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/lit/ - Literature

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17012731 No.17012731 [Reply] [Original]

What board did you come from? What made you pursuit /lit/?

>> No.17012744

I am not from any board. Imagine thinking you belong on an imageboard.

>> No.17012751

I come from here. Reading made me pursue /lit/

>> No.17012752
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Why, Fire Emblem of course. I honestly don't remember what led me here. Probably to ask for writing advice for an English course I took two semesters ago

>> No.17012754

I originally used r9k and tg and trash and co and vg and k. I wanted to improve so I started using lit, fit, ic, x, sci, g, his, ect

>> No.17012760

How did you come to the assumption that I believe that you "belong" to an imageboard?

So how did you find this board?

>> No.17012761

mu/, fa/.

Don't know, bro, I guess I always liked reading but only recently got lit/.

>> No.17012766

>So how did you find this board?

Good question honestly, I probably heard 4chan mentioned somewhere else a long time ago and ended up here

>> No.17012772


>> No.17012781
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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

>> No.17012784

ahhh yes a homosexual

>> No.17012788

/lit/ is my home board

>> No.17012791

Why ask which board I came from, if you didn't think I belonged there?

>> No.17012792

I'm in the same boat.
This is the only board I've used aside from one visit to /mu/ (never again)
At this point I can't really remember how I came to this Israeli architecture forum.

>> No.17012801

>home board

>> No.17012802
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>pursue /lit/
Bitch, I haven't read a single book in my life outside of school

>> No.17012805

>ahhh yes a homosexual
Naah, just an average musician.

Also vr/, I forgot.

>> No.17012815

As in the first board I started posted on ffs

>> No.17012839

I came to /tg/ and sup/tg/ as a nerdy teenager, migrated to /sci/ as it let me shitpost more and stayed there for about 5 years. Last year I got bored of their garbage and came here, and I'm enjoying it. I've started learning Korean and French since coming here and I work out sometimes.
/lit/ improved me.

>> No.17012891

>What board did you come from?
>What made you pursuit /lit/?
I'm a kissless hugless shut in living in a country of outgoing normalfags so i have a lot of time to work my way up to modern days starting from the Greeks.

>> No.17012900

I probably use too many boards honestly. I mostly use all the terrible ones like /v/, /a/ and /co/, with a little of /tv/ and /m/ every now and then (though /tv/ is good for memes and /m/ is actually a pretty good board imo, or at least the toku generals are). As for what brought me to /lit/, I went through a period of not really reading at all, so I came here for some recs. I don't post avidly but I report in every now and then since I sort of owe this board for convincing me not to drop one of my oldest hobbies

>> No.17012907
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I have an avid interest in the occult, but no one there is actually knowledgeable in occult literature or theory, as it's mostly populated by christfags and schizos.
Also I'm just tired of being an ignorant, uncultured brainlet. So I read.

>> No.17012919

From /b/ to /v/ to /tg/ to /fit/ to /lit/

I've been here for 15 years. Make it stop. Please.

>> No.17012925

>/v/, /a/ /tv/
Leave /lit/, and never return

>> No.17012938

Uncle Joe will kill this far-right echo chamber, we just need some autist to pull down a school shooting in the name of 4chan

>> No.17012950

I doubt it. Useful disunity tool.

>> No.17012958
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/a/ - /jp/ - /v/

I got bored of reading the same story over and over again

>> No.17012978

I mostly board hopped, but stayed on /lit/ because I found it to have a surprising amount of mutually intelligible, communicable amount of anons

>> No.17012983

You're too kind

>> No.17013013

/mu/, reason one because I got bored of music and wanted to get into literature next and second because /mu/ is absolutely awful. /lit/ is pretty comfy desu. Idk if it's just /mu/ but music discussion seems pretty pointless since no one can agree on what makes music good so you get countless retards that replace their personality with music taste and get incredibly defensive and whiny about what they like, and in the end the "discussion" just becomes shit flinging where no one wins. There's probably people like that here too but the discussion seems mostly calmer and interesting to read.

>> No.17013019
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Main board was /o/ then /pol/. Always been a reader.
What a long strange trip it's been.

