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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 136 KB, 684x1531, 1606801619958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17007826 No.17007826 [Reply] [Original]

>Plato actually talked openly about boy love in Charmides, Alcibiades and Symposium
>Laertius wrote that Plato had at least 3 male lovers
>One millennium later christcuck revisionists pervert the meaning of Platonic Love by getting rid of the sexual part
This is absolutely peak jewish subversion. Thanks the Gods we've got the original texts to prove these losers wrong.

>> No.17007829

OP is a fag

>> No.17007831

Thus proving that philosophy has always been and will always be for homos

>> No.17007843

It's called platonic love because Plato wouldn't fuck his students tho.

>> No.17007984

only his graduate students ;)

>> No.17007993

>This is absolutely peak jewish subversion. Thanks the Gods we've got the original texts to prove these losers wrong.
Can't tell if Christians revised it or if lefties revised it. ;/

>> No.17008005

How do you think they ''graduated''?

>> No.17008015

three days of Olympic thrusting

>> No.17008017

Did you know that Socrates' students graduated by taking part in a ritual that involved rimming him? The best student would rim him last because it was believed that ingesting all the other students' saliva in addition to Socrates' fecal particles would imbue the student with greater mystical energeia. The best student was partly selected for his cuteness. This has been recorded in liber IV of Laertius' Histories.

>> No.17008025

>P-Plate fucked boipussy
How is that significant to his works and writings? you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.17008028


>> No.17008037

Man is the sum of his habits.

>> No.17008041

fuck you

>> No.17008048

T. Bad habits

>> No.17008053

>bodily function like fucking is a habit
By extension of this logic man is the sum of food, shit, piss and cum

>> No.17008067

Why does the boy in OP have broad hips

>> No.17008077

Why can't homosexuality be like the days of the Greeks again? I want daddies to beg for my boipussy and simultaneously purge the prouds

>> No.17008081

To deceive the brain into connecting femininity parts that they don't have with the concept of a femboy. of course by the time you see them tits with that cock on a tranny it's too late.

>> No.17008082

>a balanced diet isn't important
>hydration isn't important
>not being a coomer isn't important

>> No.17008083

Plato subverted the Greek sexual norm of pedestry and turned it into paidea, that is education and eros beyond sexuality, a paternal non-sexual love for your fellow man. It's the Greeks that were gay, not Plato.

Further proof of this is that Aristophanes makes no gay jokes about Socrates or his circle in The Clouds, despite making gay and effeminate joke/barbs throughout all his other plays at prominent targets. If there was something to it Aristophanes would have seized on it and stuck the knife in.

Ficino coined the term Platonic love, but it's correct.

>> No.17008093

I think you never read the dialogues mentioned, OP.

>> No.17008227
File: 691 KB, 800x1020, ezgif-7-ec6862dbb4d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having boy lovers while being righteously married to your trad Catholic wife is peak patrician. /Lit/ is a fag board

>> No.17008256


>> No.17008399

>not having a female harem and a cute boy wife

>> No.17008406

>not having a female harem and a boy harem and a mixed harem

>> No.17008414

who was the first straight philosopher, /lit/?

>> No.17008421

Probably Aquinas or some other Christcuck

>> No.17008428

idk man, augustine fucked hoes a shit ton before his conversion
although just talking to a prostitute after your bros pay for him seems like a peak incel thing to do

>> No.17008431


>> No.17008432

Here we go again. We already had this same discussion a few days ago. OP gotta learn to stop trying to weaponize the greeks for his political faggotry purposes.

>> No.17008434


>> No.17008437

yes, look up theory of humours

>> No.17008463

god is a noun, not a name

>> No.17008465

>Having boy lovers while being righteously married to your trad Catholic wife is peak patrician.
Go away Bruno Tolentino.

>> No.17008484

Was Tolentino really degenerate as people say?

>> No.17008485

>god is a noun, not a name
Song posting ruin the internet. See?

>> No.17008551

kill urself pedophile tranny. we're eventually going to get tired of it and come for all of you. you know what comes after weimar right?

>> No.17008563
File: 91 KB, 600x1115, 4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't do shit faggot, you'll just sit your fat ass on your chair and watch western society crumble to dust like the pathetic cuck you are.

>> No.17008577

This image but unironically desu

>> No.17008591

>fucked bertrand russell's daughter

>internet tough tranny

>> No.17008616

None of that makes him degenerate besides fornication.

>> No.17008624
File: 24 KB, 269x400, 51B3e2e+lmL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was Tolentino really degenerate as people say?
Probably, that is, if what his british butt-buddy says is true.

>> No.17008664


I.“Porque o amor não entende
que tudo quer passar,
nunca, nunca consente,
a nada o seu lugar.

Planta presa, de alpendre,
sacudindo no ar
braços impenitentes,
tenazes, em lugar

de aceitar que não prende
nada, o amor quer dar
laços à luz solar

e é noite de repente.”

>> No.17008721
File: 655 KB, 2000x2544, 1595794709790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the relation between faggotry and artistic soul?

>> No.17008761

Literally everything, the most revolutionary artists like Marlowe, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Wilde and Proust were homos if not bisexuals

>> No.17008832

Yeah, but why? Genuinely curious. Any books that touch this topic?

