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File: 607 KB, 2892x1185, ihe2srdma1b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16994684 No.16994684 [Reply] [Original]

>read the bible


>read Bhagavad Chada
>dick grows +10cm
>everything seems so clear now
>get a wife and a fulfilling job
>just doing my duty

>> No.16994740


>> No.16994750


>> No.16994756


Based, no need to hate on the bible though. Many Christian metaphysicians have reach similar conclusions to mainstream Hindu doctrine.

>> No.16994761
File: 120 KB, 543x750, 6fb8009ac70e65935f752813373fb664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't pay respect to Lord Vishnu's Jesus avatar
that's a cringe from me, even if the rest of the post is based

>> No.16994800

Yes, I have to agree with that. No hate on the Bible. It just didn't work for me though.

>> No.16994845

Sounds pretty based

>> No.16995431

Is reading the Bible useful if my sensibilities align more with Buddhism? I have it sitting on a shelf and only ever bothered reading Genesis and Exodus.

>> No.16995475

Why did chrisitanity have to be so judaic? The whole idea that jesus is the only way to god makes it fall apart imo.

>> No.16995492

You should read it but I recommend practicing Buddhism more.

>> No.16995510

Yes, just recognise that the Old Testament is actually a history of the demiurge and his doomed alliance with the Jews. New Testament is 500% light-pilled

>> No.16995518

you have to remember that the god in christianity, judaism and islam is really Aten. they are really the same religion and Aten is their mutual GOD

>> No.16995537
File: 45 KB, 602x279, main-qimg-93d14ff5973ae80f4eaccbd4b69a22ee-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was a time when instead of the faggoty half-Jewish Christianity we got we could have had a based gnostic, polytheist, dharmic Christianity sprawling from London to Shanghai.
It hurts, bros.

>> No.16995619


>> No.16995641

>Many Christian metaphysicians have reach similar conclusions to mainstream Hindu doctrine.
Also known as heretics.

Yes, hate Christianity and the Bible. Hate it.

>> No.16995685
File: 2.94 MB, 4044x1501, BD5AD7F3-EE47-4E8B-9ADA-07C2C64F1DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In real life this is actually what happens when you prefer one over the other.

>> No.16995687


The worlds first translation of the Bhagavad Gita into any European language (English) by Charles Wilkins in 1785 is pretty good reading actually


>> No.16995696

“Are not five sparrows sold
for two pennies? And not one of
them is forgotten before God.”
Matthew 10:29

>> No.16995704

Right is luxury
Left is love for god's creation

>> No.16995708

>the Old Testament is actually a history of the demiurge and his doomed alliance with the Jews
More info on this?

>> No.16995720

Europeans would have built cathedrals like that for their rat worship if they had been Hindus.

Christianity is not the cause of beautiful European cathedrals, Europeans are.

>> No.16995721

What's the best edition/translation, fren?

>> No.16995755
File: 1.72 MB, 2560x2560, 21F0F696-9352-46FB-AC12-83B8EE15CDA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that’s true then why didn’t Norse pagans not even build one thing comparable to them? They had enough time. Even Romans and Greek didn’t build comparable temples to their gods.

>> No.16995756

Cucked and basedpilled.

>> No.16995773

I read it in Italian

t. OP

I just recommend reading it in your own language. I found my copy from a flea market so the book was written in old (based) Italian.

>> No.16995791
File: 107 KB, 400x454, pantheon rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they had iron-age levels of stonemasonry. Can't build huge stone cathedrals when you can barely build a stone hut.
>They had enough time. Even Romans and Greek didn’t build comparable temples to their gods.
Literally not true.

>> No.16995798

yeah it's pretty fucked up. christianity only became what it is because it was supported by the long dick of the roman empire.

>> No.16995805

>If that’s true then why didn’t Norse pagans not even build one thing comparable to them?
Where do you think the way of making those carved stone columns and arches in the Church in your picture originated from, or the domed ceilings of some Eastern Orthodox Churchs? From earlier Roman and Greek pagan architecture.

>> No.16995836

I'd take the great temples of the Romans/Greeks over whatever the Christians built any day. Also there is like 1800 years between the great temples of the Greeks to the things you're posting.

>> No.16995859

soul vs soulless

>> No.16995864

Yes. True. Medieval Cathedrals put everything the Romans ever built to shame in both scale and engineering prowess required -- they revolutionized building practices that are still used to this day. Can you imagine trying to design a structure comprised almost entirely of stone where the structure is supported by fucking thin panes of glass? They supported literally hundreds of tonnes of stone when the walls were made almost entirely of glass. Think about that. Want to know how? Flying Buttress' They found out through math and pure experimentation that by using these expansions of the load they could allow the 'actual' walls of the building to be weaker (and thus allowed more creativity and beauty) as they didn't need to hold the entire lateral force of the load. That's fucking genius.

>> No.16995874

>Flying Buttress' They found out through math and pure experimentation that by using these expansions of the load they could allow the 'actual' walls of the building to be weaker (and thus allowed more creativity and beauty) as they didn't need to hold the entire lateral force of the load.
And they did that while going to church on Sundays. Based Christianity! Where would Europe be without the Bible?!

>> No.16995875
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took some time to develop flying buttresses
anyway, the achievements of roman architecture cannot be understated. standing inside the pantheon, and realizing it has been here like this for 2000 years, is an amazing experience

>> No.16995877

>What's the best edition/translation,
The best edition to read is a translation of one of the various medieval-era commentaries written on the Gita (which includes the entire Gita text in the book) by some of the great Hindu saints and theologians, Jnanadeva's is the longest but also the most eloquent and poetic

>but I just want to read babbies first transla-
go hard or go home

>Shankara's Gita commentary (8th century)

>Abhinavagupta's Gita commentary (10th century)

>Ramanuja's Gita commentary (11th century)

>Jnanadeva's Gita commentary (13th century)

>> No.16995977
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>> No.16996057

Out of the ones posted here which do you prefer and why?