>> No.17013023

Damn, that art is pretty epic

>> No.17013036
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I really doubt joe is going to do much of anything about anything. Millennials are trapped here forever. I just recently went to the old other chans that were always a breath of fresh air in the 00s. 420. 7. 711. etc. Theyre all dead or no one posts on them. It was this horrible confirmation of what I've worried about the past decade. The death of forums. The centralization of internet communication. The sheer evil brilliance of ease+free=money&data for mega corporations. It's not like I frequent more than 5 or so websites anyway. The constant dopamine hit of that refresh or the notification. It's crippling. At least here on 4chan it feels like it's still trapped in the early 00s, interface wise. I get to trick myself into believing this website is still a bastion of interesting conversation as a media medium. But I know I'm just lying to myself. This place is just as bad or worse than facebook or twitter BECAUSE it lures you into a false sense of security. We are trapped in the eternal recursion that is our daily lives. We aren't the exciting things we rarely do. We are brushing our teeth, watching tv, humping our toasters, and eating cheese-its every day. Nothing more.

>> No.17013037

>Damn, that art is pretty epic
I actually like the Doré's illustrations better than Dante's poetry. Call me a pleb.

>> No.17013109

you're a pleb

>> No.17013119

I don't know what those are because I'm il/lit/erate, so I can't call you a pleb

>> No.17013127

/int/ and /x/
/lit/ has always been an interest of mine
read almost all of goosebumps in elementary school and upgraded to the Iliad in middle school

>> No.17013129
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/trv/. I like languages betwixt culture.

>> No.17013170

>What board did you come from?
I switch boards ever few years in order from /b/,/v/,/a/,/jp/,/int/,/fit/,/sci/ to /lit/
>What made you pursuit /lit/?
To become a better psychologist I realized I could improve by reading rather than learning in school. People here are also a lot more openminded than /sci/ when it comes to discussing scientific topics.

>> No.17013194
File: 110 KB, 985x1280, 008a0c3b6e86d3c7f6efd2403abcf8cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i discovered 4chan through /pol/ but abandoned it soon after, now i almost never visit that stew of cancer. i regularly post on /lit/, /k/, /fa/, /film/, and /out/.

>> No.17013210

Just came across here from looking up stuff lit related, could not stand reddit it was a lot of bullshit over there here too, but people care a lot more on this site, in just about everything

>> No.17013229

>you're a pleb
Tell me you get an EMOTIONAL response of Dante unironically! I doubt.

>> No.17013247
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Christ, take a walk outside anon and maybe do some deep breathing. People have always loved to conform but that doesn't mean we have to. You can do something special with your time here, whatever makes you happy or moves the world in the direction you desire. Seize on that rather than mope.

>> No.17013267

I just used pol for years until i realized there are other boards and now this is the only one i visit
No i wont go back

>> No.17013280

/a/, I just coomed

>> No.17013300
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I started browsing /k/, then went to /mu/, now I'm in between here and /r9k/.

>> No.17013318

also i ended up with /lit/ because i've always been more interested reading than in people. hence why i'm on the robot board too.

>> No.17013412

I was there mostly for the spooky stories and never liked all the larping going on.

>> No.17013567

came here from /pol/ am now slowly moving into /fit/

>> No.17013973

/b/ was my gateway then I went to /fit/ and eventually /lit/. Will probably go to /ic/ and /his/ in the future.

>> No.17014094

Started here

>> No.17014110

started pol, but lit got me out of that shit
still think most of it is valid, but at least im not a fat stupid illiterate pos like most of pol

>> No.17014115

How much is larping vs genuine mental illness? I've never read it

>> No.17014122

back in 2008-10, I was only browsing /b/ since I was an English major back then, eventually I moved over to interest boards like c/lit/

>> No.17014135

Literature is the only niche subject that I’m equipped to discuss here outside of politics. I want to be more than just a drone who posts on /pol/ all day

>> No.17014141
File: 30 KB, 492x449, 162cf25f87c9e13f1ed290d9891f629b30fba226r1-492-449v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one knows the pain of a /his/fag during the summer of 2018, it used to be the only board I used and it was not great but that summer it fucking died. I'm still salty.

