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17001628 No.17001628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone published some lit for the scientic blackpill which has been popping up since 2014

>> No.17001631
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>> No.17001636

People always take this as meaning that women are more harsh, but actually I think men are far too generous. The women ratings correspond exactly to what I see in the men and women around me. Way more 3s than 8s.

>> No.17001637

> Science
> Black Pill
Science is just a tool, using it to expound ideology is retarded and misses the point of Science. Yes, this also goes for the left as well, retards.

>> No.17001638
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>> No.17001639

lol have you ever actually used an dating apps like tinder? like 90% of the girls on there are butt ugly.

>> No.17001651
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>> No.17001652

>according to OKCupid
Yeah, and?
Also, men in the developed world look like shit.

>> No.17001662

because if they weren't ugly and crazy they wouldn't be using tinder to find a cuck for their kid

>> No.17001663
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>> No.17001676
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>> No.17001684

I think the point is that 80% of men can't possible be 'below average' because that defeats the definition of what an average is.

>> No.17001687
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>> No.17001695
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>> No.17001703
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>> No.17001709

Charts are supposed to facilitate the diffusion of data, not to be a stand for your own personal opinions. Using the first person makes it look very unprofessional.

>> No.17001718
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>> No.17001721

I dont think so because on a ten-point magnitude scale from 1-10, if there are far more 2s than there are 9s in magnitude, then the average will be below 5.

>> No.17001731

Why should any given individual man care what opinions women express on dating apps (read: female validation machines)?
Dating apps and social media primarily exist for women to validate their own dull existences. You'd hold your self-esteem as equal to your value as a plaything for a woman you've never interacted with?

>> No.17001740

cant only 50% of things be below average

>> No.17001744
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>> No.17001765

They rated how attractive someone was, not how they compared to some average. This just shows that women don’t think men are that attractive overall, visually.

>> No.17001770

If you score something 1-5, then 3 is the average of POSSIBLE scores. But if you have a set of scores where there are ten 2s and two 4s, the average of ACTUAL scores is like 2.3. That means more than half the actual scores can be below the average of possible scores.

>> No.17001772

most incels are gay men in denial or very fem, so it makes sense.

>> No.17001782

Imagine being curry

>> No.17001783

>tfw you're a chad
more sex for me, nice

>> No.17001793

>reading incel pseudoscience
Just read Houellebecq
Same content in enjoyable and depressing novels

>> No.17001799


Just because you're /lit/ doesn't mean you don't have to learn basic arithmetic.

>> No.17001813
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>> No.17001814

As for your question, I don't know. I know there was a k+1 short story about an incel (which started pretty good, but had such a terrible ending that invalidated its entirety) -- but I don't believe the author particularly focused on hypergamy.

But I think the chart itself is kind of absurd, mainly because it cannot support the arguments of those who use it. The chart is supposed to be the bulwark for the hypergamy narrative, but it removes all other qualities that could conceivably level the playing field. By this, I do not mean that if you are confident and funny, then you can sleep with strangers from the bar. Rather, I mean that this study only indicates to what extent women would give stranger's a chance. Sure, women are less likely than men to sleep with a middling attractive partner at the first glance, but a man's chances are not solely contained in these encounters. All the chart indicates is that women are risk-averse. Once they are introduced to men, once those men become part of her social circle, she begins to think of them far more charitably.

>> No.17001840
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Does anyone have a download link for this book?
I'm not paying Amazon a red cent.

>> No.17001842

is it just me or did incels become more tolerable? most of the incels i've met are likeable people who have talents and interests outside of sex and self-improvement and are only "incels" because they aren't particularly attractive and don't treat sex with the reverence of most people.

>> No.17001849

t. coal burner

>> No.17001851

D e b u n k e d


>> No.17001865

>80% of men can't possible be 'below average'
Women compare male looks (their fashion sense, skincare, fitness, etc.) not only with other men, but with women as well. In this case most men will be below average.

