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/lit/ - Literature

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16999082 No.16999082 [Reply] [Original]

The best of modern 21st century japanese literature is from LNs. LNs are more inventive and creative than normal japanese literature.

here's a bunch of examples from various genres ranging from sci-fi to mystery to sol
>Humanity has declined
>Disco Tantei Suiyobi
>Iriya no sora
>Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere/Owari no chronicle
>murasaki iro no qualia
>Kimi ga boku wo
>101 meter hanareta koi

>> No.16999091

>Inb4 LNs are just YA of japan
false. Different labels appeal to different age demographics. They are just subculture novels like pulpfiction.

>> No.16999161

You forgot to mention toaru majutsu no index

>> No.16999190

I just read a light novel and it was fun but it was not anywhere near what I would call lit. Might try one of these out I guess. But if it seems bad I'm dropping it

>> No.16999329

>anime for LN is announced
>fans of this LN swear "it's not like the others" and it's actually the best thing ever
>anime comes out
>it's more bottom of the barrel crap and the differences with the other generic shit are just cosmetic
I've never encountered a single counterexample to this cycle.

>> No.16999332

Index is fucking trash

>> No.16999345

I have read a lot of LNs because they are an easy way to fill a boring afternoon (better than mindless internet browsing, at least) but I've never encountered one I would put close to even low literature like genre fiction or the little bit of YA I've read.

>> No.16999352

Yeah, novels (light, visual) are better than anime. Your point?

>> No.16999366

>I-I swear the shitty story is good in the source material

>> No.16999365

Anime is always better than light novels because you don't have to suffer the terrible prose and can enjoy the visuals and VA performances. The only ones crying are the weeb autists who treat these garbage novels as their holy gospel

>> No.16999374

They also like to argue that these things have good prose, but it is not translatable so it's just a coincidence that they all read like juvenile trash in English.

>> No.16999375

Fate stay/night is 10/10 as a game and anime is shit. The characters are different and the feeling is much different. It's well animated and story is mostly the same, but the vibe is much different, less rich.

>> No.16999384

>Fate stay/night is 10/10 as a game
>as a game
An important qualification. It's more like 3/10 as a piece of literature.

>> No.16999386
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Grow up

>> No.16999395

Nah, 3/10 would be an average visual novel
Fate/stay night has some nice dreamy Homerian descriptions. It's like 6/10 as a piece of literature, which is better than 90% of young adult books

>> No.16999399

Imagine being a grown man and being obsessed with reading stories about the relationship problems of teenage girls.

>> No.16999405

>It's like 6/10 as a piece of literature
Weebs actually believe this.

>> No.16999409

imagine being a grown man assuming that the thing is x, because you think so, so it must be that way

>> No.16999418

>Imagine living in 21st century and still reading books about depressed incels.
I can make low effort shitposts too

>> No.16999420

I know how it is because VNs were my primary hobby for years.

>> No.16999423

Read any one of the LNs I mentioned in OP? Don't believe /a/.

>> No.16999428

Not really. Almost all light novels are made from a consumerism point of view, this is clear from the fact that editors have the power to change whatever they want in the story if they think it will appeal to more people that way and honestly I see little worth in works made by people who are shackled by the greed of businessmen and consequently write for money instead of art. That said, I did try some light novels (Re Zero, HakuMari) and I was quite disappointed by their writing, it's indeed not even close to classic literature, there's no style, no particularly noteworthy descriptions, nothing, it's just straightfoward and made to be understood by the lowest common denominator. In regards to the stories themselves, it resembles anime and that's it, there's nothing really deep, noteworthy or even comparable to good literature in LNs because the whole market does not allow for that, it's a market made to appeal to anime fans, not to make good literature. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to like it, everyone has their guilty pleasures, but you're either misguided or turning a blind eye to the truth when saying things like
>The best of modern 21st century japanese literature is from LNs
Because if that was true, it would be more of a statement on how poor modern japanese literature is than on the quality of light novels themselves.

>> No.16999429

What books are those? I've never read one.