>> No.17014154

wha’ happun?

>> No.17014172

There was a time when there were like 15 threads up about third positionism at a time, it literally is /pol/ with dates now.

>> No.17014196

>No one knows the pain of a /his/fag during the summer of 2018
being a /lit/fag during the peterson phase. being a /lit/fag during the pewdiepie phase. being a /lit/fag during the Covid phase (ongoing).

>> No.17014222

>being a /lit/fag during the peterson phase. being a /lit/fag during the pewdiepie phase
I admit I can't speak to this.
>being a /lit/fag during the Covid phase (ongoing).
Bro it was so much worse trust me /lit/ is fine at the moment, enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.17014229
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I've been on 4chan since 2007, so I came to /lit/ from the very beginning. Before that I posted on /a/, /co/, /m/, and /sp/. I still post on /a/, /co/, and /sp/. Rarely /m/ any more, since the mecha genre seems to have gone downhill.

Remember when Moot brought back /pol/ and then he said he'd delete it if it turned into /stormfront/ again? I fucking remember. Fuck that fag and fuck his Jap successor.

>> No.17014238

I came from /tv/ to corrode, distort, and eventually destroy /lit/'s culture

>> No.17014253
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>Remember when Moot brought back /pol/ and then he said he'd delete it if it turned into /stormfront/ again? I fucking remember.
Fucking damnit I can only imagine what /his/ and /tv/ could have been, the current state of this site thoroughly disproves the theory that /pol/ is a containment board.

>> No.17014325

/lit/ is unequivocally my home board, but /sci/ was my first home on 4chan.
I joined because I studied STEM, and left because most posters (outside of the chemistry and math threads) are negative and don't actually enjoy science.

There are constant depression threads. People spend more time arguing about IQ than actually studying. I checked on it recently, and there was so much pseudoscience and conspiracy theories about COVID-19.

I moved to /lit/ because the users are more interesting and helpful in finding resources. Before I had trouble maintaining attention to read; it's easy for me now thanks to threads here.
Similar threads asking for help on /sci/ inevitably turn to, "you should quit" or pushing drug usage. There's also an obsession with IQ and giving up, more than making the most of what you can.
For reference, /g/ is far more friendly (with its daily programming threads, and posters on most regular threads).

I honestly think /sci/ is too full of depressed undergraduates who go into STEM without actually wanting to study the material.

I found /lit/ from reaching charts posted elsewhere online, and reading through those books legitimately changed my life.
/sci/ has a good wikia too and book recommendations, but I maintain that most of the userbase is awful.

>> No.17014330

There's further evidence. The New York Times reported that when Reddit banned QAnon, it just disappeared to other forums; it didn't spill over to the rest of the website.

>> No.17014350

Well to be fair I feel like reddit and 4chan work very differently due to the anonymous nature of 4chan and various other factors related to chan site culture, but I do think that getting rid of the board and tightening rules related to /pol/ diaspora posting would do us some good.

>> No.17014383

Correction, it was in The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/09/reddit-qanon-ban-evasion-policy-moderation-facebook/616442/

>reddit and 4chan work very differently due to the anonymous nature of 4chan and various other factors related to chan site culture
This is true. It's hard to tighten rules on 4chan's other boards, though; part of what makes it work is the strong emphasis on free speech.

From the user-side, I just have a very strict personal filter on what threads I open each day. This helps me avoid most low-quality/contentious discussion.

>> No.17014392

/co/‘s my home board, but I visit here because I have a genuine interest in philosophy but don’t have the autism required to read anything outside of sff

>> No.17014407

>This is true. It's hard to tighten rules on 4chan's other boards, though; part of what makes it work is the strong emphasis on free speech.
I mean obviously but everyone accepts certain rules to cultivate quality discussion.
>From the user-side, I just have a very strict personal filter on what threads I open each day. This helps me avoid most low-quality/contentious discussion.
I am not half as intelligent of a man as you are.