>> No.17001868

I don’t consider people who aren’t bitter woman hating basement-dwellers incels desu. There are many nice and interesting virgin men.

>> No.17001878

women are fatter than men though

>> No.17001882

Still incels by definition

>> No.17001889

Because man dont have to birth a child you retard

>> No.17001890

I think it's a case of motte and bailey. Lots of people who are involuntarily celibate are not "incels" as most people would use that term. I always think of the kinds of people that used to post on the PUAhate forums. That's what normies mean when they say incel

>> No.17001897

Yeah, but not what people think of when they hear the word, I think.

>> No.17001900

I'm sure that single women below 40 are not.

>> No.17001905

Nice y-axis

>> No.17001918

Somebody post the chad rapist tinder ones. Those provide keks atleast

>> No.17001938
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>Another study showed that preference for attractive faces in human infants extends beyond species.
>The results demonstrated that the preference for attractive faces by infants that has previously been observed for human faces can also be observed for domestic cat and tiger faces.

>> No.17001957
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>less than 10 percent of Mexican men haven't had sex in a year
How do these goblinos get laid that much?

>> No.17001965

I looked it up and you are in fact right, though the difference is so slight im not sure it matters
>obesity rates US ages 20-39
men: 40.3%
women: 39.7

>> No.17001967

most incels are gay or fem. If you go on forums like looksmax they act like gay niggas up in there. The cure to inceldom is to stop acting like a bitch and expecting life to be easy mode, if you wanna live life on easy mode then kill your self and be reborn a woman. But what about good looking men? Well, shit nigga most good looking men who only use their looks to get ahead also act like women, just be a man, listen to some Ice Cube and lift some weights. Kill a nigga, perform a drive by, live a lil ya heard me.

>> No.17001969

>is it just me or did incels become more tolerable? most of the incels i've met are likeable people who have talents and interests outside of sex and self-improvement and are only "incels" because they aren't particularly attractive and don't treat sex with the reverence of most people.
You've just been conditioned by the mainstream media to think of us as some bunch of devil incarnates. Most incels are genuinely nice people who wouldn't have a problems attracting someone 70 years ago.

>> No.17001978

Yeah, seems to be a lot less prominence from those communities.
Yeah, maybe i'm just thinking of people who don't put their tinder matches on a pedestal and aren't afraid to make fun of others when they do

>> No.17001986

You would have tbqh, the problem is that the internet and media makes it easy to complacent.

>> No.17001989

The fact that this imbecile holds a PhD evidences just how much of a joke academia is in 2020

>> No.17001994

Why, because it disagrees with your ideology?

>> No.17002003

it's actually men that are retarded
most people are below average and men just see tits and overrate all women
if it was a genuinely true to life graph then both would align with the red portion
accept this, have sex, and kill yourself incels

>> No.17002014


this may seem like larping to you but it is in fact truth:

at every work place i've been, at every party i've been, back in school and generally wherever i am for long enough to have an interaction, women have been attracted to me. I know this because many of them i've actually dated/fucked.

I did however not get a single match on tinder. I have never had worse self esteem (and i quit that shit after less than a week).

What does this mean? It means online dating is skewed as fuck and will fuck peoples conceptions of the world up really bad. Enter the blackpill.
Blackpill is what happens when all the information you get is from online misogynist misanthropes that perpetuate their hate onto others in a never ending vicious circle.

tl; dr - Online dating is bullshit. Go outside. Talk to people. Endure.

>> No.17002021

Most likely your pictures sucked, men are pretty shit at taking pictures of themselves.

>> No.17002052


dude, i'm bald. And i'm not ripped. That means i'm fucked for online dating. But women are bad at knowing what they like, so they think they like the good hairstyle fancy clothes guy, but in fact, and this has always been the truth: women love personality. They fall for fat bald fucks that make them laugh.

>> No.17002071

I’m sure they know that, but obviously you go for appearance when appearance is all you have to go on. Yes, this is a hugely disadvantageous system for men.

