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File: 199 KB, 1707x2560, 12 rules for life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17007164 No.17007164 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book like 12 Rules for Life that we should be handing out to the misguided and lost youth of today but is something that is actually taken seriously and is respectable?

>> No.17007174


>> No.17007185

Nonfiction please

>> No.17007190

Let's say you write a post that will be included in a best seller book called ¨Anonymous Internet Advice¨, It contains various sections about different problems (Love, Money, Neetism, Addictions, etc).
What would you write?

>> No.17007195

Plato, then KJV.

>> No.17007220
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The philosophy trio

>> No.17007248

Epicurus is good. I've skimmed through Nietzsche is there anything actually good in there? What have you read that had any effect on you? Same with Stirner.

>> No.17007249

>i've skimmed

>> No.17007259

Is there a problem

>> No.17007271

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius? Apart from the Bible, that one has probably been the book that has helped me out the most in life

>> No.17007342

No lost youth is gonna read something like 12 Rules for Life. Every chapter is way too long and full of nonsense that has nothing to do with the rule that the chapter is supposed to deal with.

>> No.17007353
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reams of shit like JBP's book is farted out every second.

>> No.17007371

That would be the problem.
The layout that Kaufmann gives (covers most of his work) did it for me. I do want to read more and will return to it later. I reject a little here and a little there, but only time will tell who is right.
Epicurus puts you at ease with the universe and your life. It’s enough, but it’s not adventurous.
Stirner is the plain truth of the world told slyly and more direct
Friedrich is a poet warrior philosopher pointing to a proto-science fiction future. The Antichrist is anti-nihilist. I feel they compliment each other perfectly.
For the misguided and lost especially.

>> No.17007390

I haven't read Stirner but what do you think about the fact that he isn't taken seriously by philosophers in anyway. ?

>> No.17007398
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>> No.17007405

Why does any of this matter? There as an Evola thread where someone posted the 3 philosophers in history who have mentioned him but that doesn't mean he is relevant in academia in anyway. None of his ideas are talked about and his philosophical positions are not taken seriously.

>> No.17007586
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>> No.17007865

We should be handing out 12 Rules for Life, along with a text that explains that this self help book was written by a drug addict, and that one of the rules this drug addict tells us to follow is to not try and improve other people’s lives until your own life is in order.

That and that his daughter was made pregnant by a Russian possessed by a ghost named Igor

>> No.17007884

literal cuck philosophy

>> No.17007887

xenophon anabasis

>> No.17007893

Doomers don't need schizos lol

>> No.17007902
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>> No.17007916

all 3 are literal incel literature

>> No.17007923

did the liberty statue transition?

>> No.17008584

>i've skimmed

>> No.17008593

it would be 100 pages of the most blackpilled advice, complete with those tinder dating statistics, evidence of corruption of the system by billionaires, "You Will Never Make It" type passages, statistics demonstrating how the reader is guaranteed to never reach financial stability, etc.

The reader will then be faced by a decision - either find their own force of life independently, or to give up and kill themselves. Thus, everyone who finishes reading the book will have by definition found their own force of life, and were thus helped by the book.

>> No.17008614
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>> No.17008629

oh what was the name of that japanese samurai philosphy book, it was quite famous?
the one loved by special forces guys?

>> No.17008798

>What would you write?

Guzzle benzos, make millions stating the obvious.

>> No.17009080

i literally have no problem with those books or people but when i see you post them it makes me really dislike them. its obvious i shouldn't read any more of their works if you find them to be a good worldview.

>> No.17009619

What’s obvious is that you need to adjust your preconceived notions of me

>> No.17009622

The book of 5 rings?

>> No.17009650

Seconding Epicurus

>> No.17009666

It's not preconceived

>> No.17009682

I don't know, there was this quote about something hanging on a wall I'll check

>> No.17009701



>> No.17009705
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>> No.17009725

The Bible

>> No.17009727

Mein Kampf

>> No.17009732

Yeah that one.
Here's the quote I was thinking of.
>Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall, there was this one: "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly." Master Ittei commented, "Matters of small concern should be treated seriously."
I need to get Musashi's books.

>> No.17009734

>The book of 5 rings
Essential samurai lit? How can we restore the knighthood of the modern west?

>> No.17009741

*& Yamamoto's

>> No.17010134


>> No.17010144

i think it was too btfo'd by Don Quixote

>> No.17010579

Never read it, how does it blow it out?

>> No.17010739

literally the greeks

>> No.17010781

Which ones?