>> No.16996065

Mate it took 1000 years for other civilizations to surpass the Romans, that's not something to brag about

>> No.16996083

1800 years??? What are you on about? Paisley abbey was built in 1163.

>> No.16996087
File: 486 KB, 1023x656, A612030D-4BC2-4790-9151-67C6A356B826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hindu temples have cool ceilings too. Stop cherrypicking.

>> No.16996101

>dick grows +10cm
Up in your asshole?

>> No.16996103

>the measure of a religion are the cool buildings

>> No.16996107


>> No.16996122

we're in the wrong fucking timeline

>> No.16996123
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, DDC1B4AA-9FE2-498E-8D23-7188CC919CB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how much did Romans technologically advance in 500 years? Name one major Roman scientist or mathematician. Rome was like Qing China. It lacked innovation. At least in the Middle Ages you can clearly see the innovations happening.

>> No.16996136
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>> No.16996149
File: 305 KB, 956x1257, 276BAF7E-814D-42DB-B5F7-EFFBC9189869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Napoleon very correctly and most based said

>> No.16996151

There is no enlightenment in christianity, only salvation, so how could they?

>> No.16996163

>around 1330 knights get schmup style floating head satellites that shoot their enemies
>around 1450 the maximum heads are upgraded to 3

>> No.16996233
File: 615 KB, 1440x900, 9C0D1369-77A0-4122-970D-830DFC0C2815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry still not comparable. The Hindu religion has no appreciation for beauty.

>> No.16996245

Honestly all of this could happen because the Church became absurdly powerful often through very un-Christian means...

>> No.16996265
File: 167 KB, 1485x368, 560323C6-19C0-430A-9B83-A0B652CEB5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Following this religion will turn you into an Aryan Brahmin. It’s not like Christianity where people practice savagery. I swear.

>> No.16996353

Neither do you, Christian architecture has always been gaudy shit you drooling ape.

>> No.16996387

I have read none of them in their entirety yet, but I have read large portions of Shankara's and a bit less of Jnanadeva's, only a page or two of the others. I spent so much time reading through 90% of Shankara's other works first plus other Hindu texts that I have not read through his entire Gita bhasya yet, but I intend to read it from the beginning to end soon.

Shankara's is very lucid, and when he digresses from the text for a discussion it is to usually discuss a finer metaphysical point. Jnanadeva's is also very lucid, also it has the added long series of eloquent imagery and metaphors which don't occur to the same degree in Shankara. If you are newer to reading Indian philosophy I would start with Shankara's, and if you have some experience and know the lingo I would read Jnanadeva's. Ramanuja's and Abhinavagupta's are also great too. The first three have different non-dualist metaphysics they espouse in their works, Jnanadeva's is largely the same Advaita as Shankara's but with some slight modification as he belonged to the Navnath Sampradya spiritual order founded around the 10th century by the Yogi Matsyendra who is worshipped as a saint or incarnation of Shiva/Avalokiteśvara by Hindu and Buddhist Tantrists alike.

Francis X. Clooney, S.J. teaches a popular class at Harvard Divinity School where they read through both Shankara's and Ramanuja's Gita commentaries and compare them. His books about Hinduism are great too btw.

>> No.16996539

Hinduism is a worthless man-made religion. It has never served any purpose other than to prop up a centuries-old arbitrary class system that has kept India in a state of arrested development. The gurus are nothing more than con men who prey upon the poor and ignorant. The polluted and diseased India of today is the direct result of Hinduism. The only reason that idiotic religion is viewed positively in any way by 4chan users is due to 19th century memes that bear little resemblance to reality.

>> No.16996545
File: 729 KB, 1661x1033, brave_Kf1C0dgbhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian metaphysics is really top tier and Vedic philosophy is really appealing
but when you look at the ashrams in india they're dirty, cars everywhere no where near as tranquil as a temple should be
Also everything in hindu temples just seem tacky

>> No.16996594 [DELETED] 


>> No.16996610


>> No.16996611

india never comes up in the conversation of great civilizations (egypt, greece, china, rome) but it absolutely should be. india culture was ancient when rome was young

>> No.16996620


>> No.16996626

jesus would be furious that money was wasted on this shit

>> No.16996654
File: 347 KB, 1600x1395, 56A2ED6F-5930-40E6-9AE0-C5A3CB3F7B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Europe’s greatest piece of architecture coming from muzzies.

>> No.16996678

How is that India’s greatest piece of architecture didn’t even come from their rat worshipping religion? You would have thought an Aryan religion could have created something equally magnificent, but it never has in India.

>> No.16996795
File: 92 KB, 815x272, FBD9010A-76EC-49DE-B38E-4BEFF1E21A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since Europeans found out about the indo-European languages they’ve have had to pretend that Indian literature isn’t shit.

>> No.16996807

Looks like cultural and technological progress was so fucking slow back then, that's hundreds of years and barely anything has changed. We make more progress in a decade than they did in 100 years. Sad!

>> No.16996835

what the FUCK is that carved load-bearing thing at top left? looks like a sandworm from Arrakis.

>> No.16996842

>it's another episode of British guy starts his reasoning by assuming Brits are best
Haven't we had about seventy thousands of those already?

>> No.16996941

Hinduism is so shit that people who follow the religion get cucked even by animals.