>> No.16999431

>”Grow Up”
>reads undergraduate tier vapid American fiction about racism and adventure for remainder of life, like a boss

>> No.16999433

There are VNs that deal with cool themes like saihate no ima, sakura no uta, muramasa.

>> No.16999436

Well at least in comparison with /lit/ fags who posture with hardcover stacks of classics that guy actually read what he claims to be his hobby

>> No.16999442

>There are VNs with cool themes like these that I purposefully picked because they aren't translated and I assume you can't read them, thus allowing me to make this claim without facing any criticism ;)
All of you faggots are the same.

>> No.16999446

LNs are written terribly, and that's coming from someone who likes anime and manga

>> No.16999451

Mccarthy trash

>> No.16999456

Which one is about a "depressed incel"?

>> No.16999463

>When your hobby is so shitty you can only defend it by appealing to things you haven't read

>> No.16999465

Commenting about translated prose made by people without any experience in creative writing doesn't indicate the quality of the original prose

>> No.16999472

Since when is FSN a light novel?

>> No.16999476

I will care about this cope when you can
1) point to a single translation that you consider acceptable, and
2) prove that you know Japanese

>> No.16999481
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It's very ridiculous to me how those visual novels like SubaHibi tries to touch on deep themes like Wittgenstein's philoosphy but then in the middle they throw some completely unrelated porn fanservice. How do they expect me to take their stories seriously when they themselves made the game to appeal to otakus?

>> No.16999486

Not really. Almost all classic novels are made from a pseudery point of view, this is clear from the fact that pseud authors have the tendency to write whatever they want in the story if they think it will appeal to pseuds that way and honestly I see little worth in works made by people who are shackled by their pretentiousness and consequently write for pseudery instead of art. That said, I did try some classics (Ready Player One, The Alchemist) and I was quite disappointed by their writing, it's indeed not even close to Light Novels, there's no style, no particularly noteworthy descriptions, nothing, it's just straightfoward and made to be understood by the lowest common denominator. In regards to the stories themselves, it resembles tv shows and that's it, there's nothing really deep, noteworthy or even comparable to good LNs because the whole market does not allow for that, it's a market made to appeal to pseuds, not to make good literature. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to like it, everyone has their guilty pleasures, but you're either misguided or turning a blind eye to the truth when saying things like
>The best of western literature is the western classics
Because if that was true, it would be more of a statement on how poor western literature is than on the quality of classics themselves

>> No.16999490

That's not true because even if it was a bad translation you'd still be able to see some sparks of geniality from the author's prose, even longer and better descriptions, but no LN I read had any of that. It's possible to see clearly even through a bad translation that the author can't write on a high level.

>> No.16999494

>Ready Player One, The Alchemist
Those books aren't classics.

>> No.16999506

LNs/VNs aren't translated by pros. localization cartel just hires normal fans who can read japanese. This doesn't affect the quality of bland bullshit like moege or harem romcom LNs but these people's poor skills can't do justice to the original prose when translating works of writers like romeo, akiyama etc who are celebrated for their prose style in japanese circles.

>> No.16999518

Waiting on you to answer either of my criteria. My reasoning is
1) I find it inconceivable that there is not a single successful translation that is able to convey the supposed quality of these works, and
2) if you do not know Japanese then you are speaking from secondhand knowledge and have no clue what these authors' prose style is like to begin with.

>> No.16999525

Read oosawa megumi stuff if you want longer and complex witty descriptions

>> No.16999530

*Google 大澤めぐみ
Searching in English doesn't give any results

>> No.16999543

I'll add it to my list.

>> No.16999544

>Read this thing that isn't translated. I'm not actually recommending it, but I'm giving you something I know you can't read because it insulates me from any criticism ;)
Always the same thing.

>> No.16999556

1)there are translations which are superior to original Japanese prose but it's due to the original text being terrible to begin with. I already explained to you why none of these subculture authors whose prose is celebrated in Japanese circles have any good translations(most of them don't even have any translations).
2)I can read Japanese.

>> No.16999564

>most of them don't even have any translations
Wow how convenient for the weebs that like to talk about their genius prose style.

