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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.03 MB, 1368x2572, a helpful guide to LIT part 1 of 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1699690 No.1699690 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1699694
File: 997 KB, 1368x2320, a helpful guide to LIT part 2 of 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1699704

nice oneeeeee
outta the park

>> No.1699706
File: 22 KB, 692x248, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1699711

how is this a rule violation?

>> No.1699715


off topic metathread shitpost ┐('~`;)┌

>> No.1699717

no it isn't
is that a rule violation
dream on sweetie

>> No.1699723

yeah you were really done wrong by in that thread bb it was a shameful day for /lit/

>> No.1699731 [DELETED] 

pale copy of the original by stagolee

>> No.1699729

I seem to have stumbled into a parallel dimension where people give a fuck about what happens on anonymous imageboards between anons and tripfags


>> No.1699732

i molest children

>> No.1699737

i agree doing it with kids as young as 12 is allllllright

>> No.1699741

This is shit because you're displaying the very trait you're denegrating those quoted anons for. Do you know what hypocrisy is?

>> No.1699744

i know D&E
i fucking know ;_;

cool story bro

just fightin the good fight my brotha

>> No.1699748


who cares what you think anon scum

anyway i like baby pussy

>> No.1699752

>I am not one to judge the mental state/capacity of someone based off one post of theirs, however this raises serious issues for the mental health of this poster

>"I'm not gonna say x, but..."
>Proceed to say x in the same fucking sentence

1/10, it's the best I can do.

>> No.1699754

babies are pretty good fuckin but i like dogs and horses too

>> No.1699756

Nice to see you brought attention to the shitposters of this board. A trick I found to be useful is filtering anonymous with the "4chan filter" script, quality of the board goes up by roughly 70%.

>> No.1699758

kidz need to b diddled its a fact yo

>> No.1699759

It's great to see people fighting the good fight.

I mean about kids needing to be fucked.

>> No.1699766

Tripfags so pitiable that they're content with shitposting with the other five or six tripfags that literally live on this board.

>> No.1699772

i disagree i think this is a great guide and i support brownbear's efforts
besides after this thread it should be clear who the enemy is

>> No.1699784
File: 349 KB, 1026x3896, brownie lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still here, brownie?

>> No.1699788
File: 21 KB, 578x584, the-extent-of-this-anon's-posting-abilities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1699790

i call him browneye.

because he's an asshole. this thread is a fine example.

>> No.1699793

Oh, it's clear.

>> No.1699794

thank you i have also been thinking of doing that!

i said i am not one to do it, and then showed that the severe state of this board has unfortunately lead me to.

thank you stagolee
great post as ususal!

oh dear
what a post anonyous
5/5 again
just kidding it was terrible

>> No.1699796
File: 24 KB, 676x387, report ignore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a stupid faggot all day every day
>spam /lit/ with greentext stories about imaginary girls who hit on you
>everyone hates you
>start a thread
>everyone in thread says they hate you
>"Anon is so immature. In the one /lit/ related thread I made in a year they didn't discuss literature. They only talk about how much they hate me."

>> No.1699802
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x1600, tripfags lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1699806

different anon here. to be fair i've been posting the same image too.

>> No.1699817 [DELETED] 

how can you look at that and stop yourself from laughing?

he's still just a bully

>> No.1699821
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, Fabulous Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense that Brownbear would screen cap the one and only literature related thread he's ever made.

yeah, you're a regular Sarah Silverman, Fab.

>> No.1699826

Wow fab you look like a faggot.

>> No.1699834 [DELETED] 


but i have a hercules jawline...

>> No.1699829

Top or bottom?

>> No.1699835

unless you post a pic of yourself you can't judge and fabulous is really good looking i would be happy if i had a fraction of his good looks

>> No.1699841 [DELETED] 

you're already handsome enough stag

even though i only saw 25% of your face i still got the cold sweats!

>> No.1699843
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, 1302488206663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<< This might help some of you

>> No.1699848

He's an underage-looking ugly sack of shit.
Look there, I just judged him.

captcha: inneg judged

>> No.1699849

thanks i would have probably shown more of my face that day but my dad walked in the room and by the time he was gone there was no one left in the chat

>> No.1699852

fab you are srsly kidding yourself if you think you're successfully closeted. cute though.