I remember watching this video of a poor street vendor in India who kept having the food she was trying to sell stolen by a bunch of monkeys. She was literally like ‘what can I do? I can’t do anything. They have to be worshipped.’

How fucking cucked. That’s probably why modern westerners like it so much.

>> No.16997046

where to start with Manichaeism?

>> No.16997159

You should at least read Ecclesiastes (best part of the Bible, fite me irl), Job, the Gospels (first four books or the NT), and Revelations.

>> No.16997171

What could have been.

>> No.16997828


I'd just like to point out, if the cycle of reincarnation is actually a thing, think of how much we are brutalizing our collective spiritual psychology with factory farming methods.

>> No.16997858
File: 92 KB, 634x402, 4D606421-33A2-44F8-B441-787087DEF558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't pay respect to Lord Vishnu’s Hitler avatar
that's a cringe from me, even if the rest of the post is based

>> No.16997864

t. never reached atma-jñana or unlocked siddhi powers

>> No.16997869

>caring for animals
Objectively more godly than that cathedral

>> No.16998007

For someone who doesn't believe in Him you are awfully bold in claiming that He would share your beliefs

>> No.16998072
File: 279 KB, 1448x725, 360515AC-1A2D-4233-8025-5B9355FF88AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first animal rights laws in the world were introduced by the British in the early 19th century after strong campaigns by Christians. Christians are morally superior in every way. That’s one thing no one can deny.

>> No.16998105

Well that and the notion of timeloops and cycles and all this crazy crap permeating pop culture.

I guess you gotta cope with reincarnation when the first religion they sold you, secular happiness, was crushed into bits. But hey, you don't gotta think with Hinduism. It tells you how to do everything.

>> No.16998106

Holy cringe. The Christians could not even come close to rome in its glory days. They coped by making empires that were far from Roman and laid claim to its legacy. Roman architecture is undoubtedly more impressive than medieval shit
>muh renaissance

>> No.16998124
File: 624 KB, 1200x600, 994370DE-777C-43F0-AD3E-974408B19FA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. francis of assisi was more based than any larpagan shitler.

>> No.16998139
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x2048, C58052B0-80AF-4A78-BCB1-1FE764C1B86C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name ONE major Roman scientist or mathematician. I’ll wait.

>> No.16998144

Sati was mostly a rajput practice. It spread when their kingdom started to spread
>durr you have to be Christian to read the Bible
Jesus taught charity and pacifism zoom zoom not conquest and greed

>> No.16998206

you're wrong, read the church fathers

>> No.16998456

gnostic viewpoint that i've seen shilled on /x/

i personally don't agree with their view of the old testament, but i think you could find some value in their texts/teachings.

>> No.16998481

No sati has also been recorded as being practised by pre-Christian Slavs. Sati is an Aryan custom.

>> No.16998487

>The first animal rights laws in the world
In the western world* you mean, faggot.

>> No.16998549

Most of these were deists famalam

>> No.16998644

>it doesn’t work for me
Such an American way to put such an American feeling

>> No.16998653
File: 294 KB, 1263x656, 96DE15C0-3AB5-4065-BD43-D1F75D1AA2B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones in the list were definitely not deist. They were recorded as being very devout Christians. The scientist Robert Boyle literally gave money in his will for lectures to be held every year against deists, atheists and non-christian religions and these lectures were known to be supported by Isaac Newton himself.

>> No.16998684

just has more leds

>> No.16998686

>india never comes up in the conversation of great civilizations
literally does all the time

>> No.16998691

it just much better maintained than older temples that look way more complex than this marble crap
also a lot of stuff was destroyed...

>> No.16998707

Christian culture is centered around Jews. They have holidays for Jews. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to worship Jews. They listen to Jewish psalms. They elect a Jew as their first pope. They call you a Jew for not worshiping a Jew. They draw the entirety of their culture from Jewish mythology. They post stories about Jews. They celebrate the religious life of Early Jews. Their biggest event of the year involves the birth of a Jew. They use Jewish words like "Hallelujah" and "Amen" and name their children after Jews. When you say "Judeans/Israelites" they're not thinking of a Middle Eastern people. They're thinking of their "ancestors". Their churches are completely adorned with Jews. They worship their saints and prophets disproportionately filled with Jews and their Apostles also filled with Jews. Their men sit around dying for the King of the Kews while their women sit around praying to a Jewish mother. They worship Jews like Saul of Tarsus and Jehohanan and Thomas and the rabbi Yeshuah bar Yosef while attacking the Greeks and Romans who actually built an empire and scientific institutions before Jew worshipers took over. They hate Jews who don’t worship their Jew but love Jews who do worship him. They send their Jew worshipers to kill those who don’t worship Jews and celebrate when Ancient European monuments and shrines get destroyed because they don’t honour Jews. They read Jewish books to a point where "Holy Lands" does not make them think of their ancestral homelands but about a desert instead. They will tell you how much they hate Jews and how they threw them out all the time and they are just pretending to live with them now but the evidence speaks for itself in that Christianity has always been and will be a religion of Jew worship

>> No.16998746
File: 287 KB, 962x1089, BFEE0C6E-CA8C-4D18-8ED2-90C7335D809A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one genuinely believes in paganism, not even the wisest men in Ancient Greece believed in it. Why don’t you quit larping? Religion isn’t about where it comes from. It’s about whether you believe it to be true. Something you larpagans wouldn’t understand since you pick and choose your religion like you pick and choose your cereal.