>> No.16999569

And yet I'm perfectly capable of judging the classics

>> No.16999570

Most of the books I mentioned in OP are well-known and critically acclaimed in Japan. I'm not pulling some obscure shit out of ass to seem like an enlightened hipster. It's not my fault most of them aren't translated.

>> No.16999582
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>LN localization doesn't use honorifics
>the translator slips up and there's a name with honorifics at least once per volume
It feels so natural to everyone who reads this shit, why even try westernize it? Or else get an actual proofreader to avoid embarrassing blunders like this

>> No.16999583

The weeb must always appeal to untranslated material. As soon as something is translated, he knows it is exposed and its inferiority becomes apparent. Oh, that thing, that I was just telling you was a masterpiece? You read it in English? Oh.. uh... *cough* well, it's not really that great, as you can tell. My tastes have simply improved, haha.

>> No.16999584

I'm aware of Zaregoto and Qualia. They're meh.

>> No.16999597

Are you referring to kamige meme in VN community? VN communities actually get a lot of good stuff translated unlike LNs where most of the time only those with popular anime adaptation is translated.

>> No.16999622

Oh it applies to VNs too. Dies Irae is a good example. For those who remember, it was a "literary masterpiece" prior to being translated. Now our Japanese speaking friends don't like to talk about it anymore for some reason.

>> No.16999634

My main problem with VNs is that the medium forces writes to adhere to a certain harem format or school setting or teenshit problems or moe tropes.
Something like jintai isn't possible in eroge medium.

>> No.16999640


>> No.16999649

Reminds me how /a/ would swear the Sword Art Online LN was the best shit ever before it got animated.

>> No.16999661

There are VNs that don't have any of that, they're just rare. Try Hanachirasu.

>> No.16999667
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You missed it. Went right over your head

>> No.16999695

Not the medium, but the market.

>> No.16999699

I know there are a couple of good exceptions. I used jintai as an example because it exudes creative energy that Romeo never exhibited to such level when he worked on VNs even when he was working on high level concepts in Saihate no ima.

>> No.16999723

I seriously tried to read a couple LNs. They were written at like an 8th grade reading level and I just couldn’t continue.

>> No.16999758
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Subahibi filtered me once, but then I came back and loved it. It's the only VN that I would rec to everybody on /lit/. It's an epic trip. It will be fun to come back to it again after I've read all the books mentioned in it.

>> No.16999761

This shit gets even more annoying in Sakura no uta where sca-ji can't make up his mind whether he wants a bland moege with horny one-dimensional heroines or high level art stuff.

>> No.16999782

IMO that was why it was good. I don't know why a girl getting raped by a dog and philosophical musings shouldn't be allowed to exist in the same work. He definitely writes for otakus, but idk that's fine by me. I don't think any of the whacky stuff excludes it from being considered serious.

>> No.16999819

The only VN I've played approaching /lit/ level was YU NO

>> No.16999869

There's too much porn. 80% of the invention chapter is literally just fetish porn. It's completely overdone, ruins the pacing, funny instead of being disturbing or disorienting. I get the point but the writer could've removed half of those porn scenes to come up with a better way to communicate the sense of dread and suffering.

>> No.16999880

Island is better

>> No.16999890

It has like one decent chapter. I don't get why this is so liked.

>> No.16999896

You get a porn scene of the female teacher raping her father, then a porn scene of her riding her bike around in public naked while pissing herself, then you DON'T get a porn scene of her being used as a human toilet by all the cult members. The game really dropped the ball at that point, IMO.

>> No.16999899

No one cares about it these days.
JOPs have latched onto musicus

>> No.16999910

I don't mind it. Porn is a given in this medium.

It's My Own Invention and Looking Glass Insects are both great. I agree that the stuff that comes after that is weak, but those two stories make the work.

Well, it is a 10 year old game.

>> No.16999921

Unlike other games, they won't get years to lord this one over people since it has a translation coming out in a few months.