>> No.17008873


>> No.17008891

Firstly recognizing the essential similarities between twinks and women exercises the same faculties necessary for poetic genius
Secondly the beauty of boys is classical (founded on proportion) while the beauty of women is gothic (founded on disproportion) - and classical art is superior to gothic art

>> No.17008911

tfw no boy to hold me close ;_;

>> No.17008962

Damn i wish i were cute

>> No.17008969

I wish I were cute, and also that my mind wasn't caked in trauma that makes me pull away from intimacy. I'll die alone. :(

>> No.17008978

im not trad i just hate pedophile trannies like you. but im also a bodybuilder so id appreciate u calling me 'bloatmaxxed' instead of fat. im only like 15% bf rn :( but my bench is only 405 so i wanted to do a little bulk... maybe its time for a cut again.

>> No.17008979

Where do you live, anon?

>> No.17008993

>my bench is only 405
oh come on don't humble brag this much

>> No.17009002


>> No.17009005

Mostly in the past anon, mostly in the past.

>> No.17009006

I have that pic saved, too. It's a very good pic.

>> No.17009013

I’d have been your boy anon, but I gave up being a twink when I turned 21, I still look that way but I promised myself not to be degenerate anymore

>> No.17009016
File: 729 KB, 1556x2397, 077C0AF5-51C6-42D9-8718-CC4FE930C5D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009021

twinks don’t exist after 21 anyway, you experienced twink death and the whole fleeing degeneracy narrative is just cope

>> No.17009025

>he got brainwashed by an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum
You know you can be monogamous and loyal to your partner or just avoid penetrative sex

>> No.17009029

easy. clinging to a rigid ideas that are thoughtlessly propagated by society is anathema to creativity. gender and sexual norms are rigid ideas. Being open and having bendy ideas is creativity. It's normal for people who are constantly thinking outside the box to start fucking outside the box, too.

>> No.17009031

Where are your waifus?

>> No.17009036

Woman are gains goblins, that's why.

>We could fuck asses and then
Fuck off AIDS.

>> No.17009056

I gave up on it when I realised I don't believe myself capable of giving or receiving love. Relationships began to feel like chores, of maintaining, balancing time for them, and that it probably came because I did not expect them to afford me love if I did not carefully carve out a place in my life for them. It was unnatural, and came from a place of self doubt for the worthiness of having love, and in turn, how could I give them love back?

I was guising lust as love, and attempting to in effect, gain them, rather than co-exist with them. It's a little monstrous, and I don't think anyone should waste that time on others, nor should I delude myself otherwise.

>> No.17009083
File: 276 KB, 781x1308, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't spread memes.

>> No.17009084

bros...what if i have an impregnation fetish? is it over for me as a philosophy fag? i don't want to have to fuck an artificial womb

>> No.17009094

I thought it was struggling not to jerk off while writing volumes of philosophy and never having sex?

>> No.17009109

how can impregnation be a fetish? it’s the primal instinct underlying heterosexual sex

>> No.17009126

>man is the sum of food, shit, piss and cum
Congratulations, you have solved philosophy.

>> No.17009152


bourgeois are gay or bisexual and have popularized cuckoldry or candaulism because they want to larp has the successor of the greeks and intellectuals before them

>> No.17009177

wtf i love the bourgeoisie now?

>> No.17009195

Why haven’t faggots created their own society or community instead of trying to change other people’s

>> No.17009201

Maybe it's because fags are (or at least were) forced into introspection to consider how their life is gonna change and the future they'll have, forced to question identity and struggle in formative years.

New tranny shlock need not apply.

>> No.17009214


>> No.17009310


>> No.17009693

This thread gets worse the further I go down.

>> No.17009703

>4chan is full of touch-starved virgins
imagine my shock

>> No.17009706

Agreed, good post anon. I also recommend that you read about what the Church did to the Classical notion of `eros'.

>> No.17009718

>reductionist drivel
No, Man is what he produces in all years of life.

>> No.17009721

In Phaedrus and Symposium he's explicitly against lower, erotic love.

>> No.17009825

It doesn’t necessarily happen at 21, I looked about 16 for years but at 21 I knew that twink death wouldn’t be too far away so I ended it.
I like girls more anyway and I’m better with girls, my dick is a good size as well so the change wasn’t even very difficult

>> No.17009831

Xenophon also has a scene where Socrates goes to a dinner party and they all lust after some teen boy there.

>> No.17009893

>socrates vs alcibiades

>> No.17009932

wtf i was straight all along

>> No.17009950

Getting off on impregnating women is not a fetish, it’s normal

>> No.17009966

although it's not normal to want a boy to whisper in your ear that he's going to blow his load in you and get you pregnant as he's blowing your boipucci, so there's that

>> No.17009971

Uly please go

>> No.17009981

It sounds extremely /lit/ though. Just imagine Rimbaud begging his big homosexual lovers to put a baby in his boipucci

>> No.17010010

I have no idea why the sentiment turns me on so much desu

>> No.17010074

fpbp /thread

>> No.17010116
File: 526 KB, 5000x5000, partytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care about the west or tradition, just here to get justification for the news

>> No.17010131

>he wants to be raped by niggers in jail this bad
Get a load of this faggot

>> No.17010177
File: 94 KB, 640x384, itsreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe you only want to fuck femboys because, like, they're simulcra of women
>like boipucci is just pussy but saggy and stinky and not in a good way
>and like, this only happens because of like, people wanting more niche sex
>yeah like mcdonald's ice cream machines

>> No.17010203

the ancients understood that taut thighs > bussy

>> No.17010220
File: 1.82 MB, 1936x2592, suicidebomberphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ride ends after the job's done fren

>> No.17010222
File: 32 KB, 720x450, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but like, femboy thighs are just an imitation of women's fat distribution
>nah like there's some variation
>also what about the dick
>the dick is just complimentary

>> No.17010242
File: 58 KB, 800x800, 70d6200185c7caf4ecfd313313c557c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, now do tomboy

>> No.17010286
File: 213 KB, 1408x792, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so like, what about tomboys?
>aren't they just dykes?
>well idk lemme think
>ok so
>tomboys are like based on farming lifestyles
>what lmao
>like to promote fitness among women
>but isn't that a simulcrum of male physique
>no cos like
>tomboys are still inherently feminine
>idk man ur sounding like a pseud here

>> No.17010341
File: 241 KB, 850x1189, sample_e08ebd4d861ea4a752bf5efd38b988a4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thigh sex is fantastic

>> No.17010362

I went into those dialogs completely blind and took it as dating advice

>> No.17010378

For Plato it didn't matter if there was sex or not.

