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16997340 No.16997340 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or does it feel that for many people that reject Christianity as inane silliness, they do so because of this altered image of the faith that's been distorted by evangelicals and common people.

Looking into past history of art, the greatest paintings are so attributed to works of Christian faith like Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Michaelangelo. The greatest musical artists like Bach, Stravinsky, and Schoenberg are connected to the Christian God tradition.

Why is Christianity so watered down in terms of its depth today? The image of Christianity is now basic Christian rock and country music. Middle class white americans and minorities. When I study the faith on my own, I'm swarmed in what feels like the apex of human achievement. The trial of jesus placed next to Pontius Pilate. When I read Book of Romans I'm absorbed in the absolute density of wisdom on human nature and God's nature. The Wisdom literature as well. There's definitely lots of bible stories that are merely repeating "and then this happened, and then this happened." But when the Bible is at its high peak, it feels like you stepped into an exclusive realm of high art explaining how reality truly is, how the world functions. It's certainly at the top of philosophy and poetry.

>> No.16997360
File: 92 KB, 770x1406, 2050722-PBYKARKK-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think of this


versus this



>> No.16997385

As time moves on, religion has to dumb itself down to appeal the the masses.

>> No.16997468
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You answered your own question. It's Amerimutts and their vulgar "Christianity"

>> No.16997517
File: 92 KB, 1200x1125, 1c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest musical artists like Bach, Stravinsky, and Schoenberg
>and Schoenberg

>> No.16997587

mass literacy, mass communications mostly

>> No.16997617

give it time. one day the bible will be discussed along all great ancient literature. the influence of christianity needs to be farther from memory for people to look at it a little more objectively.

>> No.16997847

Christian culture is centered around Jews. They have holidays for Jews. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to worship Jews. They listen to Jewish psalms. They elect a Jew as their first pope. They call you a Jew for not worshiping a Jew. They draw the entirety of their culture from Jewish mythology. They post stories about Jews. They celebrate the religious life of Early Jews. Their biggest event of the year involves the birth of a Jew. They use Jewish words like "Hallelujah" and "Amen" and name their children after Jews. When you say "Judeans/Israelites" they're not thinking of a Middle Eastern people. They're thinking of their "ancestors". Their churches are completely adorned with Jews. They worship their saints and prophets disproportionately filled with Jews and their Apostles also filled with Jews. Their men sit around dying for the King of the Kews while their women sit around praying to a Jewish mother. They worship Jews like Saul of Tarsus and Jehohanan and Thomas and the rabbi Yeshuah bar Yosef while attacking the Greeks and Romans who actually built an empire and scientific institutions before Jew worshipers took over. They hate Jews who don’t worship their Jew but love Jews who do worship him. They send their Jew worshipers to kill those who don’t worship Jews and celebrate when Ancient European monuments and shrines get destroyed because they don’t honour Jews. They read Jewish books to a point where "Holy Lands" does not make them think of their ancestral homelands but about a desert instead. They will tell you how much they hate Jews and how they threw them out all the time and they are just pretending to live with them now but the evidence speaks for itself in that Christianity has always been and will be a religion of Jew worship

>> No.16997912

Its just a belief...

>> No.16997934

Based. I find Jew milkies alluring

>> No.16997935

10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

>> No.16997975

Because the OT is mostly boring old shit that you have to be a jew to feel a connection with. The NT is not particularly enthralling either, whether you look at it as a story, a historical record, mythology, or a philosophical text.

>> No.16998033

I wish I could see the physical attributes of the one who first wrote this copypasta.
The physiognomy of the impotent.

>> No.16998083

Back then, the Church had both more political power and more money, so of course the artists of the time were commissioned to produce religious works. Also, when the Church did have such power, non-belief and "heresy" would punishable offenses. The fact is, with more liberty and freedom, the less power religion has.

I'm glad you've found something that speaks to you, I really am. But you must understand other people have different views from you. What you view as "the top of philosophy and poetry" many, many others view as rudimentary, early, clumsy forays into those realms.

Just as an aside, have you looked into the rich cultural/religious histories of other parts of the world? Have you looked into Hinduism, for example? There are parts of The Bhagavad Gita and The Upanishads which eclipse in wonder anything to be found in The Bible.

If you explore a wider range of human achievements, Christianity would only stand out if you had personal ties to it.

>> No.16998086
File: 12 KB, 480x360, B8D0363A-0728-4FDF-AEB8-2C237C37D4CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian culture is centered around Jews.
The jews literally killed Christ, the incarnate Logos. Wrapping your head around the magnitude of this is key to really understanding the inverted spirituality of the jew. (pic related) The church has emphasized this since the early church and opposed the heresy of judaizing. (see chrysostom on the jews for example).

t. hasn’t read the bible.

Lobotomized evangelicals and unintelligent atheism is the end result of the de-sacralization of the order of things that followed the protestant reformation and lead to ‘secularized’ culture.
Evangelicals want a non-demanding unholy buddy Jesus you sing pop jingles to and are often physically repulsed by the idea of God and his mystical body (the church) being holy/greater than the princes of men. Atheism is just the logical conclusion to this inverted spirituality, hence why people are leaving evangelicalism for new atheism in increasingly fast rates today.

>> No.16998091

Science isn't what it was in the past so a Jew rising from the dead seemed conceivable to them. If you take the Bible as anything but metaphorical today you are a lost hope.

>> No.16998099

Christianity proper has not lost its depth. The spirit hasn’t left the church. The gates of hell WILL NOT prevail against the body of Christ.

>> No.16998162
File: 9 KB, 225x225, shiggy diggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you explore a wider range of human achievements, Christianity would only stand out if you had personal ties to it.
>The bedrock of western civilization
>Either doesn't know or takes for granted the fact that many of those achievements wouldn't have been possible without the cultural superstructure of Christianity, be it positive or negative
>Christianity would only stand out if you had personal ties to it.
>Suggests a form of spirituality more alien to a western mind than anything produced by Jews as an alternative
>Reddit spacing
Shiggy. Diggy.

>> No.16998183

Christianity was always meant for the masses. Its that faggot in Rome and his predecessors who made sure it wouldn't be so
Post body

>> No.16998248

Did you get that viewpoint from JBP?

>> No.16998297

Lobster Man is peak Reddit

>> No.16998320

Jesus wanted his message to be available to the masses, and that is exactly what you see today. The Bible shouldn't be something only for those with high status, it should be something for everybody.

>> No.16998587
File: 41 KB, 850x400, 96876FB8-E352-4A38-ACB5-79C907BA2B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Of course these great artists never believed in Christianity. They were just being paid by the Church.” What a massive cope.

>> No.16998597

This was the inevitable result of printing it in common english.

>> No.16999029

I think the poster you're replying to is a dumbfuck, but that is not reddit spacing you son of a newfag whore.

Neither is this.

>> No.17000396

stfu christcuck