>> No.16999944

I don't know if you know japanese but how is muramasa? Is it another case of JOPs overhyping because it's never ever tier? Dies Irae and subahibi were both called goats by JOPs but turned out to be mediocre shit.

>> No.17000002

The writer only wrote two VNs. The other one, Hanachirasu, is translated, so you can read that to get a rough idea. It's very good.

>> No.17000011
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FUCK OFF Tojolover, this is an AMERICAN website.

>> No.17000021


Is this inspired by Mishima?

>> No.17000036
File: 58 KB, 759x408, hanachirasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, though it primarily has to do with the setting.

>> No.17000084

I think musicus will become a cult classic among EOPs. JOPs as always overrated and overhyped it. This is probably the easiest recommendation to people who aren't really into otaku media aesthetic/tropes. It at least has actual characters instead of archetypes.

>> No.17000098

The only worry is whether it gets a good translation. No one knows who the translator is.

>> No.17000137

Any decent translator who isn't an ESL can deal with setoguchi's prose.

>> No.17000153

I tried reading the translation of Kira Kira a little while back and I got spooked.

>> No.17000156
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I need VN's, VN's about incest.

>> No.17000182

Onikiss, onigyu

>> No.17000193

No they're not, they're always blatantly shoehorning pedophilia and their degenerate fetishes into their works. If Japan wants to be taken seriously it needs to stop shoving moeshit down people's throat.

>> No.17000194

You need Jesus.

>> No.17000238

because it was written for children

>> No.17000239

If Japan does whatever you're proposing here then they'll become globally irrelevant. Thousands of gaijins aren't learning Japanese to read their normalfag literature and watch jdrama.

>> No.17000251

>if japan stops being full of pedophiles it will become irrelevant
>implying the faggots who learn japanese to watch animated CP are quantitatively relevant

>> No.17000297

Fucking Kimika in the ass helped me live happily.

>> No.17000364
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Imagine being a grown man on a board obsessed with a book children read in highschool.

>> No.17000493

Not as much as you do.

>> No.17000592

The game misinterpreted Wittgenstein.

>> No.17000604

Elaborate more

>> No.17000676

Yup, in the last few days I've been looking how to get into Riichi Mahjong and guess what? The most active game is one where you play as waifus. I don't really hate anime artstyle but what the fuck does waifus have to do with Mahjong? This completely turned me off from the game. Hopefully, I found another one on Steam with a very clean and straightfoward UI and no waifu bullshit (it's called Mahjong Nagomi if anyone's interested), sadly few people play it online. I don't know if there's a Discord group for it, but this would help the game stay more alive, I might make one in the future if there isn't any.

>> No.17000699

It clings to Wittgenstein's early philosophy and completely ignores his latter works where he destroys his old ideas. Common mistake because his early works are considered cool and edgy nowadays so people tend to get more interested in them than in the actual important stuff.

>> No.17000708

well maybe it's more about the philosophy of the tractatus, not wittgenstein the person

>> No.17000983

Nah, it makes a stink about Wittgenstein the person and quotes from his diaries and shit.

>> No.17001048

>>Disco Tantei Suiyobi

Isnt that just no longer human fanfiction?

>> No.17001141

Just play Tenhou.

>> No.17001306

>VA performances

>> No.17001360


>> No.17001795

> the book is better

>> No.17001883

Reading the bible, particularly the old testament, during church services as a child helped me become a degenerate anon. It's full of incest, both implied and implicit.

>> No.17002490

And that's why dumb people like you weren't allowed to read the Bible in the middle ages.

>> No.17002534

Can we just ban this shit already.

>> No.17002581

Fuck u american, this is anime site

>> No.17003929
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>> No.17004277
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classic right here

>> No.17004463

Japanse pop culture fans in the US tend to be in love with the idea of finding an obscure piece of fiction that looks stupid but is actually a masterpiece. It's like they're always trying to recapture the "hey, this weird Japanese cartoon is actually pretty good" moment they had back when they were exposed to anime for the first time.