>> No.17010671

Didn't he say sex was unneeded

>> No.17010675


>> No.17010736

You clicked a tranny thread and now you're angry

>> No.17010761

Damn, that's just like how Hitler was a castrated cross-dressing scat fetishist. Laertius only lived like 500 years after Plato, I'm sure he's a reliable source.

>> No.17010768

post the rest

>> No.17010782

I missed this part

>> No.17010794
File: 23 KB, 358x449, Christopher_Lasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baudrillard failed so lasch had to step in
>so tomboys, gay or not gay?
>definitely not gay
>see like the liberal exchange of capital is a metaphor for a society built on the exchange of self, right?
>the tomboy latches onto a masculine personality, exchanging her femininity, which can only be accomplished in a society indulgent of pansexuality
>so being a tomboy is a form of psychosexual neurosis?
>no no, but it is an indication of a society which tolerates such an exchange
>so if they exchange their femininity for something masculine, wouldn't that be some sort of gender dysphoria?
>no because they still are a woman, which is quite the paradox as it is liberal society conditioning these women into a form of sexual-psychosis when its the same society that allowed them to exist in the first place
>so tomboys are a product of liberal capitalism, but they're also dying out because the free exchange of capital is demanding a greater biological exchange?
>exactly, in our hyperliberal misogynistic techno-sexual rape society of traps and enbies, it is no longer emancipatory enough to be a woman who likes masculine things
>so what's going to happen to them?
>they will inevitably die out unless we make a reproductive and social stand against liberal capitalism by creating more tomboy families
>and we must do this to stop traps and transexuals, which are gay?

>> No.17010805

Xenophon was a journo fag bankrolled by the babylonian jews.

>> No.17011330

>Having boy lovers while being righteously married to your trad Catholic wife is peak patrician.
Kill yourself stupid faggot. You're going to hell for sure.

>> No.17011342

The idea that everyone in Greek society was a hypersexualized deviant IS peak jewish subversion.

>> No.17011362
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>> No.17011388

I can't tell if you're all being ironic or if you you actually don't realize.

Love is the highest emotional bond you can have with another being, a huge part of that is understanding. Women are incapable of understand men thus they can never "truly" love a man as he is. Men can understand other men, only men can truly love other men. It's logical. If you don't realize this you are far dumber than you realize (most likely due to indoctrination holding you back).

I wish I was more of a fag but I like pussy too much. Having sex with a man was the most emotionally deep sex I ever had.

Christianity subverted this natural process by actively suppressing any kind of thinking of this kind. Christianity is just another form of Judaism. If that upsets you, reassess yourself because it's the truth.

>> No.17011407
File: 131 KB, 634x804, 1607618872674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Symposium and other dialogues he explicitly says that no romantic or sexual relation can be contracted with boys. If you love them, you don't kiss them nor your have sex with them, for lusting over their bodies is what beasts do. True love is for the souls, which means that loving them only means that you have to teach them shit and guiding them so that they don't go astray.

I'll also remind you that Laws literally starts with the protagonist stating that all forms of pederasty ought to be illegal. Plato wasnt a nonce

>> No.17011494

>give up bloatmaxxlyfe
Don't bring this up again and I won't turn you over to /fit/ for crimes against bromanity

>> No.17011526

Uhhh checked...

>> No.17011798

He says you can do both but one is greater

He assumes you will do the first

>> No.17011815

*sweats profusely*
Are there any femboys with hips like this IRL? Those hips don't lie.

>> No.17011832

Unequivocally based

>> No.17011837
File: 266 KB, 798x1200, neetzche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk nietzche what do you think
>i hate fags
>damn would have thought you were against christians
>i hate fags
>i hate fags
>i hate fags

>> No.17011865
File: 9 KB, 187x250, soyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which is it??

>> No.17011912

I thought my gay thoughts had gone away, why did this thread make them come back?

>> No.17011961
File: 418 KB, 768x767, 5rvvvo468dv41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, he says that love for bodies is proper only for beasts. And again, Book 1 in Laws is explicit on this point: Plato thinks that pederasty should be illegal, and that it is damaging for both the perpetrator and the victim. There is absolutely no way around it: Plato does not condone pedophilia.
The only thing you can do with children and teens is educating them.
You can check Laws Book 1 and the Diotima speech in Symposium for further reference.

>> No.17011963

No one cares how much you bench or you bf is, maybe you should go back to /fit/ and stay there

>> No.17011964

thats me in the corner
thats me in the spot
losing my religion

>> No.17011980
File: 767 KB, 1280x1779, ladbutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.17011988
File: 142 KB, 750x999, d29c2923f5882b87dda4249c96785628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick his thighs

>> No.17012057

building your whole education and cultivation of the elite on child fucking, being open and philosophical about it is different from old creep preying on gullible children

>> No.17012092

Lmao I had to read this whole thread and this anon is the only one wh sctually cited a source. /lit/ is fucking embarassing

>> No.17012109


>> No.17012133

lmao there is zero difference, one just has extra cope.

