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17007225 No.17007225 [Reply] [Original]

>In his study of Nietzsche, Ludwig Klages was prompted to commemorate the author Stirner as a "sheer demoniacal dialectician." He concedes to him that his thinking, in comparison to Nietzsche's, is "often more radical, less circumlocutory, analytically more exact", and that he "gives ultimate conclusions, for the most part, with more conciseness." Klages regards Stirner as that "antipode of Nietzsche, who in any case should be taken seriously." Stirner, he says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because "the day on which Stirner's program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the 'doomsday' of mankind."

>A philosopher of completely different intellectual background, the Marxist Hans Heinz Holz, expressed a quite similar view. He warned that "Stirner's egoism, if practically realized, would lead to the self-destruction of mankind." The ex-Marxist Leszek Kolakowski develops a similar apocalyptic vision when confronted by 'The Ego'. The "destruction of alienation", that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to "the return to authenticity", and this would be "nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status." Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner]." And Roberto Calasso, laureate of the "Premio Nietzsche" of 1989, writes: "From certain quarters is to be heard, that it goes without saying that a professional philosopher does not deal with such a matter as Stirner [...] from the realm of culture Stirner still remains sequestered [...] Stirner's presence is particularly perceptible [...] in authors who are completely silent about him or who talk about him in unpublished texts, which is to say, in Nietzsche and Marx." Calasso too regards Stirner's "Egoist" or rather "Owner" as an "artificial barbarian", an "anthropological monster" etc.. 'The Egoist' is the "writing on the wall", signalling the doom of occidental culture.

>Edmund Husserl does not name him in any of his texts, letters etc.; this, however, not on grounds that he did not know Stirner's ideas or that he considered them insignificant. No, the intrinsic reason, which was passed down probably by accident, was that he wanted to protect his students (and perhaps himself?) against their "temptational power". Another case is that of Carl Schmitt, who was ready to disclose something of his secretive relationship to Stirner, kept since his youth, only after being detained in 1946 in a prison of the Allies (which he experienced as an existential affliction). Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.


>> No.17007265

How do you even read this guy without knowing german?

>> No.17007270
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>> No.17007274

There are several English translations

>> No.17007338

stirner is the key to return to monke

>> No.17007351
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Return to monke is to hide in the woods

>> No.17007410

Monke is eusocial

>> No.17007418

>"just do what you want bro everything is a spook" - Stirner

>> No.17007427

You wouldn't last 5 minutes in a society organized around the tenets of his philosophy, I've yet to see a Stirnerite who isn't an effeminate tranny or has a corpuscularity that would give him slightest chance of survival in Stirner's world

>> No.17007442

I remember the long gone days of the Stirner era. People would make threads, like yours, implying that Stirner was some sort of well-guarded, existentially threatening philosophical secret, using the very same quotes you used right now. Good times. Now he merely survives in episodic burst of Stirnerposting in some semi-related threads.

But in seriousness, the guy is merely the most niche and unconventional of Hegelians. A philosophical curiosity, fitting for young people and pleasant to remember in old age, and a prime meme provider. But his only contribution to the history of societal threats is his influence on Renzo Novatore.

>> No.17007871

Bizarre post. Like those old 4chan posts reminiscing about “old times” with bloated almost religious rhetoric

>> No.17007968

I remember those times. Then it was followed by the Geunontards. Note that Nietzsche always (ALWAYS) has a thread dedicated to him

>> No.17009014

>"nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status." Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him
Sounds based

>> No.17009104

Makes it sound like Nietzsche wanted a return to animality which is obviously a misreading.

>> No.17009258

No, it makes it sounds like Stirner wanted a return to animality which is a misreading.

>> No.17009363

kill yourself cringe tranny

>> No.17009387

It's not a misreading its the logical conclusion of his ideas lol. What my ego tells me to do, what i want to do is form a fascist state and **** the trannies because they're usually pedophiles. Then i want to **** the redditors. There's nothing morally wrong with this to Stirner. I agree. I completely get what he's saying. So me and the boys are going to combine our egos and oppress the faggot trannies who constantly talk about stirners faggot twink ass.

>> No.17009494

What a substance-less post

>More tranny screeching
Odd defensive mechanism. Not very effective really. Gives off a warning signal to other brain dead chuds. Like screaming the names of rival websites. Very odd.

>> No.17009576

Forming a Fascist state is not animality though?
Animality would be some sort of Mad Max scenario.