>> No.17004503
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As a long time weeaboo, there is definitely a chasing-the-dragon aspect to it. The first time I watched anime(otaku stuff, not DBZ or Pokemon), the novelty and sexiness sent my 14 year old hormonal brain into overdrive and it actually got me high. So it's been an endless search to recapture that feeling. It will never happen, but occasionally I will pick up something enjoyable enough to make me happy that I kept up the hobby.

>> No.17004531

Last time Japan wanted to be taken seriously several million people died

>> No.17004538

>in love with the idea of finding an obscure piece of fiction that looks stupid but is actually a masterpiece
That's an interesting take. I'm not murrican, but other than that I guess this applies to me since my favorite manga is Baki.

>> No.17005097

>Fate stay/night is 10/10 as a game
Game? I thought it was just some stupid picture book?

>> No.17005112

>the novelty and sexiness sent my 14 year old hormonal brain into overdrive and it actually got me high.
Wow damn, I didn't know anyone shared this sentiment. Watching Ranma 1/2 as a kid will FUCK you up.

>> No.17005154
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I think this is the one that fried my brain and turned me retarded. IIRC some Latin American kid killed himself because he could never be with Ikaros. It is certainly a strange phenomena and I've always been curious about the actual science behind it. I don't think any other form of art has had such power over people.

>> No.17005800


>> No.17006074

Dont most vns have pretty shitty sales and thus most of them get manga adaptations?

>> No.17006153

visual novels are all written horribly and are translated even worse. who the fuck would read anime?

>> No.17006201
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The only LNs I like were Boogiepop, Kara no Kyoukai, and Zaregoto, but even those are pretty dinky compared to non-weeb literature unless you're into their atmosphere.

>> No.17006220

People who want to fuck their sister but don't want to go to jail

>> No.17006243

bro why u gotta be such a dipshit for this like own it bro we know you do it for the cunny. we all at some point have nutted one for cunny, some regularly some not so often. you dont have to be a creep about and go justify it in such a pathetic way "NONONO THIS IS AKSHUALLY PROFOUND AND INTELLIGENT" no bro we know you just like to masturbate and to feel superior just because some shitty work references some obscure philosopher that is unknown to laymen but is entry level at any university

>> No.17006254

and don't you fucking post my wife you faggot marisa is mine and only mine

>> No.17006984
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>Why yes, I only read overpowered isekai fantasy harem wish-fulfillment stories. How could you tell?

>> No.17006995

The only good LN/WN works are FUNA novels and cultivation.

>> No.17007000

>we all do it but that doesn't make it right
This will never not be the biggest normalfag cope of all time.

>> No.17007479

I made this post >>17000011 #, I apologise for the racism expressed in that post, I didn't really mean to be racist, I only wanted to rile up the people ITT, in truth I like Japanese people.

>> No.17007503
File: 138 KB, 960x1030, slapthejap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your post.

>> No.17007508

Nobody is fapping to LNs when actual porn exists lmao, maybe fanmade porn of the characters at best

>> No.17007511

Which government agency visited you?

>> No.17007529

You'd be surprised

>> No.17007559

Generally only ones with niche fetish situations. The thing with anime, LNs, etc, it's that except for the most extreme stuff it usually isn't fap material in itself, the design is that people get attached to or teased by the characters and make their own fap material out of it.

>> No.17007568

You're confusing VNs with LNs

>> No.17007670

I am not. As I said, you'd be surprised.
I bet you think women read Anne Rice without schlicking to it.

>> No.17007710

Goblin Slayer, Overlord, and Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.17007774

What's wrong with appealing to otakus though?

>> No.17007789

Men aren't women, the male audience for written erotica isn't that big and mostly centered on catering to specific fetishes. It's been shown multiple times that men are the more visual sex when it comes to arousal. Also, LNs are like written manga. Most of them are wish fulfillment fantasy adventure plot with a few fanservice insert images or scenes thrown in so they can sell the thing. Not a lot of LNs even focus much on their romantic sideplot, some barely even bother to throw in the fanservice if at all. I'm not saying there aren't guys out their who directly fap while reading LNs, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's by far the minority, especially when so many more efficient materials exist to do the same job.