>> No.17014836

There's a magic that can very rarely be found in that board, particularly in some of their craziest interpretations of some anime
it was a search for a more distilled expression of that magic; one not sullied by the large amounts of normalfags who attracted by memes have made /a/ their home

>> No.17014851

I only really go there for the Kengan Omega threads since the rest of the stuff on that board is shit, but those threads are pretty fun.

>> No.17014880

Been here since 07 off and on. I jump around a lot.

>> No.17014892

Don't they have a ton of /pol/ crossboarders though/

>> No.17014967

Kinda not really. Pol needs guns to survive and democrats make guns a political issue so you see a lot of poltards try and take over k, but k only gives a shit about guns . K hates pol but also hates democrats.

>> No.17014977

I feel like the owning the libs shit doesn't help their case but I guess that's not really something you can change in regards to 4chan

>> No.17014997

Reading is what takes up most of my time. I read more than anyone I know, I can't discuss literature with anyone IRL because even people who read quite often know I'm on a different level than they are. I didn't get into reading until I was at the end of my teen years, and I've been reading a bit of everything since then. Pretty picky reader because I don't like waisting my time on shit, so always looking for decent recommendations. Some of you here actually have quite good taste.

>> No.17015000

I liked to read as a kid. Just sorta fell out of it over time.
Feels nice to be reading again

>> No.17015008
File: 9 KB, 219x230, brused wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean pursue? Unless you meant

to be you're?


>> No.17015013

That is really plebish, but Dore's are is great.

>> No.17015022


>> No.17015053

>What board did you come from?
>What made you pursuit /lit/?
I grew bored of anime and needed something to get away from it all plus my PC died so I couldn't watch anything anymore
Still read some manga occasionally though

>> No.17015088
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I used to lurk /a/ when Gurren Lagann was airing, which must have been 2007. I used to read but not much.
Came back to 4chan one year or so later and there was an almost fresh /lit/ board. I had just watched Aoi Bungaku which completely blew me away and I wanted to learn more about Japanese literature. The old charts were a great starting point and I went about them geographically, for about 5 or 6 years.
Over the years I got increasingly sick with anime and now literature consumes most of my time.

Pic related is one of the oldest images I have saved from those days. Hard to know if it was made unironically. I must have saved it because it had some unusual book titles. Now that I look at it, it does look very much like a meme, but it's hard to know as people were a bit more honest back then.

>> No.17015172

My first board was /v/ and the Dwarf Fortress /vg/ threads. /Lit/ is my home board now.

>> No.17015182

this. dropped pretty soon after and rarely browse /fa/ anymore either.

>> No.17015299

/lit/ has always been something I'm into, but I remember when I was a teenager and /b/ was this cool, edgy thing I enjoyed. It was like a secret club to me. Then I switched to /v/, then /lit/ and /vr/.

>> No.17015394

too much degeneracy and porn, not enough actual discussion

>> No.17016099

>an average musician
yes, a homosexual

>> No.17016194

Liked Brontë unit. Thought I might be gay, but did not like using dildos, so I came here since reddit started inserting social justice messages into everything.

>> No.17016278

>Thought I might be gay, but did not like using dildos
So you're a top

>> No.17016454

>yes, a homosexual
Stay mad while I SLAAAY, brooo.

>> No.17016487

Life is boring. I have a mental block against using any significant portion of my time watching movies/tv shows or playing video games, it just starts to gnaw away at me how unproductive it is after about an hour. But an hour a day of reading, conservatively can average 40 pages an hour, that's 36 400 page novels in a year. Of course I've never been that consistent, probably max of 15 novels in a year, but the time doesn't feel wasted. Not every novel is worthwhile, but most, I feel like I learned something from and experienced something new. I also have something interesting to talk about. Finishing a tv show, for the most part, I'm in exactly the same situation except more time has passed.

>> No.17016506
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/v/ and /fit/, though /lit/ has been my home board for 3 years now and I haven't been to /v/ in a year

I was just tired of being retarded, I thought reading would make me smarter. I think I'm still as stupid as I was but now I know what hegelian dialectics are I guess.

