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/lit/ - Literature

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16995703 No.16995703 [Reply] [Original]

Is American literature the most superior?

>> No.16995707

Yes /thread

>> No.16995722


>> No.16995740

Honestly, as a non-american, kinda. Especially if you talk 20th century and onward. And if you take all the English speaking countries, no one can even compete. Anglos are clearly superior, if not in general, then surely in the 20th century and after. Or maybe it's because the only languages I know are English, Russian and Armenian, and I spend all my days on English language sites.

>> No.16995809

>no J R, Mcelroy or Mason & Dixon
>Catch 22, IJ, TCoL 49, 2 Roth's
20th century belongs to Germans.

>> No.16995853

I like Henry James and Steinbeck

>> No.16995869

french >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. der burger

>> No.16995885
File: 121 KB, 1200x450, Famous-American-Poets-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget American poetry

>> No.16995966
File: 3.01 MB, 3820x2496, burger lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the good chart at least

>> No.16995973

Such a better chart!! I posted >>16995885 only because I couldn't find the 'good chart.' Thanks, anon!

>> No.16995989

Ok so I googled 10 best German novels of the 20th century.
There's Kafka and Hesse whom everyone knows. Mann and Grass who apparently won the Nobel but I haven't heard of until coming here, Musil was also a literally who, and remains as such outside germanophiles and this sub. (I browse russian literary circles) and the guy who wrote Berlin Alexandraplatz, which I know of only thanks to Fassbinder.
Is this all there is to German 20th century novelists?
On the other hand, let's look at the Americans
Hemingway, Faulkner, Salinger, Bradbury, Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, Nabokov, Vonnegut, Twain, London are widely known and read even in my little country which is not even in Europe.You may say quality over quantity, but the fact is, by sheer global impact, Americans are clearly superior, and I didn't even list any different country Anglos.

>> No.16996121

>I googled
>muh Russian circles
>muh popularity
Lol. Musil, Mann and Broch BTFO Americans without any problem.
The Man Without Qualities, Death of Virgil, Sleepwalkers, Doctor Faustus, Joseph and His Brothers and The Magic Mountain are so much better than all of 20th century American novels that it's not even funny. Also Americans are more popular because everything is Americanized, they are simpler, more accessible and are taught in high school. Good luck teaching Death of Virgil in high school.

>> No.16996273

No. American literature is underdeveloped and overrated, naturally, we got exposed to it as English is the ruling language. I’m from a non-English speaking country with little literary significance and France undoubtedly has the best literature. Faulkner and Kosinski are great. Kosinski still wasn’t American though.

>> No.16996307

American literature is a contradictio in terminis. There's no such thing like American literature, but just a bunch of shit writen by some kind of semi-illiterate plebeians.

>> No.16996335


>> No.16996803

only three of these are good lol

>> No.16996883

I know they're criticized by many here but some of the works of the beats belong on there as well. On the Road for sure and some of the poetry from the likes of William Carlos Williams or Ginsberg, monumental works.

>> No.16996887

>On the Road
redpill me on this book

>> No.16996931

I highly doubt that the majority of the people here who criticize them have actually read them.
You get to read about a guy's journey's across America in the company of poets, authors, musicians and etc. along with the adventures they go on. What more could you ask for? I recommend reading 'the original scroll' in which none of the names are changed and nothing is edited out. It's a little messy at times, but it's worth it and doesn't distract from the excitement of the stories.

>> No.16997295


>> No.16997308

canadian here. 90% of my reading comnprises americans writing between 1920 and 1970. i dunno why this is, but I think they're grand.

>> No.16997597

>Doesn't know who Mann is
>Doesn't know who Musil is
This just proves how illiterate you are lmao

>> No.16997614

>base the quality of an author on the recognition their books has

>> No.16997718

Catch-22 is better than all books you mentioned you nigger

>> No.16997736

The majority of the books on this chart are unironically really good. Obviously there are a few memes, a few pieces of shit, amd a few books missing, but damn if this chart doesn't make me glad to be a burger. No other country can produce postmodern works

>> No.16998439

Catch 22 is garbage

>> No.16998497


>> No.16998740

This chart right here is the only argument anyone could ever need. I mean literally, how can any other country even hope to compete?

>> No.16998763

America's literary output is honestly incredible. They probably comprise 20-30% of the Western canon despite only existing for 200 years.

>> No.16998997

Love American, but for me it's Russian.

>> No.16999050

>No other country can produce postmodern works
Have you actually tried to find literature from another country? I'm promising you, it gets better than this list.

>> No.16999078

What's so great about Moby Dick?

>> No.16999371

compare it to any other country chart and try not to weep

>> No.17000322

>No American Psycho.
Disgusted by you apes.

>> No.17001121

just read it

>> No.17001711

>Mann and Grass who apparently won the Nobel but I haven't heard of until coming here

>> No.17001776

Unfortunately not
If they weren't as deluded and lost, it would've been more interesting. Then again, there are authors from other countries that fulfil this role.

>> No.17002153

The greatest literature belongs to both the Americans and the Latinoamericans. European literature was completely shadowed by theirs by the second half of the XXth century, the literary future belongs to the excolonies.

>> No.17002193

keep coping

>> No.17003021

>as a non-american
Fucking gringo roleplaying.