>> No.17012146

Both are old creeps preying on gullible children. One tries to pretend its okay through pedantic expositions on "beauty", missing the point that the mind and experience of a child unfettered by the imposition of adult cares and maturity is what is beautiful, not the ruination of it by some degenerate faggot who can't keep it in his pants. The other at least has a moral framework (which he ignores) letting him know its wrong.

>> No.17012184
File: 39 KB, 500x500, angry pepe 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first /int/, later /his/ and now /lit/ is having discussions about boy love, fuck this, this site will not convert me into a faggot

>> No.17012188
File: 270 KB, 1080x754, Screenshot_20201203-223024_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based tomboys

>> No.17012197
File: 2.69 MB, 1280x720, 1570635468426.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will submit

>> No.17012239
File: 94 KB, 625x500, 1604360067301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17012244

some days i want to fuck men, other days i want to fuck women. then i realize i just want to fuck myself.

>> No.17012253

If yoi wouldnt tenderly kiss him, you're gay

>> No.17012256

I had this odd revelation once. A lot of the "cute boys" i am attracted to are similar to how I view the sex fantasy/ idealised version of myself. Is faggotry just narcissism?

>> No.17012303
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1920, tgcez9syh3g51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite a common occurrence. It's more visibilize among homosexuals because of sexual dimorphism.

>The “Boyfriend Twin” and Our Tendency to Date People Who Look Like Us

>> No.17012508


>> No.17012543
File: 438 KB, 1180x2048, 3847271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17012597
File: 741 KB, 1280x1440, 1568874942879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn cuddle and kiss with a qt twink in the bloom of his youth
It's all so tiresome

>> No.17012696

God I want that ass on my face

>> No.17012901

Plato ridicules fags in the Symposium retard

>> No.17012949

That is in no way how I interpreted the Diotima speech, you just want to tie it into your political views

>> No.17012954

haha pp smol

>> No.17012976
File: 64 KB, 843x558, 1605861535858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottoms have small penises

>> No.17012998

It does be that way don't it

>> No.17013031

Day one of my 12 day nofap and already you torment me

>> No.17013057
File: 88 KB, 720x900, ac0a80b6-2daf-4c67-a909-717756fec90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17013064

Uhhhhhhhhh based

>> No.17013092

Stop please unironically

>> No.17013100

why did this make me laugh so much holy fuck
look at the way they're bent over kek

>> No.17013331

How did you interpret it?
Also how do you interpret Laws Book 1?

>> No.17013573

source on the image?

>> No.17013590

i second this

>> No.17013631

lads i fucking hate being gay, i just wish i was straight

>> No.17013657

Just be bisexual

>> No.17013673
File: 656 KB, 742x668, D5M_BqSXkAAyNTv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webcomic called everywhere and nowhere

>> No.17013904

god bless you

>> No.17013920

if you don't understand how the symposium was anti-pedresty you need to stop reading

>> No.17013980
File: 553 KB, 1076x1318, 20201212_190811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time, anon

>> No.17013998

i will take your "any time" good sir; may i please get the source to the image of the man with the beautiful belly you just posted?

>> No.17014000

our prophet Muhammed (pbuh)

>> No.17014013

literally who

>> No.17014037

why didnt you go past puberty?

>> No.17014054
File: 159 KB, 1000x1200, 1607822262675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew

>> No.17014099


>> No.17014113
File: 1.11 MB, 1748x3495, 1557925289201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my my, what an unusually high-quality thread!

>> No.17014124

>Secondly the beauty of boys is classical (founded on proportion) while the beauty of women is gothic (founded on disproportion) - and classical art is superior to gothic art
While this would be a genius insight if it was true, I don't think it is correct. There is a limit where increasing certain disproportions increases ugliness, and so right at that limit would be the perfect proportions of woman, making the love of woman yet again classical.

>> No.17014224

>You should love boys!
>Boys they show are fem as hell
Does that even count

>> No.17014276

That is who all the greeks were going on about
They went after young fem boys who grew up and the cycle continued

>> No.17014355
File: 138 KB, 843x307, 20201202_114810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Greek way

>> No.17014608

Wait they aren't greeks

>> No.17014646

is that morrissey?

>> No.17014657

that motherfucker in the middle must have ungodly back problems

>> No.17014736
File: 36 KB, 645x773, 421E7BF8-28DB-4B7B-8E11-58AE6D7303C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plato says faggotry is unnatural
>literally says homosexuality should be outlawed in The Republic, as well as saying sexual relationships between young men and older men should be outlawed in The Symposium
>somehow he was actually gay
All this proves is that fags are mentally ill and retarded. When the republic is established all of you disgusting faggots will get a pike up your ass, bet you’ll like that.

>> No.17014825

a woman can love a man if she has been with him from childhood, she will be moulded by him.

>> No.17014838

they are more aesthetic

>> No.17014893

Diotima's teaching about Eros has three elements: philosophic desire to know, a productive mode common to men and animals for the attainment of the perpetuation of their type (literally children, and figuratively poetry), and a pederistic mode that removes sex entirely in favor of contemplation of beauty that only produces speeches about virtue. Gays btfo.

Literally right after the Diotima story Alcibiades bursts in drunk confirming Socrates wouldn't fuck him no matter how hard he tried to get him to.

>> No.17014962

Literature covering this?

>> No.17015357
File: 337 KB, 1000x665, 4v5zf1r3fee51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn what I would do for a fascist twink to go shooting with
Me neither
Ew trannies
Unrealistic,but otherwise based.

