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17037246 No.17037246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which literature genre will take flight after modernism in the 21st century?

>> No.17037252


>> No.17037260

if I ever have a daughter, what do I do to prevent this

>> No.17037266

likely something very strong as a reaction to modernism's practice of critiquing and breaking-down traditional structures

>> No.17037267

Imbue strong morals and rationally explain your teachings and beliefs to her.

Don't just say "God wants women to have womanly virtue" and barely broach the topic with her and leave her to the rationality of university professors.

>> No.17037294

Strongly vet the college they go to and the program they're enrolled in, I suppose.

>> No.17037301
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Avoid anything with postmodern marxism/cultural marxism. No liberal arts college, no big cities. Tell her to read Peterson.

>> No.17037315

If you're not careful, popular culture is probably going to raise your kid as much as you are.

Personally, I'd try to keep the kid away from having their own smart phone for as long as possible.

>> No.17037316

>no big cities
>read Peterson
bad post

>> No.17037319

>read peterson
>implying peterson knew how to educate her own daughter

>> No.17037326

Current trends put me in a weird place right now. I love hairy girls, hairy armpits, hairy pussy, silky arms and silky belly. But I can't stand tatoos, rings, short hair and that kind of masculinity-seeking and over-cultural behaviour generally speaking. I would love to cum in long soft black hair. But I never found a girl who was both confortable with hair and cute on the outside. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i hate my life
i just want a hairy cunt gf with long hair and cute face i don't care if she smells like cheese

>> No.17037328


>> No.17037333


these suburban upper middle class kids know what is morally right but its never actually been explained. not only that but they want to rebel against the system that they feel like is holding them down, when in actuality its protecting them. saying "because I told u so" is a terrible way to tell your children what to do because at one point they will be under someone else's authority and that person will explain there point of view and it'll be appealing to them.

>> No.17037336

>Tell her to read Peterson.
the meat-gazing drug addict who ran off to a communist country? lol i don't think so

>> No.17037341

I cannot fathom why you would want to be a faggot if you don't want to be a woman. Don't people hate faggots because they're womanly? Like could understand if you were going for androgyny, but like they dress more fem now than they did before. wtf

>> No.17037345

Take her fishing. Take her hunting. Teach her to be quiet and spot weakness. Show her how groups of animals will try to eat each other's young, and females try to disadvantage other females when they think resources are slim. Remind her to be resourceful. Never buy her a phone.

>> No.17037382

It's wrong even before the last frame. If you were a man trapped in a woman's body, wtf would you change? You would logically assess the situation, get simps, and do whatever the fuck you want all day.

>> No.17037387

>communist country

>> No.17037401

There's never enough love in these families. If these children know it is for their benefit, and believe that they can trust their parents (who do more than most these days), then they aren't going to fall for this stuff which most piggies do.

>> No.17037408

Rousseau gave away his kids into an orphanage because he had no time educating his kids while working on very influental works on how to educate your kids, whats your point?

>> No.17037430

not him but you're delusional if you compare Peterson, a creature of the media, to Rousseau, one of the most influential philosopher of Western philosophy who influenced nearly everyone behind him

>> No.17037432

Jesus, her dad probably committed the least honorable death possible after watching this shit progress

>> No.17037445

The point is that if you want to judge Petersons teachings you should base your criticism on his works rather than on his family.

>> No.17037459

Yes I agree with you (and I haven't read Peterson so I really can't comment on his teaching or family in any way). But honestly it deserves you to compare him with Rousseau, the gap is too big.

>> No.17037470
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>>no big cities
>>read Peterson
>bad post

>> No.17037484

Peterson isn't Rousseau

>> No.17037490

Only an ultimate redditor leftist onions-drinker would recommend Peterson, seeing how his own daughter turned out.

>> No.17037509

What's wrong with his daughter?

>> No.17037513

Don’t be in a shit country, don’t be too conservative or liberal, don’t divorce and raise your child together maybe one of you working less so that you can spend more time with the child.
I’m serious, mothers alone teach selfishness, dads teach discipline, not the spanking violence kind.

>> No.17037532

Only if you're cute tho, otherwise you can't get simps

>> No.17037545

God bless 4chan for letting a space of dissent exist against the mainstream-boosted tranny cult. I wonder how many potential trannies have been dissuaded not just by 4chan antitrannyism directly, but by the general antitrannyism that has spread its wings and flown to other parts of the internet from 4chan.

>> No.17037553

Do women cheer people like this on to get rid of competition? That's what it seems like.

>> No.17037559
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Highly based observation friend.

>> No.17037561

>implying she has a father figure in her life
Stuff like this usually happens when the dad was absent her entire life.

>> No.17037568

They have every incentive to.

>> No.17037576

It would only dissuade the impressionable and the unsalvageable (which is who need that), unfortunately it stokes alot of pointless hatred

>> No.17037579

Come on, anon, you know how low simps standards are.