>> No.16998755

God this board has really been taken over by philosophy pseuds, pajeets and muzzies now hasn't it? Why don't you go form your own board? We wanna discuss lit here

>> No.16998864

>>Sorry still not comparable. The Hindu religion has no appreciation for beauty.
Hindus hate hedonism

>> No.16999042
File: 303 KB, 1280x850, 91d51285ab5567d3aa1f332a467b1115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hindu architecture

>> No.16999048
File: 3.04 MB, 2141x3211, Basel_Antoniuskirche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholic architecture

>> No.16999085

I have been to the pantheon, many medival cathedrals and the vatican. I have to say, the pantheon is a FAR more impressive building. You really cannot get a sense for the scale and grandiosity of the building through a picture.

>> No.16999172

Why won't they brutally murder the leaders of these megachurches? It goes against everything the Jewish preached

>> No.16999293


>> No.16999432

No one genuinely believes in Christianity, not even the wisest men in Medieval Europe believed in it. Why don’t you quit larping? Religion is about where it comes from. It’s not about whether you believe it to be true. Something you christcucks wouldn’t understand since you pick and choose your religious branches like you pick and choose your cereal.

>> No.16999460

A very accessible but in-depth one would be the “Chinmayananda” version.

He writes with regard to psychoanalysis and makes it easy for average westerner to understand, but it’s very long, about 1500 pages.

>> No.16999474

It was like 80% philosophy pseuds some 5 years ago

>> No.16999500

This really sums it up for me. I'm drawn towards vedic philoosphy, but I'm absolutely disgusted by indians today.
India seems filthy and filled with literal trash and the indians I have met outside of India are some of the most obnoxious motherfuckers on the planet.

>> No.16999501

What are you on about? The wisest men of modern times strongly believed in Christianity like James Clerk Maxwell, Faraday, Isaac Newton, leibniz, Robert Boyle, Pascal, Gregor Mendel and many more.

You can’t say the same for the wisest men of Ancient Greece when it comes to paganism since many didn’t believe in it.

>> No.16999510


>> No.16999514

That seems tacky, way too overloaded. Baroque without the elegance.

>> No.16999526

Ah, a classic, a Jew in faith becomes a Jew in mind over time. Clearly there is no logical fallacy in comparing people who lived in one small to medium-sized region more than 2000 years ago to people who lived in an entire continent less than 1000 years ago. I am glad that you Abrahamists are dying out faster than any other faith.

>> No.16999537

>just recognise that the Old Testament is actually a history of the demiurge and his doomed alliance with the Jews. New Testament is 500% light-pilled
how can that be, when the new testament is entirely dependent on the old one to be true? if the god of the old testament is not the same as the one of the new, then the prophecies of the messiah are all false as well, and the message of christ jesus is made up

>> No.16999549

Ohm... based

>> No.16999553

>faster than any other faith
what other faith? there is none, false religions are dead

>> No.16999554

Whatever is good about Christianity is not Christian. Whatever is Christian is not good.

>> No.16999571

>t.coping street shitter
go find a cow to worship, rakesh

>> No.16999589

You sound like a faggot with a typical hatred for Christianity. If you surprisingly not one then I hope any children you have become trannies without Christianity.

And ‘muh pure Greek pagan religion.’ Nobody ever told you that Greeks worshipped a number of Semitic gods and goddesses faggot?

>> No.16999603

>St. Maximus
>St Dionysius
>John Damascene
>Hugh of St Victor
>Albertus Magnus
>Gregory of Nyssa
study more

>> No.16999638

it is an unfair comparison only if you agree that the ''greek religion'' was not a real religion, but a mess of common beliefs with the purpose of mere social cohesion. otherwise it has no logical fallacy.

>> No.16999665

Islam has succcessfully replaced Christianity as the mightiest modern religion
Hilarious, the modern Western world stems from Christianity and "coincidentally" has created societies where faggots flourish best, while the pagan Germanics who are now the epitome of faggotry and cuckoldry were killing faggots. It is hilarious to witness the seething coming from kikes sectants like yourself. I don't care about Greek paganism's purity you inbred son of a whore.

>> No.16999688

It is an unfair comparison because less sources have been made in the epoch where Greek paganism dominant in Greece compared to the High and Late Middle Ages and even post-Medieval era that the other anon mentioned with his Neutons and Mendels. On top of that the more time passes the higher is the chance of a source to be lost/destoyed/corrupted, but these 2 concepts are too hard to think on for kikes.

>> No.16999709

>Islam is replacing you

>> No.16999721

>christians are responsible for this progressist society!!!
>christians were all medieval brutes hampering the progress of modern world!!!
can you people decide yourselves, please?

>> No.16999732

Both of you are dying out, one faster than the other. Islam and Christianity might be growing in numbers, I have not checked the stats and won't bother, but I do know that with the growth of Islam also increases their migration to the West and liberalisation/deislamisation, hence their religion becoming no more than a label, and in the case of Christians the growth if even existent is holding on due to the boom of Negroids, which makes it even more hilarious for someone who believes to be intelligent to follow this faith.

>> No.16999734
File: 62 KB, 479x479, KQRoZ5Y-4606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x culture is better than y culture because look at building

stop that

>> No.16999743

Who is "you people" you retarded kike. You don't sincerely believe that everyone who hates Christianity is an SJW liberal, do you? You can't be that retarded surely, even for a kike.

>> No.16999744


This board is sheltered white college guys venting about whatever comes to mind, with extra jingoism added on top of any topic. What did you expect?

>> No.16999747

you will never pass

>> No.16999771

I have absolutely no idea how you can account for your assumed abyssal disparity in sources between them. In the same way we have also lost/not translated sources on the Middle Ages, we also have countless of materials about the epoch and its most varied aspects in detail. The details may not be as common as in the ancient greek world, but still we have a bibliographic corpus more than enough to have a precise account of the epoch.