>will you give any hope of a career

Is it lefy-pol or good pol that wants ''trad'' women to do this,because I think most trad wife enjoyers want the trad wife to have personality,not a ignorant countryside woman that can't show you Qatar on map,the idea is that she was never a whore,nobody is fetishising stupidity,just as nobody worships gods they see as evil(except maybe larpers).
>will you be my wife?
>also could you wear this knitted 19th century dress and dance in a wheat field with me once a day
Here I fixed it you degenerate
If it's just this it's pretty based,if said with a funnier tone this could actually be one of the better marriage proposals,delivery matters.

Democracy has also failed yes

Democracy will lead to swedish femboy extinction,another very important reason to why it's destruction must be accelerated
Countries follow the U.S as an example(look at europ trying to be diverse),when the U.S falls into chaos,thanks to shit the founding fathers somewhat predicted(2 party system) other democratic countries will follow soon after
>real politik!!!
People dying and acts of terror is real politick,not your wage slave ''it's good for the economy'' distractions.
>uhhh i'll just post another wojak heheh
Don't care
Holy kek bloatmaxxed chad
Trannies are the only ones desperate to add people to their alphabet cult,fuck off.
They do exist after 21,but yeah ''twink death'' might be somewhat real
Every sex becomes less attractive over time but yeah the impact is a bit larger on twinks.

>> No.17015363

it was the greeks who were based; not plato..

>> No.17015515

Its just agp

>> No.17015569

What if I want to be lovingly handled?
It feels like it would be about letting go

>> No.17015743

>le fascist femboy meme
>implying these fags aren't even more retarded as they side with the party that wants them dead
>writes a whole paragraph about his cognitive dissonance shitting on queers while being a self-hating queer
This is your brain on 4chan

>> No.17015763

Because they can't reproduce you fucking imbecile.

>> No.17015868
File: 13 KB, 360x202, downloadfile-21.bin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato condemns homosexual intercourse in both the "Laws" and the "Republic." The "Laws" (Book VIII) rejects homosexual intercourse because it can render men unfit for marriage and because it is contrary to nature and a shameless indulgence.

The "Laws" recommends that homosexuality, like adultery, fornication and the use of prostitutes, not be engaged in; that if it is engaged in, it be kept private or closeted, and that if it is discovered, it be punished by deprivation of civil rights, a severe penalty. In effect, the "Laws" recommends criminalization.

He does the same in Phaedrus but on a spiritual level, in Letter 7 he condemns hedonist, in Gorgias he calls twinks by their pejorative term, in Symposium Diotima praises heterosexuality and childbearing; likewise we have Socrates repeating his denial of Alcibiades' sexual advances.

>> No.17015877

Wow, it's almost like Plato's work isn't consistent with itself and it is unlikely that it was all written by the same person, or that it was written at different time periods

>> No.17015912

Show me Socrates or any of Plato's main interlocutors do or say anything explicitly gay.
Majority of Symposium is not Plato's view unless it has been said somewhere else, just as Socrates first speech isn't Plato's views, or how because a character says or does something it isn't Plato's views. Parmenides even shows us that Socrates can be the wrong one who is wrong, this can also be seen in the Protagoras.

>> No.17015916

First speech in Phaedrus*

>> No.17016736

Because some of the posters here grapple onto the one section of Symposium with Alcibiades rather than taking all the dialogues as a whole, when dealing with Plato's sexuality.

>> No.17016744

Ptahhotep, who wrote the homophobic Maxim 23.

>> No.17016777

shit like this takes effort,/lit/ is just lazy

>> No.17016800
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We get it, you can't come out of the closet because your conservative Christian family just cares about preserving the lineage and preventing their child from falling into the abyss of perverse depravity. Try contributing something actually productive and not your lustful Twitter fetishes you pedophile.

>> No.17016900
File: 154 KB, 1080x1055, 1607779083383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the right wing twinks I fucked were actually hot and cool to hang out with
>side with the party that wants them dead
>oh no fascists don't all think the same??!?!?! so brainwashed?!1?

The fact that the my entire fetish,pale twinks,is going to go extinct otherwise,is reason enough lad,banning faggotry is not even close to their actual extinction in evil-level

>but but you aren't one of the 2 politick parties so it's fake and worthless
It is inevitable that the U.S falls,the 2 politick parties are but a means to accelerate,nobody will be trying to recreate democracy as democracy collapses onto itself in complete chaos.
>writes a whole paragraph about his cognitive dissonance shitting on queers while being a self-hating queer
>Queer is a word that describes sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender
What a stupid term,I completely reject it.
>the word gender being took seriously
This guy invented the word https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money#Controversies
He created a fucking nightmare for some children also,read the whole section.
I fail to see how shiting on trannies and saying I want a twink bf is a contradiction.
I defended a trad wojack and made him actually reasonable instead of a caricature,and now you are angry.
Hating trannies is the norm too,transexuality is a production of schizophrenic capitalist media,fags hating trannies is more popular than you think,go outside.
>this is your brain on 4chan
Thanks for telling everyone you aren't one of us,fag,back to where you came from.

>> No.17016922

Didn't he beat her up with a stick?

>> No.17016957

>The fact that the my entire fetish
So you treat them as your cumrags instead of long term partners, understood. You're a fucking subhuman and a hylic, no wonder you relate to a degenerate ideology like national socialism.

>> No.17017139

>I fail to see how shiting on trannies and saying I want a twink bf is a contradiction.
Like being black and voting republican is a contradiction. Or liberal and voting right etc

>> No.17017391

Shitty bait

>> No.17018477
File: 145 KB, 900x812, image0-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you relate to a degenerate ideology like national socialism
When did I do that?
Remind me.