>> No.17002081

there's also body language/facial expressions/speaking patterns, which is kind of impossible to explain

>> No.17002088


exactly. So stop going on sites that are not representative of reality. Or what are you gonna do, fuck their phone with your phone?

Now if this was a discussion about introverts vs extraverts, that's a whole nother story. But this kind of discussion belongs on /r9k/. I just wanted to say that the scientific data on this is based on the skewedness of online dating.

>> No.17002094

>mfw I'm borderline autistic from being molested as a child, I read manga with lolis, I'm a siscon and I spend 95% of my time alone but I still get hit on constantly by women, have a GF who gets jealous when women flirt with me, and have had women literally throw themselves at me my entire life.

Must really suck to land low on the genetic lottery, sorry guys. Try making a lot of money. I'd honestly only rate myself an 8/10 but I'm tall, blonde, and have blue eyes and fairly good chin. Minority girls, specially latinas and asians, go wild for it. It doesn't make up for being a sperg though, take comfort in the fact that I blow 99% of opportunities that I'm given by being awkward as fuck.

>> No.17002099
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>most people are below average
You're retarded

>> No.17002100

And a majority of homosexual behavior in men is simply a byproduct of anti-social neuropathy

>> No.17002108

I'm bald but I'm in good shape, and I do fine on online dating and I'm not white. I just learned to take good photos of myself by learning about focal length and distance.

>> No.17002111

that is part of personality.

>> No.17002118

>t. below average coper soon to be roper

>> No.17002120

Seconded. I'm curious about this but refuse to give Amazon anything.

>> No.17002127

I'd really like to see a study where men and women rate a random sample of people by ther %ile attractiveness instead of some meaningless star system. Also it would probably be good to break it into age brackets.

>> No.17002128

good work bald community bro ! good luck and i hope you fuck tons o hoes. Or find that qt to read with, if that's what you're after

>> No.17002138


>> No.17002140

>society is ruined because my expectations of beauty are blown over thanks to years of media consumption, so instead of dating people my own league, I'm depressed for not getting good pussy, despite looking like that russian cretin that explores abandoned soivet subways on youtube

>> No.17002150

cope have sex and dilate

>> No.17002152

What’s wrong with Amazon? Are you commies?

>> No.17002155

>1.The sample size is tiny, and it’s WEIRD (white, educated, industrialised, rich, and from democratic countries).
That's not a problem when you're an academic. He could just reproduce the study with different methodology and bigger and less biased sample size, that's what people in academia are supposed to do. He cares about the topic enough to write a blogpost about it but won't actually perform an improved study, why is that? We don't know but I suspect he knows subconciously that a larger and more varied sample size will yield the same results.
>2. The experimental design is an issue. They gave their subjects photos of men, and then told them that those men were being paired with particular personality traits. They had a very strong visual stimulus in front of them, and then a very weak narrative stimulus: that is, they knew precisely what dating that person would entail from an aesthetic perspective, but extremely little about what their personality traits would mean in practical terms. Of course they’re going to prioritise physical attractiveness over what are relatively nebulous descriptions of someone’s character, when the images are right in front of them.
That's exactly the thing incels point out. Online dating is already the way 40% of couples meet and it's only going to get bigger with time, the methodology accurately replicates the actual dynamics of online dating
>3. It’s a lab experiment. That means that there’s no way in which we can extrapolate the results out from this one paper to actual real life scenarios. Tinder and other dating sites notwithstanding, most people don’t make a decision about who they’re going to date by lining up a set of photographs paired with vague descriptions of a person and then being forced to say yes to one (and only one) of them.
He should watch how most women use their Tinder. They barely even look at the photos in front of them so you have about 0.5 seconds to impress a woman with your looks. Obviously that leaves just the top chads standing.
>Yes, there might be an advantage to physical attractiveness, particularly when that’s the most obvious thing in front of you, but romance and dating are messy. You never know who you’re going to meet, under what circumstances, how they might talk to you, and so on. This is, in short, an incredibly artificial environment which shouldn’t be relied upon to produce robust results which indicate people’s real preferences.
A non-issue.
Point 4. is just a restatement of point 2., I'm not going to dignify it with a comment. 5/10 is way too low a rating, he should have given it at least 7/10

>> No.17002161

I don't like them and would rather pirate ebooks than give them $10 to "rent" an ebook.

