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17021494 No.17021494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this year’s Kirkus prize winning books? Anyone read them?

>> No.17021662

>Thoughts on [bait topic]
Go back.

>> No.17021745

Where’s the bait? It’s a prestigious prize, worthy of discussion

>> No.17021762

You know exactly what you're doing fuck off.


>> No.17021778

Is this a prize for black writers?

>> No.17021795

Why are all the dudes bald? Why do they discriminate against nappy heads?

>> No.17021802

Whoch one was ypur favorite anons?
… Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know OP's human too?

>> No.17021810

It's actually not, but Kirkus wants you to know they are super woke so in honor of George Floyd all winners will be black until some new identity is trendy.

>> No.17021812

>Kirkus prize
Literally what

>> No.17021852

I think its how circus is suppose to be pronounced in latin.

>> No.17021856

Why no Hispanics? Why are Hispanics so ignored by liberals in every area when they advocate for racial justice? Are they really just advocating justice for blacks?

>> No.17021859

Just read a bit from Luster, and it reads like an erotica so far. You guys can read the beginning here:

>> No.17021866

Hispanics are white supremacists

>> No.17021869

I particularly enjoyed Disunity Shill by OP, but I'm not convinced it should have won out over 4Chan is the Antithesis of Twitter Liberalism and I Occasionally Feel Like the Bait Threads Have a Deeper More Nefarious Purpose by Tired Man.

>> No.17021948

> The life of twenty-something Edie will be familiar to many people. She is living in a big city (New York). Her neighborhood (Bushwick) isn’t the best; nor is the apartment that she rents. When we meet her, she is working a low paying job in publishing—until she gets laid off. She has dated around some. On the other hand, she is now in a relationship with an older man, Eric, who is in an open marriage with his wife, Rebecca. Eric and Rebecca are white, but they have an adopted Black daughter who is twelve. When Rebecca invites Edie (also Black) to stay at their home, things have become much less familiar. It’s rare these days to come across a book and a style that’s really different, but Raven Leilani’s Luster is exciting, surprising, sometimes sad, at times awkward, even shocking. And it’s also funny. The book will make you uncomfortable, but that mirrors the discomfort that the characters, especially Edie, feel—about age, status, race, sex, salaries, you name it. Luster has an energy and an honesty that makes the words practically shimmer on the page. I am so glad I read this

>> No.17021994

Idk same reason why british media is full of blacks but no pakis, or hollywood is full of blacks but no chinese despite being in california, or french films are full of blacks but no algerians, etc.
Blacks give you maximal virtue points.

>> No.17022002

Kirkus is quite influential in publishing

>> No.17022032

This. Also they have the most alien phenotypes. You know when you are looking at a black person, even if they are lighter skinned, sometime a hispanic or lighter middle easterner, or a HAPA could accidentally be mistaken for white, and we wouldnt want that.

>> No.17022202


>> No.17022204
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>> No.17022233


>> No.17022247

Still /lit/ related, make some /leftpol/ thread if its on topic.

>> No.17022277


>> No.17022288

Each of the books is a masterliece Black queens and Black bvlls are superior penman in contrast with their white(pbuh)counterparts. Thanks for the thread, these authors deserve some recognition.

>> No.17022289

it's like five years of kids in cages never happened

>> No.17022292

Good post.

>> No.17022350

you mean twelve

>> No.17022798


>> No.17022825

I fucking hate American culture and it's attempts at drama.

>> No.17022840

No he meant
>It's like the four years of the kids in cages being politically relevant never happened

>> No.17022860

What does pbuh mean? I mean, I know what it means but why say it here? In this context?

>> No.17022877

I love reading books by black people. They're more entertaining.

>> No.17022941

Because whites(pbuh) piss be upon him

>> No.17023269

or, hear me out, maybe blacks are just artistically better than spics, pajeets, nafris and chinks?

>> No.17023330

This. So much this.

>> No.17023434

In the US blacks have tremendous cultural output, especially in music. Jazz, the Blues, hip hop and rap are all black genres.

>> No.17023439

Black people only award?

>> No.17023445

Good point but black cultural output in the US hasn’t been good in a long while other than a few decent rappers here and there. In any other medium for the last 40 years it’s been shit.

>> No.17023479

>in honor of George Floyd
I doubt he read many books.

>> No.17023538

t. nigger

>> No.17024654

Blackwashing for Art's moral fetish, the secular religion of neoliberalism—just like (((Zwirner)))'s niggallery.

>> No.17024675

Am I racist if I want black people to do well by doing well and not by pandering and also if I like to say the n-word a LOT. I mean like A LOT a lot. But I don't mean it I just like to say it. I only mean it when it's at someone who is being a faggot.

>> No.17024680

Anon you're being highly problematic right now.

>> No.17024681

I'm black (Italian) so I get a N word pass