It is by all means a fetish for me,people do have fetishes anon.
What is it,can't I identify as what I want to in 2020?
>oh you treat them like cum rags?you subhuman
Sometime I do and they like it,what are you going to do about it lefypol,I also encourage them to not transition(like the surgery) as it's stupid rich jew propaganda.
What are you going to do about me?

Isn't leftypol supposed to tolerate people with a cuckold fetish and prostitues?
I never treated the twinks I fucked badly,those weren't relationships,they were just good bro on bro fun to both parties.

You also did not explain how pale twinks,or let's say pale people in general are not going to go extinct.That is a threat to my sexual fetish.
Wikipedia the free encyclopedia:
''Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have long debated the exact nature of fascism. Each group described as fascist has at least some unique elements, and many definitions of fascism have been criticized as either too wide or narrow.''

While I am not a national socialist,and know Hitler hated faggots,I very much agree with a lot of his views.
Civil war will eventually happen too,and you and most people you love will die,as the loss of america will destabilize the entire planet.
Yeah that's bait,more minorites voted for Trump than last time,Trump winning the election would slightly accelerate the civil war so I support every conspiracy,hopefully he is also a bad president and makes america more divided.

>> No.17018659

still thinking of socrates beating the shit out of a twink trying to get some philodick

>> No.17018835
File: 601 KB, 1920x1267, darkheart2-1920x1267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every color has it's place
>a ethnic home for every race
The good ending of fascism

>> No.17018842

>What are you going to do about me?
Nothing, I'm just gonna gloat over you and the whores you fuck when your ephemeral beauty will wither away and you'll wallow in the despair of your hedonism.
>Isn't leftypol supposed to tolerate people with a cuckold fetish and prostitues?
I'm not leftypol, i don't fit in any political category because I'd enforce monogamy on both straights and gays and discourage polygamy and hook-ups while enticing them to get married instead of seeking temporary pleasure.

>> No.17018957

>>so tomboys, gay or not gay?
>>definitely not gay
they are women.

>> No.17018993

Man this board really went to hell

>> No.17019044
File: 108 KB, 590x871, 1573740229896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im enjoying the boyposting although the "femboy" trend i dislike heavily. young men are handsome as they are, no need for female faggotry or vulgar sexualised clothing/behavior etc.

t. wish someone loved me in GREEK mentor-student way before i hit the age wall

>> No.17019178

It's time to return the favor for someone else then

>> No.17019207

there is something extremely perverted and sick about this feminization or sissification stuff, can't imagine charmides or alcibiades ever being like that

>> No.17019256
File: 41 KB, 466x499, S7fSskOPCmU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah same. i may harbor some degen desires for the guys or men i'm into, but it's occasional, only imaginary at that. turning your whole identity into some sissy fetish thing seems too retarded
about to befriend the cute altar boy, wish me luck

>> No.17019311

You're a virgin and always will be no matter how much you LARP. Kys.

>> No.17019333

kys pedo

>> No.17019344
File: 828 KB, 1908x1194, eB_q0EJTFwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's 16 and i'm 19, die mad about it.

>> No.17019425

You haven't even hit the wall yet, i don't know if you guys undergo another massive growth spurt all of a sudden in your 20s but I'm 22 and people still commonly mistake me for a 16 or a 18 year old.

>> No.17019540

>tradcuck LARPtard is an admitted pedo
Color me suprised! I will relish in the inevitable lawsuit bankrupting your house of LARP, though.

>> No.17019701
File: 657 KB, 2000x3008, 1488304383866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what /lit/ means when they say start with the greeks...

>> No.17020253

The true way of the classics

>> No.17020306

quintessentially american post

>> No.17020657


>> No.17021121
File: 60 KB, 575x781, 1532967084797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching so much porn that it turns you gay just to coom.
Make supes proud!!

>> No.17021577
File: 49 KB, 764x645, i love doggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute doggy

>> No.17022216
File: 57 KB, 641x773, peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept that you're gay. You look so desperate trying to blame your homosexuality on porn.

>> No.17022242

wilde and proust were homosexuals because we have testimony to that effect; shakespeare has none.

don't know enough about marlowe or michaelangelo, but aside an effect tribute to one of his financial supporters there's no evidence Shakespeare was gay or bisexual.

>> No.17022303

The greeks didn't practice homosexual love, they practiced pederasty.

Homosexual marriage did not exist in the time of the Greeks (or anywhere, actually), and homosexual relationships were not expected to continue after the boys reached puberty.

Contrary to what most people believe, the Greeks gradually rejected pederasty on their own; hellenistic literature is peculiar because heterosexual relationships become the norm as pederasty is down-played.

Eventually, the Latins who inherited the Greek culture would further reject it. I don't think Christians are responsible for rejecting pederasty, it is more that the common morals were becoming more suited to Christianity.

>> No.17022307

>Not having actually read plato
A "boy" was usually a young man, the meaning of the word just does not really translate. He did not diddle 14 year olds. He was into fit 22 year olds. Or atleast "socrates" way

>> No.17022333

Citation, buddy. To the Greeks, you were a man the moment you could grow a beard, they did not shave like the later Romans.

>> No.17022423

I think I have read it in lysis or symposion that socrates explicitly mentioned a 22 year old lover, who he refered to as a "boy". Original text, not even a comment or an annotation, I am pretty sure. Would have to go through my collected works again

>> No.17022438

200+ replies and nobody mentions that OP couldn’t even crack what platonic love truly means? Fuck everyone in this thread

>> No.17022465

I'm browsing through google and cannot find it. I'll assume you remembered incorrectly.