>> No.17002162

I'm volcel, sex is a spook

>> No.17002165

Wait isn’t this supposed to be a board about literature? Your post is totally a Trojan horse to posit your shitty defeatist porn.

Stop trying to demoralize young men, you should be ashamed. I have seen underdogs win again and again.

>> No.17002166

I bought it. I can upload it to libgen or Z-Library if you guys want to but I don't really know how to do it, can any of you guys point me to a guide? :(

>> No.17002173

holy coperino pepperino

>> No.17002175
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>> No.17002186

Kys, the Western Canon was produced by incels whether you like it or not. Sex-havers don't even stand a chance, sad!

>> No.17002189

When you leave school and get your first job you'll understand. Life isn't like /pol/

>> No.17002197

Scan every page with a printer, transfer all the files to your computer, then upload them to ZLibrary

>> No.17002205


>> No.17002213

I have an AZW3 file though, I bought it on Kindle Store. Doesn't Amazon have some sort of DMS that will prevent me from uploading it? I'm not good with computers and tech stuff, sorry

>> No.17002225

There's programs that can remove the DRM

>> No.17002230

keep coping sexlet

>> No.17002234
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You have a mobi then? I'm not 100% sure but you can probably use calibre (https://calibre-ebook.com/)) to download the file and then upload it to zlibrary here( https://b-ok.cc/book-add.php).). Thank you very much, Anon :) <3 <3 <3

>> No.17002235

I had this exact argument for 3 fucking hours thank god someone else sees sense

>> No.17002237

Alright boyos, the book is on Z-Library. Treat yourselves.

>> No.17002239

that applies to both sexes

>> No.17002254

>6'3" white male
feels good bros, do they have something for hair color
t. blonde

>> No.17002256
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No problem fren :3

>> No.17002258

Ya so many of these charts are so misleading.

>> No.17002292

Similar here. Short and asian, I don't do well on tinder but do very well in real life.

>> No.17002306

Same breh. Try going to Asia and thank me later.

>> No.17002319

nigga you gay.

>> No.17002320

Not him but do you know if white men fare well in richer Asian countries like Japan, S. Korea and China? Not really interested in Thai shitskins

>> No.17002327

Why do you talk like a nog?

>> No.17002361
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plan 1: acquire tomboy qt
plan 2: use my knowledge of central eurasian languages to acquire asian steppes gf
I am prepared

>> No.17002362

because incels can learn from hood niggas. They lack the masculinity that hood niggas have, they don't need anymore passive intellectualism, they need action.

>> No.17002386

i can't imagine being an incel type black guy in the hood. holy fuck it must be hell

>> No.17002396

>women compare things men don't give a flying fuck about with women, who do care about these shitty banal vain things
so women are retarded, got it

why is this a thread on /lit/? mods, hello?
almost all of these infographics are false, misleading or use a ridiculously small sample size (60 people, seriously? go fuck yourself)
this has nothing to do with anything remotely related to literature
dearest OP, please neck yourself, for you are the most tremendous of all faggots

>> No.17002418
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Holy shit we get it - life fucking sucks if you're an ugly manlet. Can you incels actually write some good blackpill literature instead of regurgitating the same factoids incessantly? FUCK

>> No.17002431

No, they lack the masculine energy to do so.

>> No.17002446

I probably rate a higher % of women as below average though so it balances out in the end.

>> No.17002454

It's about ethics in games journalism

>> No.17002461

What literature would they even produce other than pathetic novels about their sad life? Do we really need even more demoralizing books? Is life not tragic enough?
Just leave those incels alone. Mods pls delete.

>> No.17002467

Has anyond read pic related?