>> No.16999777

Shut up and go suck odin’s semen from his cock.

>> No.16999780

anti-christians. you people are on the same side as sjw liberals.

>> No.16999796

>t. onions chugging moron who will never look beyond the tourist sites

>> No.16999804

the more i read threads about eastern beliefs the more i realize it is an anti-christian cope for actual hylics. just watch how many will defend a concept of biological race and material benefits.

>> No.16999815

> says Christianity is quickly declining and dying
> Also says that faggotry and cuckoldry has become more common


>> No.16999822

these people are not the orientalits, which I respect much more since they are coherent with their spiritual doctrines. these are neopagans who hold distorted romanticized beliefs about ancient paganism (formless as well, ironically enough) grounded on resentment and political bias. no intellectual foundation, no spirituality, no honesty at all.

>> No.16999829

for someone obsessed with racialism you seem to care about purity, anon

>> No.16999840

I swear to god, you people are the greatest tragicomedy in existence. The only source that claims Odin sucked semen was a Jew.

Liberalism was caused by Christianity. Anti-Christians are anti-liberal by default. Christians declared that their faith is the one to lead their societies, and every degeneracy and self-destruction that has spawned in these Christian societies must be blamed on who? Who except Christians is responsible for every dysgenic belief that the West now acknowledges to be its cornerstone.

>> No.16999844

yes, most must be pol users as well. pol is all about the fixation on biological race as ideal and above spirituality

>> No.16999847

are we dying out or growing in numbers anon? is modernity a problem and antagonist to abrahamic faiths or their consequences? also, what are you on about this boom of negroids? africa is mostly radical antichristian islamic

>> No.16999857

See >>16999840
Those responsible for the decline of Christianity are Christians themselves. It is clear that they have attempted to create a system of belief that lasts, but they failed, and they therefore are responsible for that the West is flooded in sin.

>> No.16999858


You will never have sex

>> No.16999898

>Anti-Christians are anti-liberal by default
You have absolutely no ground on reality. Leave 4chan and go read a book. The very liberal society was founded on anti-clericalism, we only have liberal society because of secularism. This is why I admire and side with real pagans, they know the real enemy is modernity and its offspring. You are so dumb you are serving exactly the ones you claim to hate. You are brainwashed.

>> No.16999902

Christianity is dying out, those who label themselves Christian are growing in numbers, in Africa as I said. Just because I call myself playing with voodoo dolls a Christian act doesn't mean it is, neither does it mean I am a Christian.

Modernity is a result of Christianity. Islam cannot result in modernity.

Most Sub-Saharan Africans are Christians you fucking retard


>> No.16999909

Spirituality is a reflection of race you mongrel

>> No.16999912

Oh sure, nothing to do with genocide againts christians in far east, in soviet union and other socialist ideologies bred by secular anti-metaphysical modernity...

>> No.16999928

>the noncontingent is a reflection of the contingent

>> No.16999948

I am from a Christian post-Soviet Caucasian nation. I know better than any of you faggots here that nations who choose Christianity choose weakness and therefore choose being slaughtered like the lambs that they love so much to be. It is the responsibility of every proud man to abandon the ideology of the conquered, of the enslaved and contribute towards his nation abandoning that mind virus.

>> No.16999952

Damn. Actually based.

>> No.16999953
File: 320 KB, 1200x1174, 772A19D3-6F6E-4ACD-A363-154D75A24678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Roman pagans still existed. They were so based they made an Arab their emperor. Even the British empire wasn’t progressive enough to make an Arab their emperor.

>> No.16999970

In the political/governamental world Christianity was dead since the anti-clerical, materialist revolutions. Today this corruption spreads even into the clergy and for this reason Christianity still survives peripherically in relation to the world, which spirituality itself is fringe. The decadence of Christianity is the consequence of modernity as I have shown. Keep claiming modernity is a result of Christianity like the very npc you are, illusion and falsity are your own refreshments. Also I recognize I was wrong, the majority of Africa is indeed christian, nevertheless I still can't see your point on this.

>> No.17000000

Do you realize Paganism is not an organized religion you inbred kike? Paganism is the absence of organized religion. This concept must not be hard to grasp even for a midwit, are you clinically retarded? Do you not understand the irony in criticizing the pagan empire that was the first to accept Christianity and then the reason for Christianity's quick and wide spread? The people who tolerated their empire being ruled by Arabs were precisely those that became Christians.

>> No.17000005


>> No.17000012

I'm here from the link, what's the context

>> No.17000018

>the body affects the soul and spirit
hylic take. traditionalists like guenon call this "inversion"

>> No.17000022
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>> No.17000024

Guenon is a rat

>> No.17000025

Inbred kikes and christards BTFO and checked hexs(?)

>> No.17000030
File: 50 KB, 640x724, 36AD6B7B-3051-454B-8B0C-4BF5BBD9758B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European Christians are more conservative than European atheists when it comes to literally everything. I really don’t know what these losers are on about when saying Christians are liberals.

>> No.17000032

repeating numericals have been acknowledged

>> No.17000037

t. pol user
go back to pol and worship your white prideness. surely it is the last hope for the west... or is it precisely the cause?

>> No.17000039


>> No.17000046

Correlation with old people being more proud and more traditionalist in general, which also includes endogamy. Now do this poll on zoomers.

>> No.17000056

My only activity on /pol/ had the purpose to make poltards seethe

>> No.17000070

Christian ideology led directly liberalism by placing individualism and allegiance to abstract ideals in place of allegiance to the in-group.