The only precedent attributable to Socrates and a boy is Alcibiades, who was about 17-18 at the time. In any case, man-to-man homosexuality (and lesbian if we go by Sapphos' reputation) was between a man and a young boy (woman and maiden); so, pederasty was the norm, not modern homosexuality.

>> No.17022520

Ah allright. It was a couple years ago when I still idolized thinkers. Probably did not want socrates to be a pedophile and remembered it incorrectly.

>> No.17022771

uhmmm baste????

>> No.17022832

It's never about the OP anon, haven't you learned anything?

>> No.17022895

plz no bully

>> No.17023357

Fuck it just post good gay romance novels

>> No.17023552

>All the right wing twinks I fucked were actually hot and cool to hang out with
You know I could easily mangle the necks of every single one of you, right?

>> No.17023600

you must be 21 to post here.

>> No.17023605


>> No.17023692
File: 82 KB, 1200x1538, 71a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally base my reason for being a faggot fascist on a sexual fetish
>tell a guy saying someone else is bait '''shh''
>somehow doesn't figure me out
>doesn't even refute anything I say
>thinks words like gender and queer are actually normal,despite the first one being invented by a pedo,who tried to transition children,children who latter said they are proof it doesn't work and gender is not changeable,after some interviews they killed themselves.
>accuses me of national socialism even if I never mentioned it prior to that moment
>explain him that good pol doesn't think the same and that people most likely do not want a dumb,personality lacking trad wife,just as people don't worship gods they see as evil.
Wow dude,you got me,reddit sure does think differently doesn't it
Wow man you sure got him too.
Why is lefty pol so easy to bait
Like I said,you don't belong here,someone wasted more than 15 mins in total dealing with my shitposting,go outside and leave the site.
>not lefty pol
Anon most shit I say is to piss people off,if you want you could get into the logistics,monogamous stable homo relationships will lead to happier and more stable humans but will also lead to a decline in birthrates,a lot of homosexuals end up straight in the end for example.

>> No.17023719


>> No.17024049

Thank you enlightened Anon. This is the ultimate truth

>> No.17024228

seriously dont anon, you'll fuck him up for life. Don't be selfish, find someone closer to your own age

>> No.17024260

if she has been with him from childhood she will see him as a father figure and be traumatized when you suddenly treat her in a sexual way

>> No.17024262

bro i dont intend to fuck him, im not that much into men. my direct aim is decieving him into reading Mishima and some obscure serbian magic realism shit

>> No.17024468

>tfw homosex is immoral
>tfw no robo-bf dom and artificial womb to surpass moral qualms

>> No.17024492

>muh desert nigger morality
>don't touch your penis or face eternal fire
How do people still unironically believe this midwit shit

>> No.17024522

the answer is yes

>> No.17024538

Christians were not the first to point out the abusive nature of homosex. If anything Christians confused the reasoning of why it's wrong and replaced it with dogma, making a target for pro-homosex propaganda.

>> No.17024702
File: 84 KB, 1024x1062, c72090c1-ce76-4dde-95cf-15526252a776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homosex is cringe. it's only natural that people are disgusted by putting things up someone's ass.
luckily the GREEKS invented between-the-thighs and cuddling so we can have the based homoeros and coom too

>> No.17025261
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>> No.17025515
File: 37 KB, 700x726, OP not enough cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato explicitly forbids and condemns gayness in the Laws. That's on top of his already dismissive attitude towards sexuality (even with women).
Seems like there is one other anon that actually read things >>17011407
OP is a faggot, literally this time.

>> No.17025647
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>> No.17025751

> ywn have a very literary, very intelligent older admirer
damn haha

>> No.17025867

I'm literary but not old or intelligent

>> No.17025885

are you cute then
i made some cool friends from lit and i'd say most of them are cute

>> No.17025925

No, average doesn't count as cute

>> No.17026859

5/10 + literary makes a 8/10 for me.

>> No.17026960
File: 156 KB, 603x469, F7453506-07B7-4682-A74F-9F6F82EE2386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just hook up with one of these cute guys instead?

>> No.17027438

cute girls are better

>> No.17027451

Why don't you hook up with a cute girl?

>> No.17027483

This thread makes me wanna go back to grindr and reconnect with all the fembois who where thirsting for my masc looks. Getting pussy is too much effort.

>> No.17027540

i will

>> No.17027561
File: 177 KB, 640x538, BRAD-PITT-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traps aren't bad, I like to see men surpassing feminine beauty.
But male beatuy is based on what men should be
>pic related
A truly beauty men, is a warrior: violent, arrogant, and haughty

>> No.17027568

did you fucked traps too?

>> No.17027601

You just described a monkey

>> No.17027613

>t. nu-male

>> No.17027679

Nah. I’ve only fucked women in my life. I’ve only chatted and sexted fembois and traps online. They’re very easy but I always back out.

>> No.17027692
File: 817 KB, 765x988, 9AD29799-7884-4E69-A716-DEE42AD9B5A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You just described a monkey

>> No.17027706

>They’re very easy but I always back out.

why are you afraid?

>> No.17027739


>> No.17027766

hooking up is cringe. i wanna talk

>> No.17027774

Yeah but they got poop in the only hole.
The ideal man is an ftm

>> No.17027814

What do you want to talk about, anon?

