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17023138 No.17023138 [Reply] [Original]

Literally my role model

>> No.17023151

And a good one to live beautifully.

>> No.17023153

>a literal faggot

>> No.17023156

literaryaly my role model

>> No.17023186

Mishima has convinced me that dying young and dying beautifully are necessary. I’ll probably do it some day, though suicides out of passive despair are gay, I’ll do something cool if I ever see an opportunity, though I doubt I’ll ever have a coup to attempt honestly.

>> No.17023681

better to go out with a bang than a whimper. this still holds very true.

>> No.17023721

livestream it

>> No.17023948

Get more role models.

>> No.17023954

Is he pretending to be Saint Sebastian?
Fucking fag.

>> No.17023976

he's just posing

>> No.17024002

Yes, why do homos always want to dress up and have their picture taken.

>> No.17024024

It's just feminine style attention seeking

>> No.17024040

yea, like instagram existed back then

>> No.17024050

Same as suicide, men just do it, fags and women turn it into a big hysterical, attention seeking performance.

>> No.17024203
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I'm actually unironically in love with him bros...

>> No.17024212
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Don't anon, suicide is painful and miserable stuff, according to everyone who has survived it. You can still live on and appreciate beauty in the world when your old

most famous and public suicides has been by males

>> No.17024292

I could never love someone as messy as him, but I definitely would like a quick fuck.

>> No.17025291

If you like mishima, I assume you're gay now.

>> No.17025752

You are f crazy, anon. He died at 45, could probably made a bunch of good stuff and getting old would make him some good. Such a waste. Over some crazy politics shit. If it were at least reasonable, but his political stances were old fashioned for his time.

>> No.17025760

>Don't anon, suicide is painful and miserable stuff, according to everyone who has survived it. You can still live on and appreciate beauty in the world when your old
THIS desu, the live fast die young meme is retarded, just think about being the wise old man who can teach young ppl cool stuff, also be able to see your grandchildren

>> No.17025765

Alright, I'll bait. Where do I start with this guy?

>> No.17025783

>your grandchildren

>> No.17025794

cancer is more painful and miserable

>> No.17025943

Gay porn->Gay sex->Confessions of a Mask

>> No.17025977

He wasn't that young

>> No.17026061

>suicide is painful and miserable stuff
t. hedonistic bugman

>> No.17026875

Mishima said that only the beautiful should die young before they had a chance to wither away. If you are ugly, you should live as long as you possibly can.

>> No.17026881


>> No.17027719

That sucked

Read Temple of the golden pavilion, more indicative of his works than confessions of a mask which is imo, really boring, even as a tranny myself

>> No.17028617

>even as a tranny

This is why /lit/ has garbage taste

>> No.17028629

a delusional closet homo who committed suicide in the most embarrassing way possible is your role model?

>> No.17029199

>ewwww it's old fashioned, it's cringe

>> No.17029240

Read confessions of a mask