What your stats show is that people who are conservative by nature are also more disposed to religion, whatever that may be. If Europe were Muslim conservatives would be more Muslim too.

>> No.17000071

as if zoomers could start a family and defend traditional values in the first place.

atheistic people are the most 'child-free' and will simply vanish. they have no reason to hold conservative views as they have no families on their own. the resent builds up upon the juvenile years to the old age when they realize they accomplished nothing of worth and will die alone, barren

>> No.17000075

>nations who choose Christianity
This already proves how much of a braindead illiterate you are. The concept of nation is already a product of modern corruption, it is completely antagonistic to the territorial culture of the Middle Ages and real christian political epoch. Modern nations only made (still more and more advanced their complete uprooting of any trace and influence of christianity in any constitutive element of a nation) a loophole to a chirstian culture because as I said the majority of people in the West are still christian.
Christ never preached weakness, christians must die for the faith or fight for it, in neither of these cases there is a passive behavior. However, any reactive response by christians are suppressed by the modern State for it holds the monopoly of force. Any one defending his faith against modern corruptions is considered a ''radical'' since the new religion of laicism reduces all spirituality, all religions to the same indifferent ''beliefs'' in the crassest sense.

>> No.17000086

>Christian ideology led directly liberalism by placing individualism and allegiance to abstract ideals in place of allegiance to the in-group.
this has always happened in the historic cycles. individualism was not a product of christianity, but of revolutionary minds. not the first time this happened in history.

>> No.17000099


nationalism was created by the bourgeois to usurp the spiritual authority of the church and temporal power of the aristocrats

>> No.17000103

>The concept of nation is already a product of modern corruption
Wrong. Retard. Nation simply is the ethnic group, which may or may not have a national state. Thus we have a basque nation without a state, the Jews were a nation without a state for the longest time. Ethnic groups exist for as long as we can remember. You commit the baby’s error of confusing nation with national state and have the gall of calling anyone anything. Stop posting.

>> No.17000111

>It is the responsibility of every proud man to abandon the ideology of the conquered
tell this to your neopagan poltard friends. can't you see how much of a dumb contradictory retard you are?

>> No.17000125

too late

>> No.17000143

>The concept of nation is already a product of modern corruption
Midwit filtered
Where is the contradiction

>> No.17000165
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It says that even when controlling for age and other factors Christian Europeans remain more conservative.

>> No.17000177

>Nation simply is the ethnic group
Each post proves you are more retarded than I expected. There is simply no ethnic homogeneity in the extension of a centralized nation you imbecile.
A nation was always seen as a common territory based solely on external and superficial factors, but most of the cases even laws and languages differed from region to region. The corruption of modern times is homogenizing these superficialities through the centralized monopoly represented by the State, undermining every local, regional particular differences.

>> No.17000185

Thanks. But is this study about religious minorities alone and immigrants in general? As in, I have talked to many Christian Poles who are fine with black Christians immigrating to Poland. If the intolerance of Christians in the study is only targetted at non-Christians, this doesn't really refute what I said about Christianity being borderline or fully ethnomasochistic.

>> No.17000198

>a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

>the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

>national tradition

You are such a joke lmao

>> No.17000203

would you rather accept an atheistic white liberal or a black orthodox catholic? if you choose the former you are prioritizing the wrong pole, as if the body was above the spirit

>> No.17000212

Is the Hebrew Bible a modern corrupt book?
> Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
Psalms 33:12
> And He will judge between the nations,
Isaiah 2:4
Just stop posting you dumb fuck. You’re embarrassing your self.

>> No.17000229

The spirit is tied to the body and different bodies cannot have different spirits. I would rather a Black Orthodox over a White liberal to join my society, but that is like a choice between cow shit and deer shit, I just give you an answer not to be blamed for avoiding the question, but the question is bad.

>> No.17000237

different bodies cannot have similar spirits*

>> No.17000261

why do you resent the black so much? by black orthodox we should assume his spirituality would surpass any ethnic ethics, as it is the case for spiritually mature people who go beyond the ethical stage. what would remain of him would be his skin color and physical traits. if that matters so much for you then you are too much concerned about little things --- quite the opposite of any supposed racial superiority.

>> No.17000282

I do not resent blacks taken as a group, only slightly dislike, if you are so interested in my racial attitudes, but you gave me a choice involving a black, so I gave a fitting answer. Nature does not allow a man to transcend his racial limits. Physiognomy is real.

>> No.17000302

See people? This is the essence of Christianity, placing ideology in front of the ethnic group like I said here >>17000070

>> No.17000305

>The Hebrew word for “nation” used here, haggow, could also be read “the people”; it signifies a group of insiders.
You really think the word employed has any similarity to the word employed in modern contexts you inbred retard?

>> No.17000320

Thank you, you are proving my point even though you are too dumb to understand it.

>> No.17000325

Lmao he is right, and so is this
You will always be a midwit.

>> No.17000326

christianity is not an ideology
>nature does not allow a man to transcend his racial limits
that is on materialistic world view. when we talk about spirituality we presuppose the transcendence of one's body and pysche.

>> No.17000328

>You really think the word employed has any similarity to the word employed in modern contexts you inbred retard?
No! It is literally YOU who does, by confusing the concept of nation with that of national state! Oh the irony!
Holy shit I’ve seen some dumb muthafuckers on 4chin but you’re something special! How do you manage to stay alive?

>> No.17000333

Post your face

>> No.17000335

>christianity is not an ideology
True believers always think that their ideology is not an ideology. Marxists think that what they believe is science.

>> No.17000343

A body cannot be transcended. I know this doesn't fit with your cope, but any claim to transcending the body is schizophrenia or delusion

>> No.17000349

The problem you dumbfuck is that there is no distinction in modern times, thus, NATION is a product of modern corruption as said >>17000075. You are illiterate and can't interpret such a basic thing.

