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/lit/ - Literature

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1699429 No.1699429 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you write in turn in an awesome, expertly-written essay and you get a bad grade on it

Pretty much voluntarily went into a course on European history so I could write a paper on how Denmark would be affected by the murdering/suicide/death of the governing monarchy (Hamlet) and received a low C because "It doesn't show my understanding of Hamlet." So much for putting it in professional binding and giving it a drawn cover.

>> No.1699438

>mistaking an english class for a stage of own probably crackpot social theory
>wonder what happened

>> No.1699449

>stage of own probably crackpot social theory

>> No.1699456


>> No.1699459

this guy needs a dictionary and some grammer lessons guys

>> No.1699458 [DELETED] 


>> No.1699490
File: 42 KB, 481x358, carlsagan36847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you write in turn in an awesome, expertly-written essay and you get a bad grade on it
>that feel when you write in turn in
i think your definition of expertly-written is very different than everyone else's

>> No.1699491

Yeah, because I'd sage my own thread. I think you're envious of my C. Your assumptions probably got you failures. :(

>> No.1699508


>> No.1699509 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 204x246, JJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his essay is anything other than sub-par, pretentious blab
>he doesn't realize his prof. probably hates him as a person now

>> No.1699546

In high school I spent days writing an essay advocating moral realism (we were allowed any topic). The teacher handed it back and advised me to write about my favourite season instead. 30 minutes of 'work' later and I and got top marks for pointing out that winter is pretty.

That teacher also made us read Ayn Rand.

>> No.1699553

> So much for putting it in professional binding and giving it a drawn cover.


>> No.1699574

>Get a month to work on an essay
>Wait 'till the last day
>two hours of work later, and I'm finished
>turn it in, get an A.
High School is too easy.

>> No.1699580 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x201, Jeffersonbetterthanyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moral realism
you deserve everything you got and more

>> No.1699586

>Follow instructions
>Check in with professors often to make sure I'm on the right track
>Turn in rough drafts to get notes on them
>Proofread like a motherfucker
>Get an A on every paper

>> No.1699590
File: 49 KB, 400x410, Jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditto but for college, four hours instead of two, an A+ rather than an A, and hundreds of dollars for submitting it to a writing contest afterward and getting first place. It's now getting published.

I'm also going to a pretty damn good school.

>> No.1699592


Post the paper with your teacher's marks on it.

>> No.1699593

>Learn how to write well.
>Proofread twice per paper.
>A's all day erry day.

>> No.1699621

I'm no longer certain how to resolve certain questions on the nature of morality, but I still believe that moral disagreements are only due to mental illness (e.g., psychopathy) or ignorance/incomprehension of objective reality (e.g., dehumanization/lack of acknowledgment of others' suffering). Morality is universal and innate and as objective as any other "perception", all of which are subject to some degree of variation.

>> No.1699624

>in college
>leave every essay to the last minute
>follow directions
>churn out a shitty paper
>get an A


>> No.1699623

>go to office hours
>show professor notes
>talk about where paper is going
>have english major friends edit the shit out of it
>get it back covered in red ink
>A on back page

fucking professors writing all over my shit making me think i did poorly

>> No.1699648

fab you do realise anti-realism is just self sedation if it does not lead back to a reflection of the real in more productive ways right.

>> No.1699665 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 225x225, JJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you, of all people, should realize that moral realism is anti-realism

>> No.1699681

> write good paper
> get bad mark

>write shitty paper
> get good mark

>> No.1699688

What's the point?
Moral realism is a fucking good example of realism that
>leads back to a reflection of the real in more productive ways

>> No.1699689

well, if you want to take that line, then just say there is no need for certain kinds of metaethical justifications. that's fine

>> No.1699693

meant anti-realism

>> No.1699720
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my point was that it isn't realism

although it may be productive

has there ever?

>> No.1699724

>has there ever?
yes, in communication and such guided thinking activities

>> No.1699770

perhaps you didn't reinforce the idea of the story and it's moral being subjective.

but a good examiner should be always aware of this.

>> No.1699813

communications are external

justification would be redundant

>> No.1699831


>> No.1699836


externalism and semantics


related i think

>> No.1699905

dont speak jargon to me tell me what you really feel

>> No.1699913

decided language is provided by our environments

nature and nurture are truly the same

>> No.1699916

your next post is determined by environment and culture.

>> No.1699921

yeah that's what i'm saying

(is that a pun?)

>> No.1699929

it's not a pun silly. it's a comment about the indeterminacy of "next post"

>> No.1699933
File: 45 KB, 176x299, goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ack. forget it. wait until my book is out that dispels all of this crap by way of information theory.

>> No.1699955
File: 4 KB, 160x142, adam7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i'll have to, girlie