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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 297x378, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17025013 No.17025013 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, just a lover of a lot of movements and writers here. From Chaucer, to Austen; from Andrew Marvel to John Ashbery; from William Shakespeare to Samuel Beckett; from Homer to James Joyce; from Ralph Waldo Emerson to Joan Didion; from Dante to T.S Eliot; ad infimum. I have a great love for the written word and how the written word transcends life and death. I guess, what my drunken ass is trying to do right now, is to unearth what literature (aesthetically, metaphysically, and epistemologically) makes you appreciate life (and by life, I mean human existence). Pic related.

>> No.17025092


>> No.17026743

Hermann Broch.

>> No.17026777
File: 20 KB, 261x382, The_Fault_in_Our_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/, just a lover of a lot of movements and writers here. From Tolkien, to Martin; from Philip K. Dick to Ernest Cline; from John Green to Rupi Kaur; from Peterson to Sam Harris; from Kantbot to BAP; from The Guardian to Teen Vogue; ad infimum. I have a great love for the written word and how the written word transcends everything but chugging a six-pack of Bud. I guess, what my drunken ass is trying to do right now, is to unearth what literature (aesthetically, metaphysically, and epistemologically) makes you appreciate what is to be a Chad? Pic related.

>> No.17026783

Sorry anon, I'm not drunk xx

HEY, that's funny but mean