>> No.17010816

shows how it's impossible to be a knight in the 17th century

>> No.17010823

well, not 12 Rules for Life, obviously
pill-popping shit-father

>> No.17010861

Can someone give a summary of his 12 rules?
I keep getting his shitty lectures shilled at me on youtube.

>> No.17010877

pet a cat, fuck a tranny, have sex, dilate, cope, seethe, do benzos, crash, go to rehab in russia, get coronavirus in serbia, be canadian, repeat

>> No.17010878

His lectures are pretty shit. There's just him whining about conservatives not being taken seriously while he believes climate change and that Africa is developing and how that's a good thing.
What a hypocrite. How can he believe liberal things and call himself a conservative?

>> No.17010897

Climate change is an objective scientific fact, brainlet. It's nothing to do with politics

>> No.17010901

Climate is always changing, the term is meaningless

>> No.17010908

conservative rock is just progressive rock from 5 years ago

>> No.17010912

Its a liberal scientific fact. Not a single trump voter believes it.

>> No.17010916

clean your room, stop reading leftist theory, read his book instead, take a personality test, slay the dragon in the underworld

>> No.17010984


Jesus fuck /lit/ pisses me off sometimes.
Climate change is a hyper reality. What reaches *us* is mediatized content and price hikes and intensification of ressource gathering. It is real, but for us only in such a commodified, predigested way that it can be reduced to a fucking conversation on a mongol basketweaving website.
On the periphery, tho, climate change doesn't exist, what exists are increased droughts, famines and population displacements marking back to the Mongolian invasions.
You are both wrong and cunts and you should feel bad and kys, is what I'm saying.

>> No.17010998

Thats not why I mentioned it. I mentioned it because Jordan Peterson has liberal views that he shouldn't have as such a defender and father figure of the right wing conservatives. He shouldn't believe in climate change, he should hate africans, he should hate chinese, he should be more like his followers.

>> No.17011018

What is it about JP that made him such a cult hero for 21 year old losers? He is a fucking university lecturer tier “intellectual” who spouts old proverbs and pretends it’s some profound insight? Clean your room to succeed? No fucking shit, I’ve had people tell me a clean room means a clean mind my whole damn life.

>> No.17011036
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>> No.17011039

he got a bunch of viral buzz because he got into an argument with some trans people about pronouns and rambled about marxists brainwashing people so he became a hero of the "anti sjw" types

>> No.17011048


He's a liberal Ontarian university psychology teacher, working at the most woke university there is in Leafland, in the most liberal city of the country. Which he choose over Harvard.
The only middly conservative things he has is the pronoun thing, which is way way more popular amongst liberal boomers of his age than we think. (I come from that background, my entire family are pro-choice, anti-racism ultralibs that still absolutely refuse to think trannies are anything less than perverted freaks).

>> No.17011060
File: 137 KB, 400x400, 1606335548043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've answered your own question, implicitly
>old proverbs
>profound insight
>No fucking shit, I’ve had people tell me a clean room means a clean mind my whole damn life

>> No.17011076

He said some things that are vaguely right wing and the alt right are desperate for any sort of intellectual that's not some youtube grifter.

>> No.17011119
File: 150 KB, 512x458, unnamed (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's not some youtube grifter.


> TFW you notice she's reading the entire thing.

>> No.17011125

came here to post this.

>> No.17011131

literally just this. right place at the right time

>> No.17011135
File: 121 KB, 1200x444, rulesforllife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here are at least two.

>> No.17011145
File: 45 KB, 1038x576, italianphilosphers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what are his positions? i thought it was just hateing black people and women.

>> No.17011175

Or maybe he has an actual developed and function perspective on the political spectrum. America's dual party system is batshit insane for a million reasons, its been complained about to death, I won't have anything good to say. I'm just trying to highlight the problem with what you saying: because of this extreme duality someone can't value perspectives or beliefs from the other side without being pigeonholed into the other end of the spectrum. Why can't someone be pro gun and pro choice? Why can't someone support gay rights and an open market? Why are these even partisan issues?

>> No.17011194

Basically >>17011060
He states common-sense advice, and gives the historical/psychological background on why the advice works. He doesn't claim its his advice, he claims "this shit is cliche for a reason" and recommends you pay attention to it.

>> No.17011241
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 489329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marx casually walking past mounds of literature, salesmen, and productive laborers, contributing nothing
seems about right

>> No.17011312

lack of other good male role models

>> No.17011691

Climate change is real. The actions taken by political leaders in the name of climate charge are political and almost always designed to gain clout among progressive without actually doing anything to fix climate change. If the cucks at the Paris climate accords actually gave a shit about the climate they would recommend putting massive tariffs on all Chinese goods.