>> No.17016893

/wg/ >> /adv/ >> /e/ >> /s/ >> /b/ >> /ic/ >> /sci/ >> /tv/ >> /mu/ >> /biz/ >> /fit/ >> /pol/ >> /lit/

Board obviously change.
/fit/ is the best and most funny board
/lit/ has the smartest anons but most here are ridiculous midwits at best
/pol/ is the most interesting and generally most enlightened minus the schizos
>this statement is true but will also piss off this board's midwit populous
/biz/ can be incredibly valuable but you have to dig

>What made you pursuit /lit/?
Lol the biggest mistake retards make here is they think reading is all it takes to be smart.

>> No.17016916

Why do some people get so triggered by /pol/

Unironically can somebody please explain?

>> No.17016935
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>What board did you come from?
/his/ and /pol/
>What made you pursuit /lit/?
I wanted to quit playing video games and become well-read.

>> No.17016951

When I was just a little boy of 15 I heard of 4chan when I was still browsing 9gag. So I guess I started out on /b/ like most people. Then I spent more time on /tv/ because I like to watch movies and now I also spend time on /lit/ because I like to read books. I barely use this site anymore though, I check /lit/ maybe twice a month when I'm bored waiting for a bus or something.

>> No.17018014

My home board was /pol/ and was /a/, /v/ and /r9k/ before that.
Eventually, I came to realise that I really don't know enough to be able to follow Politics so I figured I should cut out /pol/ and work on my self-development and I see /lit/ as part of my upwards-climb to a better self.
I mean, even the Church has philosophical underpinnings I can't follow due to never formally educating myself in these matters and so there's a visible hardline to understanding things even here in the Church.
So yeah, I want to develop routines and habits that would lead to me being a good man.

As an aside, I was wondering recently why /fitlit/ got bashed and laughed at so hard and deemed cringe. The idea of a group of men, concerned with their self-development, would collect some books they thought were worth reading seemed like a good idea. Oh well.

>> No.17018041

this guy knows what's up

>> No.17018272

> ctrl f "/lgbt/"
> 0 results
There are far too many faggots here for this to be true.

>> No.17018690
File: 67 KB, 730x725, 2_pietila_kalevan_kirkko_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What board did you come from?
/mu/ because of death grips. I exhausted the range of discussable music, and I stopped browsing around the time kpop threads started popping up. -> /fit/ when I started lifting in college. It was the funniest board but doesn't offer much after a couple years. everyone there now is super young. -> /lit/. Despite all its downsides and low-effort trolls this board has the best conversations/effort posts. There's such a large variety of ideas to engage with and some legitimately smart anons (but not in the /sci/ sense). My daily life involves a lot of empiricism and math; /lit/ is a good break from that. I like deep diving into speculation, aesthetics, and general schizoism. It rounds me out as a person.

>What made you pursuit /lit/?
I've always been a reader but I rediscovered my love for it (and also writing) when I read Moby Dick in back in 2018. Also philosophy because I was very mentally unwell at the time.

>From the user-side, I just have a very strict personal filter on what threads I open each day. This helps me avoid most low-quality/contentious discussion.
This is best practice for using 4chan. I've been browsing /int/ lately because they have a lot of positive and interesting threads. If you waste time on this website or get mad at bait posts, it's no ones fault but your own.

>> No.17019411
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Combination of /pol and /vp as strange as that sounds. I came hear shortly before I published my books.

>> No.17019440

edeltards out
/lit/ is with dmitri and a lionchad board

>> No.17019510
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none, /lit/ was my first board, the thing is i already reading books but i didn´t find a community of book readers that could satisfy my interest, it was shocking to see that in 4chan of all sites would be the best place to discuss books

>> No.17019526

goddamn are you me? remember when vp kept the pokeporn to one thread at a time? pol hasn't been good for a while unfortunately. Hopefully things start looking up

>> No.17020550

I found /a/ and /v/ in high school but now I just stick to /lit/ and sometimes /tg/

>> No.17021952

I came here to understand Gnosticism because of genshin impact

>> No.17022173

I emigrated from /his/, too much cancer, I liked history books and attempted to get into at least basic philosophy. In exchange for my sanity, I know who Pynchon and DFW are, which is good.

>> No.17022181

Used to mainly browse /sci/, now I like books so it's /lit/. Simple as.