>> No.17000354

You are repeating the anti-nationalistic left wing dogma about nations never existing before the French revolution. I am in absolute awe how someone as stupid as you can have so much audacity to insult actually at least somewhat intelligent people on this thread.

>> No.17000358

Just for your information, but people of varied ethnic backgrounds were conjoined in pagan groups. Platonists were comprised from greeks, africans, near eastern people and there were marriages between them. Ideology is your own conception of racialism above what is unchangeable and true.

>> No.17000360

In her book Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900–1300, Susan Reynolds argues that many European medieval kingdoms were nations in the modern sense except that political participation in nationalism was available only to a limited prosperous and literate class.[12] In his book The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism, Adrian Hastings states that England's Anglo Saxon kings mobilized mass nationalism in their struggle to repel Norse invasions. He argues that Alfred the Great, in particular, drew on biblical nationalism, using biblical language in his law code and that during his reign selected books of the Bible were translated into Old English to inspire Englishmen to fight to turn back the Norse invaders. Hastings argues for a strong renewal of English nationalism (following a hiatus after the Norman conquest) beginning with the translation of the complete bible into English by the Wycliffe circle in the 1380s, positing that English nationalism and the English nation have been continuous since that time.[13]

Another prudent example of Medieval nationalism is the Declaration of Arbroath, a document produced by Scottish nobles and clergy during the Scottish Wars of Independence. The purpose of the document was to demonstrate to the Pope that Scotland was indeed a nation of its own, with its own unique culture, history and language and that it was indeed an older nation than England. The document went on to justify the actions of Robert the Bruce and his forces in resisting the occupation and to chastise the English for having violated Scottish sovereignty without justification. The propaganda campaign supplemented a military campaign on the part of the Bruce, which after the Battle of Bannockburn was successful and eventually resulted in the end of England's occupation and recognition of Scottish independence on the part of the English crown. The document is widely seen as an early example of both Scottish nationalism and popular sovereignty.

Anthony Kaldellis affirms in Hellenism in Byzantium (2008) that what is called the Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire transformed into a nation-state in Middle Ages.

Azar Gat is among the scholars who argue that China, Korea and Japan were nations by the time of the European Middle Ages.[14]

From the corrupt Modern period known as the Middle Ages lmao!

Just kys and hope to be born with a brain next time.

>> No.17000367
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stop insulting each other we are all frens shipwrecked in this fallen world

>> No.17000369

I’m doing the exact opposite of what you said. Are you sure you’re quoting the right person?

>> No.17000376

>You are repeating the anti-nationalistic left wing dogma about nations never existing before the French revolution
It’s the guy that I’m responding to that is doing that, and I’m arguing against it. Learn basic reading comprehension then come back.

>> No.17000382

If half the questions asked about the Bible in terms of origin and truthfulness were also asked about the Gita, it would be completely ignored by these goofy upper class white people who are being sucked into Hinduism. Aside from that the text is so damn vague that you can legitimately read whatever you want into it.

>> No.17000385

Neopaganism is the funniest thing to come out of this wretched, spiritualy bankrupt society.
It is a literal LARP, each and every single one of the defenders of the pagan religions knows deep down they can't bring themselves to believe in them.
Everything is posturing, cultural remarks about the weakness of the west, but there is not an ounce of sincere conviction.
The impossibility of forcing yourself to believe would be truly tragic if those people weren't so repulsive.
At the end of the day, only sicnere spiritualy can bring you out of the hole you have dig yourselves into, and you won't find that shilling Odin in an imageboard.

>> No.17000388

I am glad you acknowledged it was directed towards you lmao

>> No.17000395

you are so dumb that you still can't see my point.

>> No.17000401

yes but the new age mindset is already about "we are all gods" and "just trust your inner feelings bro". all things satanic on a spiritual level. this predisposition would pose no problem for them to give their "personal" interpretation

>> No.17000424

Why are you even in this thread you materialist bugman? Our common ground of discussion is something you are dismissing altogether, so what is even the point of your presence here?

>> No.17000427

It's only vague if you aren't familiar with the specific terminology it uses. Unfortunately Gita isn't a standalone work and it is situated within the zeitgeist of ancient Indian philosophy. Lots of terms and concepts it casually throw around don't have English equivalents. you need to be acquainted with ancient Indian Philosophical discourse to understand them. Even Indian hindu scholars misinterpret it all the time.

>> No.17000429

>ur dum!
Nigga your non point has been dead since my first post itt here >>17000103
Where I proved that you have the IQ of a baby. Now I’m just poking the dead body.

>> No.17000441

You’re braindead

>> No.17000450

I've read multiple different commentaries and they all came away from the text with mutually exclusive interpretations and systems. This is not a controversial opinion in any degreaa because the Hindus themselves actually see this as a positive aspect of Sanatana Dharma.

>> No.17000458

You are seething. You must thank Yeshua every day that you live in the era of the internet. You would be laying half-dead on the street had you been such an annoying faggot in real life.

>> No.17000523

You have no idea what you are talking about. The idea of a nation was not one grounded on the same elements of a specific region, which was comprised by a much more coherent culture, ethnicity, history, etc. See the greek world, it is the best example. The ‘nation of Israel’ has always been grounded on these constitutive elements, and because of that was coherent and equivalent to some regions of ancient greece (their territory was perhaps also equivalent). This distinction between nation and national state is irrelevant to my point, there was no distinction before for the very fact of this distinction being evident only now with the subjugation of that understanding of nation (a coherence comprised by different regions and localities) to the homogenized centralized monopoly of modern states.