>> No.17002501

because you conflate the term incel with a billion different behaviors which renders the term entirely useless. are you people too fucking stupid to get it? i thought it was purposeful but it seems people are actually just retarded.

>> No.17002515
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>thai shitskins
>he doesnt know
Bangkok girls mogg the shit out of big headed gooks who need 100k$ in plastic surgery to look human. Central thais have the most white features aswell.

Most thais posted on here are laos esan girls which look obviously different

>> No.17002523

How would that work? Average is always 5. If 5 was more attractive 50 years ago that doesnt matter now

>> No.17002528
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discussions about OP's image usually try to justify ////why//// it is true ///that/// women see 80% of men as essentially unattractive.... they usually miss the point about whether this is actually what women see or not.

Consider now: most women are rarely, if ever, giving their honest, analyzed opinion about someone's appearance. The actions of most women are most heavily weighted based on what effect this has on their social standing. For women there's basically no advantage to being directly analytical and objective in a social situation. There is however, a huge social advantage to putting other people down without anyone knowing about it. Combine that with women generally being more responsive to guys that can get a visceral reaction out of them (pictures only do that in the 4/5 and 5/5 case, really), and you get your results

tl;dr this isn't actually women's representative of perceptions, since they're not exclusively rating attractiveness for the sole reason of rating attractiveness

>> No.17002531
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>> No.17002539
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>> No.17002548

5 is the average of possible scores: the average of the unit of measurement when the scale is 1-10. The average of actual scores can be lower than five if that's how the distribution is skewed.

>> No.17002555

asian (((women))) are so ugly my god

>> No.17002560
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>> No.17002573
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And now here the usual thai hookers you have in mind when talking shitskin. Those are all from isan like 99% of thai hookers. Completely different phenotype

>> No.17002574

Why wouldnt attractivnes follow normal distribution? Height and IQ does. I think you are implying that a minority of 9s and 10s make up for majority of 3s and 4s so it averages out?

>> No.17002587
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Back to central thais

>> No.17002588

Wow, they are really beautiful. So if I log on tinder in Bangkok I'll get girls like this just because I'm white?
Obvious white f*moid detected

>> No.17002590

>white men fare well in richer Asian countries like Japan, S. Korea and China?
Yes, unless you're an ugly turbomanlet. Assuming you're under 300 pounds and 5'10+ you can add like 2 points to your attractiveness.
>Not really interested in Thai shitskins
Based. My goal is a bookish Asian /lit/ wife.

>> No.17002611

>So if I log on tinder in Bangkok I'll get girls like this just because I'm white?
Yes. Its funny to see the difference in real time when you switch from bangkok to lets say pattaya. Its like a different universe.

The thing is thais are xenophobic as shit and mostly dont give a shit about foreigners. If they got their bio in thai you can be certain they not looking for white guys. If they got an english bio you are mostly good to go. You have to be and white and look good on top of it. For isaan girls you can just be white. Or fat and balding and just have money

>> No.17002612

Let's say you have a set with eight 2s and two 8s. What's the average attractiveness of the set? It's 3.2, not 5. But 5 is still the average of the scale.

>> No.17002638
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I wouldnt dismiss the isaan girls like pic rel though. They dont have the east asian look but are a freak in bed

>> No.17002642

No the average is 3.2, the scale would only mean something if you were comparing it to some other population that had been measured, and that population would be average 5, hence the scale.

>> No.17002645
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Do it like me, have a pale central thai gf in bangok and leave to pattaya on the weekend to fuck the brown jungle freaks

>> No.17002647

If you just want to hook up with any ol' foreign-worshipping bimbo then it's fine, but finding a wifey is a bit more difficult (though still probably easier then in the West). Like I said above, the best way to think about it is to add +2 to your attractiveness (and even more if you're rich, speak the language, etc). I'm probably a ~6.5 in Canada (6'3, White, well-dressed, but kind of fat) and I had HOT girls in China approaching me constantly asking for me WeChat and shit.

