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/lit/ - Literature

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17000882 No.17000882 [Reply] [Original]

How can non-Americans even compete?

>> No.17000941

why aren't Thomas Pynchon and infinite jest talken about appart for some american niche teenagers on youtube?
I have the impressión is that they're the:

>> No.17001000

>Evan dara
List disregarded

>> No.17001046


>> No.17001057
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>talken about appart

>> No.17001074
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>talken about apprt

>> No.17001105


>> No.17001115

Your insecurity is showing, burger. Now show everyone your "Great American Novel".

>> No.17001241

A bunch of literally-who's except for Melville and James, can't make this shit up

>> No.17001244

>2 threads
You're trying too hard, honey.

>> No.17001287

If you don't read they are literal whos

>> No.17001370

The world doesn't revolve around your shitty american authors, mate

>> No.17001390

As an american, u make us look bad
We have melville and transcendentalists, and pynchon. One could argue hemmingway but most regard his work as below masterpieces at best. Besides that theres not much

>> No.17001442

Don't be so hard on your countrymen. I love Steinbeck and James

>> No.17001469

Right. Disregard Faulkner, Dos Passos, Fitzgerald, Hawkes, Gaddis, Gass, Barth, Delillo, Roth, Updike, Plath, Pound, Eliot, Ellison, Morrison, Vollmann, Wallace, Powers, Franzen, etc. and then you realize there really aren't any good American writers :/

>> No.17001481

>Henry James
Brainlet detected

>> No.17001809

Henry James is big brain

>> No.17002202


>> No.17003030


>> No.17003064

Jannies banned me for posting
>american authors
This pretty much sums up the state of american "literature", it can't afford being scrutinized, at all

>> No.17003085

Pynchon isn't even the best living American writer let alone of all time.

>> No.17003180

who is

>> No.17003213

Corncob. Pynchy boy hasn't been relevant since the 70s.

>> No.17003224

There are like 2 writers of worth in there.
>Gaddis, Gass, Roth, Franzen, Barth, Hawkes
Nobody loses nothing by ignoring these hacks.

>> No.17003288

It's not because I dislike James, it's because he's more English than American.

>> No.17003314

The expansion sets keep making the image worse. Now we have Evan “The Literally Who?” Dara, and some random anon’s contrarian picks for best Mailer/Roth novels. Meanwhile Hawthorne, Thomas Wolfe, Nathanael West, Emerson, Poe, London, Twain, Anderson don’t get a mention. Some good additions on the poetry side, and Invisible Man and Flannery O’Connor were overdue, but the person making these images is lending too much credence to their own tastes

>> No.17003976


>> No.17004079


>> No.17004104

filtered also checked

>> No.17005113


>> No.17006149

Trips can't be filtered.

>> No.17006358

cuz nabokov was born in vermont, yea?

>> No.17006394
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>> No.17006903


>> No.17007175

In what world is Sabbath's Theater a "contrarian pick" for Philip Roth's best novel?

>> No.17008303

The real world, anon. It's time to wake up

>> No.17008327
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These works are almost unknown outside America

>> No.17008384

What are some good novels from your country that are known/respected internationally

>> No.17008550

That gets them every time. Most countries can’t even name one or two. Sometimes they can only name people who lived centuries ago, like Iran. It’s truly shameful and embarrassing.

>> No.17008567

I agree, he left Russia in his twenties, didn’t emigrate to the US until middle age, and then moved to Switzerland after living here for about 20 years. If I was to move from my country in my twenties, my home country would be ingrained in me deeply. Just cause he wrote very well in English, and lived in the US for some time doesn’t make him at all American.

This all becomes obvious if you read Speak, Memory

>> No.17008662
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>Moby Dick
>The Golden Bowl
James needs to be on there and this is a fine enough representative I suppose
>The Recognitions
A bit contrarian not picking Lolita but I'm fine with this. Assuming we're sticking to one per author, otherwise Pale Fire (and JR, above) would also deserve inclusion
Haven't read
>The Sound And The Fury
Yep, but AILD and Absalom deserve inclusion too
GR is probably a better pick but ok
>The Tunnel
And Omensetter's
>Lookout Cartridge
Haven't read this, I remember the old chart having Women And Men on it. Will trust McElroy fans on this one
Yep. Haven't read Hecht or Koch
>The USA Trilogy
>Tennessee Williams
>The Lost Scrapbook
Lol, how many people have actually read this. What happened to Miss MacIntosh?
>The Cannibal
I preferred The Lime Twig inclusion but not a big deal, both are good
>Blood Meridian
>Ancient Evenings
I haven't read this. Why was this selected
>The Public Burning
Yep. Haven't read Wilbur or Merwin
>The Making Of Americans
>Katherine Anne Porter
>Flannery O'Connor
>The House Of Mirth
>Darconville's Cat
>Little, Big
Haven't read
>ee cummings
Yep. Assuming that Eliot counts
>Sabbath's Theater
Would probably go with Portnoy's but I haven't read enough of his novels to say
>Song Of Solomon
>Invisible Man
>Jesus' Son
>A Sport And A Pastime
Haven't read
>East Of Eden
Sure, I would choose Grapes though.
Yep. Could be White Noise too though, or the Library Of America Collected Pound

Could be worse, lots of good ones overall. What's missing?

>> No.17008703

>nobody loses nothing
An accidental double negative that made your statement true, anon ;)

>> No.17008714

You should know better while using the term "Double negative"

>> No.17008739

He used it correctly, though.

>> No.17008760

Harold Bloom and James Wood both said it was Roth's masterwork.

>> No.17008776

Maybe if you don’t read at all or aren’t interested in literature made beyond the borders of your own country.

>> No.17008782

You don't have to refer to yourself as he anon.

>> No.17008787

Then it must be. Wood and Bloom hate each other's guts and each other's works even more.

>> No.17008796

My point is that the post pointing out the double negative never didn’t not use the term in an incorrect way.

>> No.17008831

>Nobody loses nothing by ignoring these hacks
He said that the double negative makes this statement equivalent to "everybody loses something by ignoring these hacks", which it doesn't. The double negative is for emphasis not semantic somersaults.

>> No.17008896

That may apply to some dialects and nothing else. In a discussion about the correctness of language, there’s nothing wrong with criticizing its use.

>> No.17009099

By reading William Morris all day and realising how much better anglit is

>> No.17009236

But its of no use here and it certainly was not his intent here anyway.

>> No.17010056

More like this?