>> No.17022188

how do I level up my AR? I'm only at 14 and seem to be stuck. Do I just continue on the main quests?

>> No.17022213

/b/. Came to /lit/ because as I grew older I started valuing literature and philosophy a lot more (still browse and shitpost on /b/ though)

>> No.17022217


>> No.17022221

I also frequented /pol/ for a while, then I stumbled into some retard communities and now I have various pdfs ranging from siege to the prince, I might make a thread about leftist literature to balance my ideologies out.

>> No.17022226

I've shitposted on dozens of boards from periods ranging from weeks to years, but as time goes on I've gravitated more towards the intellectual and hobby boards rather than the otaku, vidya, shitposting ones.

>> No.17022243

>leftist literature
Just write "I am an evil white male and I deserve to die" on a chalkboard 10000 times, save yourself some bookshelf space

>> No.17022264

I came here because I was interested in literature. What fuck do you mean "what board did you come from"? It's not like I was some /b/tard who got bored and decided to take an interest in reading on a whim.

>> No.17022265

a / c / g / k / m / o / p / v / vg / vm / vmg / vr / vrpg / vst / w] [vip / qa] [cm / lgbt] [3 / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / his / int / jp / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / qst / sci / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit][Settings] [Search] [Mobile] [Home]
[a / c / g / k / m / o / p / v / vg / vm / vmg / vr / vrpg / vst / w] [vip / qa] [cm / lgbt] [3 / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / qst / sci / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / and x.

THen I came to /lit/ after I was done with those.

>> No.17022295


>> No.17022328

Liar. What, did you search for "literature forum" on Google and get sent to 4chan? Please

>> No.17022459

it is possible. I've googled certain phrases which brought me to the warosu archive page before.

>> No.17022462
File: 23 KB, 484x352, 1589332812535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a Blood Meridian thread on /v/ the other day and now I want to read it. Google sample was only 5 pages and so I decided to come here because I was bored and blue balled.

>> No.17023012

Literally how I found 4chan and started using it.

>> No.17023071
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from r9k, c, a, jp to lit and fit after starting to get my life together

>> No.17023243

Depression. I couldn't get myself to do anything anymore but reading didn't seem that hard, so I picked that up.

>> No.17023249

Biz. I thought I should be eclectic when I do make it.

>> No.17023267

/b/ /gif/ and /v/

i dunno just got bored

>> No.17023347

>having a home board
I'll never understand this. I've been board hopping for 12 years now and I don't plan on stopping.

>> No.17023364

Came from /x/.

I just wanted to read spooky stuff.

>> No.17023374

Based Jack "Gotta Go Fast" Parsons.
Also, repent.

>> No.17023398
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I've browsed this site since 2008 and it has iredeemably changed me as a person where I can't connect with the average joe anymore. Thankfully I have a good group of friends who are also Canadian shitposters.

>> No.17023414

Same. Found it searching for hentai.

>> No.17023500


>> No.17023503

People expect 4chan to be reddit without upvotes, but otherwise the same views. Of course, with the upvote system gone it doesn't maintain the nice socially agreeable views.

>> No.17023529

> What board did you come from?
I casually browse /ck/ (it's the top of my boards list on Clover) and sometimes I lurk on /x/ and /pol/.
> What made you pursue /lit/?
/lit/ has been on my Clover list for a while now and I thought it'd be a good idea to check this board out today. The sticky's said this is a slow board, and hey, you guys seem alright. (Well. Knock on wood.)
Personal whims aside, there's also a point to be made about the mental "corrosion" involved in frequenting /pol/ and /x/--even if you're casual, there are still going to be some things you pick up just from the habitual browsing. I'm really not in a position to endure that any longer, weak as that sounds.
But the main thing is that I just love reading in general. Google News is nice and all, but you can only read so many personalized articles before you start craving regular literature, I think! So I'm actually looking forward to tackle the recommended/required reading.

>> No.17023540

I've been on 4chan since 2006 stopped browsing in my early twenties returned in my late twenties. These days it's x and lit it used to be mu and v.