>> No.17002653

So I've always heard that thailand has a big trans population, how true is this and where do I go to stay away from it?
t. man who has trouble telling asians apart

>> No.17002664

Not a sexpat and I've never been to Thailand but you're usually able to tell. In literal brothels or escort streets then you could probably just ask "penis?" and they'd tell you.

>> No.17002668

The scale is based on 1-10 being the possible ratings. It's not based on a sampled set, it's based on 1 being least attractive possible and 10 being most attractive possible. There is no reason to think attractiveness should follow a normal distribution, therefore it should not be surprising that the average attractiveness of men is below average on the scale.

>> No.17002676

*Or 0-10 I guess, since we said the average was 5.

>> No.17002685

You will learn that skill within a day. Dont worry. Its obvious in real life

>> No.17002691

Im the guy you replied to. Imagine you have a random sample of thousand people and you order them by attractivness. The guy at 500 place would be 5 here. I mean dont you always rate people in comparison to other people since this is the only tool you can use? Again it makes sense and we use it for IQ too, the average is always 100. In the world where majority of man look like brad pitts Brad Pitt is 5

>> No.17002704

>Sources include psychologytoday and telegraph

>> No.17002718

>Imagine you have a random sample of thousand people and you order them by attractivness. The guy at 500 place would be 5 here.
You are assuming a normal bell curve distribution when there is no a priori reason to do so and evidence from polling women that it is not the case. Just because 0 is the least attractive man possible and 10 is the most attractive man possible does not mean that the average man is a 5. There may be far more men in the lower rankings than in the higher, and this is supported by the data.

>> No.17002725

>Yes, unless you're an ugly turbomanlet. Assuming you're under 300 pounds and 5'10+ you can add like 2 points to your attractiveness
I'm 6 feet and moderately attractive but that's not enough for white w*men in 2020. I'm still going to go for Koreans and Nipps though, I find them more attractive

>> No.17002737

there is an implicit set of 'most attractive and least attractive' being the actually existing humans the person has seen. that set probably does have a normal distribution, very few 10s and 1s actually out there

>> No.17002741

Good just make sure you raise your mixed kids to be proud of both sides. Don't be a pseudo-racist faggot who ruins your kids. Ideally raise them in Asia.

>> No.17002755

>that set probably does have a normal distribution
This is an unfounded assumption. The data shows a non-normal distribution, that's the whole point people raise about it.

>> No.17002760

Your asian wife will hate you and your kid will hate you. Why? Because you implicitly look down upon them.

>> No.17002762

White pill:
Women are just reacting naturally to the platform. Online dating portals have a 80:20 male:female ratio. Women aren't dismissing you out of hand, OK Cupid is fucking you over. If these sites had a 50:50 gender split their choices would normalize, and if it was 80:20 female:male men would show responses as picky as the women in the OP image.

>> No.17002770
File: 119 KB, 769x960, IMG_20201211_195520_251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for this jewish pandemic to be over so i can go back to the promised land

Tfw king lobster, cystal clear maledive tier beaches and pussy on the daily

>> No.17002800

do they have good pina coladas?

>> No.17002821

There's a documentary online about how Tinder literally tweaks its algorithm to make it harder for men to get swipes so they'll buy the premium version (which costs money) out of frustration. The problem with dating in 2020 is dating apps.

>> No.17002829

The commodification of sex by Capital.

>> No.17002837

Dataclysm by Christian Rudder maybe.

>> No.17002839

Dating apps are also all owned by one company so there is no real competition

You NEED to meet girls in reality but the pandemic has wiped out all the usual meeting places, probably permanently, so I don't see much of a way forward

>> No.17002844

I’m immune to black pill culture, despite not getting pussy. Maybe it’s because I’m not a virgin and maybe it’s because I’m a handsome autist and vaginal sex is gross. Not sure...

>> No.17002851

>tfw 300-400 daily tinder likes but autistic and need a ton of booze to function in dates or even enjoy them
Incel claim that validation turns you neurotypical is wrong.

>> No.17002918

blad and bankrupt is that you