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17032035 No.17032035 [Reply] [Original]

I'd buy this homeboy a zima and pat him on the back. masterful.

>> No.17032067

Masterful except for the self-hatred induced part, that was a bit lame. But yes otherwise bravo

>> No.17032103

Based. Sometimes if the grader isn't a compete tool, they'll give you a good grade just for making their day of reading soulless papers less boring

>> No.17032105

That's a fucking hook

>> No.17032122

this reeks of onions.

>> No.17032134

Fucking teachers arent qualified to spot good writing

>> No.17032140

taking points off for 'learn you' is makin me fuckin rage rn

>> No.17032156

This is giving me community college flashbacks

>> No.17032166

That was a right usage?

>> No.17032175

Beyond right, I'd give him bonus points for a perfectly deployed idiom

>> No.17032177

This guy fucks

>> No.17032179

this is cringe af

>> No.17032185


Not gonna lie that was pretty good

>> No.17032187

Pure soi

>> No.17032194

nickas who'd flunk faulkner had they the chance

>> No.17032234

Refusing to write in the prescribed style is worth losing marks.

>> No.17032241
File: 78 KB, 1200x1057, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the real world it's worth a genius grant or two.

>> No.17032312

>writing essays on rosa parks
americans are le cring

>> No.17032342

I liked the intent but the writing itself was awful.

>> No.17032349
File: 2.52 MB, 480x853, 1608007483636.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this r*ddit bullshit

>> No.17032365


It's an interesting tactic. Just the right amount of irony and informality. It causes the rest of the paragraph to appear less pretentious and more self-aware while still exhibiting youthful nonchalance.

The proceeding, "I am going to learn you a thing that I know the basics when I was in 1st or 2nd grade..." is awkward tensing or an omitted preposition and should be reworked completely.
>Have known the basics of since..
>That I knew in 1st or 2nd grade...
>Has been leart erready in the 1st or 2nd grade...

>> No.17032377

He's writing as he speaks, if you start cleaning up the errors you alienate the artist from the product. Teachers should encourage such true expression.

>> No.17032384


>> No.17032580

quirky, reddit, onions, cringe, dilated and needs to go

>> No.17032589

i hate these people
i do hate them

>> No.17032593

Only if you have something to say that the style is pointing toward. OP style indicates nothing except performative retardation and possibly a soulless and gauche aping of pinecone.
don't use words you don't know as proxies for meaning

>> No.17032596

Don't assume that what you can't comprehend lacks meaning.

>> No.17032597

i liked the first 2 lines, giga chad material.
The rest is trying too hard to be edgy and quirky, you already made satire so is just insisting upon itself.

2/10 ngmi

>> No.17032632

It's just boomer-grandpa tier storytelling minus the life experience.

>> No.17032647

I honestly hate that education systems in the west (or at least the anglosphere west) would allow any essay like this to get a passing mark, even if the rest of it was hypothetically decent.

>> No.17032659

He's clearly roleplaying.

>> No.17032664

Crab in a bucket.

>> No.17033080

This guy has a point. I want to judge him for showing emotions. Emotions of a maniac that is.

>> No.17033115

>would you like to know more?

Yes , yes I would.

>> No.17033338

Reads like a redditor trying too hard to be funny for upvotes, has the same kind of tone as Ready Player One.

>> No.17033384

Lol, I can only imagine that this guy has no real male friends. I've never had a problem expressing my emotions to my close friends. Women and guys like this seem to think that random people on the street simply not caring about their tears is an indicator that men are not allowed to express their emotions, when the reality is that most people are receptive and sympathetic in private, when talking with their friends.

The only people who think fathers are less important are women - surely this is just evidence for there being a matriarchy? How else to explain why women win most custody battles? The fact that men are seen as weak for being assaulted by a woman merely shows how, as a society, we believe women incapable of violence or doing real harm (again, how is this now just symptomatic of matriarchy?)

>> No.17033388

it's a meme you dip

>> No.17033413

No it isn't, its political propaganda disguised as a meme.

>> No.17033625

>americans have to write essays about dead wogs
>they pay actual money for the privilege of doing this

>> No.17033648
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, IMG_1047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your masculinity looks very precarious on the edge of that table there pal. Careful buddy, you wouldn't want to knock it off by accident, it seems very fragile to me.

>> No.17033664

lmao this is for a Women's Studies class. This soi chugger deserves to be expelled.

>> No.17033708

My masculinity is as fragile as a delicate Chinese vase, and I will protect it as such.

>> No.17034225

>men could show their emotions
Anger, Disgust, Hatred, Greed, and Indifference come to mind

>> No.17034342

Jesus zoomers have no command of English do they?

>> No.17034365

Forgot to add, I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.17034370


>> No.17034883

>adhd medicine

Do zoomers really?
I thank god for my mother's eternal distrust of doctors