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/lit/ - Literature

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17022261 No.17022261 [Reply] [Original]

It is what it is.
Hit me /lit/

>> No.17022287

Seinfield already complained about the phrase "it is what it is"

>> No.17022305

That's cool I guess. If you could read my thing and tell me what you think, that would be cooler

>> No.17022315

Is this supposed to be a Trump thing? Long and meandering and kind of pointless. "It is what it is" is wholly appropriate when you are fully aware that you are caught in a trap where if you take the flu "seriously" and declare emergency measures then the media will roast you for being a dictator, but if you don't take the flu "seriously" then that same media will act like you're a mass grandma murderer

>> No.17022356

No. I hate you politics niggers so fucking much. This is a /lit/ thread

>> No.17022368

Well then as a /lit/ crit, I strongly suggest you restructure the beginning to make it clear from the first sentence that it isn't a Trump thing, because right now "It is what it is" is trending because Trump said it fairly recently in the context of an ongoing global healthcare coup that effects everyone on earth, so of course 99.99% of readers will immediately assume your topic is about that

>> No.17022376

I don't believe that's true but whatever.

I just looked it up and that was in july. Rent fucking free. I have never before seen that phrase connected with trump

>> No.17022387

hey man you're the one who asked for criticism. tell you what, if I were preparing a paper and blissfully unaware that due to circumstances beyond my control 99% of readers would misinterpret the abstract because of a current events coincidence, you bet your ass I'd want someone to inform me of that

>> No.17022396

I really don't think that 99% of readers think of trump when hearing the phrase "it is what it is". As first post showed, people think of seinfeld

>> No.17022399

What is it? Fiction? Flashback? Play? Your fucking diary entry? Bit of context might help

>> No.17022403

Just ruminations I came up with an hour ago

>> No.17022416

the reader would quickly discount the possible Trump connection if you didn't proceed to write about Nazi warfare for the next 50,000 words. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, was disappointed that it never did. Kind of like if you wrote "Let me tell you what I don't like about the phrase 'I am the walrus'", and then wrote 50,000 words about rock music in 1963, and then stopped without so much as making one solitary mention of The Beatles

>> No.17022427

Yeah it's not literature then is it. Make a character say it, or contextualise it in an essay and you've got yourself some literature. ATM it's the ramblings of a lunatic

>> No.17022432

People like you make me mean it when I say Death to America


>> No.17022446

It's my diary entry, or whatever else you need to give actual feedback beyond your lowiq americanisms

>> No.17022449

Hey man calm down. It is what it is.

>> No.17022451

I could give a psychological profile, but not literary criticism

>> No.17022453

you got me there :)

That's fine too. Whatever your thoughts on it are is what I seek

>> No.17022464

What happens, happens? Fuck that. It isnt what it is.

"Millions and millions of jews killed? Well shit! Its natural selection! Shit happens what can I say? It is what it is!" Its honestly pretty stupid when people say that

Its a pretty good read though ngl

>> No.17022467

Sorry but everything is about Trump and America.

>> No.17022478

i would probably enjoy this as a treatise on absurdism if it weren't for the fact that the setting has me imagining you as a greasy stormfag
it's got potential, honestly
replace the context with something imaginative and it might end up good in my eyes

>> No.17022527

Good job man!

>> No.17022533

My advice. Brevity is the soul of wit. Make it shorter more powerful and evocative. The whole of it reads cheerful and campy even when you describe your comrade-in-arms being killed. It reads like a shrug of the shoulders. It is what it is is embodied within the prose, but in a bad way. It's a heavy statement, it is what it is accepts that it must be that way. There's no tension just acceptance and apathy. Make some better word choices. Make some sentences short. Make some perfectly medium, a brisk walk. Then when you feel as if you've succesfulky prepared your reader then take them on a long journey, an trist if you will, this passage need not be dark and romantic if that's not what you're going for, but there are ways to make aloofness more appealing. It is what it is though.

>> No.17022556

I agree, but not all literature is meant to be motivational. I'm glad you liked it.

I chose the setting because of the scale and, as you mention, the absurdity of it, but mostly because I have family who were part of that war. My grandfather fought in Stalingrad, and my great-grandmother was a Hitlermädchen who was a holocaust denier well into old age. I thought it would be clear enough that I don't support nazism, but you have go understand that the feeling that Hitler gave Germany its greatness back was a ubiquitous feeling at the time, even beyond liberation and occupation times.

>> No.17022569

Ah but see, the impeccable seductiveness of that phrase is what I was going for. A man can justify anything if he has the tools for it.

>> No.17022762

>there are ways to make aloofness more appealing

>> No.17022809

>I thought it would be clear enough that I don't support nazism
that might well be the case but I'm too tainted by post-irony and meme culture to think otherwise. the way you phrase the story makes me think of the narrator instead of the character of the anecdote
if you want to preserve the context: i'm thinking that maybe if you gave the story a personalistic slant by recasting the "you" as "i", and making the narrator's preface and outro part of the character's inner monologue it'd stand more on its own legs?
in all idk though. you're free to dismiss my opinion, as i've given you the context i might judge your story by. there's a reasonable case to be made that judging by post-ironic cultural context is nonsensical so if you feel that way i'm not gonna tell you it's wrong

>> No.17022848

Sensible, yet something about your self-awareness is heartbreaking
>recasting the "you" as "I"
I see

>> No.17022863
File: 282 KB, 500x775, If only you knew how much worse things could be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something about your self-awareness is heartbreaking
if i could do something about it i would
i'm very very tired

>> No.17022888

I want to tell you that you can, because I genuinely believe it. But I fear it would put you off if I worded it wrongly. Just know that if we ever met in a dream I would hug you. And not one of those acquaintance haha didn't see you in a long time hugs. No, it would be a proper hug, from one anon who struggles and wants to get better to another.

>> No.17022902


>> No.17022928
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Remember your virtue. Redemption lies plainly in truth