>> No.17000529

You speak nonsense

>> No.17000593

You don’t even know what’s been discussed and who’s arguing what in the conversation and you’re not even aware lmao!

>> No.17000613

You’re just embarrassing yourself. Do go on.

>> No.17000634

Checked christcucks btfo'd.

>> No.17000655

nice get lol

>> No.17000993

sounds pretty homosexual

>> No.17001018

How do I become loosh-neutral?

>> No.17001125

>you only need to believe, bro!
I can't say I'm surprised that you're idiotic enough to not realize how following a specific line of thought impacts your entire life, but given your level of argumentation perhaps you deserve to get fucked.

>> No.17001251

one need only set eyes upon a modern man from the sub-continent to dismiss all of eastern religion

>> No.17001322

Stop posting this in every thread about religion you absolute brainlet

>> No.17001427

Well if you measure the worth of religion or holy book with material gain, you are doing something wrong. You went to the things that don't save you, or stop your cycle of reincarnation, i.e wealth and relationships. You did that after reading religious texts, which is kind of ironic.

>> No.17002355
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How can you say the Christian faith is soulless? The vast majority of missions done in the world are by Christians and all of these churches are open to the public and are meant to inspire a sense of awe and uplift people's spirits. You sound like the communist-type who despises strength and beauty because in your mind it's not inclusive enough.

>> No.17002411

I dunno, Japan and Korea's doing pretty good.

>> No.17002470
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>Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Anaxagoras, and Pericles were not devout polytheists because they viewed the gods in; to moderns, unorthodox ways but Descartes, Newton, Leibnitz and Pascal were all genuine orthodox Christians, and this proves the superiority of Christianity and Jesus
I hate Christians so much

>> No.17002580

This might be the dumbest post I've ever seen on /lit/, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.17002674

Yes, Christ came and caused a schism between the jews. Some accepted his word and became part of a new Christian covenant and others rejected his word and formed a new judaism that took great pains to distinguish itself from christianity.

>> No.17002720

Japan and Korea aren't Hindu

>> No.17002728

I can't affirm for sure about the others but saying that Plato was a polytheist instead of a henotheist is the utmost expression of someone who has not read any thing from him.

>> No.17002967

Take an architecture course, gothic cathedrals are not supported by glass. Having so many windows is a feat of architectural design, where temples used to be dark as shit before, it was in the gothic age possible to have the HEAVENLY LIGHT OF THE CREATOR assist in worship.

What is more based? Worshipping in the dark or worshipping in the light?

>> No.17003001

I don't really get this opinion at all. The bible has interesting narratives, while the bhagavadgita is absolutely boring trash in comparison.

Maybe it has something to do with the translations.

>> No.17003407
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Agree. Go ask your acharya if you think calling Christians cucks on the internet is commendable behaviour. Go ask your confessor if you think calling Hindus on the internet streetshitters is commendable behaviour.
Time for evening prayer and bed, you be good and stop fighting!

>> No.17003430

A hard distinction between polytheism and henotheism is a fake one. A henotheist is a polytheist.

>> No.17003636

>not calling it Chadavad Gita

>> No.17003758

I don’t know if you’ve heard but something called “colonization” occurred where the British stole billions out of the country and left India with nothing.

So with no money in the country and with hordes of people traumatised due to colonization, it’s no wonder that effects of that still persist today.

You fail to see that the Gita was written before the Bible. Compare that period rather than present day India. Anyone can also compare Christianity and modern western countries which have morally and spiritually degenerated although maintaining your superficial cleanliness and material wealth. You’re all miserable and afraid of the slightest challenge in your worldview.

You’ll understand what I’m taking about if you read some guenon. See beyond your prejudice, nobody wants to mislead you with the Gita. It’s lessons are valuable to anyone, just as the lessons from the Bible, Quran, etc are valuable as well.

>> No.17003824

Arbitrary post. Ironically Plato himself puts a hard distinction between the One-Principle/Good and all other principles that follow from it. All other ''pagan'' platonists vouch for it.

>> No.17003873

Jesus was a Jew lol!

>> No.17003903

No really. An actual Jew, not just some miser or weaselly person. A literal big-nosed, curly-haired, brown Palestinian Jew.

>> No.17003988


>> No.17004025

>You fail to see that the Gita was written before the Bible

>> No.17004714

>came for the GET
>stayed for the thoughtful insight

>> No.17004742

If by Paganism he means Roman religion, then he is wrong.

>> No.17005093

>No one genuinely believes in Christianity
Name a single person who believes in Zeus or Odin. You have an hour.

>> No.17005130

I would murder all of you if I met you.

>> No.17005150

Have sex incel

>> No.17005164


>> No.17005428

You would if you could

>> No.17005645

Have you seen the Hindu temples? They're fucking amazing.

>> No.17005691

>all of eastern religion

>> No.17005934
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"Reflect then how great an evil it is for us, who ought to live so purely as not even to need written words, but to yield up our hearts, as books, to the Spirit; now that we have lost that honor, and have come to have need of these, to fail again in duly employing even this second remedy. For if it be a blame to stand in need of written words, and not to have brought down on ourselves the grace of the Spirit; consider how heavy the charge of not choosing to profit even after this assistance, but rather treating what is written with neglect, as if it were cast forth without purpose, and at random, and so bringing down upon ourselves our punishment with increase."


>> No.17006071

>Romans and Greek didn’t build comparable temples to their gods
Dude what

>> No.17006100

Your architectural dick waving contest is pathetic.

>> No.17006645

>"Chad Yogi"
>not even smarter than your average bear