soldiers in case the conflict should get hot with the soviets, read up operation gladio or what it was called). finally, the us dropped not one, but two nukes on the japs. after burning wood-hut tokyo to the ground several times. they were and are to this day the only nation that actually used nuclear weapons. they might not have wanted that brought up too much, especially considering the political climate of the 60s and 70s, when i presume a lot of literature regarding ww2 was written. just some thoughts.

>> No.17051935

not to mention playing dumb and sliding all the warcrimes to his general

>> No.17053634

War Without Mercy by John W. Dower

One of the best books I've read on the Pacific War

>> No.17053954

Read To the White Sea by James "Deliverance" Dickey.