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/lit/ - Literature

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17005302 No.17005302 [Reply] [Original]

Upper highbrow: Pindar, Corneille, Lucretius, Arnaut Daniel, Franceso Colonna, Rabelais

Highbrow: Goethe, Sannazaro, Montaigne, Donne, Crébillon fils, Ariosto, Rousseau, Joyce, La Bruyére, Shakespeare, Villon

Middlebrow: Nabokov, Tolstoy, Borges, Salinger, Twain, Houellebecq, Cioran, Carlyle, Wilde, Voltaire, Lovecraft, Stirner, Jünger, Conrad

Lower-middlebrow: David Foster Wallace, Paglia, Pynchon, Lautréamont, Frank Herbert, Jordan B. Peterson, Zizek, Kundera, Chomsky, Zola, McLuhan, Taleb

Lowbrow: J.K. Rowling, Hunger Games, porn, news

>> No.17005311


>> No.17005380

>A Survey of Mankind
>Lists only western writers
yes, you're a Pseud

>> No.17005436

That guys fit is terrible. Everything is wrong

>> No.17005450

He's cute. I'd suck his cock :3

>> No.17005465

is uly back on twitter yet or what?

>> No.17005475


>> No.17005540

is that actually uly lmfao

>> No.17005588

not a /fa/ggot, but those are wrong colored socks for those shoes, stupid undershirt (or ascot whatever), the sleeves aren't cuffed past the elbows, actually not cuffed at all. Also, an outfit should have 3 colors max. This guy has grey, white, black, and brown. On top of that, the colors are definitely not complimentary.

>> No.17005593

the upper highbrow section is fucking ridiculous
also racine>corneille

>> No.17005606

I assume McCarthy's not going to score very high on your list but I may as well ask anyway.

>> No.17005629

>Lovecraft in the same tier as literally any of those other authors

embarrassing post

>> No.17006772

I miss you bros. Even though he hates anglos

>> No.17006814
File: 830 KB, 250x250, 63E628A3-38AA-4541-BA96-CA75A83F5DF7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upper highbrow: Pindar, Corneille, Lucretius, Arnaut Daniel, Franceso Colonna, Rabelais
>Highbrow: Goethe, Sannazaro, Montaigne, Donne, Crébillon fils, Ariosto, Rousseau, Joyce, La Bruyére, Shakespeare, Villon
>Middlebrow: Nabokov,

>> No.17007124

Looks like an actual clown. Though reading OP's post, I'm not surprised he thinks that's a good outfit. A thread died for this.

>> No.17007256

>Rousseau on the level of Goethe and above Jünger

>> No.17007675
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>you don't dress according to these insufferable rules that are actually just basic guidelines to be broken but i'm too retarded to not systematise everything i encounter?!
>how could you??!