>> No.1699855 [DELETED] 

it's not successful all the time

but it works on people who don't "know" me

>> No.1699861

>implying "underage" is a bad thing
>implying "underage" isn't relative
>implying that he is ugly and not good looking enough to scare you into insecurity about your heterosexuality

>> No.1699863

Look at the header of this image.

You can't even spell "guide" right. Why do we even bother with you?

>> No.1699875 [DELETED] 

lol at both of these posts

don't mind him

he's obv compensating for something

>> No.1699874

Hah hahhaa

Gudebear is balls.

>> No.1699888

successful troll is successful

>> No.1699901

This is scary bad. The only thing worse than being D+E is wanting to be D+E.


>> No.1699917

Hey here's a serious question for tripfriends/tripfags. The whole point of 4chan is to be anonymous, right? That's like moot's aim in creation of an anonymous imageboard. Now, obviously, things change and evolve, but isn't the purpose of the board still pretty much the same: anonymity? I mean, if you find yourself constantly against anonymous, in an anonymous imageboard, because you have a name, then maybe you should give up the trip? Not all anons are bad posters. I've conversed with many on this very board. Just like tripfags, the spectrum of quality is a normal bell curve. Most of them are average. Some are awesome. Some are terrible. Why do you cling so steadfastly to an identity on an anonymous imageboard?

This isn't trolling. I'm genuinely curious

>> No.1699932

It's because most of their comments would just be overlooked/ignored without the name, and they can't take that.

>> No.1699966
File: 421 KB, 960x640, why trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 'point' of 4chan isn't anonymous, the 'point' of 4chan was an imageboard which copied the code from 2chan and discussed anime. This isn't the only, or even one of the first websites to have OPTIONAL anonymity, if he wanted true anonymity there would be no Namefield.

>> No.1699973

alright, alright, fair enough. but this doesn't answer my question. WHY do you cling to your online identity?

>> No.1699985

i don't 'cling' to it, i could drop it at any time. People are silly if they think i'm any less anonymous than they are. I trip because i have the choice. No other reason, when i post about literature people hate on it because of the namefield, something i think is very silly because i think posts should be judged on their individual merit

>> No.1699989

not really. i didn't read your post except the firsst sentence btw so you should post shorter posts.

>> No.1699994

five star post as usual

>> No.1699995

>cling to
nopeee i find it fun and expressive.

>> No.1699999

well, ya know, most mistakes are made on the first page. as such in a satisfactory paper, the first page shall be last, last shall be first.

>> No.1700004

thats why you should post as anonymous, faggot

>> No.1700010

you trip cause you want attention, dont lie atleast, you are definitely less anonymous you have a name that shows every single time you post, everyone knows its you...

>> No.1700021


Wow. I think every anonymous post in that piss poor attempt at an image is actually by me. You must fucking love my shit, Brownbaby, you fucking unmitigated cunt.

And if you can't see the irony of blaming Anon for cancerous non lit threads, while simultaneously STARTING a non-lit tripfag thread, then your fucktarded college must be saving the concept of 'irony' for your final year, when you've finished applying Saussure for Dummies to the narrative structure of Dr. Seuss, or whatever the fuck you're doing at Towcester Institute for the Different this week.

Or are you just making collages at school this week?

Honestly, I'm almost flattered - it's nice to have a fan, even if he is an abject wretch.



>> No.1700030

at first i didn't like these threads but now they are pretty hilarious.

>> No.1700034


Shut your whore mouth, bitch.

>> No.1700039

yea, can you tell me why you are so mad.

>> No.1700041


Not mad, just don't like you.

>> No.1700044 [DELETED] 

he's a theater major

this stuff is completely foreign to him

>> No.1700047

maybe you guys should stop looking at the namefield

>> No.1700050

bahaha is he really, now i understand why he trips and lives on lit

>> No.1700052


>> No.1700058


Didn't I already tell you to shut the fuck up? Fuck off.

>> No.1700063 [DELETED] 

yeah i think he might be gay

and we need to talk with him about this, as a family

>> No.1700062
File: 84 KB, 679x569, pfft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like an impotent response.

>> No.1700066

i am not a theatre major...

you samefagged all the posts in that thread?
wow that's quite unpleasant.
you sound irked and i think you should take a step back and say the things you've said into the mirror. Pretend they were directed at you and then come back with a different post.

thank you in advance.

>> No.1700067

be nice to your brother fab.

>> No.1700073

This thread isn't related to literature.

Sage and reported.

>> No.1700080

boo you whore

>> No.1700083


>you samefagged all the posts in that thread?