>> No.17023571

>I casually browse /ck/
based, welcome fellow cu/ck/

>> No.17023578

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.17023588

as I lack self-awareness and nuance I have always identified with a particular board to signal certain personality traits

>> No.17023598
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Discovered the site via /v/ in 2012, quickly switched to /a/. Became a massive /a/utist for a couple years, but eventually got sick of anime and the anime fanbase. Started spending more time on /v/, but also started reading more novels and history books in my free time. Lurked /his/ for a while after it was first created, but lost interest pretty quick. Had started to lose interest in the site in general when a friend who discovered 4chan because of the election started sending me /lit/ memes. I had previously avoided /lit/ because I didn't want 4chan affecting what I read, but ended up liking the board and the books recommended here. Have lurked /lit/ almost exclusively for the past couple years.
I don't post that much because I don't have that much to say, this board is really just a way of feeding my 4chan habit while also keeping some of my self-respect. I'd quit the site entirely, but I don't have any online friends and nobody I know in real life aside from the guy mentioned above is that interested in literature.

>> No.17023613

Christ you caught on fast. But thanks for the heads up, I'll keep my tone less conversational next time.

>> No.17023651


>> No.17023678

/mu/ was my main board. but sometimes i lose interest in music and it happens usually when im interested in horror.

I've had great recs but the philosophy/political stuff is really dumb and its slightly more pretentious and elitist here as its not as visceral and fun as music

based. what have you found?

>> No.17023732

A mix of /g/ and /pol/ convinced me I should try and reduce my dependence on technology, and see a simple rural life as the ideal. /lit/erature is becoming my primary source of recreation and education as a result.

I'm aware that I'm using technology right now to post this. It's not hypocritical as my goal is to reduce technology, not stop it entirely.

>> No.17023842

tv. I saw a very low budget movie with a plot that I really liked, then I discovered that it was an adaptation from a novel. lit was the way to go

>> No.17025071

I just wandered around opening chests and doing the puzzles lol AR47

>> No.17025097

I come from /a/, /m/ , /jp/ and /x/. I'm trying to get into reading books more, just as an alternative to manga.

>> No.17025105

There's mental corrosion in any gathering of group of people

>> No.17025237

Stay mad while I SLAAAY brooos.

>> No.17025338
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>Also, repent.


>> No.17025359

When I was 13/14 (2012) I started browsing /mu/, I think because I heard about it on lastfm. I started browsing /lit/ when I was 17 after I bought an e-reader in order to read American Psycho.

>> No.17025404

>I wanted to improve so I started using

>> No.17025589

I just wanna experience art.
I've listened to a lot of music,watched movies(although not enough) and I think that I should try /lit/ stuff now.
Back in the day my home board was /mu/,but it's long dead.
/tv/ has never been good for discussing movies

>> No.17025602

/lit/ born & bred
Occasional forays into /sp/, /ck/, /his/, and, alas, /mu/

>> No.17026238

r9k then pol then pol was too retarded so slowly migrated here

>> No.17026248

Pol and ds introduced me to pdp lol

>> No.17026285

This. I just stumbled upon the lit 100 books by googling something like "best novels of the last century" four years ago, and I started lurking. I was into anime but didn't know anything about 4chan culture. It has been fun for the first two years, and I discovered lots of things. I tried some effortposting, a /clas/ general and a Finnegans Wake reading group. After that, it became boring. I mostly have 4chan opened while studying, but I don't reply much anymore. Still, I am very grateful to this place. Life was very depressing and I was afraid I wasn't capable of enjoying literature anymore. Here I discovered lots of books that got me into reading for sheer pleasure again. You guys are a wild bunch, and many of you should really snap out of their alt-right phases and stop LARPing as catholics, but I still think you are one of the best things I had the luck to find on the internet.

>> No.17026293
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>Why ask which board I came from, if you didn't think I belonged there?

>> No.17026348

/mu/ oldfag, used to use /int/ as well. /mu/ started falling apart in 2015 under a flood of teenagers that thought it was a facebook group. /int/ has always been fun but isn't very substantial. Came to /lit/ a few years ago, trying to chase the high of /old-mu/ discussion.

This place might not seem like much, but it's still one of the best boards here (says more about 4chan than it does anything else)