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/lit/ - Literature

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1701097 No.1701097 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I need your help trying to figure something out. Back in high school I read a short story that a woman's house was destroyed, however the front part of the house was still intact including the front door, as she packed her things, she was ready to journey on to find a new home. However they emphasized how she locked the door despite the fact that the house is caved in and exposed. Why did she do that? What was that supposed to mean?

>> No.1701115
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fuck the meaning. What is the short story called?

>> No.1701123

fuck if i know, just a story about a chinese immigrant who was staying with white tenants that had differences in terms of culture, dragons for example: his tenants think dragons are monsters, however the china man never thought of them that why but more mythological creatures in their culture. this was in the story too obviously). its high school shit, they're supposed to have symbolic meanings however i never got the door part.

>> No.1701128

I think it might be about on a brave face. So that when you are falling apart on the inside, you can't let it show. That's the most obvious one, without really thinking about it.

>> No.1701142

It's a metaphor for her ending that chapter of her life and moving on. It might also mean that she's in denial but prolly not.

>> No.1701237

two things:

1) she maintains her own sense of control in the face of catastrophe

2) she puts the past firmly behind her

>> No.1703103
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thanks /lit/, hendricks in return.

>> No.1703451

old habits die hard. i.e. locking a door when you leave.

fuck critical analysis.

Sounds like a cool story though.

>> No.1703483

make it be about rituals, sanctuary and the relationship between privacy and intimacy. write it with feminist jargon.

>> No.1703486


I wanna know, now. :( Guess it's time to raid Google for some infos.

>> No.1703489

You idiot piece of female scum. He/she read it. He/she is not writing it. For fuck's sake. Idiot.

Death to all tripfags.

>> No.1703492

If you find it, post link here. I'm the one that posted >>1701115 and am too lazy to google-fu myself.

>> No.1703495


So far, no luck. Can only go so far with "chinese woman locks door short story", or some stupid variation of it. Not really much to go by.

>> No.1703520

so dumb i can't even begin

>> No.1703529

NOt really, he's just pointing out that OP is not writing an essay or whatever while you thought he/she was

>> No.1703536

so dumb but i can begin at least.

i'm speaking to people who are trying to give explanations, and in this way their explanations are stories. implicit is the disregard for all questions pertaining to what the story really is about and such ideological notions and it's supposed to be a funny post. you fucks can't even get a joke.

>> No.1703538

No, you're so dumb you can't begin. Anyone with half a brain can begin. Learn2english, beyotch!

>> No.1703539

It's not that guy's fault you don't konw how to make a joke, sorry

>> No.1703542

Hard to get a joke that isn't there. It's just that when anyone points your obvious mental disability or disagrees with you that it becomes a joke for the purpose of saving face. Also, it seems that anyone that disagrees with you is stupid. And the degree of their stupidity seems to affect your ability to "begin".

>> No.1703544

i think it's funny and that's enough. silence.

>> No.1703551

If you're the only one who's gonna laugh, then keep it to yourself.

>> No.1703550

If that was enough, Dane Cook would be funny. Yet he isn't. Your argument is invalid. Not a big surprise considering you're a woman.


>> No.1703562

nope. no such demand.

>> No.1703567

your post would be better either by being shorter or by being way longer. try harder or not try at all given your obvious mediocrity.

>> No.1703584

2 vs 1. You already lost. Only responding because you might be dumb enough to think you won in case I didn't. Fucking tripfags piss me off.

>> No.1703591

bbbut you're a tripfag 0_o

>> No.1703600

Yeah, but ironically. Self-loathing is not a new concept either. :D

>> No.1703602

typical anon post.

>> No.1703605

2 rats added up does not equal an angel

>> No.1703612

2 rats still beats 1 retard.


>> No.1703617


A penny saved is worth two in the bush.

>> No.1703621

depends on the cost of extraction. choose your methodology of modeling to respond to the actual problem, then, we may assume that the two pennies be distributed randomly in the bush. the marginal cost per coin discovered would then depend on the parameters of the bush topology and that we do not know. so your shit is undefined.

>> No.1703624


And, don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.

>> No.1703627

oh, how deep and intelligent.

fucking whore thinks she can argue with men! Bitch, please!

>> No.1703629

AHAHAHAHA!!!! That's gold, man! Pure fucking gold.

>> No.1703638
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>> No.1703643
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>> No.1703647
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>> No.1703653

>relying on social presence of likewise lazy minded retards with shallow interests and act superior about it
yea seen this before

>> No.1703656
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>> No.1703660
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Oh she's back, here's another proverb for you:

"People in glass houses sink ships."

>> No.1703666

Go have your period somewhere else.