You couldn't tell you were arguing with one person? You must be as thick as fucking pigshit. (you've excerpted about a tenth of the posts). Actually, now I look closer - I'm only in part 2, the part one is someone else.

Anyway, as always, your imbecility has managed to get rid of my insomnia, so I'm off to bed. I haven't really had time to chastise you - sorry.

I think eventually, I'm going to have to start fucking your mum and make your bedtime an hour or two earlier, that might save us all from your bullshit. Till then, toodles, boyo.

>> No.1700086

You're like a louder, more opinionated, less educated D&E.

>> No.1700095 [DELETED] 

it's okay brownie

you don't have to lie anymore..

he's more like my neighbor

>> No.1700134

>You couldn't tell you were arguing with one person?
>Actually, now I look closer - I'm only in part 2,

i was arguing with everyone in that thread, you know, all the posts you didn't make.

got that kiddo?

>> No.1700145

i bet this is the insomnia guy from last night lol

>> No.1700147


>> No.1700155

>guy from last night


>> No.1700162

>op states how people negatively react to people who use tripcodes
>doesn't realize 95% of the problem could be solved by remaining anonymous in the face of such negative attention
>also doesn't proof read posts before posting
>thread isn't about literature

though the actions of the above cited anonymous are indefensible you too share some of the blame. this is because the very fact you post under a tripcode causes some monstrous feedback loop of trolling and cancer

>> No.1700165

To the anon fighting with these faggots:

You can't win. They've devoted their lives to this. They don't sleep. They're always here. Mods don't do shit. All you're doing is adding to the post count.

One more time: They have nothing else to do. This is all they have. Let them have it.

>> No.1700166

But I do have one, a very rich fulfilling one. Hell I don't even have insomnia 8)

>> No.1700172

>here all the goddamn time
>a very rich fulfilling life

Pick one.

>> No.1700173


>> No.1700176

this thread is gay.

really, really gay.

>> No.1700178
File: 5 KB, 251x241, 1262206428875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700179


yea i guess the kkk is fighting something too

>> No.1700181

But I'm not here all the time; that would simply be logically impossible. I think what people mean when they say I'm here all the time is that my posts make a very lasting impression heh

>> No.1700182


You'll be fighting when I start raping you, but you'll stop eventually.

>> No.1700184


You're here at least 40 hours per week. That means /lit/ is a full-time job for you. That equals "Here all the time"

>> No.1700203

>That means /lit/ is a full-time job for you.

Easily, when you don't have a real job to go to.

>> No.1700215

Is that by your magical deduction of how much I lurk or simply going by the number of posts I make, which add up to whatever they do but are no indication of however I split my time up in any way


>> No.1700217

hey this creep is still here.

>> No.1700224


u mad?

truth hurts, herp&derpy, lit is a full-time job for you

brownbear gets full time + at least 10 hours overtime a week. he's been known to pull all-nighters. plus all the time he's chatting about lit with "edith" and the rest of his faggot "friends." Brownbear tier=lit is all you have

>> No.1700228


I'll be creeping towards your pink puckered asshole when I'm done raping your big, worn-out cunt.

>> No.1700231

>lit is a full-time job for you
Lol i guess you ran out of things to say XD

>> No.1700235


Guess so. Keep coming with new things to say in the following countless hours you're here. Bye!

>> No.1700237

also, going to bed now enjoy your insomnia fag

>> No.1700239

Not even mad, just baffled, /lit/.
When this board first started it had some hilarious content and people actually talked about, y'know, books.
So, what the dicks happened?

>> No.1700241
File: 14 KB, 251x189, DERRIDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1700261

Haha. I love this meme.

Is it the only one that /lit/ has for itself, originally? Most of our memes are hand-me-downs from /b/, but this one seems to be the only original.

>> No.1700291

So how do a get a tripfag filter again???

The tripfags' hypocrisy has gone on for long enough.

>> No.1700298

hate to break it to you but that's not a meme

>> No.1700308

Huge Orson Welles is pretty much our only one. Maybe something about the express train, but, that's debatable.

>> No.1700309
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there ya go buddy

>> No.1700314 [DELETED] 

why are you calling yourself "brownbeard" now?

>> No.1700316
File: 108 KB, 665x598, lit comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have these

>> No.1700361


these are from /mu/

>> No.1700366


>> No.1700397

np babes

>> No.1700475


>> No.1700672

final bump