>> No.17027831

Are you memeing? Posts like these lift my hope too much
t. ftm

>> No.17027832

>started dating my gf when she was an FTM
>discussed the biological realities of hormone therapy and transitioning and talked her out of it
>got her into better shape
>raised her self-esteem
>praised and encouraged her pursuit of traditionally girly hobbies
>retains enough not-like-other-girlsisms to be a spunky tomboy
Anon, I encourage you- get into shape, get an FTM, and deprogram her with reassurance and love. Best decision of my life.

>> No.17027836

I thought ftm killed the baby factory

>> No.17027839

books, schizo stuff, concepts and borderline (or full-on) heretical theories related to religions, and probably mundane shit but discussed as if I'm not a part of it.

>> No.17027850

She wasn't on hormones yet. Might be a harder and less worthwhile fight for a girl already taking testosterone.

>> No.17027868

Sadly I'm not well-verses on the subject because I'm still reading christian mystics at the moment

>> No.17027880

you don't have to read. just say things as if you have the confidence of a man that saw one graphic and skimmed the wiki page.

>> No.17027883

It's never too late to stop, sweetheart. The fallacy of sunk costs keeps a lot of transsexuals pushing on despite very, very poor results both physically and emotionally.
Two questions, and I ask these sincerely.
Are you overweight or underweight?
Were you ever abused, physically, sexually, or emotionally, by a female caregiver?

>> No.17027884

Yeah unfortunately the only bit of girls I'm interested in is the baby factory so it isn't worth it for me

>> No.17027912
File: 158 KB, 1440x1080, 1602794499440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no and no. average weight range with some muscle, not a turbo manlet (172cm/5"7-8), no actual trouble encounteted in life. degen at mind but volcel in reality

>> No.17027918

Trannies/femboys are modern day eromenoi, except their looks can be maintained well into adulthood if given hormones early enough. They are a technologically constructed postmodern revival of ancient sexual roles and practices.

>> No.17027947

Fair enough. Abuse and natural somatic dysmorphia are common markers, but not universal ones. Sorry to hear of it.
Yeah, FTMs tend to be stupid horny, but rarely if ever express it in real life. You read a lot of boys' love manga as a girl?

>> No.17027952

except an eromenoi was courted in a way to grow up into a well-adjusted man, and traps/femboys are just discarded with no benefit after they grow out of whoredom

>> No.17027962

Because it’s lust and I might regret it. I’d rather fuck a girl too and I don’t wanna date women in the future and have a serious relationships knowing that I once fucked a pretty boi or trans.

>> No.17027997


holy shit this is the faggiest thing i'm gonna read all day.

>> No.17028006

>You read a lot of boys' love manga as a girl?
tried to (at first to appeal to my middle school girl crush, later because it seemed pretty edgy) but every time it was pretty nasty. why would i want to read about dick going in ass, especially drawn so poorly with the "bottom" being more girly and obnoxious than a woma ? regular porn also seemed nasty so i just looked at still pictures, drawn or photos, of solo women
also tricked my female teenaged peers into sending noods or clothed lewds in exchange for smutty roleplay, which is where some knowledge on yaoi was proven profitable

>> No.17028065

That's an interesting flight path. You'd consider yourself bisexual, then?
Hate to batter you with questions, but I'm working on a thesis.

>> No.17028095

>You'd consider yourself bisexual, then?
yeah i am, much more inclined to women. chicks are sexy but boys are cute too, dont think i'd fuck a man though

>> No.17028128


>> No.17028179
File: 97 KB, 1024x681, 1024px-Hermaphroditus_Louvre_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, the ideal man is a more masculine man; and the only way, that men can achieve this ideal, is with war. This is why the figure of the warrior is more worshiped than other
Transsexuals, they are only playing, because they are players, cynics, pretending to be women. The ideal figure of man, I insist, is that of the warrior, no other; and history, that is to say, the intelligible experience, teacher of all men, observes that there is only a single secular behavior in the formation of its superior state from beast to man. And this is it, the war
Explaining the hermaphrodite phenomenon is interesting; I have already said that the transsexual is a cynic, so what is the phenomenological support for this cynicism?
The very articulation of society is its sustenance; one can see, in the Gorgias, a theory of simulacrum (rhetoric, as a simulacrum of justice and good). But why would a man stop being a man? I am not going to refer, to instances or references of sexual nature, nor genetic, even less, pathological, I warn now.
A man stops being a man, to become an hermaphrodite, to elevate the figure of the feminine, that is, of his vulgar beauty (through curves, voluptosity, etc.) to become a masculine and feminine beauty. In a word, the ideal of the woman is the transsexual, instead, the ideal of the man is the man himself

>> No.17028202

Why's that? What about masculine men presents a turn-off?

>> No.17028327

It's nothing like that. The shitler theory is confirmed, the Socrates is bullshit.

>> No.17028384

guess i'm not gaybrained. masculine men are cool to hang out with, but i'm attracted to feminity and androgynity for the most part.
plus sexually a dick is a turn-off in some way, i'd devour a pussy but wouldnt go further than a wonky handjob for a dick

>> No.17028547
File: 33 KB, 390x500, icry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this thread confirms you are probably one of the few heterosexual anons who browse /lit/

>> No.17028653

Try any other thread. This one is homo flypaper.
Ah, Advanced Lesbianism.
Unfortunate circumstance- you're vying for the attention of the group that desires your specific demographic the least.

>> No.17028687

i took the monk pill. why trouble with women if i can just imagine one, jerk off and cotinue being comfy alone

>> No.17029641

>Traps aren't bad, I like to see men surpassing feminine beauty.

but they're imitating it, thats the whole point of traps

>> No.17029753

You'll never be truly comfy that way, anon.

>> No.17030163

>why improve myself when I can delude myself into thinking I'm already perfect